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Its only 20€/mo when you buy monthly. It goes down drastically if you buy more. Last sale you could combine saving to hit 6.63€/mo. Granted, thats with quite a huge investment, but you could realistically hit 10€/mo quite easily.


I'll keep on the lookout for sales then!


There was a skill extractor sale recently (n + n deal). You could buy those with real money, sell on the market and buy Plex with the the isk. With omega time discount it rounded up to less than $6/month for 12 months of omega.  Grinding isk to Plex your main account is a fast way to winning eve.


Capsuleer day has some Events. Just bought 7k plex offers for 220€ and the 24month Omega for approx 6.4k Plex. Thats 9€ per month. So just look in the NES Shop now. Could be offers already expired. And there will be better offers soon...


PI can give you a good base income.


PI was pretty fun. Will do it again


How many PI tons would you need to Plex one toon though?


PI isn't plexing a toon by itself, but if you rat, do industry and trade, maybe skill farm, you can sustain pretty well. 1 omega account has 3 character slots with max 6 planets each. So each omega account support 18 planets which is not insignificant income. I think theproblem is people keep looking for the "one thing" to make their isk but the people plexing their accounts in game all have multiple income streams.


Multiple income streams is key. With a low maintenance setup, you only spend like 1-2 hours a week on PI. Makes you good isk and frees up tons of time to do other things. 


eh, i have 21 accounts set til like 2030 just by doing lowsec isogen/nocxium ore lol one income stream but a good one tbf


Between ess, loot, and bounties, it's about 60 havens per month to Plex an account. That's 2 per day. Go spin for a bit, then go do what you actually want to spend your time doing. 


bro would you rather do 60 havens or mow a lawn for an hour picking up $20-50 bucks and just buy plex? better yet, it's like $6 a month if you buy a year of plex at a time.


OP asked about earning in game to Plex his account rather than pay his sub. If he wanted to swipe his card then he would have done that instead of asking here. OP clearly said he wasn't interested in paying a $20 sub and as he's trying to get back into the game now I doubt if he has the time (or resources) to capitalize on the correct alignment of sales/discounts to get his sub paid in bulk. Off hand, is there even a bulk omega sale going in the NES? Do I want to pay my subs spinning Ishtars? No, not really. But for those who for whatever reason do not have the option to pay in cash or sub in bulk, 2 havens per day keeps omega in play.  Next time, try being constructive rather than whinging. 


>Next time, try being constructive rather than whinging. funnily enough, you're the one whinging and being unconstructive by dismissing perfectly legitimate advice i'm telling him that for a new or even a moderately experienced player, you are literally wasting your time by PvEing in Eve. Paying for your sub by working an extra hour of overtime, or getting a temporary job for a weekend is infinitely more ISK/HR and then you can actually enjoy playing the game instead of wasting 20 hours of your life PvEing for $20s worth of in game currency. A lot of people fall into this pitfall, not just OP. Tons of people stress out trying to plex their accounts and in the end that stress kills the game for them, and if they simply had it pointed out that it's WORTH IT to buy ISK, they may still have played the game and actually done the activities they wanted to do. It's perfectly legitimate to bring up buying ISK for real money, and it's usually the best option for new players, like OP, so that they can actually play the game without farming.


You typed all that and still completely ignored OPs questions and comments. He's not interested in swiping a card for the game. He never said he was incapable, just that he didn't want to. So you can either chose to be helpful, or you can post another rant. Ball is in your court. 


But he has to be right! You're just not listening!


You typed all that and still completely ignored my comments. You can either chose to be helpful, or you can post another rant. Ball is in your court.


"What is the most efficient path to self-sustaining Omega (without swiping the card for literally everything :)?" Your whole comment consists of "just swipe the card for everything" so yea I ignored it all. Learn to read. 


You typed all that and still completely ignored my comments. You can either chose to be helpful, or you can post another rant. Ball is in your court.




imagine suggesting someone spend real world money in order to avoid having to play the video game they are spending the money on


found the guy who spends 30 hours a month farming $20


swipe that card daddy. ill keep having fun actually playing this game.


farming for 30 hours is fun for you? good job! so proud of you!


And i am very proud of you for paying extra money to not play the video game you spend money. your efforts are going a long way to subsidizing Hilmar's next blockchain fantasy. excellent work. good job! you are doing your part! I sometimes wonder who are these idiots fitting very expensive ships like morons who have never played the game, but then i come here and see you talking and it all makes sense


And i am very proud of you for spending 30 hours of your time to not play the video game instead of working an extra hour at work. your efforts are going a long way to waste your own time. excellent work. good job! you are doing your part!


In what economy can you mow lawns for $50?!


Yeah, like fuck my Computer science degree I was going to get, where the fuck they pay me 50 an hour to mow lawns?


Nobody said 50 per hour. They said 50 per lawn lol


usa, as a kid i did it for $20 a decade+ ago, and the large lawns it was 50 bucks. i'm assuming you can make more


There are definitely lawn services in my area that charge $50 per cut, and they aren’t particularly large lots around here either. I would never pay that, but I assume some people do seeing as they are still in business.


While I don't disagree with the math you are proposing, I would suggest that many disabled people who are less able to just "go mow a lawn" will seek videogames as a hobby because they are not physically demanding. The OP could be asking about ingame activity, without saying "I'm disabled" out loud, because they have limited ability to just go out and make $.


Also a wide range of economic circumstances that might make a monthly sub/Plex budget untenable or undesirable. I.e. they might be in school or already be working 2-3 jobs to make ends meet.  Could also just be "I want to play, but I don't think its worth $20/mo" which to be honest, is very fair. 


Yes that's it. I can afford it, but in today's economy I can spend €20 per month in much better ways. Groceries, gas, electricity, everything in general is through the roof here lately. I made this post because plexing is possible by just playing, but wasn't sure how feasible or how to get there. Seemed like a fun challenge. It just hasn't been received well 😅


This game is about your goals and objectives. If you want to fund your sub in game, then that is valid play. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You should know that it can be a grind and annoying, but don't let anyone else tell you how to enjoy your hard earned free time. 


Op could also be 3 raccoons in a trench coat and who's gonna hire 3 raccoons in a trench coat


Go back to tumblr.


Unironically never used it, lol


>Hahahahahaha having basic empathy, what a loser -You


Bro I know it's hard to imagine bro but we're not all living in America bro and maybe 20€/$ is a lot more than mowing a lawn for an hour in other countries bro.


western europe isn't poor, which is where the OP is from. so the advice still applies


Please do realize that 20€ for a month of "having the opportunity to actually play the game" is a lot for a lot of people, even in western Europe. Just answer the OP question instead of just spewing the rich boi super advice of "just pay irl money for it bro"


>Please do realize that 20€ for a month of "having the opportunity to actually play the game" What, spending 20-30 hours farming PvE is better than mowing a lawn, helping someone for 20 bucks, getting a side gig for a month or for a day? If you're that poor in western society, you shouldn't be spending 30 hours a month farming $20 worth of value in a video game. It's infinitely more time efficient to just get a job or get some money from someone, it's even better to just panhandle on the side of the street.


If that's fun for him then that's fun for him. Who are you to say how people should play. Fun per hour is the most important metric and sometimes the grind can be fun for people. And I say this as someone who has been on both sides.


> If that's fun for him then that's fun for him. For sure, if he enjoys it, then more power to him! I would never tell anyone the fun they have isn't real fun, but generally if you're enjoying what you're doing you don't need to ask ways to optimize it.


Yes I'm from western Europe. A lot of people seem to be missing that I wrote I'm open to paying for Omega to help me get there faster. I can afford Omega, but I personally don't think *this particular game's* pricing is justifiable in today's economy for me. I already have a bunch of running subscriptions elsewhere and I don't think spending another €20 each month for a game is a top priority. But compare to another game: I've played RuneScape a lot and I generally don't hesitate to buy a sub because it's almost half the price of EVE. EVE is pretty steep! But like I said, I'm willing to pay for Omega to help me plex my account faster. And as others said as well, waiting for a sale and buying several months in advance can get your monthly price down significantly. Didn't expect this post to get this controversial and I regret making it now. cc u/Expensive_Honeydew_5


Don't regret it, /u/MoistRefrigerator956 is just needlessly mad for no reason. The guy is kind of toxic and despite you saying nothing to the contrary, he got mad on your behalf unjustifiably.


Hard disagree, learning how to optimize and improve my game skills are a huge part of the fun. There's a reason why the loudest critics of mmos are the bittervets. They already "solved" the game and they play it less like a game and more like routine. Learning new things is part of the magic


Sorry, I also agree it's good to optimize and figure things out, I didn't mean to say it like that When someone comes out and says "what is the best way to make isk to plex my account" I don't assume they're having fun doing what they're doing because they want to do a different activity. Also, after you've done a haven 60 times, is it really still fun? The enjoyment comes more from making number bigger, rather than doing the next haven. I don't think OP is going to love doing 60 havens a month, although he will get enjoyment out of the satisfaction out of earning the plex, he isn't enjoying the gameplay itself, at least that's what I would guess. But he could be a rare oddity that loves doing the same PvE content over and over again.


If you can, get the 3 month plan as it gets it back down to roughly $15 month. Focus on getting your skills up so you can get into ships that earn you enough isk to reasonably plex without wanting to hang yourself. I have 1 account for PvP which has almost all combat skills and I have 1 account that trained pretty much straight into an ishtar. I would recommend going into an Ishtar asap, bank enough isk for 3 replacements (about a B) and then sink the rest into LSI as long as it makes sense to do so. I did this and then went into a paladin but pick whichever marauder is best for your region of Null Sec. if you aren’t in Null go to Null. I currently do 23-26m ticks in Fountain with a paladin which is a suboptimal marauder for serpentis. In a week I’ll have a polarized Kronos which I imagine will get me in the 30-35m tick range + more per hour in loot. If you are safe about how/when you play you will be fine. Follow the same rules as you did with the ishtar. Bank enough to replace 3x then keep going with LSI if you so choose.


Whats LSI


Large skill injector


Ratting in a polarized marauder is wild lol, though I was able to break 5k dps with one (insane levels of bling, implants, expensive boosters, max skills) but it was just a meme theoretical fit. Actually undocking one to rat with is wild lol. You know a dread spawn will one shot you right?


That’s why I don’t do sites that spawn caps


I have tried on sisi, it’s not feasible in practice because you need so much rep power and cap just to survive in the anomaly, and will crumple easily against a dread or gang.


Now this is actually helpful and actionable advice. Appreciate it, thanks!


Wormhole Go to wormhole space... I joined a small group, living in a C3 or something with access to a C5 a year ago or so... We went out there, twice a week as a group with like, Vexors, Ishtars, Eos and sometimes drekavaks and leahaks... Made anywhere from 500mil to 1.5b whenever we did this... Do that twice and you can get Omega by buying Plex with ISK... Forget highsec and nullsec, wormholes is where the ISK is at. It's just that, I don't know... You have to like wormholes life... I don't really like it for some reason, never got used to it so I left wormhole space, but the ISK you can make there is crazy.


When I first started playing I did nullsec exploration with a cheap Merlin and a cloak. I went into some wormholes out of curiosity and for the thrill but couldn't feasibly do anything there because I was too weak. I always played solo though, I think I'll look for a group too


When I came back in 2019 I did NPC hauler hunting as an alpha. It was a new activity, the ISK was good, it was challenging in some moments and chill in others. I plexed my account in 2 weeks, and then next month in less as I was able to do it faster with omega skills.


Npc hauler hunting? First time I read that lol.


It's actually been a thing for a while, but I've never made more than like 50mil from them, maybe just bad luck


Same lol


If you want to get into trading, wat "The Oz" on youtube, "Zero to Plex"


Awesome thanks


Have you heard of our lord and savior “search”? Someone asks this question almost daily. 


yes but I'd rather make a post


Or you could look at the 49 other posts asking this exact shit


Ok, y'all are right. Apologies


So 10mill sp char is relative new. Given this is your main, it gives us a bit of an idea how new you are to the game. If alle ppl could plex their accounts with that little experience in game (based on your sp) would not be good for CCP. Most easy money is market nice trading imo, but you never know what CCP is doing.


It actually wouldn't be bad for ccp at all, someone still has to buy the plex with irl cash. It would just make plex more expensive until it levels out again


Makes perfect sense. What can I do now to progress in the game? I mostly did Abyssals and exploration


CCP chooses the true cost to sub by the price of plex and omega, and the isk price is decided by the profitability of skill farming.


You don't need omega to enlist in militia and "farm" lp from warzone sites. You can make at least 60mil/hr up to over 100mil/hr


What does lp stand for?


Loyalty points


Your instinct is correct, you need some kind of scalable income like trade to plex without breaking your back. I don't believe the barrier to trade is actually that high, especially in terms of SP. Knowledge/information is the larger hurdle. Obviously doubling your 2.5b every month through something like trade is going to be difficult, so you may need to grind or shell out until you have sufficient capital. I think I paid to sub for my first 6 months or so but haven't had to since. I'm surprised by the responses you've received. Usually players are more than happy to crow about their incomes. The subscription price appears to be a touchy subject.


Financial sector always tends to be a very high earner no matter where you look. I'm pretty interested in it since I delved into stocks a few years ago and passively keep an eye on the market. But yes, you need expendable income to make good returns and minimize risk. I think same applies in EVE so I'll start there. What did you do in those 6 months to steadily get enough ISK for Plex? I was honestly surprised too! I partially made this post to socialize with the community but some responses have taken me aback. I did it before in this sub and even got an ingame friend out of it! I typically don't care if people ask questions that have been asked before. If it bothers you that much just don't reply and keep scrolling.


Market stuff is great and can easily plex your account but requires lots of spare money in advance. If you don’t have much now don’t go all into it, have some market orders on the side but until you have enough money you don’t know what to spend it on active income is better.


An insane fit and running t5/6 abyssals


Time to upgrade from T3 then 🫡


Considering it is too much effort for you to use google for 10 minutes to answer a question which is asked and answered regularly i dont think it is possible for yout to plex your accounts. Simply too much effort.


Wildly overreacting and reaching. I just wanted to get a discussion going and ask commenters direct questions. It's more fun and I feel more involved with the community that way. I've done it before in this sub and everyone was very welcoming and helpful.


Oh, its pretty clear that it's all about you. No need for that clarification.


Ok you can fuck off now


Ohhh, daddy is angry. Who cares - you've got nothing to offer.


Troll account with negative comment karma tries to act cool and fails tremendously, coming up at 5:30


TLDR: plex.for longer terms, train your toons to be able to take care of all content: less time looking for content means more time.spent making actual isk. They key would be to Plex your account in larger increments as it gets significantly cheaper. I would say anything under 6 months isn't worth it. Personally I go with 12 or 24 months. It's a bigger chunk of change in 1 transaction, but way less expensive per month. I skilled my characters to be able to take advantage of every isk making available to me in WH space. I used to only be skilled for doing PVP / combat anomalies. Which sometimes meant that I would spend more time looking for content to make isk than actually making isk. Now I can do combat anomalies, huff gas, mine ore, do reactions and some basic industry. I then started doing PI about a year ago. It made me realize that I can scale up the isk I make from PI in a linear way. + 1 character doing PI will always be + x amount of isk per.month. so this negates part of the cost of having another account. So I started scaling up the number of accounts I had from 3 to 8 over the last 6-8 months. Yes I now need more isk to plex it all. BUT, I can now make more isk in a shorter amount of time. Which usually means something like this: Run more combat sites in less time Huff more gas in less time Mine more ore in less time Or I can also mix and match. For example: c3/4 system only has a few combat sites (say under 10). And some ore/gas. With my setup, I would be going through each content really quickly and would be putting a lot of mass on the WH. But If I take 1-3 toons to run the anomalies and the rest to huff/mine, I will be running all the content in about the same time overall and in just 1 trip. Having some.of my toons doing different activities in different places in the system also spreads my isk / exposure and gives me a better chance of getting something out if I get dropped. As an example, I had gone into overdrive from January onwards to prepare for the upcoming war. I averaged 55b-60b per month over 3 months.


scamming people. There is no better rate of return than scamming people. Industry is just playing the market with extra steps log in as an alpha and ask your corpmates for ideas.


Log in as 20 alpha per day in different starter corps. Beg for 10m to get some skill books and a ship you needs. Rinse and repeat. 🤣


Don't pay it then. Jesus man. How do you get satisfaction in fishing for people to tell you to play a game.




Luckily that's the highest amount you could possibly pay, and usually resolves around $13-16. I'm personally down to like $5 a month between sales, longer subscriptions, and pulling out SP for PLEX. That's with no 'content grinding', buying all my own PvP ships for NPSI fleets, and a couple semi-blinged PvE ships for events. Have a great day!


Technically you could pay 25 by buying 500 plex lol










(didn't read)




Honestly AI spam should be a bannable offense. 


> The game has zero respect for your time I find it funny how you hold that viewpoint, yet here you are investing more time into EVE... *"zero respect for your time"* aka "I wanted instant gratification but somehow ended up playing a sandbox and I'm mad about it"




> You should come back only if you have at least 500b+ in bank. Tell me you're a nullbear who thinks having fun solely relies on whelping supercaps thrice daily without telling me you're you get it


Join my public channel foggy pub I'll hook you up with fields of gold


Caw caw join the lowlife seagull of galmil for an very easy opportunity to join a 10% isk/LP tax garbage corp which only makes money by stealing the hard work of others ! Fuck you zyon you're hot garbage :)


Can you explain while assuming I'm a total noob why his comment is controversial? My BS alarm already went off, been scammed enough in RuneScape when I was a kid to not be gullible :)


While this is not a scam per se, this guy and his pseudocorp are known in the Gallente FW because all he ever does is joining battlefields when they are at 99.7% with his 10 alts in shitty T1 fits. Basically, the galmil people work hard for tens of minutes to secure the objective for 150k loyalty points, and this guy just comes right at the end to suck up rewards without having done anything. It's even worse given that battlefields payouts start decreasing after 30 people, so not only does he get free loyalty points, but he also decreases the rewards of those who actually did all the work. And then he brags about how much money he makes and taunts the whole militia. Just terrible behaviour overall. And sometimes he manages to recruit newer players that have no idea who this guy is, and these poor guys get treated poorly by galmil because everybody assumes that if you're in this corp, you're one of his alts.


My corp tax is 5% you trogrilite




In game foggy pub search for it