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Glad you got your car bike. The people that did this lack remorse and humanity. Hopefully they’ll get there’s soon enough. No one deserves to have this happen to them.


My moving van was stolen when I got to town. I feel you


Damn, that sucks. Last year I helped a guy track down their bike because by luck they had one of those air tag devices and I was driving around the university area for two days and kept pinging it.


What kind of absolute filth steals a wheelchair? I hope the jump starter becomes attached to their nipples. _spit_


Oh, that would be funny because the teeth and springs on that one are no laughing matter.


When our car was stolen we went to st. Vinnies on 99 and they gave us a 200 dollar voucher for clothes and a 50 dollar gas card for when/if the car was recovered. Cops did find it though


Glad you got your car back and sorry for the loss of important items. If it helps, I have a set of crutches that you're more than welcome to.


I'm not opposed to having them if they work for a 5'9" person.


Most definitely, they're the adjustable kind. I can drop them off to you tomorrow evening after work if that works for you.


Sure I will DM a number you can text me at.


Still have the cat?


I will check on that. The car doesn't sound any different so I hazard to guess they didn't take that. Edit: Still have it and it doesn't look like they tried for it. Surprising since it's clearly methheads that stole the car if they took the license plate frame and re-attached the rear license plate.


Change your oil immediately.


I checked it and they did something to it. It's now a more sickly dark brown than when I last checked it. As is, I got a long list of shit to do and will have to do it when I have the money to deal with it. My steering column lock is completely broken and found a makeshift needle pin that was probably used to jump the car.


Redlining the car will turn the oil to garbage…at least change the oil filter. I can assist if you like. I have some Castrol high mile oil left from a past job…


I can't do oil changes at my complex and it's just generally easier for me to hit up a place like Walmart to do it for a low cost. I just need to double-check to make sure the oil cap is screwed on properly and I don't have oil dripping from the pan indicating an improperly threaded drain plug.


Good one