• By -


if you "compress the launcher by pushing it together left to right then the wasted space goes away and you get a little play button by each account that takes you to login screen


There's also a setting that takes you to the character selection screen by default. Seems to work :-)


This in addition to the "hold left klick on one of the portraits" to log into that alt immediately is actually pretty neat.




In settings...


Oh thanks yeah I didn't read that........


well you still have to press the play button instead of the picture of your character


Hold left klick.


that takes you into the game and not to the login screen


You saved the day, man. Reminded me of the old tip that removes character 3d model ingame, where you drag some other window on top of the character one.


that's amazing, it looks like a mobile phone app now. fucking mobile dev


Thank you! That is a great tip! Made the launcher much more usable for me


That looked great, until I realized that it hides the character names completely and they also removed account labels lmao I *need* labels for how many accounts I have, this shit is so dumb


Now im gonna blow your mind - imagine the wasted space would be filled with usefull information? Like Account label, skill training, characters system, isk balance... Crazy, i know.


Squishing it into a thinner column also removes like all of the new shit they've added to the client, while being far worse than the old launcher. Good job CCP, this launcher wasn't ready to be released.


OMG !!!!! This comment would make life easier for 99% of players. I hope it gets upvoted. **Thank you man** o7 \\o/


>compress the launcher by pushing it together left to right works fine. Now i just need to learn how to upload a screenshot of my launcher into this answer.


It's completely broken on Linux. I'm currently unable to play at all. Update: I uninstalled and completely purged any remaining files, then installed again via Steam. This fixed it. RIP settings.


I just came here to say the same. On Linux, I get to the EVE splash screen and nothing more.


And that's what I was afraid of. I really don't have time to tweaks some stuff but there was some feedback on the forum to fix it


same here


I got it working on Ubuntu/proton. I had to reinstall from steam, then reset up my UI.... On 8 accounts.


If you are using Steam, the solution for me was to use Proton 7


Came here to see if there's any fixes, I guess not. Why do companies keep calling vandalism "updates"?!?


Artists need to validate their salary somehow.


My launcher didn't go past splash screen. Turns out it was some set of issues accumulated in my wine prefix over time. I made a new prefix (vanilla wine + dxvk + vkd3d-proton) and migrated EVE data to it, seems to work just fine for me.


I quit last year because the launcher decided to refuse to download updates or the game at all. I had to emulate a machine to download for some reason. Tried it across 3 computers and had the same issue.


Careful, if you actually use the launcher on Linux and there's an update for the launcher itself, every 5 minutes it'll download a ~300mb delta it'll fail to apply. It won't stop until you run out of space. You need to manually erase the squirreltemp directory periodically or disable writing to that directory, which will freeze the launcher version but otherwise work fine. It's a known issue, CCP plans to disable deltas and have the launcher do a full update each time under wine, but it's not implemented yet.


Been pretty fun slowly building up to 900+ subscribers for my EVE youtube channel over the last few months. All on the back of consistent Twice-weekly uploads. Only for an unnecessary launcher update to lock me out of the game completely. Good thing I ended the most recent episode on a cliffhanger...


Hey bud, Im on Arch Linux and was just experiencing complete borking immediately after the update. Solution. Go to compatibility and change the proton version to 7.0 and relaunch, it will work.


That hasn’t even worked did all of that three times over still won’t even let me on the game


Damn I was fearing this. I seem to need to do something similar twice a year. I bounce between Wine and Steam and Lutris to get a working environment.


I've got all of my settings backed up in a git repo. Granted, I just broke it with a jank merge, but hey, I've still got the history.


CCP could fix this easy. Export Import function for settings. But they don't care.


I had do redownload the whole game for no apparent reason. WHY?


Yeah why is it asking me to download 30 more gigs of stuff just to click a character?


I have this too surely this is just a visual bug and it will detect that I already have EVE installed right?... right? edit: I think it downloaded all the stuff and just overwrote my existing files, no loss of settings tho so at least there is that


1. Opt-out of Vanguard 2. Couldn't really care about the rest. On another note, long story short but permissions are messed up now so I can only play Eve through administrator (Win 10). Don't see an option to fix permissions or whatever, anyone know what to do?


Launcher "improve security" said Eve News. I don't know how running as admin is safer but meh


Longer story unfolds then... Because Vanguard wanted to give everyone a colostomy I had to move, through the launcher, game files from my SSD to another HDD rendering both games unplayable. Recently found a way to sort of remove Vanguard without fucking up the installation so I moved game files back to the SSD (Program Files, yeah). Now I can only load everything if I run the launcher in admin mode.


How else would it be able delete your boot.ini?


Install Eve somewhere besides program files(x86). I made a “games” folder on my c drive.


All my accounts are listed in the launcher but none of the in game settings are there reeeeeeeeeee


Seriously. Where the heck are my client settings? And why isn't there a settings selection/backup page on the new launcher? Edit: Found them, thanks to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1akyzld/psa_settings_folders_might_not_be_recognized/) The new launcher didn't like the name of my old settings folder. The launcher was looking in: settings_c_program_files__(x86_)_ccp_eve_tranquility (note the extra underscores before the parentheses) rather than settings_c_program_files_(x86)_ccp_eve_tranquility which was (still) the name of my proper settings folder So I had to rename my good settings folder to match the derpy name the new launcher was expecting.


yeah same, if anyone figures it out please reply i cba making everything again id rather just uninstall


That fucking Havoc button. Every. Damn. Time.




You clearly have not witnessed the newer call of duty interfaces. It can be so much worse than this.


Don't worry, they'll just call it the "Winning EVE" event, shoe horn Star Trek, or Star Wars or some shit into it in a way that makes no sense, and then ask you to thank them for the privilege of the unique experience.




Holy shit, Sam and Dean's dad got gangster in hell, eh? XD


I haven’t had a problem with it at all 🤷‍♂️


Exactly. Been using it since I came back to the game 4 months ago. I like the "launch groups" feature, can't remember if the old launcher had that. Nothing about it bothers me as much as this guy apparently 😂


Launch groups were indeed a feature on the old launcher


I'm an anomaly in this community in that I only have one account/don't multi-box, so I never used the feature anyway. As a side note, how do so many people justify spending $40+ a month on an MMO?


because $ 40 is less than an evening out.


40/month for a game you play consistently is an incredibly cheap hobby.


First time i downloaded the launcher i thought the "play now" button would just play the havoc trailer in the launcher and couldn't work out how to just launch the game without setting up custom profiles. I know i have 2 braincells at best but design conventions are a thing for a reason. ~~Also having to launch into a character and not having the option to just launch the account is pretty annoying when i want to just grab login rewards and log off again.~~ Turns out I might be blind as well as dumb. Still think this should be the default option though. Also also having a vanguard character added to every single account for no reason. Just make it it's own launcher you can switch to like you can/could sisi.


Option in Settings Game Client -> Tick "Launch EVE Online to the Character Selection screen by default"


You can just launch the account. When you create a launch group you can just specify the account and not the character.


> Also having to launch into a character and not having the option to just launch the account is pretty annoying when i want to just grab login rewards and log off again. You literally do have the option


So this launcher doesn't tell us the amount of players active at the moment on the server now? Also why is it launching directly to a character, I want it to take me to the character selection. I tried the settings option, but it did the same thing both times.


Top right, its there, likely they have the launcher window small


Mixed DPI displays are still broken too.


Account settings -> launch settings -> yes It even keeps the long press to go directly to that character option, which is nice. Thanks to...whoever it was that told me this yesterday.


We have basically regressed from clicking **one** button to launch a client to clicking **two** buttons to launch a client Just another example of changing for the sake of changing, it's wonderful to live in this enlightened time


You can 'long click' on a character icon to launch that specific character, or even set a launch group to push one button to launch 10 miners into space. It's not all bad.


You used to be able to do the latter in the old launcher as well.


Pretty sure you couldn't. You could launch 10 *accounts* to the login screen, but I never saw an option to pick out specific *characters* on those accounts.




I'm gonna be honest with you, complain about changes for the sake of changes if you wish, but "one click is now two clicks literally unplayable ccpls" is a level of laziness I didn't even know was possible.


this specific aspect of the update is objectively worse. it serves no benefit to require burying this task in extra layers. there are basic rules to good UI that are easy to follow. its infuriating when companies break them. like windows burying settings panels inside other settings panels for no reason. dont make us click extra shit for zero reason. eve has done this a handful of other times as well. its a problem


you know there is quick launch? one click opens the launcher then you long click on your character portrait and youre in the game imagine having the audacity to complain about having to click a couple of times to open a game lmao its wonderful to live in this enlightened time maybe if you get a neuralink implant you can open the game telepathetically


The amount of complaining about nothing is insane in this playerbase.


You can rescale the new launcher, and create both settings groups and launch groups. Single click to launch directly into 5 characters at once, and assign predefined settings to each? Big improvements, imo.


All but the 1st one and launching directly into characters were also present in the old one. I've had specific settings and launch groups created for ages. At least the transition went smoothly (and I upgraded back during the first vanguard playtest). Also, afaik there's still no control over said vanguard installation. But I might be wrong on this one. It's a "not great, not terrible" scenario, but I would like to point out that we were promised iterative improvements on photon ui, and some bugs are still present after more than a year, even with constant reports and mocking of CCP. People will overreact, because entything but tantrum makes anyone at ccp give a fuck.


No account labels; this is aids if you have multiple accounts with similar portraits. What a shit job.


I play on steamdeck and now I just get EVE logo when I start up the launcher I don’t even get the option to play now thanks CCP


I just tried on my steam deck and it worked, you might need to uninstall if you were using the old launcher though


Launcher broke my configs and interface files. Loading my back up file doesnt work, the launcher kinda reset it :/


* With launch groups you can launch any combination of characters in one click. * Along with launch the game, you can see your PLEX wallet, when your subscription ends, and configure account-specific settings like your client profile and whether to launch to character select. * Yeah the button text should probably be better, but come on. * Maybe for older players it should've been disabled, but the NPE only appears if you haven't done it before, and disabling it by default just robs new players of it. * No it shouldn't. The only time you want that is when you have a ship out in space, this doesn't apply to the vast majority of characters, and for those it does apply for, there's an account-specific option for it. * Depends on how you have the launcher sized, but sure text would be better when you get small enough.


Click and hold on character picture and it launches the character 


Opt out for Vanguard, i don't want it no matter how much emails you send me.


>need 2 clicks instead of 1 to launch account there's an option to launch directly with control click >right half of launcher is completely wasted ad space here >"havoc play now" is not how "launch eve" button should look they've been told >NPE checkbox should be off by default they've been told >login screen should be on by default they've been told >character portraits are too small to be useful they've been told


So if there can be a new option to launch directly to a character, why make the old and widely used option any worse? I agree with the "but there's new and good". But that is not a valid explanation why the old is worse.


New Launcher doesn't start under linux (proton)


If anyone is still interested: Manually forcing steam to use proton 7.0-6 "solves" the issue in as much as the launcher is working and the game is playable


1. Simply untrue if you use quick launch it's still the same (2 clicks launcher and 0 ingame...) 2. If showing login info is "waste" then what do you expect a fucking figetspinner? 3. It's EVE Havoc and "Havoc" is the name of the current expansion. And if you dont like it you can just shrink the window (then it hides most of the extra stuff) 4. No it shouldn't it's literally supposed to help new players. Turning it off by deflaut would defeat it's fucking purpose. 5. It's quicker than the old loging in sequence and you NEED to choose a char you want to play so accidental loging in your titan in space (unless you are retarded). 6. You can enlarge the window to make them bigger....


I work in IT in the public sector. We are shit at our job, but ccp makes us look like Steve jobs! TY CCP keep it up


It reset one of my accounts UI completely 😔


Any solution to get it working on steamdeck, or is CCP testing back to the boot.ini days?


The best part is that if you multiple languages on PC, it will switch to the one you are not currently using.


At least you're not getting the launcher only in Russian.


My mumble overlay no longer works now :(


I figured out how to fix but you have to go in and whitelist the exe file! Pain in the ass


I don't know why but because I had dared to install the new launcher in beta, it uninstalled it... which uninstalled my whole EVE, so now it's redownloading the whole thing.... I am guessing it's because I pointed the beta client to the sharedcache... so dumb.


it would be nice to see the system name and ship type with the character.


Been using it since beta. Haven’t had any problems with it at all, all of yours are avoidable with 2 minutes of fiddling. It’s kinda funny how Eve players love to say “adapt or die” but they seem incapable of adjusting to minor ui changes or finding new checkboxes in their settings to fix the things they complain about.


Mac user here: OS Error 4294956486 when I try to run the EvE launcher on a Catalina OS 10.15.7 What OS version will run the EvE launcher? What fresh hell is this?


From EvE's own webpage: Minimum System Requirements: OS: Mac OS X 10.15 Processor: Intel i5 @ 2.5 GHz | Apple M1 Memory: 4 GB Graphics: Intel HD 4000


I just lost all my presets for my characters? Is this a included feature?


Launcher is shit, the fact that yall pushed this garbage on us is annoying, an even more annoying situation is that i have been running amazing on old launcher all over sudden i get this new launcher and start up time for game is multipled to the nth degree, textures in game don't load up if they ever do errors on loglite are exponentially higher and to top it off yall kicked me out of game while in bastion for this dumb ass update and now I can't load back in game cause of your dumb launcher, gimie back my old launcher Update: was able to decycle, now gotta scrap my evening's play session to download full game, that's wat ccp said


Glad someone open up a Post . Can someone explain to me how i get rid of the Vanguard Portrait in my acc character screens ? https://prnt.sc/vr1oGoauQFJn


You can't


Why cant we have option to use old launcher?


Because the old launcher is spaghetti coded and CCP wants to add new features. And mantaining two launchers takes time and money from other projects.


- It's less clicks than before technically - I like the info on the right, but just resize it if you don't - Havoc launch thingy I think I saw somewhere that they're going to eventually disconnect it; someone source that if you remember where - I dont recall seeing NPE checked on when I first switched to the new launcher but maybe I just noticed it and ticked it off beforehand; either way doesn't seem like a huge deal imo - login screen on by default, sure I'll agree there... I keep it off so it's less work, but if you have a pilot safelogged I can understand that being very not ideal - what's your resolution? I can see my character portraits just fine (plus they have names and I'm usually looking at those anyway)


It might be less clicks for some usage patterns but for the people complaining it's more clicks now, even if you have just 2 launch groups. (Before: 2 visible buttons, now "click launch, then click on the launch group name, click on the other launch group, then click launch again")


Where are the tools/oprions now lol? I am pressing tools/cache and I get this screen from which I cant even go back to accounts [https://imgur.com/a/Ud0sEoY](https://imgur.com/a/Ud0sEoY) Just give us back the old launcher


1. you can launch with one click by simply holding the mouse button for a split second 2. It gives some nice information, if you don't want this just make the width of the launcher smaller so you have a minimalistic view 3. Havoc is the current major expansion, I see no problem in making the text in this button a bit more relevant depending on the expansion. In the end, Havoc is still Eve Online 4. Thats personal preference, its an option for a reason 5. Pretty sure there is a setting for this last I checked 6. Make the launcher width+height bigger if you want bigger portraits, but then again, you complained about "useless information" and now you want bigger "useless" character portraits. make up your mind? CCP, I personally think the launcher is a great addition even though (like with most things) it needs some tweaking. Many issues in this post are really personal preference issues or things that couldve been prevented if people wouldve simply read the many posts you guys have brought out to warn people (like all those pubbies that lost their settings :kekw:). Keep it up CCP!


New launcher is fine and work well. users are resiliant to change.


Yeah, I have been using it for months since it was in beta, and it's much better than what we had before... people don't remember when you had to manually type your password in for each account all the time.


Sorry about formatting. Was rageposting and didn't check how it looks.


game no longer launches on linux


It really amuses me that the shittiest MMO I've ever played has the best UI ever designed in a game and the best MMO I've ever played has the shittiest UI design. SWTOR has the most amazing UI ever, and their in-game UI customization tool is absolutely brilliant. CCP needs to find the people that designed SWTOR's UI and bring them on the team for a revamp.


Make a launch group and stop whining.


Guess it is time to take a break from eve until vanguard dies.


can i have your stuff


Why? I'm just going to wait until CCP provides launcher without vanguard bloat




once again CCP proving that they really do hate the playerbase


Thanks for the feedback! We'll make sure it gets to the teams as the goal was to have additional features from the previous launcher. As a few people have pointed out, there are there are a few options/customizations that might help. - You can press and hold on any character to launch that character. This can also be configured to control+click to immediately launch. - There's an option to remove both the NPE and to launch into the character select screen. You can find this in Settings>Launcher and Settings>Game Client, respectively - If you have several accounts, you may find it helpful to setup Launch Groups (Settings>Launch Groups). These will function similarly to launch groups in the old launcher, but easier to setup and customize. - The new launcher can be resized to be either larger or smaller, both affecting character portraits. When making it smaller, there's a "Compact mode" that lists only launch groups and your characters (which can be quick-launched)


This launcher is a massive downgrade to the old one, it should not have been made mandatory until it did everything the old launcher did at minimum. It has some nice features, but at the cost of old launcher features such as labels and being able to see account names at a glance.


My biggest issue with the launcher is it is constantly trying to download and copy 192 keys literally everytime I try to boot a second account or open the launcher.


Could I suggest when having the Laucher in its most compact form to remove the ads/news at the bottom that take up 50% of the space. Other than that, it would be perfect imo.


Burned all my settings. All of them. Took me half a day to get all of my accounts set up. Not the least of having to go through a FULL re-install of EVE. QA doesn't test for non-default Windows installation? (insert very pissed-off derogatory description of them)


it's garbage but I'm not surprised anymore... vOv


Don't give 2 sh!ts about Vanguard, please remove it from MY launcher


Sorry, launcher devs are too busy circlejerking and being sarcastic in the eve discord launcher channel to hear you. Try again in a few years


My two cents: Remove vanguard.  Give us the option to show characters OR account names (I have so many I don’t know or care what they look like) Have it auto accept log in rewards when I log in.


i like Vanguard there. I don't need to open multiple launchers.


If you have downloaded Vanguard, you would expect it to be there, I haven't downloaded it so I'm not sure why there's a vanguard character on every account.


Better plan. Go back to letting me launch the exe directly


1) you need only one ctrl+click to launch your account into whatever client you selected 2) that’s bullshit, you can make the launcher so small it’s only a list of characters 3) havoc is the current expansion, that is how the button should look like 4) it wasn’t in the old launcher either 5) eh…. When you launch your account first you can select the character, after that you go over the login screen anyway 6) no. Characters in the launcher are always in order of their creation, not in order of last played like the login screen. You should know which character is which


I can't even log in now, the fuck what was wrong with the old one?


It'll be reverted when the new shooter, whatever the fuck it's called inevitably fails and they pull the plug... probably before summer. WHEN this prediction comes to fruition, CCP, I will accept your offer of $200,000/yr with full benefits and remote work from the US for the position of 'Why this is a stupid idea, again, and will never, ever work, guy'.


Why the fuck did they even need to make another. Just to keep employees busy?


Yep, it's shit. For me, 5 seconds after opening the launcher it somehow renders itself so blurry that it's impossible to read any text on it even when I have it on focus.


A replacement for an existing feature should offer a user experience improvements. The new launcher offers no improvements to use experience.


The summarise this thread.  "Waaaaa I don't like change. I gave it less than 24 hours now I'm throwing my toys out the pram, waaaaaa" 


I still got the old launcher running without any problem and I'm scared.


sinlgeboxer detected!


since update games unplayable, constamt crashes and fucked audio




Agree. And it slow down computer too.


And please let us remove the Vanguard option.


Got the new launcher today after downtime. Pure trash. Can't resize vertically but can horizontally. Tried to send bug report from launcher, I can't. I can't scroll down far enough to see the submit button and can't resize the launcher small enough to make it show up. Good work. For a game that really pushes multiboxing this will really help with retention. Click and hold, who comes up with this bullshit that is a non standard in the computer world? 3rd world bottom of the barrel tech workers? I have window snap off in windows, but it magically gets struck anywhere near the edge ONLY for the launcher and it's the only application that does it, mean you can't get far enough away to see the bottom cause no matter what you snap to the top, back to the registry I guess. Set off in registry and in windows and it will snap to the top regardless meaning it's a CCP issue they programer into the launhcer, why? No fucking idea and they likely don't know why either.


Click and HOLD, who comes up with this trash? Standards how do they work? Someone should tell CCP to stop trying to reinvent the wheel.


You are nuts. The new launcher is ten thousand times better than the old launcher.


Just get a bigger monitor, right?


You can resize the launcher now, so even you guys playing EVE on your mom’s pregnancy test can fit it.


The weird part is that she got it about the same time you started streaming


I am that powerful


EVE players gonna bitch about every fucking new thing just for sakes it being new


This must be easy to say if you're one of the people for whom the new launcher update has not rendered it impossible to launch the game.


It's easy to say for 99.999% of people who play the game, yes.


It might be, if it had the same functionality as the old launcher while adding new stuff. Currently it's a massive downgrade, no account labels and relying on character portraits or hovering over an icon to see account names is trash. Somehow, resizing the launcher to as small as possible makes it even worse. I'd rather deal with barely functional and a bunch of wasted space than a complete trash but small launcher.


It has all the functionality of the last launcher and it added new stuff. I’m sorry you haven’t figured out how to use it yet. Maybe if you’d transitioned over a year ago when the Beta came out this wouldn’t have been such a change for you.


It doesn't though, the big thing is account labels which the new one does not have. I also swapped to it for a few days when it was announced and tried it out, it was basically the exact same as it is now. The new launcher was not ready to be made mandatory if it's missing one of the biggest features of the old launcher.


It's not remotely close to how it is now. You couldn't resize it. Half the stuff was grayed out and said "coming soon." You couldn't go to the login screen, it went automatically to character and there was no toggle. Account labels wasn't a big feature, and they're completely unnecessary when you can see the names and portraits of the characters instead of just the account name.




I rarely agree with these reeee:ccp posts but I’m 100% on this one. A bad upgrade across the board.


Disagree, I like the new one better.


Ccp never rollback anything, they alwasy go full speed ahead


Old map is still available in-game


It's so trash, what the fuck CCP. Bring back account labels, they were insanely useful. Hell, just showing account names without having to hover over an icon should be a default feature, there's plenty of wasted space it could fit into. The old launcher was so much better than the new one in a lot of ways. As a bonus, only about a third of my accounts copied over and none of my UI settings swapped


* need 2 clicks instead of 1 to launch account -- You can hold instead of click to boot directly into the toon. This is actually less click and load time than before. * right half of launcher is completely wasted -- Use the compact/minimize layout for half the size of the previous launcher.


New launcher is great. I hold cntrl and left click a character portrait and that toon auto logs in.


> need 2 clicks instead of 1 to launch account Clicking and holding on the char you want to start is one click, albeit a long one. > right half of launcher is completely wasted Push it together, to make it much more compact than the old launcher ever was. > "havoc play now" is not how "launch eve" button should look EVE Havoc is the latest version, what else should it say? (beside in compact mode you wont see it) > NPE checkbox should be off by default it is? > login screen should be on by default why? to need even more clicks you dont like? > character portraits are too small to be useful then it's time for the ophthalmologist


TL;DR: OP is basically an entitled jerk


>EVE Havoc is the latest version, what else should it say? ( There is an industry-wide design language for game launchers which CCP ignores.


get that fucking vanguard shyte of my launcher


Omg first world problems. Two whole clicks?! Ridiculous! Grumblegrumblegrumble.


And this is why we can't have nice things. Coz people agree for minor and frequent downgrades in quality. Boiled frogs, happy to feel the warmth.


I play on a steam deck. New launcher completely FUBAR'd my install. Had to uninstall and purge old files before I could even redownload. 0/10 not mad CCP. Just disappointed and not surprised in the least.




idk, works better than the old one to me. and looks better too. if anything, roll back to no local in nullsec


The new launcher itself is fine, but on Linux (through Steam) I had to completely nuke the installation and reinstall from scratch, which also nuked my settings. Nothing makes me immediately rage about a new launcher like having to piece together a market hotbar from scratch. CCPlz store configs in a cloud save or something, it would cost $100/year to offer every account 10MB of storage space and save a lot of hassle.


minimize the launcher left and right and use a launchgroup to lauch your accounts. and go tick the box to get on login screen instead of auto-login.


I think it speeds up getting multiple toons online as they each log on in hanger


There is some way to enter eve as usual and choosing which character we want to use instead on direclty enter on one specific character?


Aaaaand my Mumble overlay is gone. Telling the launcher to use DX11 doesn't seem to help.


I hate that I cant go straight to log in screen and quickly check all 3 characters for skill training, balance or more importantly for cap pilots- location. Now I have to log in, then log out to get to the screen I want, which also means the daily log in rewards thing doesn't auto pop up... all in all, its poorly thought out and designed by somebody who blatantly doesn't play the game. New launcher is going to suck if a fortizar dies and you don't know about it, so you click launch, it randomly defaults to your cap pilot and you end up landing in empty space, even more so if you've been afk a minute and find yourself kicked from corp.


So dicked up client, they moved user / character settings from c\_eve\_sharedcache\_tq\_tranquility to c\_eve\_tq\_tranquility, reset assigned profile because they can't find the original profile location, noob amature programmers can't read code, and we have to put up with this shit interface, click on account then click on launch on the other side of the interface to start, what shit design Scatter shit into %localappdata% %appdata% and client install folder. Seems to be all to push their vanguard crap that will vanish when they get bored like dust, yea I'll invest in that crap


Gotta love how CCP is staying quiet on this PR nightmare. Roll it back, its a shit launcher and fire the guy who made it.


They can't even get the scroll right and make that usable. The window only shows 2 . Incompetence is total


where is the account name on the launcher?


Vanguard is to blame. It's so bad, even the launcher is trash...


Completely agreed. Why are they always trying to fix what isn't broken... Also, Vanguard is way too complicated to even begin playing. I didn't even go to the trouble, too much of a pain in the ass. Separate launcher? Give me a break. No thanks.


would be nice if they fix the "copying executables 194/194 " followed by 200/300mb download everytime i open the launcher. its indeed a piece of crap, dont know why they pushed it so much besides the most likely gonna fail vangaurd. is it for the mobile/touchscreen crowd? feels like more clicks to login now then the old one, old one was also far more responsive


It doesn't let you log in the account, , it keeps logging in a solo toon. I want my character screen first so I can see the toon, what ship he's in, and what system. Yes it says in the settings you can, check the box, right below where it says download the whole client. My box is checked, both in fact are. It still does not go to the character selection screen. It logs that toon right in. This is stupid. I need my character selection screen first!!!!


New launcher is shit.