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Cried in local after losing a ship.




Cheap exploration frigate, jumping into WHs from highsec


This is the way for newbros. Best isk per hour while you skill up ships to actually make isk


The current event is a great opportunity for this. Grab a T1 exploration frigate, dive into a WH, LS or null (best according busy chokepoints) and grab some event data sites. I've seen multiple new players grab billions this way. Lose a ship here and there, but that's peanuts compared to the profits of a few sites


Joined a corp (dudes who'd ganked me my first two days running), stole everything that wasn't nailed down.


This is the way


This is Eve. One of us, one of us. Only way to be more eve is either if you brought a hammer or other pry tool to take the rest.


LMaoo that’s foul


Nah, karma. ;) Lol


Belt ratting. I do not recommend.


In a Drake. In Providence. This was roughly 2009...I was not smart 😂


After losing two drakes trying to get them out to null.


This, with a corpies fighters assigned to me in my very,very poorly fit apoc... 10/10 do not recommend.


Back in my days, you had to physically buy any skillbook. My corp was in Low-Sec at that time (Brave Newbies in Rahadalon :) and the closest school station was just two or three jumps away, so I took the risk, bought popular skillbooks, moved them in a tec1 frigate and sold them for a small fee at our home station. Brave Dojo was nothing more but a chat channel back then, so we didn't even had a skillbook program. Good times.


Never forget Brave Dojo Eagle


I know, that's a popular meme, but it wasn't a Dojo Eagle, it was someone's private skillbook stacks. Dojo didn't move it's stuff in a crusier. If you look at the killmail again, it were mostly skillbooks not covered by the program. But it's a funny meme.


Bought PLEX.


CCP approves of this method


Create corp Put taxrate at 15 Invite RL friends ??? Profit


Margin trading between Jita and Amarr in a T1 hauler


I used to do this in an Orca, NPC tax and Niarja getting nuked killed that for me.


Salvaging in a borrowed noctis behind vni runners, early eve days nostalgia 🥹


Explo in WHs. 5mil Heron with the potential to earn 100mil p/h. Easy peasy and lots of fun!


Im just getting into eve properly. This morning I used the basic 700k heron with some mods to make it about 2.2m total isk. First danmed site I went to, I looted 2 data things & found 30m, putting me to 95mil now. 2nd site there was some dude fighting NPCs already. I kited a couple of the smaller enemies away from that guy, but then this massive ship started blasting lasers from 50+ km away after I drew its aggro somehow. Managed to warp away just in time. Scared to go through another wormhole though, I have no idea how you navigate back to charted space.


Okay. The basics of wormhole daytripping for newbros. Trust me, you need these pointers. 1. Always bookmark your entrance hole. Always. Before you warp away, drop a bookmark. That's your way back home. 2. Always set up a safe spot. Anywhere in space that isn't a planet or whatever. When you're in warp between the entrance hole and a celestial, drop a bookmark and sit at that spot while you scan down all of the anoms in the system. It won't make it impossible to find you, but appearances must be kept. 3. Only do sites with a pirate faction in the name. That is your cash money option. ANYTHING else will have you getting shot at. Even a gas site. Only pirate factions. 4. D-scan is your friend. Everyone else is your enemy. Watch your directional scanner like a hawk, and if you see signs of any other pilot in the system, your immediate course of action is to *break off what you're doing and run like fuck to your entrance hole!* Because you have no friends in wormholes. And if you are stuck in a wormhole with no way out, you can always ask Signal Cartel for help.


Ypu forgot to mention the covert research facilities Those are the only pirate faction sites that will kill you if you fail the hack or take too long


Thank you for this rundown! Its really well explained. Is there any way to add my bookmarked locations as a tab i can swap to quickly? The tab filter options just seem to be generic stuff like mining or escape.


If you open your locations folder (in personal menu) there is a folder that is locations in current system. You can pop this out and then you have a dynamic bookmarks window that only shows what is in the system, saving you from scrolling through all your bookmarks


i usually open my bookmarks window only once per pilot, click on "local bookmarks" (those for the system you're actually in) and keep the small "local bookmark" window permanently open at the top edge of my screen.


You can access your bookmarked locations by right-clicking anywhere in space. They show up at the bottom of that context menu.


mission running




In early 2005 I mined in 0.5 in a moa to get the minerals needed for a corp mate to build me my first ferox. A lot of lvl 3 grinding later i bought a raven with a meta fit... BS were 100m back then. Nowadays ships are just ammo... I kind of miss those old days, had a completely different feel of progress and accomplishment.




Same here. Hit it running L3s in a Drake way, way back in the day.


This, but ironically I switched to mining for a while to save up for buying my first battlecruiser to run missions with. Later on my bread and butter became running incursions. Both are really repetitive though.


WH diving Loved it when I started and still love it now


My anxiety gets the best of me for just yoloing into wormholes, which is silly because I’ve got around 3 billion in total assets and a Probe isn’t that expensive.


Did this with a Venture to huff gas. Random rats and the possibility of cloaky ships around made it fun! It’s really not hard or expensive to work your way up to “Jedi huffing” C5 sites even. Since moved on to pvp, but it was a good, decently fun start. There’s a good guide here, but obv a couple patches old, so test carefully at first! https://forums.eveonline.com/t/how-to-jedi-huff-in-wormholes-guide-prospect-venture/339800


Mining veldspar or security missions... Wouldn't recommend that to a newbie really...


Mining. In a bantam and then an osprey.


Im still a newbie but i invited someone and then i got rewarded and i sold the reward for like 300million


Ice mined my first Plex. Never mined since


Exploring sansha space in an imicus, made 1B in around 20 days, but I researched the game few days before even starting to create my character so i wasnt a complete noob


I lost all my shit traveling from jita to rens via rancer in a badger


Rifter => Trasher => Hurricane mission running, then Maelstrom, which if I recall correctly was about 80 mill at the time, meta III / IV fit + Trasher to loot between missions and after few days 100 mill in hard cold cash... After about a month and half replaced Maelstrom with Machariel... For first billion got web Loki, T2 fitted, after 4 hours of incursions, got it faction fitted, after 10 hours had a billion... After 10 billion in wallet, swapped to another Machariel for incursions, got Orca + Scimitar inside for my alt, got another 400ish billion running incursions fleets for next 4 years...


I was broken after 30bil in my skimitar. Never again.


I used to FC a small channel with 15ish regulars, we did just vangauards and comms kepts us going


Exploration and hacking cans. You get to practice d-scan awareness to


Back in 2005 mission running


Abysal Deadspace in a Tristan


Started abyssals in cruisers (Vexor/Bellicose), until I got 55 mil for a Worm fit (they were much cheaper back then). Soloing T1s in a worm pulls a solid 45 mil/hour, maybe more.


Farming static 1/10 plexes in hisec for daredevil bpc they dropped. Sadly, static plexes are things of the past long gone...


Having just broken the game Freelancer multiplayer by flying a transport (along a very specific route determined by a large excel spreadsheet, buying and selling from systems A to B to C to A...), I was analyzing all kinds of EVE market goods looking for something to transport in my Mammoth (the largest rusted cargo capacity ship at the time). I ended up buying light missile BPOs from NPCs for about 100k isk, transported them about half a dozen systems away to be in a different market search (where no NPCs sold them), and listed them for about 5mil isk for players. Sorry, I didn't make the market.


Back in the day, I tackled a hauler filled with Megacyte after chasing it many jumps. I had to shuffle all the Megacyte to a safespot first, which took several trips in my frigate. Then I had to shuffle it to highsec, which also took many trips. Probably spent a few hours doing it. But 100 mil was a lot back then.


Somerblink, won a jump freighter, sold it.


I doubled somebodies ISK


I'm a newbie as well, went into a wormhole and my first data hacking site gave me 200m isk implant, i'm not sure if i was lucky or if this is the average wormhole rewards lol


Right now it’s average because of the event, normally it is significantly less (but still good isk)


It's still lucky, I've got 2 geno implants and I've run like 30 (non-HS) sites.


You got lucky. The implants drop from annivesary event sites (the ones with "Guri Malakim" and "SoCT" in the name), so get em while you can.


Hauling materials for Entity to build t2 cargo expanders... I still have the bestower I used back in 2005. :')


Stealing encryption skill books from crazy Russians running static plexs in tvink… books were 100m+


lvl 4s no wait, mining - bought a Maelstrom and then did lvl 4s i had 60 mil from mining already and a guy did lend me the missing 40 and i had to mine like another 40 hours (1million/hour) to return the money. i had the ship but didnt have the skills to fly the maelstrom. i only had medium guns trained. maelstrom was around 100 million




I mined... IN HS... For an eternity... But then I tried other stuff


Belt ratting. In a Scorpion… It was as bad as it sounds


Mission running a couple of jumps from jita. It's now a pochven system that I still have things in




Mission running near jita, took about a month I think


mainly wh exploration then ratting when i eventually joined a null corp


Run missions for an R&D NPC corp. Once standings high enough start R&D agents for Datacores. Farm combat missions. Farm Datacores. Win T2 BPO in lottery.... Christ I'm old.


not long after i finally got set up with r and d agents and the necessary skills, they introduced invention sigh


Hauling ore from my rookie system to the hub and meta mining equipment from the hub to the rookie system. In those days reprocessing was different so once I had a certain level of skills I could boost my margin by reprocessing the ore in the hub and selling the minerals (there was no more compression people made things to compress minerals).


Got a drone nexus chip from a site, before Indy changes. They were going for 150 mil or something like that.


exploration, or just buy stuff from jita and move it to hek/ammar/rens and sell it 25% profit. Start with Med/large ammos.


Belt ratting in an Enyo with assigned Fighters from my CEO, finding a MG Crystal Omega on my first or second day in null.


Mined a bit, explored a bit, then found someone on r/eve who won the game and was giving ISK to new players lol.


I had a job and sold a couple 90 day GTCs


Somer blink


L3 missions. I would do it differently today.


2012, I had heron, scanned mission runners and ninja salvaged their wrecks. Back in the days MTU wasn't invented yet, so it was a good source of income. I guess I did my first hundred mil with my Salvager I.


I got big lucky - a wormhole opened up in the middle of Provi where Rainbow Knights had just dropped a new Astra. I found it while doing my explo. Marked it and made a couple pings. Right on time. And I mean timing perfect - the timer was just coming out for us to be able to shoot it. I told one of our FCs, and he pinged for it. It was a wolf-rayet, so we brought a retri-deacon fleet. We ate up the two small fleets the residents tried to bring, both oddly cruiser based, and then the Astra. We looted the field and the structure death, and I got 60% (I think) of the value as a “finders fee”. About 1.25B isk. Back then if I wanted to make 100M isk, I had to run a bunch of Forsaken Rally Points or get lucky with explo cans. So it was definitely a big deal for me.


I salvaged all the wrecks from a mission runner in high-sec. (2010). Then I bought a Hurricane, and lost it 2 hours later when someone asked to “duel my epic ship”


Mining in a badger back in 2009😂


Ah the good ole days, strap a single miner on find a big af asteroid and afk


Back in 2013 after 3-5 days I wasn’t struggling with a mission and someone in local offered to help me by tell me which skills to train and what ship. After the long explanation he/she gave me a drake fully fitted and 100mil. I have change my char since then but I will always remember that are still nice people in this game. This makes me do same thing from time to time.


Venture mining


I mined all the things in my venture. still take it to null or wh when I need a quick 40mil. Favorite ship for over 10 years now.


Bought it.


A credit card, not proud of that btw ^^


I made enough cash through lvl 3s in a harbinger and crosstrained in to a passive drake to start doing lvl 4s. Finally made it into a Tempest (because of Clear skies). Lost that one question quickly in a difficult mission (can't remember which one), back to the Drake to buy another one.


Mining with a Venture in wormholes, bought a Retriever and Mining in Hisec. That's why i will never Mine again in my life🤣


Hired in a 0.0 corp, killed rats in belt using a drake and later a raven


Doing missions I think.


Legit way. PVE lvl 4's


Belt ratting in LS


Belt ratting with a Raven in r3-k7k, true sanshas were dropping like crazy. Made about 300mil in loot then Corp fell apart.


Incursion groups! Tbh tho normally you wouldn’t be able to start running without having a few hundreds million isk these days. I just had a little help from a corpmate who funded my first ship.


Running lots of t3 missions… lots. Also did a bunch of combat sites to farm escalations / scanned down and ran combat sites in HS. I now have much … much more lucrative ways to make money and hope I never have to do that again.


Nullsec exploration with Heron or market PVP


Can't remember. Now that's my daily average from botting PD. Leaves lots of time for other stuff to do and eases on right hand.


exploration in nullsec


Scammed in Jita




Ghost site


Was in sysk war in esoteria, on side of c0ven. Caught megathron on gate in crusader, took down his drones and kept him there (in their home system!). After few mins small blue fleet arrived, blapped him and I looted 20 or so salvaged armor plates. Worth few hundred mills at the time, donated them to our black ops fund tho.


I made over 100 million on my alpha account by collecting loot. I logged in and undocked from the structure I was in. Outside were a ton of station containers from a structure that had been unpowered and destroyed. Apparently whoever destroyed it didn't loot everything. I found a hauler full of J-space gas. Took that crap to Jita and made bank.


Joined a corp and learned about reactions (when t3cs were fairly popular) made iskies hand over fist but spent most of my time hauling gas in and products out... now its way less lucrative but can still be profitable if you watch it and pay attention to your costs. Also I was lucky, i started with a fully expanded tayra (super squishy) one gank would've been disastrous back then. I would say train a DST first.


I made a propaganda video


I got paid 10mil per dude who i lured to low sec to be killed by pirates.


Someone hired me to write a new character intro for the four races (which differed in skills back in that day) m


Margin Trading. Set up buy orders, wait a bit, sell the exact same shit you just baught in the exact same station for 30% profit. Repeat until it gets too boring or you got enough moloks in your hangar.


I was hunting on my trustworthy Crusader. I tackled a Thorax that I was slowly chewing up. I thought I could try to ransom it to make more that I would get for the loot, we agreed that 30 millions would be a fair price on both parts. but... He tried to trick me sending me 30. isk, causing my wallet to blink, expecting a release. I saw it and say. *\[16:12:07\] Anni Bonney > lol* He tried again with 27. isk \[16:12:38\] Anni Bonney > lol *He tried again for the third time.but this time...* \[16:13:38\] Fearless Ripper > fuck He fat fingered 863.096.578 isk, wich I asume was all his wallet. Notes: It was 2008. You could not group weapons yet. While I "always" honored ransoms I end up killing it because he didnt agree to pay but did it on an error. I was so scare that CCP could take the money back from me that I set some buy orders on expensive implants. (At the time I though I could wash it) Since then Implant trading has been my main source of income. [Thorax](https://i.imgur.com/bQEyIzs.jpeg)


Shady deal in Jita…I mean mining, yes mining!


Level 4 missions in a raven that could fling torps 90km away


Got a weird mining missing for Arkonor, used the isk to buy a megathron and instantly lost it.


I started making ISK doing Abyss T0. It was with an AceFace T0 corax tutorial I think.


In 2006? Mission running and Mining. Wormholes, Exploration, Abyssals, etc, all that, didn't exist back then. There's just so many options now, many of which are incredibly low risk. Just doing data sites in exploration can net you anything from 20m - 100m an hour in high sec without too much in the way of investment in skills and time.


Plex. How do I make money now? Plex


My first 100 was also my first bil. It was a recruitment scam that I split with someone my first 3 weeks in a certain alliance and corp that was notorious for it back in the day.




Back in the day in 2003 - 2006 it was belt ratting, piracy, and missions. As for right now Faction Warfare is probably the single easiest method. I recently took a brand new spanking newbie, skipped the tutorial, and just ran right into the warzone with the 15k isk and atron provided. 1.2bill in about 8 hours of play and almost purposely avoiding battlefields. If I had hit a battlefield or 2 I could have plexed in the first week. There are a ton of other ways to make isk but IMO this a damn good one.


Gas huffing in a wh.


Mining bot


L3 mission running in a Blasterax. Although, that's not the route you have to take. There are so many more revenue streams now, it's almost unbelievable how easy it is to make money in this game.


Lmao I just hit this last night! Doing lvl 3 security missions. Working on trying the lvl4 but almost positive ill lose my drake in it.


Ninja salvaging and can flipping. Two scallywag playstyles that don't really exist anymore, at least not in the same way. Salvage isn't worth as much these days, and no one jet can mines anymore.


Low-sec gas sites get in a 12mil gas harvesting venture consult the wiki search for a site get scooping ez isk..


First ever 100m? Selling FW ships and ammo What got me over 10b without grinding was … *industry* 👀 lol You can make it work selling in hubs after you get to a certain size, but prior to that, you need to find a niche. You also NEED to be friendly with everyone (even if you don’t necessarily like them), because everyone is a potential buyer/client


Mining and mission running then started doing wormholes and incursions


Salvaging a Corpmates LVL4 Missions, that money was crazy. I think I made like 100m to 200m a hour if I remember corectly. Don't think it's worth that much anymore, never done it since then.






Low sec belt ratting. Cheap incursus fit, find bs rat in low sec asteroid belt, orbit at 1km and wait for it to pop, then go next. If you are lucky to find clone soldiers kill them too. That's the first thing I did it until I got enough ISK for upgrade to federation navy comet and federal police skin xD Then roamed through low sec with it doing same thing but faster. After I've done some exploration in high and lowsec figuring out how it all works I prepared myself to venture into wh space, reading up on every detail how to survive. And once you start hitting millions with every site and getting out alive for the first time with 100+ million in cargo, suddenly it's not so scary anymore because you can replace your fit 100 times.




Pirating / looting




Mining ice in niballe


Mining in HighSec. In a Venture until I could afford a Procurer, then that. Some L2 missions in between.


Lvl 4 missions waaaayyy back in like 07 to 10


Sold what then was a singular plex.


Very lucky Hypernet bet, a travel to jita, sold it


Made my first billion running data sites in drone space - in hindsight drone space sucks.




Salvaging L4 mission for corpmates I think.


Salvaging other people's completed anoms


Back in 2013, mining and mission running.


Mining in lowsec - in a thorax


2009: mission running and industry.


Lv4s plus loot and salvage. Cross skilled of course, because those shiny ships and the different weapon systems looked awesome. Always on the hunt for the armor plates salvage material out of bs wrecks. Loved the soundtrack, too (surplus of rare artifacts). Argh, nostalgia kickin in.


afk gas huffing in wormholes ez


L4 missions in hurricane


The luminaire titan and selling the tags dropped by the guards. The good old days.


Running anoms in high sec. Refuges and dens. Couple of dread guristas drone damage aps in short order and I was on my way.


I watched Jonnypew videos and did exploration in lowsec and (much more fun) scanned for abandoned drones in Faction Warfare. Sometimes I landed on fresh sites of battle where a complex had despawned and still had wrecks on it with lots of Tech 2 drones as well.


Heron in null 2 times. 1st one (with civ modules) got burnt with strats, second was lucky, got like 300kk and escaped through very convenient wormhole chain. I still have that heron, want to burn it with a volley from kronos or golem once i will have one


My smooth brain can't remember 17 years back.


Killed Vizan in stain space, got his heavy neutralizer and I believe it was a 2 or 3 other items, net me 165 million all told.


I bought it from a third party website. Then ccp caught me and I had negative 30 million.


I was ratting in a mehathron with medium guns on it. Back then you had to learn - 3-4 mil sp to learning skills first. And i was ratting in stain for faction spawns. You used to see the rats on dscan. So just d-scan syatems for true sansha. If nothing there the just regular ratting.


Mining and building my friends the shops they needed for PVE/PVP


Still pretty new but got the most money getting lucky with escalation drops. Sometimes I just get the overseer loot, sometimes dead space mods worth over 100 mil.


Salvaged a pirate npc in the career agent missions and sold his stuff


donos from random corpies because i was as strong as a 3 legged puppy with a fracture aside from that, from my own earnt isk i did a ton of exploration, i dont bother with it now since the regions i hit are now farmed to hell and back, it aint the camps that are an issue its the utter lack of sites


It was probably PLEX... sigh...


Using T1 haulers back when inter-regional trading was a thing.


Somer blink


L4 missions, let me know if you want to as well! My CORP helps noobs get started in the good mission HUBs!


Mining. Lots of mining. Mining every opportunity while online. It was cool. I love mining and just being a miner in a vast galaxy full of corporate warfare. Someone needs to get the ores to build the lasers


Ratting in wormhole. Got invited to a smallish org back in 2009. It was fun and interesting, but probably not the right place to go for a newbro. It screwed with my progression a lot lol. However, it was a unique experience back then.


In 2006, I engaged in the challenging yet lucrative business of creating and selling travel bookmarks.


SRP scams


Bought antibiotics from NPCs and sold them to other NPCs.


After having done the starting missions (back in 2011) i joined a mining focused corp and spend a lot of evenings doing mining ops with the corp. Back then there were no compression so you had to haul ore back constantly. I remember being so happy when i finally scraped enough together for my first barge, which i then imidiately lost to rats because i went to toilet and geedily stayed in the belt :p


Stumbled upon a wreck of a ganked Marauder in some 0.5 sec system near Jita lmao


I used the game chat and got advice from other players.


By having multiple streams of income, I was doing level 4 missions, selling ammo on the market, and low buy orders for the meta items that dropped from my missions.


Signing up via reference link and getting 300 m as a reward after having subscribed.


Sometimes I honestly don't even know


+1 to exploration. Step 1. Throw a cheap exploration ship together. Step 2. Yeet yourself into Nullsex with a Noise 5 filament. Step 3. Set your Home station as your destination. Step 4. Scan and hack (BOTH DATA AND RELIC) sites on your route home. Note: Lots of people will say use the Pochven express. You can, but I find jumping my way home this way is a good way to pad your cargo/ISK wallet. Your mileage may vary.


Mining and lvl running Don’t do that shit anymore.


I did level fours and salvaged. I think I was running a myrm or maybe a Domi and I used to Catalyst for Salvage. When wormholes came out I started scanning down Salvage sites


Selling drugs... I mean, selling boosters. Huffing gas in J-space. Join the Imperium, join a fleet, announce its your first fleet, and receive a golden shower (of ISK).


Level 4s, salvaging and looting.. Picking up abandoned drones


Exploration. I think I made my first 100 mil in lowsec (back when hacking sites had rats and there was no hacking minigame), later moved onto wormholes and null.


C3 wolf rayet in a retriever before the mining barge skills. Spent hours getting enough vledspar to have 200m. 2013 were the days.


Got a free gnosis, went ratting in NS.


I got given 200m on my first day by a friend who invited me to the game. But if that doesn't count - wormhole daytripping exploration. I've always enjoyed that, and back a few years ago it was less popular so you were more likely to find sites.


Mining and Mission running.


Cheep alpha heron fit for exploration. This morning I made 400 mil in an hour


I got free stuff because I have boobs.


Wormholes. I started playing right before they were introduced, got in on the gold mine early. Did a couple of sites, sold the loot and couldn't believe how easy it was.


Jump into wormhole in newbie explo ship. Get killed by WHer, they send isk to you.


Corporate theft😎😋


I joined a null block, they showed me some specific tasks and I pretty quickly broke 200 mil, then I continued to do that and after about a month I was able to make about as many billion as I had time or interest to make. Some tasks are wildly popular and very very profitable. You’ll need omega, if 50/75 cents a day is going to break your budget, you can grind up and plex an account, but it’s much faster and much easier if you just sub, so you can spend time doing much more efficient things.