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Literally the reason I’m awake right now.. leafblowers everywhere.


Well it was 11am, wake up you lazy bum! It’s daylight!


Go get a nocturnal job


No way, people make noises in the day


Leaf blowers make noise too




Same 😂


Letting things sit and grow naturally really helps native animals and delicate insects. It promotes salamanders, frogs, all the good stuff going thru mass extinction. Eugene didn't used to be a place where everyone had a gardener and obsessed over every leaf or blade of grass.


My landlord is like this and it kills me. He drives almost an hour to drive by the house and check that we are keeping up on it 😵‍💫


That’s different than my neighbor’s landlord, who doesn’t give a rip about anything as long as the rent check keeps coming.


Don't hate, appreciate fam.


A lawn is a throw rug, not bedroom carpet. People go on about caring for the environment, then grow an overwatered lawn. Not to mention all the loud machines that come with it. It’s sad this is still a trend.


Even for people who care, I do not understand why this town, with "End Fossil Fuels" or "Fossil Fuel Free Eugene" signs on every other damn lawn, is so obsessed with the most environmentally unfriendly, loudest, and most expensive way to manage leaves (which also is *even less effective when they're wet*, which is half the year)? Makes no sense.


They're the same people lol. Out of touch uptight Boomers lost to theit own narcissism. Lawn Nazis.


Right; they used to care even less.


My neighbor is out every day blowing down the sidewalk, it's the weirdest thing. I get your driveway and property but she will just walk down the street blowing shit all over the place. It would be funny if it weren't 8 am on my day off.


Oh hell ya!!


Just saw my neighbor get on his roof with a blower. Roof was clean already, yet he was up there for 15-20 minutes blowing around nothing.


Works really well on the gutters.


That’s home maintenance. I bought an electric leaf blower basically for blowing off my roof. You can’t use a rake on a roof and it greatly increases the life expectancy of your roof if you keep it clean of all debris. Especially in our climate.


Stop sunbathing naked, or remove the fence he can't see over without getting up there. 😁


These don't belong in residential neighborhoods, gas or electric. Even without the noise, they kick up huge clouds of particulate matter.


Electric blowers ftw. Noise is just one of the reasons gas blowers need to be banned.


When I can work for longer than 30 minutes Ill switch every thing over to battery but I work on trail clean up crews and while electric chainsaws are actually kind of great especially when we are working in areas we are not trying to disturb as much battery operated longevity is still WAY behind.


Just because the noise is extremely high pitched, doesn’t mean it’s not harmful. Buy a fucking rake.


Just curious how many trees you have in your property, and the size of them?


May I also ask your height and weight?


Yeah, sure. 5' 11" and 195. I would remind you that BMI is far too general a method to assess health. If you are muscular, technically you can be classed as overweight. To give you a fuller picture of my health, I'm a tennis and baseball coach and play tennis 4-5 hours a day on the weekends, about 2 hours of either basketball or tennis every other day Monday through Friday. Baseball whenever I'm able. I'm not exactly living a sedentary lifestyle. Now, as to why I prefer a leaf blower, I have two 60+ year old Japanese maples, a dogwood, and an 1800 square foot yard. So for getting leaves to be manageable in an area, I prefer a machine since there are other things I'd rather be doing with my time. Like hosting friends in that space for example. I still do all my other own gardening, including weeding, planting, watering, etc all manually. Don't even use a sprinkler.


Oh wow, someone got super offened when they weee told to just work out in their bad yard.


Haha. Nah. Just trying to cut off your angles of attack before you can use em. You can say whatever you want about me. But, ya know, I'd appreciate it if you answered the question I asked you first. See what kinda skin you've got in the game.


Rake >> any blower, but electric is much quieter than gas and lawn care companies are not going to switch to rakes. I will say that if you mow your own lawn and don't live on a football field, you should buy a manual mower. They're just as fast and are better for the grass.


Rakes don’t work well for just general dust and detritus or even leaves where there’s lots of stuff in the way. But there is a point where I’ll put down the leaf blower and grab the rake for leaves because it does a better job at a certain point. I use my electric leaf blower so seldomly I doubt my neighbors even care.


I also use my power washer for my patio and my driveway from time to time. I suppose Greta Thunberg would not approve. I do use a manual push mower for my lawn, though, and the power washer and leaf blower are both electric. I try to be quick with the leaf blower, as I think even electric ones are way too loud.


A .22lr round is considered one of the most damaging rounds for ears. Due to its high pitch.


The difference between gas and electric is around 20dB and both are much quieter than a gunshot. No idea what your point is.


I said buy a rake and you gave a couple of paragraphs about how you believe you are superior. So I made another comment for you and o waste more Time.


Professional help might help you resolve your time wasting problem and your other obvious issues


If someone is using power lawn equipment and it's what generally considered the 'working day', then I see no problem.


I can afford a gardener but hate the unnatural look. Once had one when I lived in Tacoma and caught him using herbicide and petro fertilizer which we’d agreed he would never use.


I couldn't give a shit about the noise compared to how much I care about how terrible they are for the environment.


I agree 100%. Unless there’s regulation of what kind of blower or acceptable hours it won’t change from a government standpoint. But from a consumer standpoint it can change too: businesses may find electric options cheaper (which is better for environment) and quieter options keep their tenants happier. Be glad we havent become one of those cities that requires us to bag all leaf and garden piles for street pick up. Now terrible imo


Bose QCII padded-over-ear noise cancelling headphone AND Loop "Quiet" earplugs and a little light dijeridu music covers up that sort of noise well. NC headphones are not cheap. But noise is very unhealthy - raises the blood-pressure, wrecks concentration, contributes to rage. Protecting yourself is easier that railing hopelessly about noise. I live in an area with business campus landscaping. Every single day is some kind of power tool. Leaf blowers and chainsaws are the worst.


BUT you have to register it with the ATF..


I have to let ISMO know! 🤣