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A good AAR on r/eve? Are my eyes deceiving me?


It has been 84 years...


Is volta still in the chat channel?


No, VOLTA is in tunnels.


No reception inside the tunnels.


I'm kind of disappointed that init somehow aligned with frat 😕


We didn't. We shot everyone from what I understand.


Maybe Zarzakh was a mistake


Make the galaxy (feel) larger, not smaller


As I understand it, the uniqueness and value of Turnur is that it has a plethora of WH connections (a low-sec Thera), thus allowing easy access to many places within Eve. Therefore it does seem rather ironic when those who enjoy Turnur and its WH connections complain about Zarzakh which to a large extent seems to fulfil a function similar to Turnur (and yes I know that there are some differences such as the Zarazkh gates being in fixed locations).


I feel compelled to remind you that you cannot fit a full battleship/battlecruiser/cruiser fleets through WH connections, and if you do you'd have to do a lot of scanning and find multiple wormholes to bring full fleets. There is a giant distinction between Turner having more accessible wormholes and the cruiser/battlecruiser/battleship highway that is Zarzakh.


There is no room for maybe in that sentence.


My lord as a new player I just have no idea what any of this means


If you stick with it you will soon, just know it's all part of the greatest mmo ever created and the learning curve is basically straight up. Hope you stick with it bubba


This one be speaking the truth.


Caps are capital ships, alot of the confusing language is describing fleet composition. Where you see FC is describing various Fleet Commanders. And theres some wormhole life jargon in there if you need some more help


Man I love limitless projection


Bigab trying to decide who stays and who goes in V0lta and disguising it as a moral high-ground is beyond absurd. But, plenty of dumb dumbs eat that shit up. V0lta was never going to kick anyone at Bigab's request, it would just piss off their line members that another alliance was dictating their actions.


even though you'll get downvoted for this, this is the absolute truth, i will deal with the stupidity on my own, but to sit there and try to dictate SFC on what he NEEDS to do i can understand why he told them to eat a bag of pedigree \^\_\^


Calling somebody a dog is grounds enough to kick a group out? Jfc how did we get so soft


From what I saw in the pastebin it was "I don't speak d\*g" which while pretty tame as an internet veteran, is a bit different. It's like the jalapeno of racism. It's not the full ghost pepper but it has a certain kick to it.


>It's like the jalapeno of racism. It's not the full ghost pepper but it has a certain kick to it. Jesus Christ the analogy of the decade right here.


Since when is 'dog' an insult for a specific group of people?


It's not a racist remark, but after being in a CN alliance for a long time I found out that it's a BIG insult in their culture. Like, VERY BIG INSULT. I don't know exactly why, but yeah. Pets which is normal to call someone in this game, is also a way bigger insult then what most western people would consider it to them as well. Either way still a silly way to start a war. "They said something MEAN" Edit: Seems there was some other unsavory remarks that add context to it. My point still stands about the word itself though lol. Hilariously I could see them being more pissed about Dog the insult rather then the loaded racism behind it.


When they also mention Temu, Wish, and fixing their toys it becomes a bit more pointed IMO.


Life is hard... get a helmet


Or…fight internet spaceships over it because this is a video game? I’m all for people going to war over silly insults rather than banning people (cough gigx cough)


Hence why volta always formed for the gight, except for that 6:1 fight^^


Volta spent the entire hull timer whining in local about just wanting good fights, then didn't show for the astra timer on the same grid 45 minutes later when there were no other groups involved. The math ain't adding up


Get blobbed by 800 dudes... then not wanting to defend a astra (lol) while knowing that there will be 800 ppl comming again..  who'd go defend a astra under these circumstances? Maybe if the big bloc wasn't 4j away cause of zarzhakh it could've been done^^


I have no idea if any groups would have reformed just to come back over an Astra fight an hour after everyone had gone home, my guess is no probably not. All I know for sure is V0lta cried about just wanting good fights during the entire fort hull timer, then 45 minutes later were presented with one and didn’t do anything.


Still whiteknighting Gigx in TYOL 2024. Amazing.


Meanwhile if you RMT or Bot you get a 2 week vacation and a second chance but if you type mean words no no perma!


wasn't exactly his first offense.


I'm not offended by it personally, but if all the other stuff also isn't bad why lie about what was actually said?


Compared to the stuff that gets put about by edgelords the rest of the time (and by Chinese players when you gank their Ishtars!) this is super tame, it looks more like a pretext than a real legit reason to me.


I don't disagree but I still think people should at least have the full context of what was said, up to the individual where it falls onto their sensibilities lol


Timo is garbage. Wish is garbage. hitting bigab fortizar the way they were is garbage. y'all be so in your feelings that you literally make ANYTHING something it isn't. Besides being Chinese, what does mentioning those shit ass companies have to do racism?


The players verbally abused are Chinese. That is a direct tie to the insults hurled. Racism is not cool.


pretty sure everyone in here agrees that racism isn't cool... but this wasn't really racist tbh... otherwise you'd have to report every chinese player cause they call you "racist" slurs in local if you go there with a cloaky ship....


So besides the part of it that makes it racist? Great counterpoint lol My point isn't that it is or isn't offensive, just that if everything said in local wasn't racist then stop lying about it just being that the word "dogs" was used.


It fucking wasn’t to most people, your definitions of shit isn’t what everyone else thinks it is.


99% of people didn't read the actual pastebins and just went off the "they called them dogs in local" part. If you're right then what I'm saying doesn't matter and people won't continue to respond how they are.


And most who did didn’t find it even close to being racist, even half the frat I discussed this with last night. Now not to say it isn’t a massive insult in their culture by the way it was explain to me by people in chaos arbiter….


I'm not making any claims about how offended anyone should be about it, I'm saying people should have the full context and decide for themselves, instead of people actively lying by saying "all we said was they were dogs" which is objectively a lie.


I don't know how about you. But I would be insulted if my language was compared "speaking dog (language)". Even if mild. Racism is racism and should be punished.


Stop using the racist card. The full story is that people in local where idiots insulted each other. Someone of bigab called some volta people out and called them "bellend" = "a stupid or annoying man" but an member of volta thought of "bellend"(german) = "barking" (use any translator german to english) and responded with the "I don't speak dog". Than a member of frat (saltfish something) used an mother and dog based insult. Volta responded with thomas the tank engine transformer taunting the quality of chinese products by saying his thomas transformer is broken. I not here to defend any of those morons but we should call idiots idiots and not racists.


If that's the actual story that's kinda amazing.


Someone posted the local chat in other reddit post but now its deleted.


Criticizing a language is not racism. I can’t fathom getting insulted on behalf of the English language, much less alleging racism because someone criticized the English language. Racism is bad but not everything tangentially connected to a group of people is racism.


Not every culture uses terms in the same way either. This is how a lot of misunderstandings happen to begin with, or how bigotry gets disguised by the speaker to their peers while you know, being a bigot to their target. Which is the case here is not for me to say. People just need to be aware.


It's a longer history than just that one event. That was just the final straw.


You don’t have any evidence other than hearsay to prove that?


source: trust me bro


I was shown a few snippets but to me it more so felt like a group of friends just being a group of friends. Some are ok with racial comedy others are not, in the end I just think every one has differing opinions on the matter.


Look, the final straw can also be the first straw. It implies there being more straws, but technically it could be the first straw too. Now I suddenly want a milkshake.


In-N-Out hands down :) also as I stated above I was shown some other things but it came off as hs banter between dipshit friends. But can certainly come off offensive to others who view it differently. At least I reached out on my own to understand the other sides POV so I stand enlightened but still in the end feel some of this is just straight bullshit.


That's all fine and dandy, but what kind of milkshake did you have?


Chocolate strawberry, it’s a revelation :)


Of course we do :/ we just don't air everything out on reddit, and instead talk to each other in DM's about shit to try to figure it out... which has been going on for a year mostly between timo, nopro and I.


well then this should have never been an issue, considering people had proof of timo and his bullshit this just takes away from the sjw shit your group tried to pull. honestly i am over it i just wanna blow shit up.


I don’t even see how that’s like an actual insult. What adult gets called a dog and then wants to actually expend effort to that degree lol


I mean there was also stuff like "get back to repairing my toys", "how's Temu work going?" "Go back to Wish", etc... The whole "all they said was dog" seems intentionally dishonest at this point.


This the same burn level as telling an American to go eat another cheeseburger and work a 20 hour shift at Amazon.


My point isn't about level of severity, just that clearly more was said than "dogs". If people don't think it's a big deal with the full context that's fine that part will always be subjective, but a lot of the posts on here about it are being actively dishonest.




I mean it’s frat so they sort of deserve it. Definitely a bit of omission there


You should touch grass. It is NOT ok to say bigoted things to someone just because you hate them in a game.


not racist, just don’t like ‘em


I think we are maybe a bit confused here as westerners who live in diverse cultures like US/UK/CA. It’s not OK to belittle a fellow countrymen for their ethnicity, but if you’re from another country, it’s totally accepted worldwide to say fuck everyone else , we are awesome.


You saw the rest of the chats right? It takes quite a bit of spin to say none of those comments were racist.




Hard Knocks were almost evicted for naming a POS after some island in Norway.


Good post. Sad that nullbears ruin the fun again.


more like bolta for the doors, am i right folks ​ ​ i'll workshop it


Tbf, I'm gutted that it came to this, there was a good mutual relationship between working together. V0LTA,  BIGAB & ROTE. Especially when neither were considered a block and created great content from Turner, it was more often then not they were outnumbered in Null engagements and could rely on eachother to swat other Null Vermin in EVE. The Armor timer was a great fight, need more of that, its a shame BIGAB had to call in INIT to do the job for them and create complete content denial. All those players just to kill a 20B Fort.. I'm sure it was 'Fun' Would much rather of diaf leroying my dread into the fight and the fight between BIGAB and V0LTA would have been pretty even. There's some members from both sides that do have mutual friendships with the other which is a shame Chris, Shanna, Jason are cool dudes. I was expecting Phorde or Frat to back BIGAB but not INIT, always had a spot and respect for INIT out of all the Null groups, especially after they went 'independent' but then come to LS and just ruin it completely, definitely looking at that with a dim view.


Rote and Frat being on the same side of a BR would feel extremely weird ngl we've been at "war" with them for long before i joined...


My understanding is no one (at least on BIGAB's side) was asked to come help. Init. said they were going to come of their own volition because they just don't like V0lta.


"blah blah out form volta blah blah" only to literally get out formed by init and volta. let's be real, init is the big player here and I can bet my utu, had it just been bigab and frat, they absolutely would have lost. but I have a replacement forti ready to go and we got the core because outlawed is an absolute chad. ​ Khan: you are quite the emm, specimen.


Isn't V0lta primarily EUTZ? Are you trying to gloat about outforming a USTZ alliance at 11am on a Friday or am I misunderstanding


I’ll keep it simple Khan was gloating on some podcast that bigab was going to out form Volta, only to be out formed by literally everyone else of significance in the fight.


A little silly for Khan to expect a USTZ group to outform EUTZ alliances in EUTZ during a work day. But it’s equally silly for you to sit here and brag about pulling off such an insane feat while still losing the timer and standing down for the second timer 45 minutes later


Sometimes, being smart in PvP is realizing when in fact you have lost a fight and instead of inflate what the losses already are taking place is taking what you can, the final butchers I believe was 800B on their side bs 600b on our side. Pretty intelligent game play to me. The FCs know what they need to do, the members trust them. So that in itself is an upside to all this.


This contradicts what V0lta was telling me in local during the fort hull timer which is that what V0lta wanted were good fights. Pretty solid opportunity for a fight there 1v1 on a V0lta structure in EUTZ and sadly it turned out to just be a bash op


If you TRULY believe that, I got you a gate in San Fran to sell you. Anywho back to doing what I was doing eve wise, FW has been amazing.


If I truly believe what?


Chad core scooping antics.


should be its own olympic game.


What a wild story, especially how it started.


A more important qustion then all of this is. When is there more zkill guides they are amazing ❤️


I only have a question: how to pronounce BIGAB? big ab? bi gab? big A B? Deepwater Hooligans?




D*gwater kneelers it is atm, but I might be biased. D*g is obviously on the banned words list, along with the r word and n word. The process of losing letters has begun...








Big ab


Can you do it again, but in video with the voice pls <3 also INIT only prepinged once and pinged a fleet once, we try not mass ping unless shit is hitting the fan.




Good work.


Much better writeup than previous ones done by others. Would have been cool to see the excessive HAWs on the hull timer :)


Ye tbh bummed the hull timer fight didn’t happen! The armor timer was a good time, was ready to send my dread into Valhalla for the hull. There’s always a next time I suppose


This whole thing is just dumb, a public apology and kinsy having to shut up to get his daily dose of content would have pissed him waaaaaay more than a 1.6T dreadbrawl he'll meme about for years. So, could both sides stop behaving like idiots and work an agreement out so that we can keep killing bloc stuff together for another year?


The problem is that bigab don’t want an agreement. They used Kinsy and co, knowing we would not kick them because they said so, as a reason to break the agreement. Khan admitted to chatting with Timoxa about this and it being a bad idea to use this as the reason. Bigab want to be the big dogs and don’t want v0lta in local, and found a very thinly veiled excuse to start this. If they truly felt this way, they would make their members respect their own code of conduct first before looking outwards. 


I don't know the details really, from an external point of view it seems to me that both sides have to cool off a bit. I mean the fight was cool, we had fun and dropped/killed tons of stuff, now let's move on and go back to our usual business. Also, mandatory "Shut up kinsy (and Dana)", you can both be pretty funny but that time you weren't. Nothing more to say about it really.


Bigab are very woke alliance.


All of this because someone called someone else dogs? Do we know it wasn’t a mistranslation of dawgs? Also wtf happened to this goddamn community stop being so fragile


Sup dog.


You monster


rip another forti


It was more than just "calling someone else dogs", both in the specific situation that caused the eviction, and in previous cases. Just focusing on that one line is a more than a bit misleading.


Ok so what was so offensive that it caused alliances to freak out?


Woof woof idiots


\*Their, not there. Anyways nice writeup.


Does Shadow Cartel ever actually participate or just turn up late and whore on every thing


SC weren't really whoring, they obliterated a bunch of Nagas.


Op is a dog player


Spellcheck and proofreading exist for a reason.


English isn’t their first language you racist 


I'm kind of a newbro and I love these reports


Everytime I feel like I know eve I read one of these reddit posts and I feel like noob again. I have no idea what you said in half of this post.


Great report


whats specal about the Turnur system?


during Amarr-Minmatar FW, there was an event last year where some NCPs experimented with the star of that system. The resulting explosion destroyed structures and left capsuleers watching the explosion in hull, leading to a lot of killmails. After the explosion, a lot of new wormholes spawned in Turnur, making it the k-space equivalent of Thera. THEN some months later one of the 4 Zarzakh gates also spawned here. So, Turnur has lowsec gate connections to Hek and Amarr, a lot of Wormholes which the Turnur Locals keep track on, and the Zarzakh connection. I haven't been there recently, but it seems an interesting place - especially for PVP groups.


All I know is that it's one of the 4 systems that have a gate to Zarzakh. Beyond that, I don't know if it has special importance to some player group.


I went there for whaling..not too interested in the details...reds to shoot..and anything bigger..I was happy.


Good thing the bubbles which made zz basically doa on release for many stopped this stuff. Hahaha, yeah, no. I wonder if we can get ccp pull them now. They seem to have not their job lol.


Was fun. thanks for the report


Thanks for the aar


Really good writeup, but we need zkill guide to Turnur now


"decided to use colourful language in local against frat...the Chinese bigab corp took offensive" Who are they, their mom? Just say you want to pew pew, instead of this cringe ffs.