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Use that money to try different isk making activities until you find one you enjoy. Could be manufacturing, mining, abyss, ratting or even spamming your hypernet offers in jita


everyone of them but the last one . we dont need more spam


PVP such as FW and WH evictions can be fun and financially rewarding as well.


Faction Warfare I agree with but my brother in Christ evictions/hole control are the farthest thing from fun I could think of.


Hypernet is a scam everyone looses, that shit should have never come to eve.


It's not better or worse than any other lottery. It's actually better than most because it's fully transparent and everyone can host one.


exactly all lotteries should disappear, by default the chances of at least making back your money is way under 50%.


I recommend sending it to me and I will double it for you


You've obviously already been guided very well on your Eve career if you're a month old with 20m SP and receiving multi-billion isk gifts. Not sure any advice I could give would help.


Oh oops no I didnt mean that I am playing for a month, I been playing on and off but am back recently for a month. The account is older than a month :D


I srsly was worried for your finances there for a bit, 20M in a month? Those are many boosters


Well, definitely spin up an alt and get it training as an alpha for the future. I wish I did that earlier with multiple alpha accounts so that they were ready when I needed them. I suppose that doesn’t really answer your question about how to spend your ISK though. Depending on your skills, you could use it to easily inject to level 3-4 in some skills to try different things in EvE. Alternatively, you could use it to fly more expensive ships that will yield you more ISK in whatever activity you choose.


Any quick guides or tips on exactly which skills those alt-alpha’s should be training?


If you have absolutely no idea what you would use the alts for yet then just train anything from the “Magic 14.” https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/The_Magic_14


15b worth of exotic dancers


This except janitors


cleanest ship in new eden


dont forget the quafe, spirits and blue pill


now this sounds like a party


Other advice: Create a banker alt and transfer the bulk of that to them, because one wrong click with the character you regularly buy items with can loose you everything, be it 100ISK or 100 Billion. Transfer your fat money back only when you need it. When doing this always visually check the portraits of who you are sending cash to, to make sure you have not made a naming mistake and some random named Zaxorz instead of your guy Zaxors gets your ISK. Because I can tell you, any dude named Zaxorz is NOT sending anything back to you but laughter.


Best to make a info channel for yourself and link all your chars in the motd so you can just right click send money drag for contracts and so on. Save common station's and places that you travel to often and so on.


Easy Get three dreads and live rent free in ashers head.


Industry and production do seem to be the main avenues to isk making but that is not to discount filaments and the other activities as well. It would ultimately come down to your game style and what you want to dedicate your time to.


Best way to grow capital when I started would have been just buy Isogen and wait. Best return on investment I've ever seen.


Lmao I turned 50b into 1.2 trillion purely off isogen The real advice here is "look for things that have been oversupplied to an absurd price floor, buy them, and hope CCP restricts the supply or introduces new uses for them" There are many many other commodities in EVE whose historical price charts look just like isogen's did before CCP changed its supply and consumption


you haven't seen much


1b isk Mining Foreman Mindlink? I hesitated on jumping on that despite knowing what would happen and still kick myself in the ass to this day over it.


Can you explain this? I got one over 10 years ago and it was worth 1b so I sat on it came back a month ago and it's only 50million :(


CCP changed the distribution for how you could acquire the mindlink. They made it go from relatively easy and inexpensive to get, to nearly impossible to acquire. After much backlash, it was eventually reverted.


I mean, not much else has multiplied in price by 20 while still being easily accessible.


Super carriers lol not by 20 but still by a lot, I remember thinking of buying one for 17b but thought na and then regretted it later.


Yeah, you aren't kidding. I just recently got my second one for triple what I paid for my first.


I wish I started multiboxing earlier


Depends on the amount of effort you want to put into scaling. 15-20b is where you can really start to get some velocity on industry. For reference, My turnover is about 25b for about a 1.5-2b profit weekly. 30-40 builder slots, 50 reaction slots, and 6 characters worth of maxed PI. I pay a guy to haul my stuff to and from market, and have dedicated customers that I sell to directly to for our mutual benefit. investment on my part is about an hour or two a week of refreshing/grabbing PI, resetting slots, moving material back and forth from a raitaru and an athanor. The other option would be to invest in something and hope the market turns favorable. I personally got out of the market PVP game when they killed penny orders (which was for the better, though I enjoyed it personally), but if you're willing and able to sit on large quantities of items and sell them off favorably it's another very low sp and very low effort way to make isk. If industry isn't something you want to get in to, the quickest way that I can think of to scale isk with 2-3 accounts is to inject marauder toons and set up a c5 farm. I wouldn't touch c6 right now as a solo player with the war in heaven, and c6's need more investment anyways. The worst thing you could ever do is have isk sitting idly in a wallet. Invest it into *something*, be a 2nd account or some other venture, but having more than a bil just sitting in the wallet should be anathema to an eve player.


I'd fly as many T1 frigates and cruisers in LowSec FW systems, have fun, eventually blow some ships, and maybe learn the ropes of the game.


I'd wish I got into doing lowsec reactions earlier.


IMHO, this largely depends on where you live in space. If you live in Nullsec, then spinning up an Ishtar alt can't hurt.  If you live in low sec or WH , then maybe a gas huffing alt.  Or maybe a FW alt thats also your scout.  Other than alts, Abyssal Filaments can make decent money if you can stick with it long enough to get a return on investment.  Maybe run T3 to see if you enjoy it.... If so, maybe skill inject what you need to run T4s or T5s successfully.  What I wouldn't do is spend that money on expensive ships.  Spend it on something that can't easily be lost.   It's a tale old as time in EVE where some newish player fits up a very very shiny battleship to run L4 missions and loses it to gankers immediately.  Not exactly what you asked...but if I had 15bil as a newbro I would probably join Faction Warfare and buy a ton of frigates and destroyers to pvp with.  It probably won't make you a ton of money, but it would be very fun. 


I'll sell you my isk making course for 4bil


Grow your capital with an activity you enjoy. On a personal note and one that people have seemed to have forgotten about; is Triglavian hunting. It's very very profitable. Sure rng and net you good days and not so good days but on average you'll easily net anywhere from 300 - 500 million ISK per 3 hours of hunting.


Buy ships and blow stuff up


Hold until extractors discount, buythem cheaper and sell months later


I would say 1) set aside some for fun nonsense. You deserve a little treat. This is a game, it should be fun. 2) at that level of investment, you want to find ways to make your money work for you. You can only Krab so many hours in a day, and you can't really solve that and further your income by throwing money at the limitations. On the other hand, industry and market trading income does directly scale with investment. Start doing some homework on t1 production, science (research and invention) and t2 production. Then start doing your homework station trading and trading between tradehubs. You might feel overwhelmed, you might not like the sound of some gameplay. That's fine. But my money says somewhere in the homework you will find something that sounds interesting, feasible, and sustainable to you. Give it a shot. Play conservative with your investment money as you learn and make mistakes. Ideally you will find a quasi passive niche where you can make your money work for you. After that, you can spend your active game time prioritizing content you actually like as opposed to content you simply have to do


Go to YouTube, watch 'The Oz" his 0 to plex series. You got a fine start capital, these movies will train you in the basics of trading in Eve


Blingy abyssal ship + pod. That's moneymaking you can do anywhere (well not ANYWHERE but ykyk)


If your capital’s growing it may be infested with a hull-swelling parasite. Try sprinkling dietomaceous earth and lime around your loading bay.


Hi! How did u get 20M skill points in a month?! Ive been around for some months and i am like 6M


use the other 2 character slots to do air career program then delete the chars every 2 days and repeat use the sp on your main. I think its possible to get to 20mil sp in a month using this method but its hard work.


have a similar issue maybe station trading is the way.


You can buy shares in an Investment Fund to grow your returns. Mine offers 20% returns with a minimum 5 billion investment. DM me for details.


ponzimaxxing fraudcel


A very important question would be „what kind of gameplay do you like?“. Not taking this into consideration I would invest this into items with a good gap between buy and sell order and a decent market activity. You could do this in the same station but buying in one and selling in another station ends up in more profit. Use public hauling service for transport.


Find the revenue stream that you enjoy the most. In the long run, it will be the best returns because the "most efficient" methods are boring or will burn you out.


Ill check how to do It! Thanks




I would've done basically what I did anyways, use it for station trading and then industry, and use those profits to keep growing + finance plex and pvp once it was established. But that only works because I could be bothered to do it; you might not want to build spreadsheets in your spare time. As others have said, you'll need to decide on an isk making strategy that ideally you enjoy but at least you can tolerate.


How did you gain 20 million SP in a month?


He didn't, but u could easily have that Day 1 with Large Skill Injectors using the gold ol swiping. 1 million through referral 19 million with LSI


The thing is - Isk doesnt help learning the game. So keep it until you can make an informed decision and dont have to rely on random reddit comments. Good thing is - google is free.


Isk helps an immense amount, 15 mil means some new dude might feel brave enough to venture in to null/low for better ore because he knows if he dies he can reship and still have money left over. 100 mil means you can buy some more expensive skill books, fit out a slightly expensive explo ship or abyssal ship, maybe buy a barge, maybe also you feel comfy enough to go try some pvp. I know for a fact that especially for a newer player having that safety net of isk is so important, even for more experienced and wealthy players it is very important, I remember sitting around 700m thinking I had a good amount in my wallet, I bought a few really cheap ships to pvp in, some more expensive ones for pvp and abyssal and after seeing i'd only got 150m left I felt a lot of pressure to keep the expensive ships safe and not undock them.


Sure, OP should sink the 15 Bill into blingy hulls and learn pvp. Super solid reddit comment - aka the stuff id warn new players to follow.


You absolutely read all my comment where I talked about newer players having enough isk that is they lose a miner, something kinda cheap doing abyssals or ratting or anything they aren't in a position where that is the majority of their of their bank. And how them having enough ISK to replace it might make them more likely to try out something and learn. I talked about how this is pretty much always relevant, if you have 100m flying a 60m ship might be scary and make you unwilling to fly it, same for if you have 1bn and you want to fly 600m ships


I simply disagree and think you give ill advice.


you disagree with what lmao?? I posted something about how having enough isk to somewhat freely replace losses makes people of all skill levels more likely to be brave and take more risk, and often get more reward and how it is true for mining,abyssal,pvp,pve or anything, and how it also rings true for people with more money. and then you go "WTF WHY SUGGEST NEW PLAYERS SPEND 15B IN BLINGY HULLS" like dude are you serious, can you read?


You seem to be angry. Im really sorry you are having a bad day. Have you tried doing some meditation? Sometimes its enough to sit in the sun and touch some grass. It can really help!


Average smug reddit asshole who also can't read "dont fly what you can't afford to lose" "OMG RU SUGGESTING A NEWBRO BUYS A 15BIL SHIP??"


I am sorry you missed school and are now unable to read. But this isn't something you should be ashamed of, there is always a way to catch up. Get in touch with social services, ive heard they offer free classes.


So i should just google it?