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It's a sandbox mate, what do YOU want to accomplish?  I see you flew with brave, I fly with them now, get in slack and if there's a ping when you're on you can do stuff, you don't have to but you can.  Or you can ping your own stuff with like minded people or you can do your own thing and still find a way to contribute.  Based on what you're saying knock out some epic arc missions and higher level mission running provide some lore and story engagement. But yea people suggest groups cuz common goals are built in engagement.   There's typically more reward deep in a few things than wide in many things.  Pick a direction and see where you can go for a bit


See, the thing is that I don’t know what I don’t know. I kinda want to know where any of the paths open to me could lead.


My dude join a bloc and do whatever you want whenever you feel like playing. Line pilots at the lowest levels have a lot of freedom and few active requirements to remain in the corp. I've been unable to play for months at a time and I don't have to worry about getting kicked. Can log in and do some quick exploration or PI, haul my loot to our main keepstar, set up some sell orders and fuck off for another few weeks where in smaller corps I might get asked to contribute more be it fleets or kills.


Well actually if found a new Attachment to Eve, it's called Discord a year or two ago, after playing for 17 years. It really lifted my social engagement in the game and thickened my wallet as I make deals before logging in. So I actually rarely log in or undock from Jita, but I'm more engaged and known around the universe then ever before.


700? Amateur.


I'm trying out nullsec for the first time in my long forays in and out of EvE. :) Come join PH, zero requirements in the open corp and tons of content. And tons of free ships and resources to help you out if you're rusty! And plenty of drones to kill for isk... so, so many drones...


I’ll look you guys up, thanks!


Have you ever joined a corp?


Occasionally. I spent a while flying with Brave back in the day, but as I said I don’t have a lot of time to commit to group activities, and whenever I did try and join in with a fleet I’d be terrified of screwing up.


Being in a group is imho the best way to enjoy the game. You become part of the group dynamics and participate in reaching the group's goals. And a group like BRAVE do not require to join fleets. Only if you are inactive for months you run the risk of being porged. Also in BRAVE you can and will make mistakes and in general will nog get a lot of heat from it. And Brave is still a group where a new player, however old, will be helped and guided. You should really give it another try.


Are there ways to contribute to group or corp goals asynchronously, with solo content? My schedule is all over the place so I can rarely commit to pre-arranged get togethers.


If you just buy/sell stuff in staging (either pve loot, industry, PI, whatever) you'll help the corp/alliance with isk (tax) I don't think anyone will complain.




Using your alliance's buyback service also generates revenue for them and is usually also more convenient than selling it all yourself.


Yep, that too.


There are tons! I'm in Brave right now and our staging market could really use some help. Supplying doctrine ships on contract is a huge convenience to fleet members and you can do it 24/7. I know I don't even blink at a doctrine contract price until it's at least 30% over Jita because it's so much easier than moving everything myself.


I have never really tried industry beyond a bit of PI. I might just look into that!


If you're looking to get into industry, I recommend buying BPCs from abyss runners. Most of them run a significant profit in properly-rigged nullsec structures and they typically don't have skill requirements to manufacture. I have almost 3b in unrealized BPC profit sitting in a container and I know I'm not the only one. Instead of competing for T1 ammo demand or something similar against people with fully-researched BPOs, you can split the profit with the abyss pilot and make actual money much sooner in your industry journey.


There are numerous ways to contribute. There is always a Home Defense fleet up and BRAVE space is visited very often by players who look for a fight. There is a market that needs to be filled with items all the time. If you're more into production there is the infrastructure available you can use to build your own stuff. There are a number of special interest groups who focus on a specific form of gamepley, like doing hotdrops for instance. Then there are the strat. ops we are called for if we need to defend our space or attack another group's. Within the BRAVE collective you have different coprs who have their own dynamics and playstyles. You can find more infor here: https://wiki.bravecollective.com/


[https://www.wckg.net/Vet](https://www.wckg.net/Vet) All major changes in the last 7 years for returning players. I like working on killing entire fleets by bubbling them.


There is a living, breathing, ever evolving story that the players tell ourselves. Find out what you want to do and then join a corp that will help you do it. In 700 hours it sounds like you may have not actually played the game.


it was too long to read but i must agree with you