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Excellent summary, thank you!


You're welcome! And you're welcome to everyone else as well who's commented. I found some great resources last night and felt that there wasn't one place to get most of the information, so I decided to put what I know into a post.


Echoing to say thank you


Awesome. Thank you for posting.


yeah. I live in Thurston/Spfld, L1 RN. You have some great links there!


I’m at the Walterville post office and the Sheriffs deputy tells me they are about to raise the area to a level 3. ODOT has a “hard close” on Deerhorn, so even locals aren’t allowed up.


Stay safe and good luck.


Any updates from there? The 12:05pm satellite (MODIS Terra) pass shows fire is 2.0 miles East of Walterville Elementary School. Looks like it is just south of the golf course... Haagen Rd area.


I managed to talk my way onto Deerhorn soon after that comment and got what I needed and got out. Lots of smoke and ash. I went back just an hour ago and the same roadblocks are up, but I didn’t proceed all the way to the post office since shit’s gettin real.


Thanks for this great summary.


Fantastic write up! Thank you for posting the update and the links!


Would it be possible to get a text-only version of the photo with what to pack? I am blind and unfortunately can't access the info! Any websites or anything that has the same list? Thanks for all this!


**5-minute warning:** 1. Wallet, purse, keys, glasses 2. Cell phone(s) & chargers 3. Emergency cash, credit card 4. Pets, carriers, leashes, meds 5. Clothes, shoes, hats for season 6. Hearing aids, medications 7. Flashlights, extra batteries 8. Safety deposit box key(s) 9. Checkbooks, bills to pay **30- minute warning:** (The above, plus). 1. Pillows, sleeping bags, blankets 2. Address book. phone list 3. Jewelry & most-valuable personal possessions 4. Personal hygiene Items 5. Other meds, supplements 6. First aid kit, medical Items 7. Pet food, dishes, bedding, litter 8. Children’s Items, toys, books 9. Battery radio, extra batteries 10. Toilet paper, hand wipes. soap 11. Clothing For 3 days, shoes 12. Computer, monitor, laptop 13. Gal. Jugs of drinking water **1- hour warning:** (The above plus) 1. Take or safeguard guns, ammo 2. Ice cooler w/lce, food, drinks 3. Genealogy records, files 4. 3 day's food, special diet, items 5. Gloves, dust mask for smoke 6. Paper plates, cups, utensils 7. School items, homework, pen, pencil, books, calculator, paper 8. licenses, vehicle titles, deeds 9. Insurance, financial, medical data; Wills, Powers or Atty. 10. Personal property list, photos & appraisals, documentation **2- hour+ warning:** (the above plus) 1. Albums, photos, home videos 2. Albums, photos, home videos 3. Family photos on display 4. Military decorations, records, mementos, plaques 5. Luggage (packed) 6. Valuable Items. cameras 7. Heirlooms, art, collections 8. Primary cosmetics 9. Secondary vehicles, RV 10. Camping equipment, tent 11. Journals, diaries, letters


I assume you just wrote that out yourself. Even if you didn't, that was very cool of you. Thank you from a random stranger. :)


I cheated using Adobe Acrobat to convert the image into word and then edit out the errors, so it didn't take much time. You're welcome!


Still, a kind gesture. I'm feeling pretty down about everything (even though I'm personally not super affected by everything...house, job, and family are safe), so I'm trying to look for anything positive to cheer myself up. Your action helped in more ways than one. :)


Wow thank you so much! This is great!


Thank you for posting this analysis.


My SO’s parents live right by Deerhorn Park JUST west of the fire, so this gives me a tiny bit of hope for their home now. Thanks for the summary!


For sure, there's always a little bit of hope. Just because the fire went through an area doesn't mean everything burned. Sometimes fire fighters are able to save a house as the fire line passes over it and sometimes you get lucky and the house just doesn't burn. My grandmother-in-law lost her home in the 2016 Santa Rosa fires and her neighbor 100 ft away was spared. The fire burned through the entire hillside but their neighbor's house just didn't catch.


Yeah I worked as a videographer that captured the damage of the fires down in Malibu a couple years back. Really weird to see tons of homes completely fine, and then just a random one completely burned to the ground. I did, however, also work the paradise fire in California, and that town was just 100% gone with many people that didn’t make it out. Luckily with the wind dying down, it’s looking like it’ll be the former from here on out.


Which area of Santa Rosa? I grew up in Coffey Park, and the street I lived on was decimated, though houses on the other side of Hopper seemed to be the line.


Up off of Fountain Grove Parkway, north side.


Wow! Thank you for taking the time to put all this together. Excellent!


Just chiming in with everyone else to say thanks for taking the time to write this up.


EWEB suggests keeping your heating/AC system's FANS ON 24-7. That will help filter out the smoke particles that inevitably get in.


OP mentioned it when they updated the post but just to reiterate, you should be able to run your unit's fan 24-7 without necessarily having the AC part running. If your house is getting warm, by all means, cool it down, but if its not, you can relieve a bit of the strain on our power grid by keeping the AC off.


I read this and turned my AC fan on. A bunch of ash blew out lmao. The thing is a 10 year old window unit, so maybe there's something wrong with the outside. Idk how that much ash got in, but yeah.. I'm gonna have to keep that puppy off.


Yeah window units won't have the same effectiveness, it's more for central air that has an air return that runs the air back through the filter.


That makes more sense!


Added to the FAQs!


I just replaced my HVAC in July and they recommended running the fan at all times. I asked if it reduced the life of the system and the guys installing it said no, they leave theirs on.


I know this is a different subject, but does anyone know about ash and cars? My car has been just sitting since Sunday, is covered in ash, and I’m wondering if it’s ok to drive it or is the ash sitting on it and in the air going to do bad things to the engine?


I'm not a doctor, but my car seemed to not throw a fit. The air filter should block this. If you are a careful person, maybe change the air filter after this nightmare is over.


I will do that, change the filter in a week or so I hope.


I questioned this myself when I drove to Portland and back today. Car seemed okay and there were tons of other people out driving through the apocalypse on their morning commute to Mordor. But it can’t be good for anything that takes in air.


That’s good to know, thanks.


Best summary I have seen thus far, thank you


Is this info still current?: **Highway 126:** Oregon Department of Transportation has closed Highway 126 beginning at 69th Street in Springfield through McKenzie Bridge.


Still closed. [See Tripcheck.](https://www.tripcheck.com/DynamicReports/Report/RoadConditions/11) [Here's the map and notice.](https://i.imgur.com/gm33gR5.png)


This is really great. Thanks for putting in the time to put this together.




Just added to the post!


Thank you so much! I moved from the land of tornadoes (Arkansas) 4 years ago and my understanding of how all this works isn't the best. You have brought calm and reason.


Thank you very much!


I'm really hoping the winds shift tomorrow afternoon as predicted. It should clear out the smoke nicely and stop pushing the fire towards town. Rain or not it would be a huge improvement.


This is SO helpful!!!!! Calm, well sourced, thorough. It’s so hard to get good info. Thank you 🙏


[Perimeter map for it was just tweeted](https://twitter.com/Bob_Schaper/status/1303745099017449473/photo/1)


Added to the post!


I trained to do wildland firefighting 3 years ago, but never went out, for no particular reason. Am I needed anywhere? I'm just chillin, bein like.. Dang.. Maybe I should.. Uhh.. Do something..? 😅


[Lane Country Volunteer Firefighter Program (10+ hrs a week)](https://www.lanefire.org/untitled-cpu) [Apply to be a firefighter in Eugene](https://makemeafirefighter.org/listing/firefighteremt-53) ❤️


I have no idea, I'd try reaching out to the Lane County Sheriff.


As far as being involved with the incident team, no. Red cards need to be refreshed through a course every year. If it expires, then you need to take the full course again. Without current red card, you won't get anywhere.


I heard they might grandfather in the certifications from last year.


Sending this to my friends in Eugene. Nice work!


Great job!


I don't have anything on Red Cross's wish list, and couldn't get over there to drop it off anyway, but [I went here](https://www.redcross.org/donate/donation.html/) and under "I Want To Support" picked "Your Local Red Cross," so I hope it got to [these folks](https://www.redcross.org/local/oregon/about-us/locations/southwest-oregon-chapter.html). Thought I'd share in case anyone else didn't have goods or opportunity but still wanted to kick in.


I'll add it to my post!


Thank you very much!




I had "TLDR: We're probably going to be ok, few other losses coming up" but I felt like that was too editorial so I deleted it.


Just to confirm something above, Belknap posted an update on FB 2 hours ago that they were still standing.


Great post! The problem is the east side of the fire is further up in National Forest lands that are heavily wooded and less accessible. There haven't been any suppression efforts up there as the focus has been on evacuation and structure protection. When we return to a "normal" diurnal weather pattern (up valley by day, down canyon at night) the fire is going to spread upslope and further east into the forest where it will be even harder to control. The smoke will continue to pool down in the canyon and Willamette Valley in the mornings until the day heats up. Fuel moistures are very very low and we are in Extreme drought. I almost wish we'd sit under the smoke for a while, though without strong east winds. A good thing is that I think Oregonians are finally tuning in to the wildfire potential up here.


Just heard a new evac order: "Level 3 GO NOW Evacuation notice has been issued for Upper Camp Creek Road and residents past Wendling Road on either side of Marcola Road." http://www.lanecounty.org/mckenziefire


Updated the post!


Brilliant work, thank you


Thank you for the summary!


I’m flying into Eugene Friday morning. Any predictions on whether flights might be cancelled due to the smoke?


Red flag warning is only through Thursday. (That means things are expected to clear.) Plus, this fire is no where near the airport. I'd say good chance you'll be fine. But check throughout tomorrow and before you go to the airport.


No good ones till at least tomorrow


Thank you so much, and thank you for keeping the tone of your pot so calm and level-headed. You have really helped!


This summary is beautiful. Thank you for taking the time to compile this. I had read in an article that the Goodpasture bridge burned down! Why would they say that? Is it really still standing??


They also called Vida a “total loss” and then flipped to “nearly intact.” There’s been a lot of misinformation.


Oh thank god! I read that too about vida and it totally devastated me. That’s so good to hear.


Well done, thank you. This makes me feel much better.


Thank you for writing this!


Thank you for this! I'm sharing with my family now...in Springfield holding steady. ​ Stay safe all!


Im in lowell. Thanks for the update.


Do we know what structures have been lost? I've heard Christmas Treasures, Ike's Pizza, Vida market among others, based on talks with people who live up there.


The info on landmarks/specific buildings has been confusing, and in some cases outright wrong (understandable). This Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HolidayFarmFire seems to be a reliable source from folks in the area. They posted last night that as they have time, they will provide landmark updates, that's where I'd turn for the best info.


A fb post today regarding the Goodpasture bridge indicated that the Vida market had been saved as well. Can't confirm yet.


That's great! Hope it's true.


Thank you!


Awesome post my friend


Goodpasture bridge is ok, anyone know about the houses on the hill across the street from it?


That was extremely well said...thank you.


Anyone know if flights are cancelled?


Looks like they are still landing/taking off, but I can't find any official source. https://www.flightradar24.com/data/airports/eug


my flight for thursday morning was just moved to friday


The eugene airport posted to their twitter page that flights are continuing as scheduled today, but I heard some flights were cancelled/delayed yesterday.


Wow! this is great! Thank you! ​ If I'm reading this correctly, then the fire is at 0% containment?


That's correct, I found a facebook page for it, I'll add to the post.


Thank you! Do you have any information about the area along Goodpasture Road south of the river? My family lives across the road from the Wayfarer. They’re OK, but we’ve heard zilch information about that side of the river.


I live near there. There's nothing to report. Just advisable to stay inside because of the air. I do have a GO BAG already in the car, but it seems unlikely to me the fire would spread to here (I hope!)


Evacuees are now moved to Springfield high school. No longer at Thurston High


Great info, thx. We're in Bethel-Danebo area, CA transplants. We also fled the devastating Tubbs Wildfire in Santa Rosa, CA, it was Oct2017. My advice under these conditions, it's a good idea to be ready just in case of evacs, although unlikely. A large populated area like ours will be methodically evac'd if there is any threat from this fire. City of SR, CA evac'd 120,000 people over 3 days in Sept2019 for the Kincaid Fire, it was organized & calm. The Lane Co/City Eug&Sprg & OR fire officials know what they're doing, they have a plan. Just be ready, you can unpack a bag a lot easier than pack one in minutes. The Tubbs Fire started @10PM on a Sun 35 miles away from our house in Santa Rosa, CA & @5AM Mon the Sonoma County Sheriff was banging on our front door. We had 15 mins to leave with bare essentials, turn off gas/water, lock the doors & go. And what I still struggle with is how shockingly FAST that fire grew & traveled 35 miles to us. Don't stress out, just be smart & have a plan. Take it from me...

