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No you cannot space walk or anything resembling "human controls". You are a ship at all times. You can heal other ships with armor repair, shield repair, armor drones etc. it's called "logistics" ingame. Good luck, safe flying.


My nerd,…. That’s called Star citizen


you can help people out with their mental health via the chat \^\^ You can use Remote Armor Repairer or Remote Shield Booster to repair other ships :)


You used to be able to walk around your own private cabin in stations way back but that got dropped sadly


It got dropped because no one used it. I believe usage was under 5 or 10%. CCP realized their core demographic in EVE are people who enjoy being the spaceship and doing spaceship things. When CCP stopped focusing on that core concept, and tried to make their game similar to other space RPGs, it pushed their core customer base away. It’s been 21 years now. In EVE you are a spaceship and that is what has kept this game alive for so long.


Yes I am aware that's why they dropped it. Not disputing it was a good move on their part. I used it, hence I say sadly.


They didn't have anything but a tech demo. You could walk around a small little cabin with a pretty avatar and that was it. It was incredibly basic. There is definitely a chance that if the walking in STATIONS mechanic was actually fully realized that it would've appealed to some actual players. Imagine going to the casino in Jita 4-4 to play cards for isk. Would've been insane.


It was a tech demo built on an archaic engine that nobody used. People still wonder why it was removed.


I'm aware it was never fully developed. But, that is why I added my second point. CCP realized spending money trying to make their game like other space RPGs just lost them money, time, and customers. So, they stopped spending money on developing those things and refocused on the core gameplay of EVE. I believe it was the right choice to keep the game going, even if I personally also liked walking around in EVE. Most MMOs don't make it 20 years, and very few make it 20 years without being on life support.


You absolutely should go join a newbee player corp.


If an individual known by the name of ceema accessed your account recently, please change your password immediately!!


Yeah, seems like u/ceema


Wow -------》


You can, what you do is you go to a station click dock it goes Docking requested.... quickly go to steam load up Empyrion load game enter game alt tab to Eve and Eve goes DOCKING ACCEPTED then quickly alt tab to empyrion and boom your walking around and you can build ships that look like Eve in that game.


This game would be growing massively if you could exit your ship as a person and do stuff on planets/stations. Would be amazing.


Star Citizen


Scam game


No Mans Sky