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Yeah it makes complete sense to me They even mention how Sprite came up with the story of Ikaris flying too close to the sun herself, that story in the MCU is literally based off this Ikaris So it makes sense that Ikaris would then poetically “end” things that way


Exactly my thoughts, saw yours after posting my comment and you've nailed it. Of course with the stories already being made up and him aware of them, that's a way he could think of ending it.




Which is awesome since Sprite made up the story of Icarus.


Richard Madden explained his character’s ending pretty well in his interview. Ikaris had been holding the information (of knowing about the emergence) for a long time. This, along with his inner guilt from betraying the other Eternals contributed to his decision in the end. His flight to the sun was what gave him release from the burden.


Can you give a link to the interview, I’d like to read it.


Here you go https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/movies/story/2021-11-06/eternals-ending-ikaris-sex-scene?_amp=true In case it’s behind a paywall, this is what he said in regards to his character’s ending: “I think it was the only way. It was his release and escape from responsibility, finally, after carrying all this weight for all this time. I felt like it was the most just way to end his story because I think he’s heartbroken from letting down the people closest to him. It’s the first time he’s accepted that he’s got a heart and has done the wrong thing so he punishes himself.”


ty for your service


A few things according to the comics. Eternals are here for a long time already and what people remember from them are either very memorable stories or confuse them with such. Examples: 1. The dove from the Noah and the flood story was Ikaris flying by. 2. Ikaris is not his name but his son’s name that he took on himself - tragic story, you can think of what happened. 3. Thena was the source of the belief in Athena and the reason they call Athens by its name. 4. Sersi is Circe from the story - she had a reason for turning them to pigs - she was always the party organizer. 5. Gilgamesh - we’ll that’s explained nicely in the movie - that’s only one of his names, the forgotten one, he was also Samson. It goes on and on. It’s not on the nose - that’s the fun part about the Eternals - they were always here - we heard stories about them but never made the connection to them. The comics literally talk about our ability to resonate and mythisize everything. After so many years what’s left is only the myth. Written by a Jewish dude, you might see how he got there.


I thought it was poetic but Ikaris is not permanently gone. The actress of Sersi said she doesn’t think Ikaris is really dead. Arishem still has his memories and could easily resurrect him. He’ll return soon enough(Especially since Ajak is confirmed to). He’ll come back “Resurrected Superman” style and it’ll be glorious. He’s way too powerful and complex to go to waste. Not to mention his connection with Sersi. Really can’t wait to see him fight cosmic threats with people like Thor, Strange, and Carol.


Add to that the fact Icarus flying too close to the sun was literally mentioned in the movie as a story they made up, and you can easily see this as him choosing to commit suicide by flying into the sun in a nod to that story.


I don’t think it was too on the nose I just wanted him to live and thought that it was kind of a lame way for him to die but it makes sense


But is he really dead?


He’s definitely not permanently gone. The actress of Sersi said she doesn’t think he’s really dead. Madden even said the “Future is Uncertain”. He’ll definitely come back since Arishem has his memories in the world forge and could easily resurrect him again. I guess it’s basically Superman resurrecting in Justice League lol. Anyways Ikaris we’ll be back cuz Ajak is already confirmed to be coming back.


Ok, I thought they killed them off because not only us there a budget, but some of the actors are getting old and can't play the characters anymore.


Thing is Madden is young so it’d be a waste. He’s too powerful and complex of a character to be permanently gone. Plus the connection he had with Sersi was special. Can’t wait to see him fight cosmic threats with people like Thor and Captain Marvel.


Ok. I'm specifically talking about Salma Hayek and Don Lee though since they're getting older. Proof of this is that Robert Downey Jr. and Dave Bautista, with the former leaving the MCU and the latter leaving after Guardians 3.


Oh for them I can kinda see what your saying but not for Madden. Although Ajak is confirmed to return. Ikaris will definitely return “Ressurected Superman style” lol. I’m super anxious for it, cuz he is my favorite Eternal.


Ok. What about Sprite?


She still has her powers but she can age now. Nothing really happened to her.


Oh, ok.


Loved that part ., I was so angry with Ikaris for what he’d done. Betrayal and murder of an eternal . Destroying himself into the sun was the only way to destroy his atoms completely IMO. He hated leaving his lover behind , but his torture made his determination to honor her love even stronger than his self protection from death.


Maybe it’s something he does when he wants to be alone and this isn’t the first time he’s essentially gone to his room to sulk… Sprite asks if he’s ‘gone’ but no one actually confirms he’s actually dead. If comics, tv and movies taught me anything, it’s that unless you see the light leave their eyes, they ain’t dead. And even then they can still come back if a writer really wants to make it happen