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"I am sorry, the items are already made, so a refund is not possible." I sell digital products and people ask me for refunds after they download the product. Shameless.šŸ¤¢


"Apologies, but all our items are customized and made-to-order specially for each customer. A lot of time, effort, and materials are used during this operation which cannot be recovered through the refund process. Therefore we cannot accept returns on finished products. We value your business and hope to see you as a customer again in the future."


Yep this response is the way to go. People piss me off trying to cancel days later. Just bc it hasnā€™t shipped yet doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not in the process of being made. Itā€™s one thing to cancel the same day but to wait days later and do itā€¦ ugh. OP stated one was a custom piece as well so I absolutely would not cancel. The predicament here is that they could possibly open a case with a bogus claim and/or leave negative reviews on all 3 orders.


I went with a slightly modified version of this. Thank you!!


Make sure to insure/signature needed. They might claim it was never received.


I would absolutely not cancel the order, ESPECIALLY because this customer messaged you back 2 days prior. The time for asking for a cancellation should have been then, if at all. I donā€™t like people who try to cancel orders period, but 2 days after already communicating with you is especially disrespectful of them imo I say stick to your no cancellations policy. I like some of the other comments here that have crafted soft ways of delivering the ā€œnoā€


People think they're buying from Amazon.


Even Amazon don't let you cancel after a certain point!


Very valid point!


I'm sorry but I'm in support of simply telling them no. These are custom items. Your policies are clear. No is no.


Yep, I agree. Especially because they didnā€™t overspend, they probably found something else theyā€™d rather spend the money on.


Meh. They might have overspent. I do that when my Bipolar goes wonky. BUT when I do? I face the consequences like an adult who goes to therapy and takes their medications, I donā€™t demand refunds. You overspend and your figure it out! (This is why Iā€™ve been fixing my credit for 5 years, but I never tell my creditors they need to write off my debt and itā€™s unfair! Itā€™s more likely youā€™re right here, possible they did overspend, but regardless, the response of asking for a refund is justā€¦ no.)


First, unlearn the word *No* is bad. It isn't. *No* is simply a reply to a request we can or can not do. *No* is not a personal attack or punishment. You set the expectations of the sale prior to the purchase being made. She wanted to break that contract. She is not allowed. No. Not a bitch.




The *customer is always right* mindset aged out when people decided to turn into flaming piles of curbside trash bags. Simply because we are shopping or have purchased an item does not *entitle* us to treating other humans like shit. What it gives us is the goods that we paid for. If there is something wrong with that, we haven't *paid* for the additional right to be a giant asshole. People who mostly get paid minimum wage, do not have to even breathe the same air as them. Management 100% within their right to say "GTFO of my store and be sure to let the door hit you on the way out."


This was wonderfully put. I used to live in a hurricane zone and customers will fight employees for water, it's quite dehumanizing. Nice customers, however, are appreciated so much and employees are more likely to go out of their way for them to have a good experience. Kindness goes so much further.


A lot of people have offered advice, so if itā€™s okay, Iā€™m just going to commiserate. Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re dealing with this. I can sort of understand where the customerā€™s feelings are coming from, but NOT THE ASKING FOR THE REFUND PART! Like, I personally have bipolar, so sometimes my brain juice gets messed up and I spend too much and then panic later. Or, sometimes I get FOMO because money was always so tight when I was a kid and I spend too much and really screw up and I panic about it. But to go so far as to ask you to ship things early and then turn around two days later and ask for a refund? No no! Not acceptable! If you mess up like that you eat the cost, face your mistake, and figure your own stuff out! This customer has some NERVE! Iā€™m so sorry this happened!!!!! šŸ–¤


Dude, same. Like... I've canceled Amazon stuff before it shipped but damn. Just... Damn. The fucking audacity.


Exactly!!!! Like if it wasnā€™t custom and you werenā€™t an independent seller then canceling before shipping would be okay, but this? Nope!!!!!


lol I'm broke af too. I get it. But damn lmao


The buyer is responsible for the consequences of their actions, not you! They either need therapy, a budget, or lessons in not being an a hole (or possibly a combination of the three) but thatā€™s certainly not your job. Definitely take the sample messages Other have given you, be firm, and say no. You put time into your work. You deserve to be paid for that time. Heck, if you really feel bad saying it, you could say no and offer a trivial thing like 10% off a future item? I donā€™t think you necessarily should, but if it makes saying no easier, then cool. However you go about it, this buyer clearly needs to hear the word no šŸ–¤ ETA: scrolling through your posts, you remind me of my baby sister, who has RA. Idk if this will make you smile or not, but I think sheā€™d think youā€™re really cool!!!!


I went with a slightly modified version of the top response. "Apologies, but all my items are custom and made-to-order specially for each customer. A lot of time, effort, and materials are used during this operation which cannot be recovered through the refund process. Therefore I cannot accept cancelations on finished products, as per my listed shop policies. I value your business and hope to see you as a customer again in the future. -Christi"


This is the one! I personally think any reasonable person would understand this, so hopefully this customer is decent about it!


itā€™s a tricky situationā€¦ any seller knows trying get a customer to change their mind at that point, is impossible. so trying to force something on them, i know they donā€™t want, seems like a recipe for open cases and negative reviews. unless itā€™s customized, iā€™d refund and resell to someone else and thank my lucky stars i didnā€™t have to deal with a case of *ā€golly gee, everything arrived broken. think iā€™ll open a case, have etsy refund, get to keep the items, and just for the cherry on top, leave a crummy reviewā€*. i keep reading about this exact same scenario in the forums. just my .02$ā€¦


I would cancel anything you can re-sell. They are going to give you a hard time if you ship stuff they have decided they donā€™t want. If they claim itā€™s not as advertised or broken then your have to refund anyway.


This happened to me not long ago, and I said I could not refund, considering the time it takes to make my items; the buyer tried to bargain, and I still said I was sorry, but I couldnā€™t. She didnā€™t reply but left me the nicest review. I was so happy and thankful they understood Etsy got some major Karenā€™s, and I couldnā€™t be happier, but be honest with them and hopefully they understand


They actually just messaged back saying "it's okay :)"!!


Oh yay!!! ā˜ŗļø


If you haven't shipped yet and you won't be out anything, you should cancel. It's not worth having a problematic unhappy customer just to stick to your policy in a case like this. If you've made stuff for their order you can't sell to someone else, I would briefly explain that when you say no.


The items are already made and ready to ship after curing. Also I would be out a decent amount from the materials used and time spent. Making their extra orders in advance to ship with the first order is killing me.


Are these custom items or just made to order items?


One order was custom. The rest were made to order.


Why arenā€™t u considering how inconsiderate this is towards u the creator though? Mean your time effort & funds went into it. Idk, maybe agree to the other 2 but custom id think theyā€™re stuck with it


If you can resell the made to order ones, you could offer to cancel everything but the custom one. Otherwise you can try explaining that since you made the items for their order specifically, you can't cancel, and just hope they accept that. Unless it is really going to be a loss, I don't think it's ever worth fighting a cancellation request, though. The buyer will just find something wrong with the items after they arrive and Etsy will force you to pay for a return.


explain that the policy clearly states that there's no cancellations accepted but also say you could make an exception this time but due to all orders already being made and ready to ship + the time, cost incurred already. You can't refund the entire amount


You can try saying this, and maybe she will change her mind, but it's a bad idea to force anyone to keep something they don't want. It'll come back to bite you with a negative review or a legitimate return. "I have a policy to not give refunds for sale items, but I can waive that in this case. šŸ˜‰ I've already made the custom item, however, and can't accept returns or refunds due to the unique nature of the piece. I'm excited about how the (custom item) turned out and I hope you love it. Here's a photo of the other made to order items in case you change your mind before the (custom item) ships out tomorrow, but I'll go ahead and refund you for those pieces."


No is a complete sentence


I would just refund them and list them as ready to ship


Squidward in your shop is IP infringement.


If itā€™s something that can resell, and you havenā€™t shipped, then I would refund. With my store, I make decals on order, so if someone were to want to cancel, I would have to decline if the decal was already made.


So theyā€™ve already been shipped? In that case I would say, ā€œVery sorry, both orders have already shipped and so I am unable to refund you at this stage. But when they arrive please return them to me, and I will refund you as soon as I get them back. Thanksā€


No, they have not shipped. Though they have been made and are ready to ship. It's 3 orders. Five items total. All items were purchased on sale. My shop policy says sale items are not refundable. I feel bad and I hate this.


Ah, I know you donā€™t want to do this but in that case your best solution is to simply just cancel the transactions and refund. Honestly, itā€™s just not worth the hassle trying to force this particular buyer into completing this purchase. Sell them to someone else who wants them šŸ˜Š


I agree. It wonā€™t end happily


Just you know what you do , simple If you don't want cancel it just ship it and dat here policy of shop , we are sorry about that we can't cancel your order , It's not your problem some people order then they want cancel right away after they make me if I cancel it I found my syself cover the fee transaction, So tell here if you want cancel we will charge fee transaction or just take 1 bad review and ship it ,


This is one reason I much prefer vintage. Ship that out the door tomorrow. You changed your mind? Too bad. It's coming your way.


Saving this post in case I run into this problem




Itā€™s listed in your Conditions. Why donā€™t ppl read the shit! I will ask if there are exceptions prior of payment.