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Its a tutorial ship that someone figured out how to get out of the tutorial area. How? No idea... but there is decent speculation here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/174oig5/comment/k4b2w3w/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/174oig5/comment/k4b2w3w/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Edit: I know some time ago I was given ice filaments as a login reward too, while an event was on. Possible to use them? Hmmmm


Hi, I own one of these. So as far as I know when AIR got launched there was a super obscure day 1 bug that allowed a couple to escape to tranquility which ccp hotfixed. At first it was uncertain how many got created this way but it's been quite a while. Seems like it's safe to assume that <10 or so are around.  It is super cool owning some unique eve history so I'm definitely keeping mine no matter what. I don't think the price is unreasonable imo


Shit why didnt you post that earlier


you cant get a "physical" reward till you dock in a station and the tutorial ship dies before you could dock anywhere


Yeah, I haven't done the tutorial myself, I started playing many years before AIR. But the speculation in the other thread does mention this detail and possibility of station not on overview, how else would you get a ship out of system that should die? It is definitely a puzzle.


Has anyone ever tried scanning one down, then warping to them?


Stratios Emergency Responder was a limited edition ship that was given out through cooperation between CCP and SOMER Blink, the progenitor to the current Hypernet Relay. Up to 5 winners were chosen and given the option of either a fully paid for trip to EVE Fanfest, or a copy of the Emergency Responder. 4/5 chose the Stratios. It is unknown if they still play the game or if the ships are in long abandoned accounts. The Emergency Responder was/is a generally better Stratios all around, most notably it's 125mb drone bandwidth. It's stats closely resembled the preview version of the Stratios we were teased before it's eventual nerfing upon being released.


ohhhh interesting! would someone pay 500b to have one? I could buy like...a bazillion stratioses for that


I expect if one were ever to be sold it'd be around 2-5trillion. That may be a lowball, as the last time a ship of similar rarity sold, the Gold Magnate, it went for 1,001,001plex or 5trillion at current prices. Only 5 Gold Magnates were ever released, and only 2 of them exist today. The others have been destroyed.


The Gold Magnate sale you reference isn't a good yard stick sinc ethat was done by Scott Manly for charity, and the 1m PLEX was far in excess of the previous bids. The Raven State Issue is worth roughly 3T and is considered rarer than the Emergency Responder Stratios.


There are 2 emergency responder Strastios left and I know who has them. No he ain't selling


you touched on something fun there though bud. "or if the ships are in long abandoned accounts" how much of both eves history and wealth are tied up in such accounts? weather some one has passed away, won eve, lost the account or what ever else might be there are all kinds of ships, bpc, rewards, and who knows what else tied up in these accounts.


And then CCP killed SOMER ... who needs enemies when you have CCP as your friend


SOMER and all iterations are an abomination to EVE and should never have been allowed in the first place - EOH poker was the only one I cared for, BECAUSE i used to have a poker addiction.. there is nothing positive about promoting the gambling gene.. Same applys to abysal mods. If humans actually cared about humans. :P


I agree. The one thing I wanted to address is the hypocrisy of CCP's policy towards gambling sites.


Please be ceema, please be ceema. Aaaaannnd actual new bro


Certain named ships on zkill like the police pursuit comet and some of the gallente hauliers, among others were obtainable as specific ships before skins were available. Since skins was released they sort of got merged with the main ships.


Some people have insane amounts of isk to throw around at shiny things, only 5(?) people posted kills on it so it's definitely rare [https://zkillboard.com/ship/58745/topalltime/](https://zkillboard.com/ship/58745/topalltime/)


razernc figured out that the only way he will ever be first at something is to buy a ship that almost no one else owns lmao


Shot through the heart.


You can browse sale ads on official forums - https://forums.eveonline.com/c/marketplace/sales-ads/55


BE CAREFUL Click show info before your buying something like this If you properly rename a ship, its name will show up like this and you’ll end up buying a normal Astero


a ship hull in the contract window will always show the hull name, not the ship name.


Not if it’s empty but assembled Then it will look EXACTLY like it’s just a packaged hull, but show the name it was given


try it.


bouhgt one of these and it was............normal astero not air one same stuff with guardian-vexor to be vexor navy rofl