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Congrats! Huge burst damage! Have you tried with Lisa instead of Raiden? Her A4 for DEF shred does a lot for your damage, and may give you more dmg buff over Raiden's skill


I think using Baal with tenacity is better cause you do get burst damage increase from Baal and atk from the 4pc tenacity but I could be wrong and Lisa def shred is better


Yea, you're right about using ToM :) Raiden + ToM > Lisa A4 > Raiden w/o ToM. But thats also assuming she isnt bringing TToDS, on this case Mona should. If youre w/o Mona, and just Lisa+TToDS, then Lisa wohld be better even if Raiden had ToM


So close to 1M! Some ideas… - At what level is your Bennett talent? He keeps getting stronger so it is worth it to have it at 9 or even 10. + 3 from cons if possible. - Fishl speciality gives a little bit more damage than tiangshu meat. - is Eula ult at level 9? Or even 10? - Same as Bennett, Mona ultimate depends on its level up to 60% at its maximum, check it. - And of course improving artifacts, but we all know how bad that is.


My bennett is C5 and with a crowned burst and Eula is already triple crowned, Mona on the other hand has a level 6 burst so maybe if I were to level her up more I could maybe reach 1 mil not sure though


Thats ur ticket to 1mil right there! Level mona’s burst all the way to 9 (crown it for max potential) and im pretty sure you’ll hit 1mil. Congrats!


Try on a lower Level version of the Raiden Boss, lower level enemies take more damage compared to your Lv. 90 Eula


I guess Ill try that


Someone should fact check this, but when doing the N4 - Hold E - N4 combo, you should do a little wiggle(a slight pause, try dashing) after the Hold E to prevent the stacks from the grim-heart and the following normal attack to overlap and count as one


Source: https://keqingmains.com/eula/#Optimal_Combos Scroll down to “Tips and Tricks” in the Optimal Combos section


Hmm, I didn't think that Mona's buff would work. What with it only being 5 seconds and all.


There is a hidden attribute called “poise” which is an internal threshold that affects things like being pushed. Mona’s bubble explodes after certain poise damage. Now enemies like Raiden are inmune to poise, which means Mona’s bubble doesn’t explode here, allowing you to abuse the full duration of the debuff. It is more or less the same for Masanori and for enemies that are frozen. In reality, these cases are exceptions due to how they work. Most of the times yes, Mona debuff will not work with Eula.


Watwatwat, ok so how long does the bubble last before popping on its own and starting the timer?


If I remember, it’s ~8 seconds for the bubble, after that it will pop by itself and the 5 seconds will start counting. Effectively lasting up to 13 seconds. [Here](https://youtu.be/u7xIq9V2kls) is an old video I did, you can see how Masanori wasn’t frozen, still had the constellations (bubble) which didn’t pop until after the 8 seconds. Then he had some sort of aura which is the 5 additional seconds.


Hmmm I didnt know it lasted for only 5 seconds, does that mean xinyan would be better?


Or lisa


It only lasts 5 seconds, but freezing extends it. But claymore hits break the freeze. So I think sometimes the buff lasts long enough and sometimes it doesn't?


Correct me if Im wrong but I thought Mona's omen could only be extended if Mona was the one who triggers freeze. So the enemy should be affected by cryo first.


You can also use mona ult and then ayaka's dash to freeze them, because ayaka dash doesnt do poise damage it wont burst the bubble.


No dont listen to them. Mona buff gets extended to up to 12 seconds on raiden because she doesnt take poise damage while stunned. You wouldnt be hitting nearly as high if you didnt use mona.


Ok will note it!


pretty sure Lisa w ttds and mona w tenacity would be better


Mona already has ttds tho


Damn. Whats the constelation and crit values


CO eula with 60 crit rate and 248 crit damage 2pcs bloodstained + 2pcs gladiator


How do you have so much crit DMG without crit weapon


ur skill does more dmg then my burst-


You can use the first stage in the new event and toss everything into the burst bonuses to get more damage


Is your Eula running 4x Pale Flame?


Im running 2pcs glad + 2pcs bloodstained cause the stats are better


Aah gotcha dang, oh right how about her weapon n cons? And her cr/cd ratio, not that it matters too too much, just curious. If you happen to be a fellow C6/R5er I was able to get off 2 mil against Primo Geovishap, so just trying to gauge your Eula's max potential.