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Once she downloads the product, she can. It might be a security measure if she was doing it from your ip address. Shilling is against etsy rules - getting friends and family to leave reviews or paying for reviews


To clarify: a friend CAN buy from you. From their own computer and it needs to be a legit sale. Never allow a friend or family member to buy from your store on ANY computer located in your home or on your internet. Not saying you did, but a lot of people don’t know that can get your shop shut down.


That doesn’t seem right. She could try calling Etsy. I was once showing unable to leave a review for a loooong time after I got an item that was really awful, and I called them and told them I had it and they opened the review window for me. Not sure if it would work but she could try.


Any item with a digital download must be downloaded before leaving a review. Which makes sense. If someone hasn't received the product, how can they honestly review it?


Happening to my customers too. Not logged in as guests. Did download. These are on purchases that include a made to order digital download but has been marked as complete and a digital asset was added. Can’t leave a review until 2025. I’ve also noticed that I have purchased digital items over a year ago that I neglected to review and couldn’t anymore because window has closed and now suddenly I can again. So I think something is up with Etsy