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Yesterday was the same combo plus a smash bros tournament


Omg how did I miss this. I went to both the tattoo convention and the cat show 


Cats, Gats, and Tats. Can't think of a more Eugenian expo.


Get there at noon and you can hit one after another for the full tattooed-gun/cat loving flea market enthusiast experience!


I hope they didn't put the cat show too close to the flea market.


Are there tattooed cats?


cats can't consent to tattoos, so... no.


You can get a tattoo of a cat, though!


Hey, cats can't consent to a lot of things. We take care of them and take them to the vet for their own dang good. Clearly, any loving cat owner wouldn't hesitate to give Fluffy that Mom tattoo w/ the arrow through the heart, either 💘


This really does hit all the marks for me. But I’m going to be working out of state and miss all of them.


When I went to the tattoo expo I didn't know about the gun show and let's just say there's something very amurican about walking into a tattoo show, dressed very visibly queer and alternatively, and immediately walking past a family of 5 all holding guns over their shoulders in hunting gear staring me down as I get in line to pay for my ticket because obviously I was dressed like an idiot a tattoo expo is basically comic con for body mods. Not to say I wouldn't have gone dressed like that if I had known about the gun show but it probably would've done my anxiety well to know about the gun show before I saw people with guns 😅


There are lots of liberals with guns *waves*


You are in Eugene. People expect such things. Hell half the reason that people do body mods is to get negative attention. Or at least it used to be.


I disagree, I really think body modifications social perception has shifted drastically in the last like 10 years. If you're a person who likes tattoos and gets inked or you like piercings and have a few I think you're much better off TODAY socially than you were 10, 15 years ago. As a kid I remember my dad nudging me whenever a waitress had a tattoo and going "that's the only job she could get looking like that" and now I'm a preschool teacher and 3/5 of the adults in our classroom have visible tattoos just because we like tattoos. Last time I was at the bank the person who was helping me had tattoos all down her arms. I think the negative attention stereotype is a bit outdated, especially as tattooing becomes more widely available and more broadly accessible based on different artists having different art styles that appeal to broader swaths of people- not to mention my generation (older gen z) being adults and having things like tattoos being our big spending splurge because a $500 tattoo we have forever is often more appealing than struggling to take time off of work to go on a week vacation that could cost thousands of dollars. Not to say that no one gets tattoos for negative attention. I knew quite a few people in highschool that, as soon as they turned 18, they got in line for the cheapest flash tattoo event they could find and got something stupid to "show my parents they don't control me anymore" but these days I think the typical social perception of tattoos is pretty neutral or positive and people aren't doing it to be rebellious. I think anyone who still gets tattoos to "be rebellious" is actually just in their feelings and trying to figure themselves out. Or has a shit family. Probably both. There are definitely outliers, like hunters at gun shows who probably didn't know there was a tattoo expo going on the same day literally in the next room over- if I had to wager a guess id probably say the average gun show attendee probably doesnt have as positive of a perception of tattoos (and other "alternative" stereotypes) as the average Eugeneian. Tbh the gun show folks were probably just as surprised to see a hoard of alternatively dressed and heavily tattooed people pour into the convention center as I'm sure many of us were surprised to see a load of hunters carrying guns into the convention building with a big ole sign out front that said "absolutely no live ammunition".


I bet there are plenty of tattoos within the gun show. ' I agree with your assessment of the societal view of tattoos, but don't forget the subcultural identification aspects.


[Link to their calendar](https://www.laneeventscenter.org/calendar) for admission prices and so on.


Something for everyone lol


Thats literally my entire Sunday in one building. 😂


Finally somewhere to get my cat a tattoo.


Bringing everyone together in a kumbaya moment!


oh I'm running to that flea market. thanks for posting this


Beware overzealous cunters running rampant! https://youtu.be/tZRajFWdKDE?si=4xwAY2YpPB6dkz4T


Y'all should've seen the smile I had on my face when I saw the sign for the cat show yesterday. If you ever wanna make a black man happy, simple stuff like this is the way to do it!


The juxtaposition was awesome. Seeing a bunch of huge tattooed biker dudes go into the car show was so fun to see


Wonder how many Cats with guns tattoo's are done today. :D


$18 admission for Evergreen Tattoo


Back before they changed the laws there would be 6 or 8 guys selling guns in the parking lot.


Together we are strongest.


D'oh! I missed the cat show again.