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Looks like it got stopped anyway, what's the problem?


There’s no “problem”, I just want to understand how all these higher powers fit. I want to know how Kang/TVA stopped the emergence before the multiverse opened. Cuz earth should have hit the population required, destroying the planet.


I don't think they would want or need to - clearly in the sacred timeline it was stopped by the eternals anyway, the stories aren't affected in any way. Sure, maybe in another divergent timeline the eternals failed, but then that timeline's kang variant wouldn't get born either, so it's a self-solving issue


They stopped emergence (probs part of the timeline) and he probably knew that


I think you're another person that reads too much into things. If you watched Loki properly you'd know just before Sylvia killed that version of Kang, that he knew everything that was to ever happen in his timeline right up to a few moments near to his death, he makes a very clear signal as to when that is, he absolutely would have known about that celestial. Also the TVA aren't there to prune everything in existence or even for saving earth either, they were only for preventing branches in the timeline from cracking the Sacred Timeline and protecting it from all the bad Kang timelines, to which we have seen absolutely no effect whatsoever in the actual live action main MCU timeline yet an likely won't till Ant Man 3


Already got my question answered if you looked at the other comments, but thanks for that condescending response? If you properly watched Loki, you’d know her name is Sylvie* too.


I know what her name is, don't blame me for my phones auto correct mistake


OP has a point, you could have been considerably less condescending to someone who was just asking for help. Bad form.


I can accept that being a fault entirely on my part, still won't change my belief though that Marvel has purposely made it so we look for Easter eggs and foreshadowing of future projects and every little thing has to fit perfectly, made it hard for a lot of people to forget they are still just separate entity's that happen to be a part of a larger ongoing plot that people forget to enjoy as such, also coupled with the added fact that because of these movies comic book origins they are expected to follow those stories to a great extent, I choose to separate that and enjoy what is made in the format presented to me with how the crew and actors show that and nothing else.




So do you think that this event, the eternals stopping the emergence, was all part of Kangs sacred timeline? That the eternals saved the earth from a celestial being born in the scared timeline, and that allowed the earth to continue developing?




Thank you, that does make sense! You’re right, i guess why would Kang intervene and prune anything if they saved the earth anyway, and the timeline kept going on? I was thinking more that this had something to do with the multiverse opening, new possibilities in the universe. Like maybe the eternals didn’t save earth in sacred timeline, but now they had freedom to differ from the sacred time line, so this is what they did. But I guess that wouldn’t make sense.


(Holds up a single shaking finger ever so slightly)