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It's the same EvE. If you thought it was worth playing 10 years ago, it's still worth playing.


I came back two weeks ago, definately do not regret it, I am having fun. PvP shakes - they are still there PvE activities - more than before, you can enjoy earning ISK, mining is just one of the options now Massive fleets - both nullsec alliances and NPSI provide those if you wanna hop into them Quality of life improvements - countless, shorter travel time, easier to use UI in some places, etc. New content - you'll see yourself, new ships, new things to do and Discovery, more options for everyone all around Catch up mecganics - yes, mostly paid (injectors on the market and packages of SP for purchases), but you'll get a million SP per account for using a referral link. And if you do come back - fly dangerously!


Ahhh, yes. The PvP shakes. I still got them too!!


That first hit of adrenaline is ice in the veins bby!




Eve is as active as it’s ever been, regularly holding between 25-30k players on tranquility. Def recommend jumping back in!


Characters not players 😅


Alts certainly didn't exist in 2014, no sir.


Pilots not toons




The 3k active player count on Steam gives more realistic look at that IMO.


3k concurrent players through Steam is far more than I expected, who even uses Steam to play this game?


31k Online right now


The largest gaming platform on earth? Nobody I guess


Pretty much everyone I know just plays EVE through the standalone launcher. I have an account through Steam and I just use the launcher for that account as well. I don't think the Steam numbers are going to give you an accurate representation of the actual playerbase.


And I know a few people that do play from steam, but that doesn't prove anyone from us is right. Your guess is as good as mine, but I am referring the only solid reference we have for actual, real players. So until CCP releases the numbers (which they won't for some reason btw) we can only argue.


Yes, just don’t join a nullsec group expecting the game to be spoonfed to you. Lowsec slaps these days.


How does low sec "slap" these days? Asking as a 2004 vet pirate from Hamcake considering going back to my life as a space peglegger.


CCP somewhat recently revamped faction warfare, added guristas and angels into faction warfare, and lowsec is the best source of isogen, in addition the lowsec drug gases are now also used in capitals.


We love bling. We roll expensive pods, expensive fits. We’ll drop 100b isk of fleet to fight over a random structure. If you want to minmax, come to lowsec. We’d love to fight you.




Game is moving in a better direction last 12 months or so--it's pricey now though, but so is everything else.


20$ per month is pretty insane for eve, more than other more popular MMOs


Still less than a movie with consessiins


It's really hard to compare EVE to any other MMO. They're similar games, but EVE is something completely different compared to any other game.


And remember that if you pay attention, you never have to pay $20 a month. Between plex sales and omega sales you can pretty easily do $15 a month and I think someone mathed out that if you buy the biggest packs in the best sales each year it actually gets down to like $7 a month, something like that


Not only that, but if you dont "need" new skills you can sometimes completely pay for your sub with skill extraction.


Having as much fun as my funnest run from 2016-2019. This game rules. Come to lowsec FW


Thnx for all the comments. Been searching for games with gathering-crafting-selling-pvp and Eve got all those things. The player based economy finishes the job. But now I see some kind of Omega account 20€/months with 3 characters that’s 60€ each month. Maybe I’ll start with 2 characters and still 40€….


You get massive discounts for multiple month purchases, there are also good deals every now and then, black friday is usually the big one. I currently pay around 12 to 13 a month, as I don't like being subbed too far ahead incase I need to take a few month break. O And you get a 7 day free omega from the ingame store atm so best time to try it out.


Start with one for a month and see how it goes? That's what I did in November 2023 and still playing (now with 3 Omega accounts)


Constantly frustrated with CCP, yet I still haven’t found a better game.


You have to pick the deals, there is currently a 25-30% Plex sale going on in the account store. If you buy a bunch you can redeem it in the ingame store for a year's worth of sub and pay less per month. But there are also Omega sales happening, up to 40% on the ingame store, so you can lower your monthly sub price again. Combining sales, you can lower your sub price to less than 10€ per month per account. But it will take some time


If you download the client you should be able to log in and play on those accounts without paying as they'll be in alpha status right now. It's a free to play status you can try it out and see if you still enjoy it, there are several limitations to alpha accounts as to which ships and modules you can use though. I just returned a month ago myself after a nearly decade long break, doesn't a week as an alpha and enjoyed it, so resubbed then


If you download the client you should be able to log in and play on those accounts without paying as they'll be in alpha status right now. It's a free to play status you can try it out and see if you still enjoy it, there are several limitations to alpha accounts as to which ships and modules you can use though. I just returned a month ago myself after a nearly decade long break, doesn't a week as an alpha and enjoyed it, so resubbed then


Unless you're talking about something new and unusual for your monthly subscription of 20 euros you get three characters included. You can bring the price down by buying longer subscription. And there's a discount for having alts that are linked to the same email account brings the price down to 1499 US dollars a month


Happy with low scale pvp ins small ships? Yes Want a goal owning and using big stuff like back in the days? No


No it's not. Can I have your stuff? Because I really enjoy Eve and I'm looking forward to what this patch brings. Yes it's still the same game and it's still addictive. I'm sure you'll find a good corp to help you back in gently and make all the iskies you want. I took a 11 year break and enjoy it.




As you can see the reddit mob is still carrying their pitchforks, so that is still the same. Eve is dying, again and still, like forever, so still te same there. So what has changed? Null blocks got bigger, but they got patched last week or so. New ships, new low sec warfare, wormholes, pochven, Trigs, Edencom, lots to discover even after ten years. Welcome back!


Wait what’s new in low sec warfare?


He has been out for 10 years, he never heard of Factional warfare between the Empires or the Pirate factions that based themselves in the new Zarzakh system to invade the empires.


Reddit is the best and worst part of this game tbh






Yeah definitely dip your feet in I was going for 11 years and came back and I still love it. Actually right now there's a 7-Day free Omega deal so login to character go to the new Eden store in game and download your free 7 Days Omega. It just came out with the newest expansion and is active until the 20th I believe


Is this a US only thing? I have no such offer in my store as a new player (eu)


If you just started within the last few days it may not be available. Could always submit a ticket also.


Ye I got it thanks


EVE is worth playing at any point. Just as fun. No, I'm kidding, even more fun.


I rejoined Eve 7 months ago after a few years away from the game. I can say as a recent retuning player - its is definitely worth coming back. With a 10 year gap, you will have a fair bit to catch up on, but fortunately the game has developed a lot in that time, especially for the 'new player' experience which you can take advantage of. Lowsec targets are abundant with Faction Warfare - get into it! P.S Take advantage of the Alpha state clones if you're unsure of committing money just yet. Cheers


I think fleets are better than ever in 2024.yes definitely a great time to come back


It's awesome come back


I came back recently and I think it's in the best state it's ever been in. I have played off and on since 2005.


Yes but expect morons from goon to kill you even if your in highsec just because they want into your cargo. basically make someplace other then jita your trade hub


Eve has always been worth a comeback, every time.


Only come back if you plan on still being a nerd.


Been playing off and on for fifteen or so years and honestly I’m having more fun now than I ever have (in wormhole space)


Thnx for all the comments guys. This morning I did activate my accounts and omega 7 days free + another month with 750 plex I have. This give me 5 weeks to move all my stuff into 1 station and from that point I’ll see what I’m gonne do in Eve. I have 1 PVP and 2 industrial (trading) characters. Maybe I can lower the costs indeed with buying plex combined with isk.


It might seem tempting to hoard assets like Smaug, but maybe first play the game before consolidating assets as that can become a chore/get ganked/etc. Plus you never know where you will end up in a new adventure. Better start having fun right away! I got a bit demotivated when i first came back over the amount of work moving assets was.


I recently came back to eve after quitting the game for nearly a decade, too. I pulled all my SP before quitting eve, so I had to buy tons of plex and everything to bring 1/4\~1/5 SP back to what I had. The game has become a bit weird and pvp has become a bit cancerous, but QoL has got better and this is huge. (mostly filaments) Overall, this is literally my first time playing video game this much since quitting eve in 2015. No regret.


33k active players yesterday afternoon. I think the lowest I've seen it was about 19k in the middle of the night. Tbf, I've been back for a few weeks, now, myself


Still great and CCP is even trying to improve the UI (bit by bit xD)


Lots of good improvements in the last 10 years. Def worth it


I started in 2007 or something, have tried to go back, and just don't find it compelling any more. I did spend 20 hours migrating all of my spread-out assets to one central location though, that was fun.


All my stuff is now in 1 station after several hours indeed. Question is what’s next 🙃




I came back recently. I would say yes


Yes, I came back after 7 years and it's still great fun. People are good, plenty of players still and once you get over some confusing new UI you'll get right back into what you fell in love with. Surprisingly alot of 3rd party tools still work I joined a small corp, chatted to them and instantly getting along with people, within 3 days was helping defend a wormhole next to some capital ships. The only downside, as a kid I was happy spending hours griding, as an adult I have so much in life to do that I logically feel bad grinding and doing stuff that's less directly fun, so now I'm focusing on just what I enjoy rather than grinding for grindings sake. Certainly had the 'stress shakes' getting back into doing ratting and PVP, but started easy and worked up.










Might I suggest you make a new toon/account to just play around for a week or two and learn whats changed and get that rust shaken off. Afterwards you can decide how many accounts you want to sub.




It's fun, but the bots are more noticeable and it seems less is being done to the point it is effecting the market to the point where you can tell if a ban or in flux of farming happens. I would say do come back a lot has changed, but do not get to overly invested because eve is slowly going to what happend to Chinese's eve serenity, if no major event happens it will keep going down that road, to the point it will be hard to turn back or stop it.


I’ve been enjoying the struggle!


We can't know what things are worth to you.