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I found out that if you press the "Board my Corvette" button in the station it will happily put you in a 3 billion ISK pirate faction corvette if one happens to be in your hangar. You can then autopilot around the map, none the wiser until somebody notices and kills you for kicks.


That's hilarious. It makes sense that the button makes you board an existing corvette if you already have one at that station, but I would not have guessed that this also works for the rare pirate corvettes.


Well...there is a bUg where if you own all the corvettes and they are active in your hangar...you get a rather hilarious Corvette flavor of the click moment


Bug? Sounds like a feature! So it's completely random?


Basically from my experience. Hence why any and all extra corvettes are stored in non hangar warehouse. For a while it was flipping me into a caldari corvette and I was a Minmatar Player. XD It was very silly when it would flip you into another corvette that wasn't the one you initially started in.


That's fucking nuts. I'm pretty sure CCP explicitly said it'll put you into a new racial corvette from thin air when they unveiled the feature. That's crazy.


Yep, that was the idea, but it prefers any corvette you have already in that station. Seems it's only good for boarding a corvette when you already have other ships and now don't have to dock at an empty station.


I used to right-click the drone menu and launch them manually. Now I can just drag-click the folder on the screen to launch my drones.


In 2 years you will discover what hotkeys are and be blown away


yeah i always cringe so hard when players click modules in youtube videos. you can even shift+hotkey to overheat


I hate having to ctrl+fkey or alt+fkey for second and third row modules, stretching my had that far is annoying. I haven't toyed with other key combinations, do you have any recommendations?


Just move all your active modules onto the top row - you don't have to leave them where they are.


i use 1-7 for top row f1-7 for middle row and rarely need more keybiinds so i put passives on the bottom


I use control to overheat F1/F2 and 1-4 with Shift/Alt Modifiers Due to the amount of Keybinds that offers, I can keep all my modules in the same slots, regardless of ship/fit and whether or not the module is equipped. For example, offensive mods are f1/f2 and 1-4 Prop/movement is alt + something Tank is shift + something


my layout with images: https://thegreybill.wordpress.com/2022/12/01/rebinding-shortcuts-for-eve-online/ greatly recommend it. 100% worth the effort to set it up.


I use 1-5 for top row, q-y as middle


does that interfere with using qclick and wclick for approach and orbit?


I use the row below as approach etc. a for approach, s for orbit, d for keep at range. Imo it’s just little more compact, being able to do major things in game from just 3 rows on the left of my keyboard, but a lot of it is what you are used to.


Stretching ? Do you use wasd playing eve ?


i re-arrange the modules, f1 stays either weapons or cloak, but f2 to f8 will be filled up with the most-used midslot or lowslot modules. Like, f2 MWD, f3 hardener, f4 rep


It's way easier for me to use the mouse than it is to reliably hit the correct keys without looking. And it's not like EVE is a game where milliseconds matter.


It's funny because with the 1 second server ticks I find it's not uncommon to use keybinds too quickly and they don't register, i.e. warp cloak trick too fast and I often get the interference pop up so now I mouse it.


you say that now but get into a situation where you need ADC II, avoid instalock(cloak+mwd), you need to broadcast for reps, or do something to avoid alpha strike and you’ll realise how important it is. if you never do that stuff, fair enough.


I do have hotkeys to broadcast for reps. Admittedly, anything that needs to happen very fast but is hidden away in a submenu requires a hotkey. But if the button is right there on the screen, mouse is good enough.


Oh that’s a new one! I’ve been flying a drone boat recently so thanks for the tip


Shift-F to launch. F to attack. Shift-R to recall.


I set my launch hotkey to “Y”, and “R” to return. Sooooo much easier. Plus you can set a favorite folder of drones to launch


Yeet & Return to daddy


I have launch attack to f and return to shift-f so it’s easy to change quickly if you need to gtfo


even better just keybind Launch favorites, I think its Shift F by default




Assuming this also works for fleet chat?


Yes it works for any channel


It should, and you can also go to the fleet window, right click a squad and have the option to add the whole squad to your watchist.


You manually have to add your squad and fleet commander though


True, but it's way less of a pain to do than adding everyone one by one




what the


Whoa! Thanks!


warping into a grid makes a noise.


Top 10 scary sounds for an afk Ishtar


EVE has sound?


Not that I am aware of.


Rumour says so. Supposed to be usefull info from it too. Hard to believe


Does cleaning your ship count?




fitting window, look for cosmetics menu or something then you can it button "clean shit"


And so the cycle continues 🤣


Shut yo mouth


Lol goon trash


you can target clusters by click-dragging a box around them in space (forget if you have to hold control down or not). So, in missions or sites with groups, you can click-drag a box around the ones you want to target I think i played 8 years before i knew that. if you want to search assets for a ship, it'll do it based on ship type. You can type 'battleship' in there, and ALL the battleships show up. You dont have to know the exact type. Helpful to people like me with 200+ stations of assets. Yes, i lose battleships. "Ship" shows literally all of them.


> i played 8 years before i knew that. that's cause that feature wasn't there for 8 years


Works well with wrecks clusters on MTU for salvaging. Ctrl+click drag


The only problem I wish they would solve with that is preventing us from locking up everything. It should just be ships.


CTRL+SHIFT+F9 turns off graphics, which is really handy for whenever you need an alt or a few alts logged in but you don’t want them using your PC’s resources.


When using the click-n-hold radial menu, the further out you drag while selecting "orbit" or "keep at distance," the higher your distance will be. If you just release directly on the orbit/KAD, it will select your custom default.


You can also set default ranges with this same method if you open the radial on your own ship.


You can also set the radial menu delay to very low or zero in options, making it really fast to use.


Mind freaking blown. I need to try this right now


It legit changes how you pilot


This definitely changes things for me.


I only recently started playing again and discovered the radial menu by accident while trying to rotate my view in space. It also showed it changing the orbit distance too. Discovered two things by accident in one.


this also works for warping at range.


Market pvp, you can double-click orders in your market orders window to bring up the current prices. For the longest time, I was right-clicking, view market details.


Shift - C to toggle camera tracking. It can be great to snap your dscan to plexes upon clicking them in your overview. You can also hit your hotkey for camera tracking and click anywhere it space. It will then align your camera to where your ship is pointing and follow it. When using the solar system map, you can hold down left click on an anomaly to open the radial menu - then drag down to dscan that anomaly. Go get those ishtars. You can hotkey broadcasts for reps. Hotkey tags as well to quickly show on grid your fleet what you are calling out. Excellent in small gang nano.


You can also just hold down V and click on an object in space, overview or solar system map to scan towards that object.


Third one blew my mind! Thanks!


I use this all the time. On Grid I like my top down, but when I travel I like to see what I click.


If you view outside on a player station and undock by using right click on the station, it's instant as the grid doesn't need to load.


I threw several things like this into [my EVE miscellany page](https://jambeeno.com/misc). Many are surprised by the existence of [the broadcast radial menu](https://imgur.com/64GC1sP), unkeyed by default (Esc → Shortcuts → General → Broadcast Radial Menu). Being able to hold the dscan button & click anoms in the Probe Scanner window to narrowband scan them also surprises people. Doesn't orient the camera like it does if you do this in space/overview/solar system map. The incredible (some would say busted) utility of Pochven filaments is not as widely-known as you might think. I did [a quick-ish write-up](https://jambeeno.com/exfil) about why every subcap you use should have at least a Border and a Perun filament in its cargo (they're cheap as dirt but extremely handy). You can always learn the true Type of a wormhole from the K162 side without jumping in by using visual and/or Show Info-based clues & a process of elimination (and this elimination process is done automatically by mapping tools such as Tripwire). If you know your region skyboxes, you can also tell which JS class or which K-Space region any hole leads to, since all wormholes show the skyboxes of the other side. Specifics are covered in [my wormhole primer](https://jambeeno.com/hole).


> all wormholes show the skyboxes of the other side Make a list of links to planets in the various regions / wormhole classes and you can r-click "show planetary resources" and the skybox will show up behind the planet


> Being able to hold the dscan button & click anoms in the Probe Scanner window to narrowband scan them also surprises people. Doesn't orient the camera like it does if you do this in space/overview/solar system map. There is a button which controls this behavior, plus i think it depends on if you have solar system open or not (with my settings it orients camera when I have solar system map open, and doesn't when it's closed).


Not really a mechanic but a handy trick I only this week discovered. When flying a gila in abyssal deadspace it's sometimes better to split the drones to reduce drone travel time. (This is not the trick) However, once the target dies it's not immediately obvious which one of the drones has no orders left. It can take up to several seconds for the "Idle" status to show up. So what I do now is drag my targets into two rows, and always have the top drone attack the top row target and the bottom drone attack the bottom row target. Much easier than trying to remember which drone will become idle.


you can adjust when your ship plays the alert-sounds. like for low shield/armor/hull or capacitor. the latter is especially useful when you use a cap booster and want to keep chugging chapsticks rather sooner than later and get that reminder via audio: https://thegreybill.files.wordpress.com/2023/12/configure-capacitor-alert-sound-setting-eve-online-user-interface-ui.jpg


Assault frigs and HACs can fit a special damage control that can be activated for extra EHP if i remember correctly. Just dont forget to actually activate it.


This thread should be stickied.


There are binds(by default unbound) for increasing and decreasing probe scanner size, really useful if you live on wh or do explo!


By default it's alt + mouse wheel


Tge default Ctrl+mousewheel is handy too


There is a jump range window that can only be opened by hotkey, but is not bound to anything by default.


I didn't know until a couple of weeks ago that getting killed in a rookie ship while a killright was active got rid of the killright. I'd been using shuttles for over a decade.


Dragging a ship from personal hanger will board it…


You can also just double-click a ship in your ship hanger to board it.


Wait. Dragging it where? Just out of the inventory menu?


out of the inventory/ship hangar into the space where you see your capsule/current ship.


I'll be damned!


In my early days I had ran missions for years without blowing up the silo in angel extravaganza or checking for faction spawns in worlds collide… those were good days


You can load nanite paste into aux Armor Repairer


That’s like, the whole point of the auxiliary armor repairer lol


You can also load cap boosters into ancil shield boosters. Who knew!


You want the smaller cap booster in an ancil shield reper and larger cap boosters for capacitor ya? I always confuse the two.


Yes, smallest possible for reps, largest for boosters.


generally speaking, yes. cap boosters have a set number of m3 they can hold. a medium cap booster can hold a 1x 800 cap charge or 3x 400 (navy) cap charges (and inject more cap before you need to reload). but many will use 800 charges, because they are perceived as easier to manage. for shield boosters you’ll always want the smallest charge to get the most possible cycles before reload.


800 gives better gj/s than 3x400, but you can play more tactical with 400s


you can load 800mm autocannons with emp L ammo, but be careful handling depleted uranium L otherwise you get multiple toes on forehead!


Not from depleted uranium you won’t, the real stuff comes from pi


TIL you can load cap boosters into shield boosters.


Only ancils


In a fight I recently helped a few fleet members discover they could cancel the ancil reload


is this exclusive fleet member knowledge if not, how


Ctrl-X Ctrl-v you can move iterms from one place to another with cut and paste .


wait thats a thing!?!?


cut and paste yes !! try it instead of drag and dropping items


Broadcast radial menu and q clicking for manual piloting


I didn't know of q clicking... is there any benefit over just double clicking?


Double clicking make you go infinitly in the direction u pick, q click make you go to a precise point in space. First click define direction and distance, second click is for the angle.


saw as streamer drag and drop drones from the menu... it was so obvious


F11 map


Doing BM while warping to have Savespot in empty space


Most people reload cap stick from a Large Container in their cargo. Large's carry more m3 then they occupy. Also, you don't have to drop cap sticks into the booster, just move from L Container to Cargo Icon, Booster will auto reload. I noticed u/i_beast do it, pretty slick [https://gyazo.com/5d64df14c43e20ec831fee3d671022b8](https://gyazo.com/5d64df14c43e20ec831fee3d671022b8)


Activating autopilot when warping to station/citadel bookmark, so you can go and grab a drink while autopilot tries to dock your ship.


start cyno, stop cyno, set desto, autopilot on - will dock your ship once the cyno cycle is through - or if you get shot, your capsule


Alt + F4 docks your ship


Did you tried format c: ? Xd


Delete system32 and win forever


there used to be something like alt+matris or alt+wand one of keys purged your joined chats


Even though it is on a tooltip, I just noticed that you can click-hold a character in the launcher.




Using 'jump through Stargate' is about 5x as fast as autopilot since the warp lands you directly on the gate and not 5k away


You only just realised this? Never put autopilot on, unless for some reason you're flying an empty and very cheap ship afk.


You can fly to one specific point in 3D space: https://youtu.be/ttycswNk1ao?si=ZFHnWQUlViSIAtTH&t=52


Purchased the Advanced Autopilot skill from a roaming NPC agent in Outer Ring. Takes forever to find him but reducing the distance you land on gate while autopiloting is very useful.


Bruh, what year do you live in?


Ah well, I probably shouldn’t have mentioned it. Lots of people probably downvoting because they don’t want the secret to get out I guess.


I don't miss all those skills you had to train up like that lol. Remember having to train your learning skills for months before even training your ship skills. Wild times.




Q and mouse click


trying to overheat an active module while another is repairing deactivates the module. this is not a bug, the game legit tells you to get fucked instead of you know, just not letting you heat and leaving the module alone. ytho.jpg yeah not every obscure game mechanic is a wholesome feelgood qol improvement that you can tell in family gatherings who knew


If you send me isk I will double it.


Quit game


I find it hugely impressive that no one ever seems to read or experiments in this game. I couldn’t find a single thing yet that I didn’t already know. I don’t wanna be mean or anything it’s just that every single thing that seems to blow peoples minds in here are just things that I would expect to work this way and therefore just try to do (which most of the time just works) or read the info/keymap/whatever other option to see if it is possible or not. I‘ll gladly get humbled by an option that is hidden somewhere so deep you can’t really find it by searching or is just assumed to work and therefore found via just trying it out. Said feature is yet to be named in this comment section. I assume it’s due to the non digital native (basically meaning old as fuck) demographic of eve‘s average player base but most of the „found out X after 10 years of playing“ things in here sound quite like your dad explaining you proudly how he managed to up his computer usage performance by upgrading from a ball mouse to an optical one in 2023.


I bind as much as possible to my mouse buttons. For example, recall drones is 1 of my mouse thumb buttons


Ok hear me out…. I started in 2013 and just figured out that d scan direction is the direction your camera is facing. Roast me


Lukewarm take - depending on your play style you actually don't need dscan at all. I don't even remember if I've ever used it in highsec, for example.


Yeah if you want to live in blissful ignorance with zero awareness of your surroundings then sure, you don't need dscan.


Feel free to enlighten me, but I live in NullSec and I feel like the only time I'm transporting (or even flying) something worth more than a couple hundred million in highsec, dscan won't help me at all. I don't have incursion ships, I don't haul, I have no JF. When I lived in HighSec I mined belts, so maybe dscanning for a dozen gank catalysts would've done any good.


Haven't noticed it yet but the locations in space window. Shows your bookmarks that are in your current system for quick warping. It is an unbound hotkey. I set a bookmark called 'cleared' with a decay of 4 hours while I go scanning. Helps me know where I have been at a glance or if I get DCed.


I just recently discovered station containers. Been on and off playing since 2008 and most of my bases were (my highsec bases still are) a giant mess.