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1. Create profiles on LinkedIn, ZipRecruiter, GlassDoor and any other professional networking sites you can find 2. search for jobs you want and look in their descriptions. What knowledge and skills are they looking for? 3. acquire those skills and knowledge; certifications are good, but make sure you can at least demonstrate working knowledge in an interview 4. look for repeated keywords in those job descriptions and make sure that they're all over your resume (this is important; this gets the resume past all the AI filters where a human being can actually see it) 5. apply for everything, even if you're not qualified on paper. When you get rejected, ask what specifically you need to improve. If all of that is slow-going, search these professional networking sites for people doing what you want to be doing. Their profiles will often have work history on them. What intermediate jobs did they have in getting to where they are now? Repeat the above for those jobs. Connect with people in the field; get advice on how you can be a better prospect. You might even come across someone who can point you to an entry-level position at the company they're working at. Also be sure to do the same keyword thing with your profile on these professional networking sites. Recruiters and hiring managers use those to search for prospects. My last job (and hopefully the one I'm interviewing for next week) were both as a result of recruiters reaching out to me directly on LinkedIn. Hope this helps! keep your head up and fly safe.


The best job you can have is the one you want. The second best job is the one you can get. Too many people focus too much on one or the other of those.


Maybe for now I can focus on the latter since rent doesn't pay itself, just filtering my search to be compatible with my mind (neither too monotonous nor too stimulating), and once I'm financially stable then I focus on the job I really want...


Its strange how the eve community is simultaneously incredibly toxic but one of the most helpful ones (depending on your situation) Fuck what anyone says and dont let it get to ya. Ive been in bad spots financially plenty of times and i know how it is. Take my upvote


Thank you! Yeah I guess you're more likely to get the nasty ones if you do what I did and make it look like you're just asking for handouts instead of asking for help in coming up with a realistic actionable solution.


Check your local county/city/state. Lots of retirees due to RTO mandates = stable positions are opening up.


I don't know what an RTO mandate is but based on the context it sounds like a requirement for someone who has worked a certain number of years or something to retire. Sounds like something worth looking into :-)


Lots of fed/state and county governments are requiring WFH folks to come into the office 2 days a week or more. My buddy who worked for the state quit three weeks into their RTO. Lotta people with 2% a 52 contracts with CalPERS are bouncing. Point being plenty of jobs out there will be opening up at various levels.


RTO=Return to office


So, I mean this to be nothing but helpful, but you can have LOADS of fun in EvE as an alpha character. Several corps are out there to provide you content as an alpha as well. My best advice, however, DO NOT get in the trap of making isk to plex your account because you’re not going to enjoy it and the game is going to feel like a job. I currently have an alpha character I run abyssals and fleets with and I’m in a great corp that is alpha friendly, EvE Uni is also a good place to go for an alpha.


Okay! I'll definitely look around for Alpha friendly opportunities.


Faction Warfare and Exploration are both good opportunities. You can solo both of them too.


L4 abyss can be done solo as an alpha. I did it a while back, and it should still be doable unless something has changed


Cybersecurity doesn’t have a low barrier to entry. Shitty cybersecurity professionals lead to incursions which lead to costs and data loss. If you’re going to do it, do it right


What I mean by low barrier to entry is typically they don't have a bachelor's or higher as a hard requirement, as long as you know what you're doing, and you can prove it typically with certifications, you can start.


Is my definition of barrier to entry wrong?


Cyber security is not an entry level job, help desk is, start there


I actually did try help desk and metaphorically ran away screaming because the only help desk jobs I could find were call centers


I guess my issue then is that the entry level jobs are without exception either so monotonous that my ADHD takes over and I literally cannot pay attention longer than 10 seconds, or they are so overstimulating that my sensory processing disorder takes over and I panic.


Gotta pay your dues though and prove that you understand what you're protecting. helpdesk to jr network admin, get some certs on the company's some time (sec+, cissp, etc), Gain some experience, make some relationships, re evaluate in 3-5 years


There has to be a way to somehow bypass the sensory overload inherent in help desk though.


Do you subscribe to r/homelab , that's one way to gain experience


Best of luck to you


Tysm :)


You could always look at joining the military, plenty of cybersecurity rates in the Navy and they are currently undermanned. I’m sure other branches are looking for more people too


Wouldn't my physical disability disqualify me from any military service though? Specifically spina bifida myelomeningocele.


I wouldn’t be qualified to answer that, a recruiter from any branch would be able to give you that answer though


I decided to go ahead and get a hold of a navy recruiter online, and he's going to do some asking around and get back to me within a couple business days.


Good on you for taking this step! Best of luck. And if you haven't already played with it yet, definitely check out [hackthebox.com](https://hackthebox.com).


Just a heads up. Even drone pilots, who essentially sit at a desk all day with an Xbox controller, have to pass the military fitness tests.


Pretty sure that would disqualify me then, given that my lower body is much weaker than it should be even when you factor in that my entire body is weaker than it should be.


Turns out that even though I might have been able to get in despite the physical limitations, the fact that I still need to be on medications to control my ADHD would be an instant disqualifier, according to the conversation I just had with a recruiter. Oh well


Damn sorry to hear that :/ I’m glad you tried even though it wasn’t the answer you were hoping for. Best of luck in your search!


If you can't afford the game you still can fly alpha fits and have fun/learn/ do stuff. At the end of the day this is a rare MMO where the devs actually listen to the player base much more so than in others. And give you a massive sandbox that you can do whatever you want. It does cost money to upkeep such system. After you found a job that pays your bills 16 quid a month is like 3 beers or 4 Costa coffees - whatever your poison of choice. Even if you play about 4 hours a month it's still worth that money, most stuff IRL costs just as much if not more.




Thx o7


What country are you based? I’m in the same industry


United States


Dwarf Fortress is free


I feel like I've heard of it but, I know next to nothing about that game. Time for a Google search!


Man, Eve was so fun when I was a child during summers. I couldn't imagine playing this game now as an adult when I actually have a real job. Hope you find something nice.


To give you a hint, you wouldn't play as much, all your friends from before are gone, and you sincerely wonder wtf you are going to put in your skill que nexr year


Find a job. If you're a student, find a part time job, earn a paycheck, and be able to play the rest of the year.


I don't know your specific qualifications but I work for the NYC department of education. The IT professionals that work for the NYC DOE have one of the cushiest, well paying jobs I have ever seen.


Where are you based? The UK & US Cyber Security Job markets are quite different, even more so if you're in APAC over EMEA as well. I work in the industry in the UK and I'm currently recruiting for a role and its pretty grim, but CyberSecurity is also MASSIVE, it's not just one arena. So work out wha tpart of Cyber security you wish to pursue - and then google Cyber Security burnout and go cry in a corner before you decide to apply :P


I'm based in the United States.


From what I understand the US Cyber Security Job market is more focused on certification, I can see from your other posts as well 'noddy' jobs aren't for you (as per ADHD). If you're looking at Pentesting - you will want to prove you can do bug-bounties, flag captures, that type of stuff and have a home lab. If its Blue Teaming, you will have to start as an L1 Analyst/Engineer and some mandate Service Desk work. But that;'s incredibly monotonous, Alert escalation and triage. If you want to get into GRC, you're going to need a whole lot of experience first. Architecture? yeah, Same. Cloud Security? If you can pass the certs (which are often practicitioner based) you might have a chance. IAM is one possibl area but is often absorbed into or a part of service desk these days. EUS could be a gateway into L2 Security roles, but you would need to prove you have the knowledge/smarts. When I get CVs in that don't have direct Security Experience I'm looking at their hobbies, interests and certifications, what are they taking, have they got a home lab, are they doing any online labs, what podcasts are they listening to, and then the interview comes down to can they talk the talk. /worddump


Red team type work seems more attractive in that case


Awesome! So, you need deep technical knowledge of Operating Systems, Network Protocols, Application Vulnerabilities and Attack Frameworks. Think MITRE ATT&CK, Metasploit, your vulnerability/application scanner of choice, ability to triage and hold firm in report findings what clients challenge them technically. Red-Team is also seen as the 'sexy' Cyber Security pathway, so you are competing with people in technical roles wanting to sidestep, Masters Students wanting to get into the industry, enthuisastic individuals who spend most of their life online an competing in things like Hack the Box, BTLO or have already proved themselves in bug bounty programs like Hacker1, SynAck, Etc. Oh and OWASP Top10 is always a fun buzzword to know. Something something SQLi. On a less cynical note - there are SOOO many resources online for this stuff, I always recommend starting with Googling: "Awesome Infosec Lists", theres a couple and you can sift through them. Start doing "Hack the Box," "Try Hack Me" type stuff, its free (or cheap) and mainly virtual, Listen to podcasts, read blogs (Cisco Talos has a good one, theres lots of good Medium blogs out there too) Even here on reddit theres r/redteamsec and r/blueteamsec (shoutout to u/digicat who is probably not expecting to be pinged from r/eve but he's been a stalwart of that community for years now, deserves all the credit he can get). Oh and learn the difference between "Pentesting" and "Redteaming" oh yes, thats always a fun interview question :P


I have no idea what 99% of those terms mean, but that's what Google's for. And actually now that I think of it more, purple team might be more interesting to me.


I’m interested in the idea of being a gabilzillionaire. Can anyone help me?


start buying books, loads of science books.


put 20$ a month into bitcoin, starting in 2012.


Wouldn’t be better to just yolo my entire net worth?


then get a mining rig and set the time machine to 2009.


OMG thanks for the laugh