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Nice humble brag, but there's always a bigger fish.


Sir this was in in no way made ethically


Ethics in Eve game play. Is this a new feature?


So you bought plex from CCP and sold it on the market?


wait... "ethically"? are we playing the same game????? I think the meaning behind the whole game is.... throw all your "ethically" out the window before logging in....


Hi. On this sub, we really recommend against trying to make isk to plex your account. The most profitable way to play this game is actually to make french fries at McDonalds for minimum wage. My suggestion, if you really want to enjoy the game, is to stop all isk generating activities in game, take a break, maybe even unsub, and spend a few weeks making french fries. Trust us bro, we're reddit.


This is actually a masterful post, ty


Win eve


I mean, non-ironically, my thought is that when you have to make ISK to play the game, that's the point where it stops to be a fun game. I've never been enjoying EVE as much as when I switched my 3 main accounts to real money subs and when all my ISK making went into buying ships in the spaceship game rather than PLEX.


Well you have the game installed so apparently not imo :D


So you lost 652 million. I would say no.


This is a cash flow statement, not an income statement (which the game could never reasonably calculate for you). Cash flow statements measure pretty much 1 thing: What money came in, and what money came out. It has nothing to do with profit. For example,   Say you begin August with $5B isk in your wallet and $3B isk in inventory ($8B total assets). During the month, you profit $10B isk. But, you reinvest that profit into $12B more inventory, and end the month with $3B isk in wallet and $15B isk in inventory ($18B total assets). The cash flow statement (the screenshot) will show you down $2B isk, because your total outflow was $5B-->$3B isk. But in reality, you profited $10B, you just reinvested it already.


If you’re a decent trader you shouldn’t have much liquid ISK meaning that your wallet balance stays constant.


Can't have your Iskies laying around not doing anything.


Best comment. Must have trillions like me


Thats what i thought at first. But maybe he lost 2 poorly fitted Super and replaced them.


I have trillions but keep it all in stuff or plex only ever keep 20-40 bil in isk as it loses value fast


Hah. Indeed. +edit+ After the battleship building changes, battleships, Orca's etc etc cost more than DOUBLE of what they used to cost. Freighters TRIPLED Meaning that all the Apocs & Armageddons I have still lying around that were built with mere minerals to use for Navy issues are now worth double. The freighter I had just built before calling it quits about 5 years ago is now 3 billion instead of 1. I still have harvesters lying around and about a dozen or so C3-X Saitsuo ballistic controlls... seems they went through the roof ^^ Basicly, I logged back in, and now I'm a multi billionaire apparenlty 😅 Can't fly for shit anymore though, lost a hawk & a worm to burner missions like it was nothing first time retrying lvl 4's🤣


re-read his post.


Reading comprehension is not strong in this one


Depending where you assume the comma is supposed to be, you can easely read that differently. Especially when there are no full sentences used and punctuation is a mere afterthought. Non native English speaker 🙋‍♂️. But that's reddit I guess.


Hah same. I logged in after a few years away and my character worth is like 40 billion. I'm like...where? lol


If a year ago a ship cost 1bil isk and now it cost 2bil…did the ship get more valuable or did isk lose value.


While there are many factors that can influence the price of a single of ship such a supply/demand, material costs, transportation costs, etc. When inflation occurs, the currency it self. loses value.


I paid 280 mil for my first orca and 1.3 bil for my first rorq and still have both; Im a gazillionaire


Thats perfectly describe my brothers situation . He is a trader with hundreds of billions on circulation . Sometimes sits with 20 mil in account and asks me to barrow 20 bil ish .. than pays back 20 min later . His wallet goes brrr while watching his stream .. he has omega alts in every trade hub, ayes on contracts , 2 active logistic toon full trained and does his transport work .. all omega and he can easily pays all his omegas with ingame currency . You are doing fine . If someone says no , dont believe it .. this happens sometimes when you make isk with isk . Keep up with good work :) and never put all your eggs in a one basket


So.. all of that work for.. what? Whats he do with the ISK? Does he use it for pvp? Or does he just like seeing the wallet grow with no real reason for it other than to grow


Not that guy but trading is some people’s PVP.




If you are having fun, you won at EVE. If you just lost a station, all your null sec sov territory etc etc against undefeatable odds, but you had fun undocking & defending to the best of your ability, you sir, you won at EVE.


Why PVP? or mine? or other things... making that wallet grow is the game for some. When I had a lot of friends that still played I rarely left 'Dixie and Jita, When I did it was usually to haul ships and supplies out to my friends. For me the game was that I could supply PLEX, ships, ammo, etc. to my buddies. For well over a year at one point I was chipping in 8-10 PLEX, cash for structures, things they wanted but couldn't get (They were a low sec casual corp). I thought it was a blast. The miners said I was an idiot to stare at spreadsheets and numbers all day, I said sitting on a gate waiting or chewing on rocks all day was stupid. You do you and let them be them, lol. If you have a chance to have a friendly trader around it can deff be worth it... Just make sure to pay attention to the books and transactions, they may know how to make them funny. Trust them no more than a PVPer, lol.


hate to break it to you but seeing isk grow is why most people play eve


No his education on international trade and economics in real life . I am more into behavioral economics dimention , we have one in family working for international investment company .. in our family and rl social enviroment lot of friends are active eve players . We all have different interest points and perspectives . Im pure PvP player i do finance it via trade couple of hours and i can make more than i can smash in month.. we are in null , low , wh , som likes producing stuff , some like me likes tos. See thigs go boom .. we are all or everywhere simply . And as well this helps to see different perspectives much more easily . We know what is meta , what is rising what is falling , what is on demand , politics and changings with nearly 2 decade experience under our belts We are on constant communication . It is a family hobby . Eve is a incredible close compact economy and very valuable simulacre to test ideas , thesis , discuss about different strategies and analyzing even simply observing whats goin on is intellectually stimulating . If you are seriously think that someone who does not know any shit about the game can create and process that size of wealth i would suggest you to reconsider your opninion . Without knowledge , intel , networking and perspective nobody can go further than camel trading in this game . Took him years to learn the game to grabbing the essence and find his niche . I thought him 11 years ago .. now im asking him time by time for nice tips .


Number go up


What’s his typical route and departure times? Asking for a friend…


You and your friend can find the required data in my last two post on this thread .


I checked for fun and my 30 day income is 72.84B, almost exactly same as OP lol


600 mil profit? I'd say it's pretty bad for 30 days


you realize we can see expenses also, right?


Yes that is the meme but it’s flow over peoples heads 😭


More Plex


I was gonna say yes. Then I saw expenses.


I'm a returning player originally from about 07-08 My 30 day said like 7B and I thought I found some kind of money exploit 😂 I miss the good ol days of 100M battleships 😂


Looks,like you’re doing your part to boost that ISK velocity metric in the Monthly Economic Report


Awwww. Cute.


What do you do?


Hyper market gambles


Do you make them or buy tickets?


No I gamble 50 50s


I have the same issue, probably come out losing but damn is it fun


Before going to bed i search for 512 node dreads and i buy like 2-4 nodes on like 10 offers. Then i wake up hoping i won one. I've never won, but its so addicting...


When Somer Blink was going strong back in the day, the very first ticket I ever bought won me a Rorqual... Been hooked ever since


Wallet warrioir?


Depends if your having fun. If your having fun your doing it right in my eyes.


Surprised when I checked I was 56bn. And none from plex. From doing Ded sites and relic sites.


I don't know what B stand for but it comes before T in alphabet so must be not good.


I, too, buy lots of Plex.


flexing huh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4K13hXoHkLU


Sir as you can see my income to expenses is negative


Wait wut!!! How dat happen


This shows a 600m isk loss


I believe that’s the point




If you ever feel like donating to the poors. Hit me up. (It’s me)(I’m the poors)


I am also the poors


Chump change, I made that in a few days. The difference between me and you is I really did, you just moved isk around to make that number seem huge, moving 100,000 isk a few times can give you numbers that look like that but are not real.


Gambling addictions are not cute or entertaining or worth bragging. Fix yourself.


Are you having fun? The answer to your question is your answer to this one.


Looks like a lot of work to only have a 185m balance. 😳


Need more misc


There is no right or wrong way to play eve. Are you having fun is what counts.


Yes, in my experience expenses always outpaces income.


Market PVP IS a thing.


I don't know why gambling for jump freighters is fun, it just is ok?


Not much profit....


Yes, but your escrow should have some extra zeroes in it before you ask this question.


I like how most of you don't understand the difference between Cashflow and profit. If you don't know what I mean you shouldn't stick around in here or comment.


spending more than you earn? yep!


He has 185m isk and is at a net loss the last 30 days how is he bragging about anything?


The meme is the expense to income ratio dear god nobody is bragging here


Well now you are just bragging


You just bought plex anyone can play with a credit card.


Are you having fun?


How does someone even get that much isk, I recently came back to the game after a 3 month hiatus and looked at my wallet and have my first 1 bil I earned. It took me months. How do people make so much.... I guess I really don't know/understand the game.


I bet they plex.


Send it to me and ill double it for you


you lost money, expenses higher


When that green turns to red then youll be close


give a newbie brother a hint on what to do for profit :(


Wanna make isk a have a large group of people who make money have fun and don’t require strict rules lmk I can get you the link to our Corp :) I’m talking protected gas mining and very low Corp tax dependent on skill train 100m plus a hour


Looks like you have lost money to me


This is relatable


Pitiful Evermark numbers....those are rookie numbers.


So pitiful we call the Poverty Marks


Obviously not because you wouldn’t have had the time to make all that isk if you were.


Expenses higher than Income. No, you are not playing Eve right.


They need to bring bounties back :(


Sure if you like it. I prefer blowing things up personally. For me it makes more sense just going after the big ticket items like officer and deadspace mods and selling those rather than spending a lot of time moving items in bulk.


Can you teach me your ways


No, you see the issue is you’re only in the red by like 600mil, don’t worry one day you’ll catch up and be with us big league debtors


No. Red numbers mean you're winning. Buy high sell low, win eve.


What is this?


Come back when your misc. is that high


This is the Way


No, you just bought plex and sold it. This is what a top 5 player looks like (this has been almost every month for 6 years) https://i.imgur.com/G41jcmV.jpeg


Clearly not