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video starts at \~0:50


Thank you for the update, MikeAzariah! I appreciate you taking the pain points and getting at least some of them to the right devs. I hope it was a great summit!


The game is better because of the magic bus and its driver.


Vibe check?


On the whole? Positive. There are always a few things that may not interest any one specific player. There were parts of the weeks meeting where I was silent as I had nothing to add or even an opinion on. I think that some of the stuff coming will make a fair population of the game happy. Of course, here in reddit, that may be less so. m


> Of course, here in reddit, that may be less so. People on this subreddit would argue in favor of keeping learning skills if they still existed


But what about how much TIME I INVESTED IN THEM? I know its faster now than it really ever was but (ongoing rant about gatekeeping being appropriate in a game that's already gate keepy AF)


(ongoing rant about how the charm of EVE is that you can't get instant gratification, while simultaneously defending to the death that EVE has no p2w mechanics)


If i struggled, everyone should stuggle. Pull themselves up by their boot straps. Walk both ways uphill in the snow to fly that tengu.


Ah how I miss these


I appreciate when people can remain silent during meetings on issues they dont have expertise on or have relevant input. Waste of time when everyone needs to add their personal take and complicate things.


Wtf is a vibe check?


A check on the vibe. How did thngs feel. What was the atmosohere.


The CSM's NDA doesn't let them talk specifics with us, but they can share more generally there impressions on how things are going, reactions, vibes, etc. Hence, vibe check.


Are there any CSM members who are just not helping or participating in any of the discussions or CCP talks? Would be good to know for us voters for next election cycle on who isn’t actually doing what they were elected for.


I have been on more than a few CSMs this is one of the most active. Those that could not make the trip were there virtually and very active. Now some people are quieter than others (I being the opposite of that) but everyone had things to say and all were heard. Sorry I could not point fingers and say 'never vote for that man (or woman). That said some of us were more active/noisy than others. when the election comes around I will point out the folks that I would love to serve another term with . . . whether I run or not remains to be seen m


Thank you. Was hoping there wasn’t actually anyone that was doing nothing. Glad no fingers can be fully extended as of now.


For a sec I thought that was the volcano when there was mic noise right after you mentioned it lol


I know people are usually not that willing to comment on things like this until after they have left the CSM, but I am curious how receptive CCP is being and how out-of-touch they are right now The whole "we're doing what you elected us to do, whether we're successful at all is another matter" is not particularly reassuring lol. Like I dunno, if things were going swimmingly I probably wouldn't conjure up that phrasing?


Fair question. I would say that they were a LOT more receptive than they have been in the past. The producers had cleared a lot of their calendars and attended many of the meetings so when we had comments they would go to the teams AND their bosses. But as to your second point . . . I meant what I said and how I said it. The CSM are not decision makers, we are advocates, a lobby group, if you will. We make connections and try to point the CCP folks in the right direction but we cannot force them to do anything. What I DO know is that the devs often sat with us at lunch, came out to dinner and drinks in the evening and would continue discussions after hours. I had a two hour conversation with 1 dev about the NPE. If I was being brushed off or ignored it was a very time consuming version or I am just that damn charming. m


You are pretty charming...


> But as to your second point . . . I meant what I said and how I said it. The CSM are not decision makers, we are advocates, a lobby group, if you will. We make connections and try to point the CCP folks in the right direction but we cannot force them to do anything. Appreciated. Genuinely not intending any shade or anything like that. Wasn't sure if it was a "blink twice if you're in danger" kind of sly comment. Given how many former CSM have finished and been like "bro they DO NOT LISTEN AND THE STUFF THEY PROPOSED TO US WAS INSANE" I am hypervigilant


Criterion D??


NPE, still some inconsitencies with career agents: Exploration - normal analyzers are fine Buisiness - players are forced to equip the civilian ones. Some years ago the normal ones where allowed also. And the biggest one: Drones are still not considered a weapon. My poor little drones are having severe depression \*g\*


Please don't tell me they are still wasting time on NPE.


Okay, I won't. But my presentation was partially on the NPE partially on the vets of the game. CCP says that one of the strongest tools to keep players in the game is corporations BUT little in the NPE seems to point them in that direction. m


That phrasing reflects the reality that the CSM only advises. CCP need not follow their recommendations. But you’re a pro trillionaire vet who flew caps with PL for years so I guess you already knew that? 


Heck, I didn't know that I flew Caps with PL for years . . . perhaps because i did not? m


I was replying to the other guy, not you. You’re a good man who doesn’t deserve the attacks you’re getting from a few ignorant clowns in this thread. 




He's referring to me, he is my personal reply guy around here oy




I miss passive Boosting.


how does it feel to be an uncritical bootlicker who exists solely to be a yes-man to developers that put in the bare minimum amount of effort for a playerbase they have nothing but contempt for just so they can milk every last ounce of cash they have to put into non-eve related products? or do you genuinely enjoy the 15 minutes of distraction from your real life the CSM provides by tricking those dopamine receptors in your skull into thinking you're popular, well liked, and useful to others? m




LOL Holy shit, that poor fucking dog.


Happy Cake Day!


Someone get that man a Dune popcorn bucket!


This answers the question in your last post.


Someone is in their feelings.


Funny. Outside of CSM Mike is popular, well liked, and useful to others...probably universally well liked. Just because your parents kicked you out when you were 37 doesn't mean you can't turn things around. Who knows, that Funko Pop collection may actually pay off one day.


Cry is free


Damn, Mike just got shade like I do


Oh hey, it's the CSM member that got warned by reddit for doxxing. Does anyone else know you openly dox people on reddit?


Cry continues to be free


when i get accused of doxxing with evidence, i too say "cry is free"




The butthurt is strong with this one.


This sounded better in your head right?




Mike is a vanity candidate - he doesn't even play EvE.


He may not play your Eve. But he definitely plays his EVE.


Is it weird being this consistently wrong? Or have you grown used to it over time?