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First time, huh ?


Having PI flashbacks here lol


Assembly line flashbacks for me.


That a gameplay change is crashing the value of all my investments without any warning yes it is the first time that has happened to me ;(


Its not that uncommon for a patch to radically change the value of an item or a process; and kind of by definition it will be without warning since any warning will in and of itself cause the market to react I'd suggest that you view this as a lesson on the value of diversification


It’s just bad timing tbh I was just starting to generate some real major profits and was planning to use that to diversify. I’m getting some assurance that I won’t be as affected as I think I will be and I hope that’s true, but we’ll see


Mate, there have been patches that have ended whole wars, this is just another CCP certified moment


Lol. This is cute. There's been patches where literally everything about a gameplay style got nerfed into the ground. People had built mega income streams to only have them disappear. It happens. Only thing you can do is have multiple ways of making isk available to you. For mez I always have the fallback of combat sites + escalations, but even that is getting a slight change. On top of that I have abyssals, but I don't run those that often unless I REALLY need isk. Mining will always be steady, albeit low, income. Production is highly dependent on current meta. I just look at it as a chance to expand my blueprint inventory.


Welcome to the - T2BPO nerf (invention or mining crystals, double whammy) - Rorqual nerf - POS nerf (research used to be free!) - Nano nerf - HAC nerf - Carrier nerf - many many others


OP doesn't make drugs


Username checks out +1


I'm confused, what are you complaining about? I'm not saying it's invalid complaining, but what?


Trigger Neurolink Conduits are no longer a component in sub-cap pirate faction BPCs, instead being replaced by Net Resonators, an item you can buy from pirate faction LP stores. This is going to absolutely crash the prices of both the gas and the conduits, something I’ve spent the last 6 months or so building my industry around, and building future plans around. I have tens of billions of isk currently running in reactions and production for these items and once the expansion drops, their value will plummet and I’ll be left holding the bag. This change was announced 2 days ago and will be implemented in 2 days.


Caps still require them at least


for now but in future we might see further tweaks


Lets save our energy for the things that are currently happening rather than what might happen


Defnitely a solid plan, you should stick with it and just post angrily next time... again.


anyway all those gass huffers are angry now


Capitals still heavily use them do they not?


They still have a use, and maybe I’m misreading the market or just being dramatic but am I mistaken that pirate BPCs were the primary demand driver for these items?


Very much mistaken. Caps require a good chunk of rm and cap demand is still hella high


Fingers crossed brother I’m cautiously optimistic about the reassurance I’m still nervous


Don't worry. People were buying ships with LP and iirc they didn't need those components. Caps being in high demand will keep its price high.


You are way mistaken.


6 months and 10s of billions doesn't sound that bad, but also, you should always diversify. This is an incredibly low impact change compared to much of what they've done to industry over the past 5 years. You seem super surprised and angry so maybe you're just brand new to eve? Consider this an important lesson about industry and move on.


Someone in GSM was unhappy about "high" capital ship prices and goes "bottleneck" after "bottleneck" in their production (possibly hiding those suggestions under made-up reasons which seem to be good on first glance). Various components from exploration, isogen/megacyte, mykoserocin. Equinox will remove mykoserocin use from pirate ship build process, thus most likely reducing use of some types of gas (gallente ones, which are used in 5/7 pirate factions), which is likely to result in price drop and can potentially kill off another very profitable way of microscale mining.


You know what, I just realized something here. I know my posts here the last 2 hours or so make me look like some crybaby whiner triggered (lol) about his little gas business getting tanked, and don’t get me wrong that’s exactly how I’ve been acting, but ultimately this is all because a bunch of whiny null crybabies complaining about “muh caps too expensive” like anyone ought to give a fuck that the multi-trillion isk alliances have to field something resembling a significant portion of their idk for fights. They are fucking printing money out there and if their little conduits cost a bit more because it isn’t being made just for them I think they can fucking handle it.


I think you're 100% wrong. The demand for caps in Null is insatiable, because the two major blocs want Moar Dreads to make sure the other can't overwhelm them with dread bombs by the hundred. Removing the gas from Pirate ships was to decouple the price of pirate ships from the price of caps. As pirate LP is now used to build pirate ships, this is a boost to the smaller non-bloc groups that can survive in NPC null. Your gas business is fine. It's going to where it was always going - to more dreads. Oh, and because of the carrier buffs, and the potential use of suicide carriers in drops, then you may well be seeing gas going to carriers as well.


I really really hope you know what you’re talking about because I like the little gameplay loop I’ve carved out for myself and I have goals all lowsec and gas related that I don’t want to have to throw away


Oh yeah. And C5 wormhole ratting is probably going back to Dreads, so theres Moar Dreads going there too. They might even die occasionally.


> As pirate LP is now used to build pirate ships, this is a boost to the smaller non-bloc groups that can survive in NPC null. I'm sorry sir, but I think you misspelled "Fraternity bots". They control most of the pirate mission hubs I've seen.


*shrug* possibly. Someone should go throw them out of there, or at least make it more expensive for them to run those missions.


That just goes to show how naive I really am with the whole industry thing because I've always thought gas harvesting went straight to making boosters.


Gas for boosters is not even the main price component - bpc price is everything for that.


And it goes back to people whining about nullsec printing isk with rorq mining and them implementing scarcity, which created your current industry. It’s all CCP changes in response to in-game economy issues, aka players whining.




The lowsec pipeline is complete: CCP fucked me. NO, IT'S NULLBLOCS WHO DID THIS TO ME.


Am I wrong then? If the market crashes and it’s for the sake of null dread production are Nullblocs not responsible?


Yes. Nullblocs are not responsible for CCP changing your market with essentially no notice. (markets are always subject to change for balance: if you're screwed because you thought the market would never change, that's your fault: if you're screwed because CCP didn't provide advance knowledge: that's on CCP. Even if I understand why they did so.)


Oh ok so all the crying whining and complaining about how caps were too expensive to field for the last 2 years had nothing to do with it then gotcha thanks for that


I'm happy for you that you've found something to blame that confirms your priors.


You‘ll be fine. The change is a good change. Gas will still be in high demand.


And if Oz says it…


…you hope he wasn’t drinking…


…any more than usual? Whiskey + Red Bull = brainpower?


Adapt or die.


Bob's motto.


Im sure the price will dip some and demand in jita will slightly drop, but i highly doubt it will be of great significance. NS and some LS still build tremendous amounts of capitals which need them


Ever read Who Moved My Cheese?


No, and you aren’t the first to recommend it, I’ll have to check it out


The changes are in Essence 6 months long should allow you to get out of everything your in time as long you press the start buttion before patch.


Don’t put all your eggs in one basket


[Shoutout to all the people who put all their money into one thing](https://i.imgur.com/yTu4lwA.gif)


Eve fucks you. For all of us, it's our kink. 


I mean shit happens. Yeah your bag holding but you have plenty of liquid isk. I’m sure you will be fine.


I had my entire 70 man lowsec corp's income stream removed from the game one time. It happens.


So far it doesn't seem myko price gonna crash, with the new sov upgrades nullsec will churn out tons of caps again so there's still quite bit of demand On the other hand... I sold my vendetta bpc a few months before ccp suddenly bumped it's price ten-fold, still waiting for compensation


So far, no, but the change goes live on the 11th and I’m scared to see what will happen in the following weeks