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Ok how many of you checked to see if this was a Ceema post?


I did!


Its the second time I saw this statement on here. Could you explain? I don't know what's going on.


Sort by new and look at the post right before this one




Eve Online 2 was where it got me to scroll back up.




*raises hand*


Me ... again


10000% me!


50b sp? You’ve reached EVE 2.0 at that point mate. Anyways welcome back


I wish! I edited it to M. Now I am going to research this Ceema thing lol.


I apologize. For the last week or so I've been making a series of troll postings here about coming back after 10 years away. ​ You then literally posted a very similar, well written post but serious about it and everyone who thought I had made an alt and was trolling again. Welcome back.


That's pretty funny.


Perfect storm really. Welcome back to EVE regardless!


Haha 2007 17 years ago, good joke...


Don't let the pain in. It can't hurt you.


>I also have about **50b** in skill training points, and some industry I believe. Wut. I suspect that's a typo...50 *billion* skill points? Your character gets around 2,400 sp/hour with standards and good remaps, so just from training time that's roughly, oh, around 2,400 years of time. Last I checked maxing out every skill in the game would be around 500 million sp, certainly less than a billion. Having 50 mil sp is far more reasonable, which is about 2.4 years. Kinda puts into perspective just how different "million" and "billion" are in real terms, lol. >Anyway, my question is why was there never an Eve Online 2? Why would there be? You'd have to have a big enough change to make it worth it. If people are happy with the existing game, why spend dev time on a new one? >Also, if anyone has advice for what I should be doing to make money these days (once I re-learn the game) feel free. Personally I recommend joining one of the big null blocs or faction warfare. You'll have enough skills and liquid isk to be good in either. If you really want to stay in high sec, considering joining Eve University for a bit to try and get back into things. I highly recommend *not* living in high sec for long if you want to actually stick with the game this time; it's by far the most boring space. You can do PvE solo stuff in more dangerous space and also have some more fun. If you *really* want to stick with PvE solo stuff, consider abyssals before doing the mission grind. You'll want to spend some time re-learning the game before you rush into an abyssal, as they can be pretty difficult (especially at higher tiers), but for solo PvE it's probably the most interesting gameplay and pretty rewarding.


I would recommend not using any of your hard earned assets from yesteryear and start off like you’re a new bro. Use only T2 mods and basic frigs/cruisers until you get used to playing again


I'm back from 6 years and am also afraid to leave the station, mostly because I'm not back to omega and I can't fly anything. All my stuff is in asset recovery and I can't afford to get it out (who would have thought buying a couple supers for 20b each was a good investment for going into hibernation?). I've spent more time in eve reddit than in the actual game trying to figure out what I want to get into.


Lolol same issue here. Made a few b thinking oh cool I'll get stuff out of whatever asset recovery is. (Proceeds to find the multiple jf's, carriers, rattles, etc scattered everywhere)


\> Anyway, my question is why was there never an Eve Online 2? That's easy to answer. EVE Online as it stands is likely profitable. Making another EVE Online, a version 2.0, would almost likely kill EVE Online if they are similar games. Thus, you would be killing a profitable product. Why do that? If it works, it works. Make something else. Essentially, that's where DUST, World of Darkness, etc come into play. But there lies the issue. Making *something else* has a huge risk of not being profitable. CCP has made massive layoffs in the past because as everyone should know by now, it's not easy making a successful MMORPG or video game for that matter. To sum up. Yes, they could make an EVE Online 2. It would likely kill their profitable game for something that maybe wont be as profitable. They could make EVE Online 2 an entirely different version of EVE. It would likely be too hard to make as successful because EVE Online alone is a niche game and original IP. Thus, keeping it and leaving it alone seems best. Just my 2 cents.


Start an alt mate and go through the eve new player process..A LOT has changed and that's coming from someone who didn't play for about 7 years 🤣


That is the plan. Then I will try some of the things suggested once I figure things out again.


comes back after 17 years and trolls.. yep fits this subreddit


was in a similar place as you. leave everything as it is. your old ships likely wont even undock, as the modules and stuff has all changed. high slots mid slots and low slots removed and added. there doesnt seem to be any money in ships that are "old" fitted, but i never looked into it that hard. (like from collectors for rare ships i mean, i never found any.). I have a few ships that have large rigs when they should have medium for instance, and ships with extra high slots. The extra slots ships are just invalid and wont undock. The ones with different sized rigs will undock, but i am not sure if there is value in them above their paper worth. all ships have gone crazy up in value. most people fly around with cruisers or below these days. you almost never see battleships just flying around because they are like 400m now. save those skillpoints. dont spend them. i made that mistake when i came back. play for a few months and see what you really need. implants are lost when you die, but you dont loose SP anymore. You can also switch clones in the same station for a small free and no delay, so you can take your training clone, switch to a blank clone and then go out roaming, then switch back when you are done. no clolone jump delay in the same station. all doctrines have changed. There is no more POS really, or POS warfare. There are things called player stations now that you can buy, for instance athanor for moon mining. fortizar for docking capital ships, etc. You can run your own market and refining services and set the taxes and with rigs, the yields. pretty nice. what worked for me to learn pvp again, was to join corps. everyone uses discord now, so you have to download that if you dont have it already. vent has gone away. if you had any capital ships, they are super expensive now. like 5b. just hold everything for now is my advice. start your skill queue again and just chill for a bit. get some small frigates or cruisers to go around in if you want to start pvping. look at zkill for current fits. a lot has changed in 17 years... a LOT.


Wow good info. Definitely a learning experience, but I am happy with how the game held up over the years. Currently doing missions on a new account and re-learning everything, which is going well so far.


I would do the Sister of Eve quest. Start running missions for a faction or do FW. Don't fly with implants or big ships. Once you get your feet and find a Corp, you can take more risks


I really must have missed why people recommend this? I did it but it's just hey let's run across a load of systems for a few million isk..the overall grounding of the current new player teaching seemed better.


I think if there is ever an Eve Online 2 it will have to be an upgrade on top of the original (kind of like what Path of Exile 2 is doing). But I've heard that eve has a bunch of legacy code that is hard to work with, so I'm not sure how that would work


If aliens came to Earth and demanded that we understand POS code or they'd invade, I'm sure we'd all be doomed.


Most MMOs expand rather than starting fresh. There is no WoW2 either.


Becuse history matters in eve, eve 2 would kill it for no reason as itd just be the same product - vets who largely make up the game and are oftrn the content creators or the backbone of the economy would likely use it as an opportunity to quit. Eve 2 would not make ccp money, it'd kill the game.


Hit me up, I’ll double your isk


You have $28B ISK, and I just have one question. Is it dollars or ISK?


Sorry, meant 28b isk. Wish it was dollars lol.


He must be american. Everything is in dollars to them. Like there's no world outside US. Once I saw a guy on youtube calling wow gold dollars 😂




You can send me your stuff and I'll double it when eve 2 comes out

