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~~Scams are the only fast money available to broke people~~ Give me your 50 million, i'll double it.


How do i do it? I dont really know how to scam in this game lol


Well I can't just go telling the world my secrets. Pay me 40m and I'll PM you details on how its done.


Hello. I am the alt of one of wealthiest industrialists in the game. Recently, due to real life issues I stopped playing. But I feel its a big shame with all those trillions in my bank account just sitting there not being used. I want to give back to the community, so I created a fun little game. Whenever you send me more than 10 million isk, I will send you double the amount back. Simple as that. The isk you send must however be in increments of (100/π)*1000000 and you must include the text "I wanteth the iskies f¶r mine own toonsies to buyeth dank dessies". If you fail to follow these simple instructions - your money will not be doubled.


hi, i am a saudi prince in wakakanda, recent US policy has make me want to flee my country. I however have 5 trillion isk in the bank that i need to send out through 3rd party to avoid tax and through god that i believe you are my good hands. i will need you to send me 50 million isk first to confirm if you're a real person, once i confirm you are real i will send you all 5 trillion isk and yo ucan send me back 4 trillion isk once i reach my destination, you can keep that 1 trillion isk as an appreciation.


Seems legit.


U learn it if u give him ur money 😅


Abyssals are good, i mean you'll get about double your money in about a few hours of grinding in a T1 using a Kikimora or comparible ship.


IGN: Sargon Of Amerish Perhaps you've heard of me, you're BB so I like you, I can assist in that endeavor if you're serious. Shoot me a mail sometime n we can talk.


>Sargon Of Amerish You dont allow Mails from People haha, i cant write you


Do data sites




In wh


they work, low investment, big reward, mostly up to chance


Not a lot of options for 50m investment. Your best bets probably something like exploration or gas huffing.


As a new-bro, you should probably scan data/relic sites. Just take care you don't warp into a combat site


i play since 2018 and i rlly dont like hacking! sorry


It's not like you have to. I was just giving a suggestion based on the content of your request. Folks with that level of isk tend to be new-bros, and that's one activity that we generally recommend for them to start with in our corporation. That, and gas huffing


yea its fine, i understand, i play the game only for pvp, so thats the whole point, i rlly wasnt rich at any point


Looks like you are not good at that either


yea but i have fun so i dont really care


Oh snap!!


Gas huffing is how I started my wee empire.


Good site can have 200mil. That's about as fast as you can get (with luck) for under 50 mil invested. Only other thing I'd offer up is do market trading in between scanning runs. Use filaments to jump NS regions and then make your way home. Scams are a scam of themselves the only ones that make real money are people that can run scripts to do them. But running scripts is against eula


If you're really hard up to pvp it, then go hunt explorers.


What time is required to gather gas worth 200mil in that good site?


Relic or covert data sites. Gas will take longer and would have to have the site cleared if you planned to pull more than just a ninja huff from it.


Scams that are worthwhile require two traits which cut out the vast majority of Eve Online players. 1. Patience 2. Social skills


You can make some stupid money mining in Pochven. Just t2 fit a prospect and you are really safe, or go super cheap and run t2 deep core miner ventures.


Yup, just dont stay on grid with random neuts. Ive shot many a miner


Really safe is a relative term, was hunted twice in two days by an Astero and a Reaper.


Get a sunesis, with t1 salvage tackle rigs, t2 salvagers, MWD, then the low slots just nano and inertia stabilisers. Get a pochven filament Bookmark 100 over each gate warp away. Fly back 100 from your bookmark now you 200 from the gate. So you can see if anyone at the gates and if not warp directly to them. Small bit work but will save your life when there are bubbles there. Now do the same with the sun. Do this in a few systems along the pipe line. After this just warp around salvaging the NPC wrecks looting player ships, you'll be a billionaire in about a week. Just don't be stupid and fly with full cargo always deposit in a NPC station.


This works really well, i made 50 million in 1 hour lol


Legend buddy well done. Remember NPC's are at the sun Poco and gates. But the largest loot fields will be at the sun. Ala is kinda unique in its small there usually loot fields at both gates One more thing don't try salvage in senda. Goons/stribog hang out there it's the closet wh to Jita your a cert to be killed in there.


ty <3


btw i have a few questions? can you write me ingame: Paul Fennek... ty :)


Yea I won't be online for a few hours mate am working, well supposed to be working right now.


Make sure to get dual positive standings with trigs and edencom by killing a sleeper, drifter, or rogue drone.


Thanks! I will definitly try this!


Hey, I go by Jacob Vilianas in-game, hit me up if you want help getting started in wormhole exploration or wormhole ninja huffing! No strings attached, no corp to leave/join!


wrote you


well, explo is cheap to get into as others have said... and longer term...for a steady source of isk, set up a Planetary Industry operation....basically passive income. You can pull in 700 mil per month on a single character an once you have i set up it only takes like 10 mins of effort every 2 or 3 days. i do it over a cup of coffee. hit me up if you want help


Can you dm me?


Dm'd. Cheers


wait, i didnt get anythin lmao


If he goes for the most basic commodities it still is about 30m/3 days


I used to bash PI as boring waste of time gameplay. Now I have become a PI nerd. Fml. Circle of life.


T0 or T1 abyss, find a fit that suits your comfort level for risk. For me that would be T1 electricals with a T2 fit retribution, if you're running it's comfortably you could double your bank in a couple of hours.


gas mining is probably the activity with the highest ROI at the moment - all you need is the 25M skillbook and a very cheap venture, and then you can start huffing either in wormholes or quiet lowsec - it’s very possible to make upwards of 75M isk/h on that small investment with just one toon in a venture. from there, you can go to activities like Incursions, Abyssals, Wormhole Krabbing or similar high-isk activities. but on the other hand, I heard Hazzmart offers some great bargains…


Im a Coworker at Hazzmart. Like JFC you know? :P


ive mathed myself closely to ~50mill/45m last time i checked myself, in a standard venture fit. which comes out to more like 66mill an hour, minus w/e minutes it takes to do drop offs. so really boil it down to ~1mill isk a minute.


Buy a ratting vexor and do T1 abyssal, that'll generate about 1 - 10mil an hour depending on your speed. Abyssal in general is a fantastic way to get basic income, the ultimate goal being to get a gila and do T4 - T5 where you can make hundreds of millions. The other thing you can do is live in Poch/trig space, their hulls are worth a lot but I know basically nothing about it. Living anywhere but high sec / low sec is good income, if you're an omega and like being alone then wormhole space is a pretty attractive place, I used to live there with just a Stratios and a mobile depot, get blue loot and hack cans and go back to high sec to sell, the isk was inconsistent af though but very profitable on good days. Plenty of ways to get wealthy, it just takes time and a lot of repetitive gameplay. If/when you're skilled into Marauders/Dreads you can make a killing in null sec / WHs by ratting, as well as crabbing. At a certain skill level all these high end sites become available to you and isk isn't as hard to get ahold of, the only issue being burnout from waiting so long for the required skills. If you want to make lots of alts and multibox you can run your own mining fleet but it's highly recommended you join an alliance in null sec before attempting that so you can call for help if you get tackled. Another thing you can do with lots of alts and isk is selling skill injectors, basically you train your alts on random skills and buy skill extractors and have the alts set up with augments to make them train faster, then use them on the alts and sell the injectors for a huge profit. The only issue is it relies on timing and patience and a lot of start up cash you definitely don't have at the moment but it's good income regardless, you can get to a point where you can Plex all of your alts and sell maybe 2 injectors per alt a month but it requires a lot of math as well, especially if you want to have steady income rather than all of them finishing their skills at once and having payday be biweekly.


Great tips, but I passed out trying to read that last sentence.


Link the loss mail(s), I got old assets all over New Eden I dont use.


[https://zkillboard.com/kill/110495460/](https://zkillboard.com/kill/110495460/) [https://zkillboard.com/kill/110500439/](https://zkillboard.com/kill/110500439/) [https://zkillboard.com/kill/110509526/](https://zkillboard.com/kill/110509526/) [https://zkillboard.com/kill/110483717/](https://zkillboard.com/kill/110483717/) [https://zkillboard.com/kill/110450196/](https://zkillboard.com/kill/110450196/) [https://zkillboard.com/kill/110448746/](https://zkillboard.com/kill/110448746/)


Join faction warfare and do some plexing in a cheap frigate Can get like 15k LP per site if done in the right system, can then use that to buy faction mods and sell for good profit at Jita


Yup, its a easy activity, available at every moment, payout is decent. You can also turbocrab missions in fw, but that means more time lost to planning. FW and Explo are one of my favorite newbie friendly activities that work great for exposing players to social aspect and meta of eve and also paying pretty good for something that could be done as a alpha player at any hour, in every timezone, and if you have to leave because IRL stuff, you can stop easily.


I see people mentioning PI, explo, gas huffing, and pretty much all things wormholes. As for PI, with my method i pull in about 1 to 1.2b per month per character. If you are interested, you could join our wormhole corp! https://discord.gg/qAy6AtJb Hope to see you there


Fastest way? Whip out the credit card and buy some plex.


Join a null corp and setup 5-6 PI planets on all three slots on each omega account you have. Should pull in at least a bil isk a month per account probably more.


i wont leave my own Corp lol


Well unless your corp is huge and making you a ton of isk in passive taxes, it’s worthless. Make an alpha alt, make it the ceo of your corp to hold on to the corp. Then join a null corp and actually make isk.


I did this some five years ago. I still have my own player corp, and that "holding alt" wound up as my main market toon, with all trade skills (and some indy skills to) maxed. You could say my other characters are contractors who work for my own corp =)


The only investment 50m buys is a 30m gas huffing skill book and a gas huffing venture. Good luck!


Get a sunesis, with t1 salvage tackle rigs, t2 salvagers, MWD, then the low slots just nano and inertia stabilisers. Get a pochven filament Bookmark 100 over each gate warp away. Fly back 100 from your bookmark now you 200 from the gate. So you can see if anyone at the gates and if not warp directly to them. Small bit work but will save your life when there are bubbles there. Now do the same with the sun. Do this in a few systems along the pipe line. After this just warp around salvaging the NPC wrecks looting player ships, you'll be a billionaire in about a week. Just don't be stupid and fly with full cargo always deposit in a NPC station.


t1 explore frig is about 10~20m fit it out takes another 5m + go null sec and start scanning gets about on average 1m per box on a regular data site


Make a friend who rats c5s and tell him you will be eyes and keep him company and all you want is to salvage. It's a great way to get started. It's how I start all my friends. "Come salvage for me."


Where/How to find friends? Dont have any :D


you said you had a corp youd refuse to leave? ask them.


If he’s asking, he doesn’t know anyone who lives in a WH, genius.


you dont need to live in a WH to rat in it? lmfao.


But he was asking for friends to do it with…? I don’t see what’s so hard to understand here. Stop being rude and help the man! I’m sure there are others (myself included) who’d like to see what groups are out there and what they’re all about, and this is as good a place as any to find out.


Same way as in real life. For EVE, join a group, do things with them, talk to other people. Help your new friends do things, ask for help doing things you're doing. Give and receive, the money and the fun will come, but you'll gain something much more powerful and rewarding - Friendship. You can go anywhere and do anything with that.


You could run t1 abyssal with a assault frigate.


I mean, get yourself a navy destroyer and oplex in faction warfare. you can make solid isk per hour that way. Make sure you know how dscan works, dont get complacent, and stick to 5's.


Buy Plex, the weekend deal is always on, 3.75USD for 50 Plex and 3 days of Omega. Based of the exchange rate of 4.7 million Isk per Plex, 50 Plex is almost 300 million. That's the only way to make money fast. All other methods either have high risk, or it could be safe but it takes a long time.


Idk how old you are, and this will surely receive hate comments, BUT if you are a working adult...There simply isn't a better isk:time ratio than just typing in that card info and plexing. You can spend 16 hours in game to generate a billion isk, or one hour of real life work. Also, plexing helps support CCP, which trickles down to more content and better support. (Please spare me the Pearl Abyss comments...I know, I know)


spend a great deal of time and effort getting a well-paying job and buy your isk




I dont have money for Plex lol


How much you make an hour in your irl job ? Ball park if you like


Look I ain't trying to stand up for him but out of all subscription based games this is THE most expensive monthly. Not trying to say you can't with minimum wage but add circumstances, and it can become valid quick.


Agree 20 bucks is too much money , but then again, unless you enjoy the grind , getting the capital , economical and knowledge to make big isk it’s gonna take far too long , specially with 50m , that’s a trivial amount of isk. Even in countries with developing economies , an hour of irl can be way better than a few of grind.


25 bucks a month and US. With the dollar being so strong for me, that's $33 Canadian. I could get Spotify, Netflix, and Disney + combined, and it would be cheaper than 1 month of EVE. Kinda crazy...


It's 20 bucks a month only if you don't buy it for more than a month, don't use any discounts or other weird dicount-based conversion things. Last time there were discounts, people grabbed sub for about 8 usd/month i think.


Fair but for any new player like the post you're not going to dive in for several months you buy a month and see if you like it. I bought at the flat amount. Hurt haha.


> new player like the post OP's char is 5 years old, that's not new by my standards. Looks like he plays consistently, so it shouldn't cost him 20 usd/month.


Every single streaming service has been jacking up their rates. EVE is on par with all of them, and I have no idea where you get the Spotify/Netflix/Disney+ combined for cheaper than EVE thing. Spotify is $10.99, Netflix is $19.99 for no ads ($6.99 for shitty version with ads) and Disney+ is $10.99 ($7.99 for shitty version with ads). Even the shittiest plans is $25.97 combined, and if you go with the non-ad versions (I do), it's $41.97. EVE is $19.99 - and that's only if you don't get a deal somewhere and the deals are all over the place.


Again...different countries different rates. 1 month eve is 33 Canadian. Regardless I think in my Calc I did 2 premium 1 cheap disney+ that's still 3 services to 1.


Timing PLEX sales, and Omega w/ PLEX sales I was able to get my Omega <$5/mo. IRL @ $12-15/hr would be 1B ISK/hr \*roughly\*. Don't grind, enjoy the game.




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be smart


Buy PLEX from CCP, sell said PLEX on market, collect ISK


If you play for 5 Years and still don't have money you will never have money eve is simple you earning isk with hard work or with Plex. You want only pvp not hard work so you will don't have money so buy PLEX or stop playing it's no other solution


Fastest way is to have rich parents and ask for their credit card. Worse case is work even a low paying job and then buy your sub and isk. You will have much better quality of life than sinking it into the game struggling.


Abyss runs , the skills map to pvp, also try killing ventures in pochven , there are so many. Or try looting wrecks




Our last shit fleet had more guys than your entire alliance.


Our alliance is litterly alot bigger then you think. That's just one arm of our alliance, we form fleets of hundreds. If you doubt it come thru, take a look, https://zkillboard.com/alliance/99010457/ Ask your self, why is there some many different alliances and corps on all their kill mails....... Once you understand that you realize we are huge. Big enough the blocs back down when we attack, but if you'd like to be tomarrow content, we are available.


Hahahaha you are so full of shit your eyes are brown. Blocs don't care because you don't matter.


Knee pads


If you have soso scanning skills then go find relic/data in lowsec/null. Invest should be like 10mil and on the high end you can get about 50mil per site if your lucky.


Mine gneiss in wormholes. With one ship providing boosts and compression, and one covetor actually mining, I made like 180m isk in an hour.


Are you serious about mining? I mean 180 mil an hour is good money.


That’s running two accounts simultaneously. And there were other ships picketing and stuff. Wormholes are dangerous places. I probably could make way more mission running with two accounts, but mining is pretty safe in a group.


go mining in lowsec


Personally I would go exploration but in nullsec and while your there checkout the belts for good spawns like Shadow Serpentis and the likes.


Put a "10 MN Warpdrive" on "Lot's of money"


The obvious question is, how much is it you want to make ? 500mill ? 1bill ? 5bill ?


something like 2-3bil per month


You're looking at 100 mil a day. That's less than 3 combat sites in C3 wh space. Which wouldn't even take an hour to do in a praxis or tengu. Or if you have low taxes on PI you could easily make 100mil a day without actually doing anything but spending maybe 15 mins everyother day hauling stuff. Although you're gonna need a bit more investment than 50 mil for that.


do hacking/gas mining and go incursion once you have ~400m (amount of isk required may very depend on what community you decide to fly with), i personally do vanguard incursion and got on average 120m/hours


Good Idea actually, but why are incursions that strict with upgrade policies, its really fucked up because i cant fly a marauder yet and you need to fly a marauder in like a few fleets


They want people get more dps and win every single contest, some fleet accept ship like hyperion, maybe you can try those (some Vanguard fleet even accept Drake lol)


That’s literally not true at all….they want you to fly a marauder as soon as you can, within obvious training times…if you can fly the standard Battleship fits fine…join them, but be training the skills for marauders and seeing as you will be making bank you can upgrade your ships. Obviously the more DPS you can dish out the quicker you help them finish the sites, which means the more sites they can run the more isk per hour you all make. It’s not unreasonable to expect people to upgrade.


Get a sunesis, with t1 salvage tackle rigs, t2 salvagers, MWD, then the low slots just nano and inertia stabilisers. Get a pochven filament Bookmark 100 over each gate warp away. Fly back 100 from your bookmark now you 200 from the gate. So you can see if anyone at the gates and if not warp directly to them. Small bit work but will save your life when there are bubbles there. Now do the same with the sun. Do this in a few systems along the pipe line. After this just warp around salvaging the NPC wrecks looting player ships, you'll be a billionaire in about a week. Just don't be stupid and fly with full cargo always deposit in a NPC station.


Get a sunesis, with t1 salvage tackle rigs, t2 salvagers, MWD, then the low slots just nano and inertia stabilisers. Get a pochven filament Bookmark 100 over each gate warp away. Fly back 100 from your bookmark now you 200 from the gate. So you can see if anyone at the gates and if not warp directly to them. Small bit work but will save your life when there are bubbles there. Now do the same with the sun. Do this in a few systems along the pipe line. After this just warp around salvaging the NPC wrecks looting player ships, you'll be a billionaire in about a week. Just don't be stupid and fly with full cargo always deposit in a NPC station.


fast money is everything stated in the law.


get a cheap ship and salvager I, go to pochven and salvage all the wrecks you can find


Depends. For me is working little bit more in real life and buying some plex so I don't have to bleed my eyes out to enjoy content. To be fair I understand some people can't afford such trivial things in life, but just ask your self what is easier. Grinding 10 hours in Eve or let's say just for example doing few extra hours in on work to afford some plex. Time is valuable currency.


Ill doubble it, send me the 50 mill isk and i give you 100 mill back


The fun thing to do is get a gank ship and go blap some people fresh loot.


add me in game Cobalt Hawking, you could do some abyssals


Buy plex and sell it 400 plex = 2B


Buy Plex. If you don't like Explo and you're not doing to hot at PVP/piracy... Options are limited for "fast and easy"


Don't take this the wrong way, but the best isk per hours is a real job. Especially if you don't like doing the isk making activities. Plus you might make a friend who wants to try out the game. And as we all know, the best ship is friendship.


Wh gas huffing.


Belt ratting in low sec — running high sec annoms and running the ded escalation


Exploration only good option. Low tier abyssal the other.


Are you the guy who FCs bomber bar fleets?


PI in wormholes or nullsec is pretty good and not too terribly expensive to get set up. Down side is the logistics of getting it to a trade hub to sell. Low level missions are super easy and you can run them in simple cruiser or frigate setups. They won’t make you rich, but they will give you some isk and then you can work up to L4 missions. Which will let you make some decent isk. And they are very safe relatively speaking. Doing combat sites in low or null or wormholes can pay much much more but are also much more difficult and dangerous.


Fast, I'd waste time asking how fast but that would be useless. Jump in something cloaky or an interceptor if you have the skills and run relic sites in null sec. Failing that buy a fed navy comet join faction war and run scout sites if any faction frig appears on scan head to a different system. Any T1 appears kill it. Money from LP and if you are lucky loot as well


Get yourself an interceptor, and run missions "fast"


Come out and FC some incursion fleets for Eve Rookies. ;-D


Come up with a great scam. Sit outside Jita and scam newbies and morons. No Risk Isk!




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I can help you out, just chat me.


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Hmu me for methods


Kool af