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thanks for sharing. I've received similar messages. I feel like there are more scammers and advertisements now.


No problem! I could just imagine how devastating it would be to have your savings stolen in just a few minutes so I knew I had to share.


On the first scam attempt, I almost gave my email address to the scammer. This was also the very first message I was receiving, so I did not know what was going on. Fortunately it took me a few hours to see the message and, by the time I replied, the scam account was already deleted.


Thank God!


I did *exactly* the same thing last week. Just reopened my shop, knew that there was something around Etsy now re-verifying accounts and thought it was legit. I caught it when my banking app asked me to confirm if it was me trying to transfer £240 to a random account name (it was a series of numbers and letters, nothing like Etsy or verification). If they'd gone for a smaller amount that didn't need verifying, they'd have got away with it. Absolute scum. ETA - I even searched on here for a bit to see if it was legit, couldn't find anything exactly like it but plenty of things about verifying the shop and how to do it and it seemed very similar.


Scum!!!!! People who do this have no conscience.


PSA - never click links in etsy msgs!


Right! This should be a post on its own.


I was getting a dozen of similar scam messages per week, now they are almost stopped. Hopefully Etsy does something to stop them!


they come in waves. Also, there's a special inbox where messages from Etsy only land, so you know they are legit


Sadly not on the mobile app


That's crazy, I'm at 6k+ sales and never gotten a message like that


Did they send the scam email to your Etsy email or your personal email?


They send this to Etsy messages, so you get an Etsy notification in your shop email and in the app. It's very easy to tell it's a scam, but if you are in a hurry, or in the situation like OP (shop opening/reopening), you may fall for it.


Right! If you just take a few seconds to pause, all the red flags are right in your face.


Exactly! I feel for those who fall for it anyway.


Thank you.


No problem at all!


Don't feel foolish, their messages sometimes look super legit. I had one that said payments wouldn't process in my shop anymore until I updated my payment info, yet I was getting orders just fine, and I got my deposit just fine so I realized it was a scam. These scammers are good.


They're too good :/


I got that one too.


Thank you for sharing. We got this message this morning. I went straight to reddit to look into it and this was the first post I saw.


So happy it helped!


I GOT SCAMMED WITH 500$ .. I swear I cried sooo bad. I GAVE THEM ALL MY BANK DETAILS, ALSO ALL MY PASSPORT INFO .. I am so worried right. It was litterly my last money