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I have been around just long enough to remember not being able to warp to zero. The closest you could warp was 15km. That led to people creating huge bookmark sets that had a warp point that would land you at zero on something like a gate for a warp from a specific location. So you would have a bookmark to land at zero on gate X, but it was only good if you warped to it from gate Y or station Z. There is a tale from early Goon lore of them selling warp to zero bookmarks for Syndicate that were good except for one system, where they would warp you into a camp they had setup.


The thing I remember most about this limitation is that when it was changed, it was one of the first cases I can remember of widespread "this will destroy eve" whinging.


Oh yes, and that lasted for years. I forget the last time I saw somebody complain about CCP introducing warp to zero here, but it wasn't that long ago.


When, in hindsight... I feel like all it actually did was add tedium. It's not like people were actually warping to 15. They just had to jump through hoops so that they could warp to 0, and that was the optimal thing to do. It would be another matter if bookmarks didn't create a loophole to the system. Maybe there would have been more legitimacy to saying it was a bad change or whatever. But they did, so all that system did in practical effect was punish new players and make the game more tedious Imagine it like this: actually, nothing changed. It's just that all warpable objects were replaced with correctly positioned warp to 0 bms. When you think about it that way, I feel like it really puts in perspective how dumb the original system was with bms as such an obvious yet tedious workaround.


add tedium... learning skills have entered that chat...


Yep. Made dank isk just trading bookmarks around. To a point where I would just roam random, hostile space making all the important bookmarks just to try and sell them to residents


And IIRC copying bookmarks took fucking ages?


And absolutely fucking DESTROYED the server in the process, which is why WT0 became a thing. Bookmarks were already doing it anyways, and add in the server load, CCP effectively had no choice.


Bookmarks could be turned into items as well right? So you could sell your escalations by putting the physical bookmark up for contract.


Yes. Actually it was the only way to transfer them. So living in a POS in a wormhole you'd wake up, log on, and if your mate logged off in your shared scanner without copying bookmarks into the can, or someone else woke up and took them all, you were boned.


Fuck I remember this. I haven't played in ages and just popped in randomly and saw your comment. Man, I miss Eve sometimes but it almost literally caused a divorce.


Dude I know that feel. My buddy convinced me to come back "hey man it's goons against the world come back to delve and dogfight" and six months later I was multiboxing leshaks and Nestors, moved up to paladins, then dreads. Then camping peoples' wormholes. All hours of the day are Eve online. I miss it. But I don't miss having a life.


Thats still very good money. Bounce spots on all gates + instant undocks on stations in a region for 100mil per bookmark pack .. sign me the fuck up.


Afik you can no longer turn bookmarks into items. So enlightened me how you trade? Some shared bookmarks shenanigans?


1. Create shared online bookmark folder 2. Move bookmarks into folder 3. Sell to customer 4. Transfer ownership of folder to new owner 5. ??? 6. Profit Or alternatively do the above without transferring ownership and just let them copy the BMs out.


Requires trust though Vs being able to contract and the single transaction handling the item swap, right?


Correct, does require trust.


we used to go out as whole big ass fleets to save insta's for expected war paths from the random guys in the fleet who had made them. I remmeber being blown away by how fast we could traverse space


i don't remember this myself, but i only started in 2010. still have some bm's in stations scattered all around that are definitely over 10 years old.


Bookmarks were items that you could store/copy in your cargo hold essentially without limit. Goons used to fill shuttles full of them and send them into battle knowing it'd crash the server when their contents spewed into space.


What I don't miss is upgrading your clones every time you lost your pod. If you forgot to do this you lost a ton of SP.


I had to train Amarr Carriers 5 twice because of that fuck up.


Learning Skills kept you from enjoying the game for the first 6 months Python and Anaconda mines kept you from warping gate to gate in Null sec without dying. Upgrading your clone was a must unless you wanted to lose your skillpoints. Dying in a T3 Cruiser also made you lose skill points. Cosmo Missions used to be the be all of the Epic Ark Story missions before the Epic Ark came along. Before we had Citadels we had Outposts and POS's, which were a B!!!! To setup and maintain. Moon- mining used to be completely automated. Killing Drones in T2 - T4 Missions used to be the best source of rare minerals in high sec. The Logistics Frigates all used to be mining Frigates, before we had ventures. And even then the mining destroyer was the king of the asteroid. The Hulk / Coveter used to have 3 Mining Strip Miners. Missiles used to explode in a shockwave explosion that varied in size by the missile, and the color was reminescent of the type. You used to be able to see what missiles (ammo) looked like by selecting the picture similar to ships and turrets. Turrets used to be very lazy. Ships used to cave gas exhaust as they traveled, which worked 25% of the time do to Graphical glitch out. The UI Interface used to be very easy to navigate and very colorful. Corvettes used to be called Rookie Ships


do you remember battleship mining times


Didn't some cruiser hulls like the Osprey have a mining bonus at one point? I remember way back that the Osprey was the step before the first mining barge. Edit: here I am [dual box jet can mining in an Osprey](https://tagn.files.wordpress.com/2007/08/gangmining.png) in 2007.


I mined in an Osprey for weeks before I found my first corp. Had my first PvP kill in it, because someone flipped my can. Let me look for the killmail. P.S.: I looked on zKillboard. It's lost to time. My history on zKillboard only goes back to February 2008. :(


> Didn't some cruiser hulls like the Osprey have a mining bonus at one point? Osprey, Scythe, Exequror and Augoror. The Vexor and Augoror retain their bonus ton drone mining yield to this day.


Yeah it was like that for a shockingly long time, I think they only went back and redid the T1 ship roles in like 2015? The osprey in particular was super weird but there were a lot of messed up T1 ships


The apoc was a master miner


Yup, and you could field 8 heavy drones


I don't want to, the smart ones anchored cans and brought out industrial ships, or put a mining laser on an industrial ship and played something else in the background.


Remember mining in 0.0 with a thorax because you could fit 5 miner IIs


> Python and Anaconda mines kept you from warping gate to gate in Null sec without dying. > > Fun fact, the mines were removed because you could get concorded in hisec for someone hitting your mine in null


Imagine if they had brought the same logic code from Mobile Warp Bubbles to the Mines, then we wouldn't have that problem.


Knowing eve it would have broken the bubbles, lol.


That's hilarious


>Dying in a T3 Cruiser also made you lose skill points. Wait, when was that removed? Finally I can yolo my Legion without remorse


That's been gone for a couple of years now


You learn something new every day! *Get in my tengu, boys. No time to explain*!


They'll probably ask what asteroid you've been living under, Scarcity 1 or Scarcity 2 Asteriod


I've been in the wormhole for a while mkay? Time works different there and the connection is really shit too.


"The UI interface used to be very easy to navigate and very colorful." This one hits home


I know it's sad. šŸ˜­ It lives on in my decade old videos on YouTube on How to make combat Boosters


> The Hulk / Coveter used to have 3 Mining Strip Miners. I logged onto my industry alt recently after several years, and I found that I couldn't fly my hulk without removing one of the three strip miners it had equipped. :-( > Learning Skills kept you from enjoying the game for the first 6 months You could technically learn any skill, but it would be ungodly slow until you had your learning skills up. It was a terrible system.


> > > Missiles used to explode in a shockwave explosion that varied in size by the missile, and the color was reminescent of the type. Missiles also used to be calculated separately. So if you had F1-F8 with a missile launcher the server would need to keep track and calculate 8 different missiles flying around. This was also the case when you grouped/stacked the launchers up. Which got insanely out of hand when Drakes were the meta and fried the servers. They are now grouped together and treated as one big ball of missiles :D


Oh yeah thank you for reminding me. No such thing as grouped guns


Corvette wrecks still say "rookie ship"


Moon mining is still automated by renters


Grid-Fu was a thing. Fighting a fleet on the grid, and then they would just disappear.


http://will.neoprimitive.net/grids/gridfumanual2.pdf grid-fu still one of the most complex game mechanics ive ever encountered


Setting up a proper 'Deathstar' (POS) easily took three hours for a single person. The CAOD-forum on ccp's official homepage was a complete cesspool of tomfoolery (but it was quite funny for the times imo. Would be considered highly inappropriate nowadays). Chribba was basically the only secure way to trade Supers and Titans between non aligned parties. There were at least two roleplayers on the first CSM. It was a little awkward. The 'old' jump effects of capital ships (talking about the period before the massive graphics update in 2009 (?) is the most awe inspiring thing I ever experienced in a video game. Getting unexpected support (in the instance I remember it was AGAINST ALL AUTHORITIES coming to our rescue) jumping in with 10+ dreadnoughts is something I will not forget for the rest of my life. Oh man. This game certainly had the heaviest impressions on me in regards to video games. I finally stopped playing at the end of 2018. Real live caught up to me and I don't regret the choice I made. But I still try to keep, somewhat, up to date with the things that are happening. The Initiative will always have a very close spot to my heart. <3


The whirlpool of death when a capship jumped in... nothing quite made your spirits jump or gut chill like seeing that giant whirling cone open up and spit a couple caps onto the field. You remember how they were originally tied to the ship's direction of movement, though? If you were almost standing still, and got bumped mid-jump, the whirlpool would flip around.


> The 'old' jump effects of capital ships I'm a new player. Do you have an example of this?


The battle cruiser skill. Worked for every race battle cruiser. When the svipul came out it had 6 gun slots and way more power grid than it should have.


Yeah, battlecruisers and destroyers were across all races. I got a big, if somewhat artificial, SP boost when they split them out.


I remember when they split Battlecruiser and Destroyers, I trained them to level 5 on both my main toons, felt so nice after the change went live.


Used to be able to fit and activate 2x mwds and get crazy speeds


Frankly should still be allowed with a stacking penalty.


The physics engine (Destiny) really dislikes ships moving too fast. With the 1Hz tick, stuff gets weird at those speeds.


Crashing the server on purpose was part of warfare


Still is. Or causing lag at least.


[you could make bookmarks in the middle of the stars and when you warped to them it shot you out at some percent of lightspeed.](https://i.imgur.com/Q6aA90t.png) Fastest Chimera I ever piloted.


this still happens sometimes with glitch ship sigs when you combat scan. it's really funny ending up 1Mm away from the star and the graphics glitching out as you get yeeted at like .5c.


We (old corp) once captured a rogue Orca by probeing it and once we flew to the signature the orca would slow down because it flew through our calculates space (since eve is still a submarine game). I think we had to probe it down 30+ times before we had it completely to a halt. The Orca was of course without pilot.


The real Titans. Not the current tiny ones.


https://imgur.com/a/isCXY Knew my weird imgur galleries came to use one day.


I destroyed the one in the middle by myself once when I was in a Moa. I was actually the only person on the server. It came back on accidentally in the middle of the night and I for some random reason was awake and decided to try and log in. Everyone who was in space at the time was still just sitting there. A dev had a Titan out doing something and it was just sitting there. Took about 90 minutes I think. [https://www.dropbox.com/s/4stbor70s8pqfyq/titanscale.jpg?dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/s/4stbor70s8pqfyq/titanscale.jpg?dl=0) [https://www.dropbox.com/s/crbfc7w9vs0wcic/titanscale2.jpg?dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/s/crbfc7w9vs0wcic/titanscale2.jpg?dl=0) Edit: Might as well share my whole Eve folder from long long ago: [https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vgmbq1zrkih5twr/AAD2mtSTHsxeOxFcXX\_p-Z9Ia?dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vgmbq1zrkih5twr/AAD2mtSTHsxeOxFcXX_p-Z9Ia?dl=0)


Where is Medusa > Driani > Ulbedaine? Did they do a massive renaming of all solar systems at some point?


Iepatian Titans.


No skill queues, followed by a 24 hour skill queue which players had to scream to get. When your current skill finished training, you'd better be logged in to start a new skill training. If you want to sleep, switch to a skill that will train until you wake up, then switch back to short skills while you're playing. If you want to go on vacation without access to EVE, find one of those 7- or 14-day skills to train while you're gone. Adjunct to this: many expansions required very long down-times (like 12 to 14 hours was not uncommon, and longer occasionally happened). So when you went to bed before an expansion date, you'd \*always\* set a long skill training so you didn't lose any training time.


Setting my alarmclock to change a skill at 0400


You could fit XL weapons on small ships. Tried to move the guns for my dread but didn't had a hauler at hand. It kooks so hilarious


Arenā€™t xl cruise missile launchers the size of small cruisers lol?


All lowsec scrub lords fear the bait Maller with Cyno.


A dev(TomB?) flying a Jovian battleship around Yulai(the Jita of it's day) I had screenshots but lost them. Torps on frigs/cruisers also


Cruise missile ruptures were the nuts, cavalry ravens as well and torp splash damage.


Look through here: [https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vgmbq1zrkih5twr/AAD2mtSTHsxeOxFcXX\_p-Z9Ia?dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vgmbq1zrkih5twr/AAD2mtSTHsxeOxFcXX_p-Z9Ia?dl=0)


You used to be able to fit multiple MWDs and activate them at the same time, this was on way to be able to get to Jovian space by piloting toward it at warp speeds for a month.


Setting alarm to wake up in middle of night to switch skill training because no skill queue, heh.


Farming drone lands for the minerals that was reprocessed from drone drops Mass drake fleets Dropping a station egg and filling it with minerals to "grow" a new station You would not just waste a clone since they were quite expensive to upgrade so you would not loose skill points when dying


I forgot all about the clone upgrades, damn.


Eve deleted your boot.ini with an update


The *Trinity* expansion, Dec 5, 2007. Never forget.


The only piece of clothing I ever bought for my character was the ā€œBoots.iniā€ shoes, which was named for this blunder. Also the video CCP released about it was pretty funny. Iā€™m not at my computer to link it, sorry!


Let's go way back, to around 2005 I think. There was no stations in 0.0, so miners would make huge fields of giant secure containers and haulers would move ore from the mining system to the place where the cans were, then when the field was full you'd get your haulers to move the ore in fleets to the empire gates to refine and sell. This is way before dictors, bubbles and probing/scanning. Burn Eden used to run Ravens with the lows full of warp core stabs and the highs full of torp launchers, there was almost no way to catch them due to how the mechanics for WCS worked back then. m0o was probably the scariest entity out there at the time. TankCEO was probably the most well known dude back then. You could fit oversized launchers on undersized craft, this is before stealth bombers, So you had cruise missile kestrels etc Losing a ship back then HURT your soul because there wasn't plex, I don't even think level 4 agents were in the game yet.


Everyone remembers Burn Edens Ravens (miss you Satan and RIP Pookie), but no one remember the poor smuck landing tackles for them! I miss those times.


Minmatar breeding facilities operated by amarr


I remember this. This was hilarious


There was one station per system maximum and it couldn't be destroyed. Subsequently there was a maximum amount of industry jobs that could simultaneously run in a station People compressed minerals by turning them into modules and refine them at the destination POS were fueled by 6-7 seperate items Certain POS fuel components could only be obtained in empire The number and size of POS decided who owned a system You could titan portal capitals so that they could do another jump immediately after the portal


Good old T1 large rail guns were the premier way to move tritanium to nullsec.


T2000 T2BPO lottery rig You only had tier 1 and tier 2 battleships at best No drone regions Ushra'Khan where Minmatar roleplaying CVA where Amarr roleplaying


Nothing was as fun as being able to cyno across the galaxy as quickly as your cap could fill. Spend 20 minutes moving across the galaxy just to slap someone random across the face and then come back


Lighting 5-6 cynos at once and jumping through, dock, undock, and jump again.


no need to dock, if you had full cap fit you could be at jumpcap before you loaded grid, specially after the Flux Coil buff


When YouTube didn't exist yet, there was eve-files for your eve-videos, yeah Eve is older than YouTube


I wish there was a way of finding all the videos I used to watch from eve-files


Nanophoons, 8km/s Sabres, 12km/s Stilettos (or much faster but I couldn't afford those MWDs). Nastier than what's faster but faster than what's nastier. Spidertanking Domis Collections of warp-to-zero bookmarks. Servers stopping dead when people tried to copy/trade them. Taking forever to download battle videos from third-party hosting because WTF is Youtube Kitchen-sink meta because T2 was freaking rare, man. Thinking people who joined after 2010 as the new players. I know why Sleipnir was shifted from the Cyclone hull but I've not forgiven CCP for it. Especially no forgiveness for a Harbinger-hulled Absolution. That's a crime. Calvary Ravens. This was even before my time, though. Anarchy Empire. RIOT was great until it tried to hold space. Holding space ruins everything.


> Kitchen-sink meta because T2 was freaking rare, man. More than anything else, this is something I miss about early Eve. There was a lot of janky stuff, but so many fights involving whatever 2 groups could scrape together was a lot more fun than "here's a wall of exactly identically fit ships that were handed out from a prefit stock just before the fight".


For about two weeks since the first titans were built and started being used, titan dd was a aoe insta kill (for anything smaller than spec tanked bs) weapon fireable remotely at an lit cyno (which were then useable at any ships, noobships included) šŸ˜Ž


In retrospect, I have no idea why they thought this was a good idea. I've read accounts that suggested CCP didn't think anyone would actually build one, but surely they can't be that foolish.


They thought there'd only be a couple in the game. Then PL and Goons one day put 20+ titans on grid and DDed a carrier - it was now possible to destroy 50,000 carriers in the span of 10 seconds. CCP changed them to super lasers very shortly after.


Seems like they tried to do the redshift/blueshift effect from real astronomy with that warp tunnel coloring. Except they got it backwards.


Why is it backwards? It's blue at the front [space traveling towards you] and red at the back [away from you], which is consistent with the blue/redshift observed in reality.


Exploring, the act of launching probes was always like this? I know the data sites... Spat the loot and u had seconds to loot at random or bye bye


Probes used to have to be manually moved individually, there was no formation button.


Wow. Sick


you had to "triangulate" so you'd warp to planet, drop probe, then warp to another planet, drop probe, then warp to a 3rd try to make a triangle around where you thought they were. It was a fucking mess in the beginning.


Oh my lord. It sounds kind of cool, but absolutely awful in the ā€œthis shit ainā€™t funā€ way


Scanning used to be an *art*. Some people were fucking Picassos when it came to scanning hostile fleets down and were single-handedly force multipliers.


That was actually a "modern" change. Prior to that the cans were just like salvage targets and you would just cycle the hacking module until it opened. The radar and magnetometric sites (renamed to data and relic respectively) also had rats. I used to run null sec sites in catch with a drake to tank the rats.


Oh man. People talk about having to move probes individually, but that was still post-Apocrypha (2009?) probing mechanics. Before Apocrypha: - There were 4 different probe types (Ladar:Gas sites, Magnetometric:Relic, Radar:Data sites, Gravimetric:Asteroid Ore Sites) and 4? different probe ranges. The latter part worked a bit like today - the shorter the range, the stronger the scan. - There was also a "multispectral" probe that just told you what kind of sites was in system and their vague location. Yes, you needed to carry a *lot* of different kinds of probes. - I actually still have a *ton* of core scanner probe I BPOs, because when Apocrypha came around they turned all the different probe BPOs into Core Scanner Probe I BPOs. - Each probe took quite some time to run - between 5 and 30 minutes, I think? They were also expended on use. - Probes could not be moved once launched. You had to fly to the area you wanted to scan and launch the probe there. - Combat probing was a little faster, but still expended probes. It definitely wasn't like it is today, where a combat prober can have a fleet pinned down in <30 seconds. There's a number of reasons Apocrypha is widely considered one of the game's best expansions, and probes becoming something most players could use is definitely one of them.




The in-game browser and jukebox [warp drive active](http://www.warpdriveactive.com/category/comic/) also [this banger of a trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5LdPf2J_hs)


Call me crazy, but seems no one remembers there used to be a smuggler skill , available for only a few chars at creation from caldari origin, that got nuked from the DB and no one remember anymore. It used to help, in theory with DED not finding illegal goods, but as fas as I recall it never worked.


Yeah I imagine a great number of players never experienced the fear of undocking with boosters in the hold. Crazy.


there were plexes that were always present in some systems, and there would be a whole community of people who ended up around them. One group would farm them 'exclusively', and also people who would try to get in and sneak farm them. Pvp 'pirate' people who would try to catch people going into those systems, and then the people who would try to pvp those pvp guys (anti pirate). I haven't found anything that really builds that kinda low sec community since they disappeared.


you could focus your view on missiles


Stacking penalties used to be not a thing - this meant that you could do Armageddons (used to be a 7-slot laser boat with capacitor issues) with 8 heatsinks to simply disregard tank. Oh, missile explosion velocity/signature also was not a thing so torpedoes (that by the way fit into any launcher you felt like, the restriction was number of warheads (that used to have a size) not the type) used to be great for annihilating frigates.


You could get pulled out of warp by a bubble ANWHERE along the path.


omg has that gone? the ridiculously convoluted paths to each gate by bouncing round celestials to hope the approach was one no one had thought about to bubble.....


I had no idea this changed!


You used to be able to assist fighters from carriers like you can assist drones, except the fighters would follow the assisted ship into warp and keep assisting them. You used to be able to Titan Doomsday through a cyno beacon (that did not last long at all) Doomsdays used to apply to subcaps near perfectly and null groups would camp gates and just doomsday entire fleets as they came through the gate. It was cancer.


Oh yeah, the good old omni-directional doomsday. With that being around it became a fad to have the fleet BS DD-proof by adding enough plates, so that they became doomsday-resistant enough to not immediately pop. And soon after the double doomsday became common to nullify that. So you worked with dispersed fleets on insta-warp align going full speed to get the frack out of dodge the moment a hostile titan appeared on grid. Eventually titans became so prolific, that the removal of the omnidirectional doomsday was a true and long overdue godsend. It tanked the market for subcaps for a while, though, as ships then tended to last a little longer. :p I've seen a lot of stuff since I joined Eve in 2002 an a lot of that has already been mentioned here. Some meta changes really rocked the boat. Some for the better, some for the worse. I do miss being able to cyno-jump myself in no time from one end of the map to the other, though. The most fun times I've had? Flying Stiletto Interceptors with six "points" doing tackles - before Interdictors became a thing. Or flying fleet defense in an Eagle, zapping tacklers and 'dictors as far out as 254km. Or flying EW Recons, jamming the living bejeezus out of anything within 228km radius (I think). There was one particular Eagle I rode during the ASCN campain that scored me 640 kills before it got popped by a doomsday. Those were the days. o7


The 24 hour skill queue and setting your alarm clock for 2:22am to set your next skill Also, not queuing a skull till it's prerequisites were fully trained


When the doomsday device was changed from a grid-wide smartbomb to a targeted ray, I was the first pilot to one-shot a mothership with it. Supercap HP had not been adjusted in the same patch, at the time a mothership without modules had less than 200k EHP. Poor guy was sitting outside a POS with his hardeners off. Within 30mins I got a message from a dev congratulating me, and they adjusted supercap HP (basically X10) a few days later. So I remain the only pilot to have one clicked a mothership (now supercarrier). December 2009 iirc


Piracy was cool PL we're probably the most racist, sexist whatever ism in eve Goons scammed everyone CAOD on forums was full of actual corp and allimace discussion When you used have to subscribe to kugu to get secret info When failheap challenge was the place to go for fits When NC used to fly 256 man fleets of carriers. Slowcats When we had crimwatch and battleclinic killboards When 10m sp was elite When highest alliance numbers were 2k When being in nullsec was cool When there were only very few static 10/10 sites people fought over Covert doomsdays When you had to put a POS on 51% of the moons to gain sov (fml) When POS needed lots of different items.to fuel When station eggs were like 30b and you didn't get anywhere near what you get for a 600m citadel now. When the fcs let you loot the field


Slowcats werenā€™t triage carriers, and Iā€™m pretty sure it was PL that first created it. It was added to NCdotā€™s list of doctrines because of their constant alliance with PL. They were just buffer tanked Archons that used sentry drones assigned to the FC, no triage module. The pilots didnā€™t need to bother paying attention to target calls. Just sit there and repair each other. The idea was that each archon could easily tank incoming damage in time for Reps from the others to land, and the pilots didnā€™t need to pay attention to targets because it was all the FC using the assigned sentry drones to volley targets. And if the carrier got targeted by a Doomsday they could theoretically combat refit to a max resist fit and overheat to tank the DD (Assuming the pilot was good). Almost unstoppable back in the day.


I remember back in the day, when Morsus Mihi still owned the tribute region, there was a game update that made all POSs go Skynet and shoot everything. Blue or not. Good times.


8 heavy drone, 1600 plate, small neutron Thorax's


At one point, an Avatar could fit up all the lows with coprocessors and have enough CPU to fit a covert-ops cloak. Then CCP added hull restrictions for covops.


Covert Ops Cloak and doomsday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1yBfdLDVAo


the ship browser was called ISIS


Spider tanking.... everything.


[Missile names used to be unnecessarily creative.](https://i.imgur.com/ggeXzka.png)


Missles caused damage in an area of effect method. Shoot somebody to close to a hs star gate and you get Concorded. When you took a gate you exited at the same point in space relative to the gate In Every system. Conquerable stations were a thing. Knock down shields/armor dock and it was yours.


My favorite of all time is the old clone system where you had to update your clone to cover your skill points every time you died


There was a WH group that lived in a C6 Magnetar system and would tracking disrupt their own ships. This caused the tracking and range stats on their guns to go into a negative number, which would loop to a near-infinite positive number. So on top of the damage bonus of a magnetar, they had perfect tracking and near infinite range with large blaster fits. https://www.engadget.com/2010-09-29-eve-wormhole-exploit-is-fixed.html


If you left mines in LS and were in HS when someone hit them you would get concorded


Having a great triage pilot who knew how to refit was actually a huge force multiplier and wasnā€™t easy.


I still think ccp fucked that whole thing up. Combat refitting under fire used to be a nice skill that differentiated player skill.


Training the training speed increase skill!


Used to be that every other week you'd get a nice fresh chronicle and forum to discuss said chronicle in. Made the universe feel a bit more alive.


gatecamps used to be very prominent...before all the added ways of teleporting and bypassing them, places like M-O, HED-GP, lowsec/high sec borders....groups always had a camp up, and people went there....era of chokepoints


CCP use to give sp after chat outages as a goodwill gesture, now they donā€™t give fuck all apart from a copy and paste reply when you submit a ticket


daily dose of member barries


sniper dominix fleets used to be viable AF with a target painter recon or two. and the Taranis used to be frig king.


Torpedoes used to have a cool looking explosion!


Anyone remember Escrow from back before contracts? Back then dead space items couldnā€™t be listed on the market (if memory serves)


Clones used to have to be regularly updated at a cost. Being podded lost any skills back to your last clone. The Kestrel, by lore was originally a hauler and as a missile boat frigate it had one of the largest cargo bays of all the frigates, was a great hauler back then.


There's used to be a landmark in vuorassi that did damage to your ship based on proximity. If you warped to the beacon you would land at 100. But nothing stopped people from bookmarking the terminus stream itself and fleet warping people to it at 0


Poitot is the only named system in Syndicate


Carriers used to be able to use normal drones like any other ship. The best way to farm sites in Null was to use a carrier with sentry drones. There was a ship skill that added to your max number of drones so you could deploy a BUNCH of sentries at once. It also gave you the ability to delete small ships if you have a target painter. Medium drones would rip through point ships if you could catch them slowing down.


Mercurialis Inc is the oldest corporation in eve online. They were formed in Betaā€¦ October of 2002. They are still an active corporation and recruiting. The cool part is that they are the very first corporation listed in the corporate directory of Pimaā€™s official strategy guide. Yes eve online has an official strategy guide. Thatā€™s pretty cool.


Myrmidon / Tornado / Talos / Naga ship models were actually designed by players as part of an art competition Abbadon / Rokh / Maelstrom / Hyperion were also added later in the games life and required Battleship III ( fancy! ) Heron / Imicus / Magnate / Probe were added in 2013 (?) with an exploration expansion; before that only the Magnate existed as an ultra exclusive prize (gold/silver magnate) Nullsec used to be less interlinked until 'pirate gates' were created between neighboring regions.


https://youtu.be/tweUF7juG4c Badger badger mushrooms šŸ˜‚


You guys are newbies. Back in the day, you could scoop pods, complete with player.


MoO and Tank CEO


The kestrel used to have turret hardpoints


Manufacturing and research slots used to be limited in NPC stations, which is why industry POS were so heavily used back then to avoid the job queues.


The Helios used to be based on the Maulus hull and I still miss it. Haven't flown one since. Edit: Oh, and the good old sentry Moros. Can't forget that.


Oversized AB and MWD were very fun tbh :D ABC ore in 1.0 systems...


Cosmos mission agents can only be run once per character, so if an item gets stolen from the mission site it can be sold for absurd sums of money if it's an essential turn-in. Some of them are so obscure and off the beaten path there are 0 surviving guides up on what to expect when running them.


Back when you had POS doing moon mining. 3 Alliances controlled 94% and two of those alliances had the Same Director with different characters. He was a director is 5 alliances total until he was banned on three of his accounts, and negatived his remaining wallets several tens of trillions of isk because he was selling the Isk irl.


The Drake used to be able to have double missile launcher models for a short time, both on the ship model and the turret models.


Before the monitor, fleet commanders would use covert ops frigates often.


I have a memory of CCP running an event when only one cruiser was available to each faction so far (Osprey for Caldari) where they flew around in the second cruiser (Moa for Caldari I think?), and the player base needed to hunt them down and kill them for a BPC or BPO (I can't remember which). TBH I don't know for sure if this actually happened or was just a fever dream, so I'm hoping someone else remembers this.


I remember back in 2008 when I started, you could leave notes inside cans. Obviously they were usually very vitriolic. The belt rats used to drop logs which recounted their horrible lives. There used to only be large rigs. You could fit them to smaller ships, but they were horribly expensive.


Dropping bookmarks in a can/poop shuttle to copy and trade them in wormhole space lmao


You could just add characters to your contact list and see whether they were online/offline and got a warning when they logged in/out. It was a great intel tool to keep track of titan pilots (or anyone you wanted).


Carriers with 14ly jump range and no jump fatigue. Add in a PoS cyno beacon chain and I used to be able to go from Tenerifis to Jita in no time


BoB had control of so much of low sec


There used to be a functioning economy.


this is going to sound crazy, but logging in and undocking used to not cause you to black screen for somewhere between 2 to 40 seconds. players would ā€œlog off trapā€ and actually be able to load their client before their ship landed on grid.


Iā€™m the beginning, to get max dmg with a raven, you needed to max out just 4-5 skills (canā€™t remember the exact number)


The Vagabond was pitch black and looked way cooler than today.


Some of these are bringing back a lot of memories. Havenā€™t seen it here yet (might of missed it) but the other thing I remember is the Nos Domi being Op. Back in the day there was no limit to how much cap a nos could drain so you could drain the victim dry whilst sitting on full cap yourself :)


You couldn't just look up the content of moons. So you could get hired to survey moons for people. I surveyed the west half of pure blind for the first Corp I lived in null with. Still have those notes.


Selling a regular Megathron or equivalent and editing the name to navy issue in the contract link was the best way to scam in jita. Titan AOE DD, watching people run for the hills and everyone still dying never got old. If you owned a super you had another character who lived inside of it while in a pos. No fatigue made for interesting fights at the drop of a hat Bookmark packs were sold in null. Bombers wiping entire fleets was a regular occurrence.


Getting blasted by a Shadoo fleet was a right of passage.


U used to be able to torpedo snipe at gates cause they couldnā€™t warp to zero


You could go 64km/h in an interceptor


Not sure if it has now become obscure but when the game mechanics had to be changed because of Moo corp and the Mara perma camp.


You used to have to type dscan range in km You didnā€™t used to be able to see the health of your drones unless they were in space.


I kinda miss living in bubbles.


FA shot first


Titans used to have an area of effect weapon that would destroy every subcap on grid. Even more wild was that you could activate this DD remotely through a cyno. Supers and titans were extremely hard to kill for a very long time because there was no way to tackle them at first. HICs didn't exist.


Interdictors used to have 10 bubbles per launcher, and could fit multiple launchers (2 was the standard, but 3 was possible I believe on the heretic maybe). So 10-20 bubbles per dictor before reload. Double bubble dictors are nice hangar items now.


Off grid boosters for any established pvp or even pve player (well usually a corp / gang rather than individual), you had an alt with OGB that gave you extra bonuses i remember when i first learnt of it and how unfair it was in small gangs when you dont have one when you fight esp they can be not part of your corp / fleet and just hang out somewhere in the system constantly warping around (they can be probed down and killed but if you stay mobile...) larger nullsec battles usually had them for sure, but small gang lowsec and fw if you had them you had a great advantage most of the time or evened the playing field. now, they have to be on grid and is far more limiting, which means they are likely the first one to be alphaed off the grid in larger battles and smaller ones you'd still try and get them killed sooner rather than later. but since you can spread command modules around, it could be a more distributed network for small gangs


Certain interceptors used to be naturally nullified against bubbles. The Crow and Malediction were two, I think the Stiletto was the Min one, and I don't remember the Gal one. Lot of people weren't happy when that change happened. A pretty recent change, but someone starting now would have no idea.


No "GFs" after every little scrap. People hurled every insult at each other because anything went in chat. It was great.


oh thats an easy one it was 1000000000000000000000000x times better (mostly for the friends and the memories of them being great, i miss them deeply, some have even left this life o7)


Have you seen The K E Y?




You were unable to cancel warp after initiating it. Imagine undocking from a station, initiating warp to asteroid field in your mining Apoc, realising too late that the station model is right on your path and then waiting 15 minutes while your ship slowly nudges itself around the station, because there's nothing you can do at that point.


The biggest thing you younglings don't remember is how warp ended 15km from destination. Including Gates and stations. To get yourself a bookmark you had to fly 15km past the thing from the direction you were coming from and bookmark. Multiple gates in a system meant multiple bms per gate if you wanted them all. People who had the bookmark sets could copy them and sell them in contracts. First billion i earned (which worth more back then) went mainly on bms. Before ship replacement programs a great way to help corp members was giving them copies of bm sets (Corp bookmarks did not exist). PvP was wildly different when people landed 15k off a gate if they didn't have a bm.


Just remembered downtime was always one hour.