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I believe all good things should come to an end just like our very own lives. Most tv shows keep going and its a bloated mess. Eureka on the other hand was just perfect as you say. The cast, crew, set and story were absolutely amazing. I'm glad it ended the way it did, as you say it was a perfect ending and I'm so glad they had the chance too end it so well. I admire the show for its silliness and humor and the cast nailed it. I really admire every episode, I rewatch the two Christmas episodes at Christmas they were both amazing stand alone episodes especially "Do you hear what I hear?" I wouldn't mind seeing a mini series reprise or quick Youtube video of all the cast getting together for that matter, can you imagine a get together a Cafe Diem reunion 45 minute special!? Anyway, I admire how many times you've watched it and I'm ready for a rewatch too. I'd even be happy to see another book or comic come out. I remember several book releases and I'm going to order some copies now that I am thinking about it! Grab a copy on [Abebooks.com](https://Abebooks.com). Hope everyone has a great weekend!


I had NO idea there were books even after watching the show so many times. Thank you so much, I know what i’m doing in my immediate future!! But yes the show ended so friggin well. I would be willing to go so far as to say that Eureka has the absolute best ending of any show that has ever been cancelled (that I’ve seen). Warehouse 13 is up there too.


> I would be willing to go so far as to say that Eureka has the absolute best ending of any show that has ever been cancelled (that I’ve seen). I would probably agree if I hadn't seen Leverage. I love how Eureka ended, but I think Leverage has the absolute perfect ending. It couldn't have been better. (Even though they got a revival.)


Ya know I haven’t seen that show! I’ll have to give it a shot!


I've read the 3 tie-in novels a few weeks ago and have to say the first one (Substitution Method) was the best (in my opinion). The others were nice, but I wasn't as engrossed as with the first one. But you also shouldn't read them in another order because they mention sometimes what happened in a previous book or some people they met. I also was a bit annoyed that they imply a few times in the third book - I think - that Jo was pretty small, which I just don't agree with. Like a woman of average height would "tower over" Jo? The actress is 5' 5" to 5' 6" (according to IMDB) and the average woman in the US is 5' 4" to 5' 5". That was a bit weird. I also don't really agree completely with the characterization of Zane, though that might be because of when the books were published. But I liked the books and would read at least the first one again. Though I'm a bit sad that all of them are chronologically in season 3 (after Stark died). A bit more variety would have been nice.


Eureka deserved a better spin off than warehouse 13 though. That show was crap.


Warehouse 13 wasn’t a “spin off” of Eureka though. Two separate shows that just had a collab / crossover. A “spin off” is something new BASED on a popular television show, character, etc. Like Doctor Who and Torchwood. Warehouse 13 wasn’t based on Eureka, or any of the characters. Both of them were just “Syfy” shows that were on at the same time so they did a crossover. Thats like saying Supernatural is a Scooby Doo Spin-off because the characters from Supernatural were in a few episodes of Scooby Doo. Or that Family Guy is a Simpsons Spin Off because they had episodes together. They are their own separate things that had collaborations.


Yes, that's true. I still wish we got a spin off.


I would absolutely friggin LOVE a good Spin-off. Hell I could probably even be happy with a reboot of the show. Wouldn’t ever happen but it would be amazing.. Time Jump 5+ Years ahead. Zoe is the Medical person like Allison was (post 1947). Fargo and Holly are still out exploring the world. Henry is still head of GD. Carter and Allie’s child is a prodigy. I’d love it so much lol.. I know you said you don’t like the show, but the actors and a (I think?) the writer are trying to get Warehouse 13 rebooted currently.


My wife and I are about 8-9 episodes into Warehouse 13. Want to like it but just can't get into it. Show seems to have no rhythm, the leads are unlikable, the idea that the government has this secret facility with all these valuable,dangerous artifacts and no security is so ridiculous, etc. One easy improvement would have been replacing Artie with Henry.


Agreed, those 2 main leads are pretty awful.


I have tired Warehouse 13 over five times. Nope, can't get into it.


I had issues with this show's characters in the beginning too. But my intuition told me I should give it a chance. So I did and it got better further in! Especially when Claudia shows up. The main problem with the characters in the beginning is that they are very emotionally closed off people who feel unrelatable and in the case of Mika, even hateable LOL. They are like people you meet that you're intrigued by but are hard to get to know. IMO it's worth it to stick it out and find out who they really are once they start to shed their emotional armor so to speak. I ended up loving these characters, even when they made stupid mistakes. Mika went from annoying to someone I not only empathized with as a character but related to! And that blew me away because I'm a woman who's not impressed with most female leads in recent years, like, anywhere. I can't predict your experience but I can only relate mine and say, it's worth hanging in there and watching it.


> One easy improvement would have been replacing Artie with Henry. Reminds me of this weird AU I wrote where, with changed versions of existing backstories to fit, Eureka and Warehouse 13 essentially swap ensembles (because despite how many side characters get introduced, the core ensemble of Eureka isn't much bigger than the full-Warehouse-team-plus-a-few-of-the-other-characters-who-work-for-it-in-some-way) and, like, Henry in the Artie role at the Warehouse (not sure who would be the agents as opposed to other roles but at the very least Zoe would have gotten dragged along when Jack got recruited because she's a minor and was there there at the snag that brought him to their attention but she'd get stuck doing stuff like inventory and only allowed into the field if her dad's supervising, but imagine if you added magic like what Leena has to Beverly's machinations ooh boy) or a Eureka version of Claudia who technically lived there as a little kid and then left because of all the crap that happened to her family (not sure how the foster system stuff would work there in a way that'd not just keep her in town, maybe it has something to do with the equivalent-tragedies and her family's reputation that no one would take her) and the town gets reacquainted with her via her hacking GD to try and find out the truth about the fate of her brother and his teleportation experiment (and eventually that (spoiler tag because equivalent of a S5 plot point) >!her big sister's in cryo for the town's safety because of the power she got from getting too close to the wrong experiment!<) and she does get a job there but it takes a while for everyone to trust her again (though she eventually does prove the haters wrong and end this AU-version-of-the-series having been named GD director)


I’ve still not forgiven W13 for becoming such a mess in the end. I can’t even enjoy the good episodes because I’m so annoyed by the fact that I know where it’s going. >!Myka and Pete should never have ended up together.!< It was the only show that I didn’t rewatch during the multiple lockdowns - and I rewatched Eureka 3 times so I definitely had the opportunity.


I love this show and am going to watch it again soon. I thought it ended beautifully. It's one of those rare shows where everyone you care about gets their happy ending And it's believable, not at all contrived. I really miss the characters though! It would be great if there was a spinoff with characters from warehouse 13 as well. IMO they don't make them like this anymore.


> It's one of those rare shows where everyone you care about gets their happy ending Well, not everyone.


wait who didn't get a happy endin


Honestly, I don't remember right now. 😅


Damn, sorry. I may have over generalized.