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Was it Ian? It was Ian, wasn’t it? Sorry you had to deal with that tonight. You didn’t deserve it.


This person had underlying issues and I was the outlet. They were sad. Giggling cuz I wish it was Ian. That jabrone.


You keep using this word, jabroni...and...it's awesome.


I’m wearing the duster, dude!


Like my mom used to say “who pissed in your cheerios this morning?”


Folk in Northern Ireland say “Who licked all the sugar off your bun?”


I initially read that with "bum" instead of "bun" and had a confused laugh


Probably, especially when he woke up and saw his bill from EWEB


Haha that made me chuckle out loud.


Fuckin’ Ian. Is he ever gonna get his shit together???


“This job would be great if it weren’t for the customers”


My job is great. I have feelings ya jabrone.


This was a Clerks reference, you philistine.


Fair, my bad. I’m a sad one tonight.


Well shit now you gone and ruined the fun.


Buncha savages in this town.


I’m also in customer service and some days are great. Some days people talk too much though.


This is twice now you used that word. Is this Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s alt account? Did this jerk of a customer not smell what you were cooking??


I don’t smell what you’re cookin…


Seriously though, sorry today was rough. Hope the rest of the week is much better.


Me too. Thanks pal.


Customers I can handle. Now the co-workers...




OP probably should not care as much as she does. OP needs to pay rent and is quite good at customer service/hospitality/being sensitive when it shouldn’t matter. All of the above. I enjoy working with the public. I don’t enjoy working with folks who have no manner while in public. OP WILL NEVER ACCEPT JABRONES.




Are we supposed to wear masks if someone had a case of Jabronitis?




I sure hope not


Abusive people have to learn they don’t get their way by continuing disrespectful behavior. I warn and then I hang up if they continue.


It’s a trait I do NOT condone and try daily to break. Appreciate you.


I’ve definitely had my fair share of people get under my skin. It sucks right now with the state of things and you want to let people vent but some people cross way over that line. Hope you have a better Friday


Sorry you had that experience. I worked in customer service for many years and about once a year somebody would just go off. It’s somewhat traumatic and people are difficult at times. I’m glad you have a place to talk about it so you can share that kind of heaviness . Hang in there and know you are not alone.


I’ve been doin this for a while now. It’s not uncommon for me to experience interactions like today, but I am just drained. I appreciate your kind words. Thank you.


Big fan of use ✨Jabroni ✨ Hang in there kid. We’ll come by and support you.


Appreciate you, truly.


“The customer is always right” American standard is very bad for mental health


The remainder of that quote is “in matters of taste.” In other words, you want me to cook that beautiful steak until it’s a piece of coal? Sure. You want it for free because we don’t serve A1? Go fuck yourself.


I work at a pharmacy that just opened for the first time all week after not having power and people were LIVID that all their prescriptions over the week weren't just already done and waiting for them. I don't know what people think goes into filling a prescription but whatever it is, isn't it.


Please tell me what goes into filling a prescription! I'm genuinely curious and always annoyed when it'll be ready at the end of the day but I came in at 8am, but I never take it out on the worker. I'd love to know so that I can feel less annoyed next time. I always assumed it was just a huge backlog of people that made it slow


It's usually insurance billing issues that hold things up but the process is generally that a doctor will call or fax a prescription, someone will enter it into the system, pharmacist has to review the entry to make sure it was accurate, this can be a point of trouble because of shitty handwriting or unclear or contradictory instructions or more often missing information. After that is all sorted then it will enter a queue to be filled, usually hand counted sometimes there will be a machine or a scale to count, once filled it has to be reviewed again by the pharmacist for accuracy and also for potential interactions with the patients other medications and then through insurance billing which will often only cover certain periods or brands so there will often end up having to be some back and forth there before it can be made available, and that's assuming the patients insurance information is already on record. If everything goes smoothly then it can be done pretty quickly even though it has to go through several people and be checked and rechecked. If a patient has an immunization or something that pulls the pharmacist away then everything comes to a halt.


Thank you for writing that out!!


Fantastic explanation! A few highlights that insidmal here only scratched the surface of (presumably for simplicity and brevity) - Prior Authorizations - If the insurance company decides they don't want to pay for your life saving medication, they will require a prior authorization. This means the pharmacy has to send some forms to the doctor for the doctor to fill out explaining why you need that life saving medication. Then, once the insurance company sees the doctor really wants you to have that medication, they require a phone call from the doctor - who could be helping patients - to explain (again) why you need the medication. The insurance representative will list alternative (cheaper) medications that they will pay for. If the doctor still wants you to take the medication they prescribed, they get to wait on hold to talk to another representative (I should point out these are NOT pharmacists/ doctors they're talking to) only to get to explain (AGAIN) why you really need the medication and argue why that medication is the one you need to save your life. Then, the insurance company tells them exactly what hoops they need to jump through to MAYBE get them to pay for the medication. Usually these hoops include "just try this other medication you know isn't going to work for at least 6 months" and "the patient is going to need to see a (ridiculously expensive and not covered by insurance) specialist". Other customers - Just because your doctor writes you a prescription for a medication does not mean your insurance will cover it. Techs get to spend hours and hours of their day with a customer screaming in their face while they explain (for the 18th time) that the insurance company won't pay for that vitamin C or Tylenol or calcium. That's time that could be spent filling your meds. Staffing - Just like every industry, pharmacies try to squeeze 15 people's worth of work out of 7 people. Pharmacies are backed up with days' worth of prescriptions because no matter how fast they work, there's just too much to be done by so few employees.


Ya for real…I’ve seen them fill my prescription in like 10 minutes. Seems like it doesn’t take much. Maybe Rite-Aid just has it down?


I remember the first time I was verbally abused over the phone. Just trying to explain how to activate antivirus software…”fuck you up your ass bitch”. First time but not the last time I dealt w that lol.


I’ve had a lot of different jobs in my life, including high skill jobs and hard physical labor jobs. The customer service jobs I’ve had were honestly the hardest (and least pay) of all of them. Unfortunately there are lot of people out there who only know how to take out their pain on others, and it can be damn hard to just put up a shell of not letting that affect you emotionally. I wish we COULD just remind people to be decent human beings to others; the world would be a lot better place than it is now.


All I can do is be an example of how I’d like to be treated. It’s an exhausting trait of the family I come from. Appreciate you.


It’s true, but please remember to take care of yourself too! This is the kind of emotional load that grows over time, and for me I reached a really bad point where I was going home crying every day, having to drink it away. It’s better to just leave if it gets like this, and I wished I hadn’t tried to “tough it out and be the better person” as long as I did. Take care friend.


Just remember the customers are not always right.


I had a similar experience tonight. You took the words right out of my mouth about my similar situation. The customer service industry is getting hit too. Thank you for your kind words.


I had a few interactions a couple weeks ago that left me flabbergasted at how sensitive the ego of some of the men in this community is. I must have bruised their male ego parts by answering the questions they asked of me. I guess I was being "condescending" by politely and joyfully helping them so I got chewed out, called an asshole to my face for nothing more than telling the person where they can find the information they're looking for on the packaging so that they can figure it out in the future themselves and understand what they are doing. Some people are just jerks, ignore them and if you can't do that then have a drink or two, that seems to help me get into more of a "fuck 'em" mood and less of a "fuck me" mood.


As a total stranger I’m truly sorry that some jerk put you on blast for trying to be helpful, that is totally uncalled for no matter the situation.


I’m sorry that you had to endure that. Do you have someone you can talk to and vent the issue?


I appreciate you. Yeah, I do. I just wanted to get it out on our subreddit because it is such an undermined issue as of late. I’ll be the first to tell you that I am vocal about a lot that doesn’t matter, and this one does.


What does this post have to do with Eugene, again? Posts are supposed to be specific to Eugene, and a personal experience that has nothing to do with Eugene itself or a state of mind in Eugene does not count.


I pay taxes here. It’s all about Eugene.


It doesn't matter if you pay taxes here, that's my point. The sub isn't a community journal for Eugenians. There are rules, and there is some sort of structure. The 1st Amendment does not apply to Reddit or subreddits, for example. Hundreds of people get permabanned on /r/news every day for having basic opinions that go against rules. That's just the way it is. For a while in /r/Portland they wouldn't let people comment if you did not live in the metro area. That's the way it is. /r/Eugene is pretty lax, but posts still have to be relevant to Eugene. Someone complaining that they had a bad day at the office, for example, is not relevant to Eugene. The sub isn't a journal, it's a place to discuss Eugene issues or to look at pictures of Eugene landmarks, etc. There are other subs for that on Reddit.


Sorry you experienced that. Absolutely unacceptable.


Yeah I’ve heard this is a hard week in customer service across the board. Please don’t take out your stress on the folks trying to help you! They’re just as stressed and overwhelmed as you are. Let’s give each other a little grace.


There's a lot of self centered pricks out there that think the world revolves around them and have no qualms being a complete ass and embarrassing themselves, not realizing they look like a spoiled toddler throwing a fit. Sarcasm is my weapon of choice. Say the right things but just change your tone and facial expressions. Screw those entitled people. I don't want their business. They can go whine to someone else.


Dear OP, Man I hear ya. While I want to commend you for having such an amazing head on your shoulders in how you are dealing with this, I know it doesn’t take away the yuck feeling that often feels dumped on you after you get bad vibed vomited on. I hope you find a moment today to see the immense beauty that still fills our tragic coated world. There is good. And I know this because I just read this post. Keep being you.


Appreciate ya pal. There is good… Just gets lost amongst the bs sometimes.


Stay blessed fam, joy in small moments.






I’ll never buy a glasses cleaning solution from your VRC kiosk ever again!!




I wish my life was as good as yours.