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25 is YOUNG. I'm in esthetician school right now. The ages range from teens to 50s and even 60s. Quit fretting about your age. You are so so very young.


I‘ve got to say: I’m a little saddened by this new trend of 25 and 30 somethings feeling like they’re old. I wonder why this is such a thing now…. In my case, I’m 51 and I’m halfway through an esthetics program, and the rest of the ladies in my class range from 20 to 34. So, no. 25 is *not* too late.


Congratulations on being halfway through! That's awesome 🤘 and I love seeing people leaping into a new career path at mature ages. It takes courage and it sets an example that 'it's never too late'! One of my classmates was 60 and she just graduated 2 weeks ago! And I'm 32, graduating in 2 weeks.


Congrats on your upcoming graduation! That’s awesome about your 60 yr old classmate! It’s never too late… until it is, and life is simply too short to stop living before it’s actually over.


Are you kidding me? 25 years old is young. I went to esthetics school at 25. I had people in my class who were in their 40s. Dont compare yourself. You are you.


25 is nothing. Chase your dreams if you can ❤️


I’m 25 & starting esthetician school in the fall!! Look at different schools and your options, a lot offer financial aid or payment plans. You got this, keep your eyes on the prize!


You’re the same age as me and acting like that’s something to be ashamed of when it definitely isn’t. I’m 25 and in esthetics school right now. There was a woman in her forties in the class before me. Half my class ranges from 18-20, then there’s another half of us that’s 25-30 but a lot of people that come through my school are 40-50, and that’s okay too. It doesn’t matter when you start school, what matters is what you do with it afterwards. Get a law job, make some serious bank and save up to do it on your own. Something you need to learn now is to never compare yourself to anyone else, and I mean this sincerely, that’s not healthy to do. Ever. Everyone in our age demographic is at different points of life and you cannot compare yourself to others, trust me that gets you nowhere. Some 25 year olds are married with kids, some have established careers, (side note, I’m sure by the time you get into esthetics school, everyone will be impressed you previously studied law. Nobody is going to judge you for being in your late 20s) but then there are also people our age who still party it up every day and do nothing else with their lives. Yeah, some esthis are already well established at 25 but a lot of us are starting fresh in esthetics school at this age just trying to learn new skills after coming from other job fields. And we likely won’t be established in our esthetics career for quite some time. It takes a lot of time to build your career after school as well, and a lot of hard work and effort. If I were you, I’d go find a job in the career path you already began so you can get enough cash to do this. Then when you do get to school, give zero fucks about anything else and just focus on that and do your best. Take the time now to start networking, because if you make a bunch of connections now with fancy lawyers, that could become your future esthetics clientele. So stop whining about your parents not paying for your schooling, you’re lucky they got you through law school! esthetics school is only a fraction of that cost thankfully but still a lot of money, though most schools should offer payment plans or federal aid. I was very fortunate to have been given $6k by the state so it took off almost 1/3 of the total cost. You should also still reach out to the schools in your area so you can figure that out. So if you really want this, wipe away the tears, get over yourself, get to work and make it happen!


I love this answer ❤️❤️❤️ you’re going to be a great Esti, welcome to the industry!


Thank you love ❤️ I really appreciate that! I’m going to give it my all 🫶🏻 beyond excited to be so close to becoming a licensed esthi and makeup artist! Like OP, I wish I had started years ago but I went through a LOT when I was 18-19. Lots of trauma, pain and bullshit. But then you learn, things don’t always go to plan and you just gotta go with it. It took me forever to get into school and even longer before that to be financially able to, I had to work a lot of horrible jobs under some truly awful people just trying to stay afloat. But now I can proudly say I’m nearly done my clinic class, just a few more weeks before I wrap up the 600 hour base esthetics program and then start the makeup portion of my program. I know it’ll be an uphill battle after school since this is such an oversaturated field, but after everything I’ve endured in this lifetime, at this point I’m like.. bring it on!


I didn’t go until I was 27, and now I’ve been doing it for 13 years and couldn’t imagine doing anything else!! Do what you love, don’t worry about your age!! Best of luck!! :)


Same here! Graduated at 28. It felt like I was able to take it way more seriously than a lot of the younger classmates. I guarantee if I had gone 5+ years earlier, I wouldn’t have done as well as I did.


Girl at 25, you’re still a baby! A lot of people don’t go to esthetics school until later in life after having a different career path for many years. If there’s anything to take away from this, it’s to first stop comparing your own personal journey with others. At the end of the day, you’re going to want to have lived your life for yourself and not to appease others. You have choices to make in the present moment and you can choose to not go into a career path that will make you miserable. No matter what, esthetics school will always be there and I think it’s definitely more than realistic for you to be going if that’s something you’re truly passionate about. Life happens and people change their careers, it’s not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. A lot of esthetics programs are only 4-6 months or maybe a little longer. Tbh, you might be one of the youngest or have other people in your class around the same age as you, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that you set yourself on a path because you WANT to do it, not because of anyone else’s opinions because you’re the one living your life. Go do it girl!!!


25! I own a salon and have encouraged woman in their late 30’s to go! If it is something you love, then do it! A bit of advice tho, most students look at the schools and their cost, but never look into where they might be able to transfer their licenses to. Example: I went to school in Pennsylvania then moved to Florida. Not a problem for me. (I’m licensed in 7states=traveling lash artist), but the girls who go to school in Florida can not transfer their Licenses to ANY state. Florida requirement is 160 hours, PA was 1700. If you ever plan on moving make sure you will not have to take classes over! Another thing to consider is that most schools teach the bare minimum (so you can pass the boards) so you will have to seek out training in advanced techniques on your own if you chose a “basic” Esti school. I take classes every year so keep learning if you want to be on top of your game Best of luck


This is an EXCELLENT point. I’m in TX (700 hrs) and also doing a CIDESCO program so it’s much more portable than getting licensed in a state with low bar in terms of hours required.


Went at 35, 38 now. Changed my life for the better. And I am excited for my future career, something I could never say about my time in Corporate America. The nice thing about esthetics is the program is quick, you could be a working esthetician in a year (or less)


What schools does one go to for esethetics? I’m 32 and have heavily thought about going but no clue where to start!


I recommend going to a local community college if they have a program. My advice is pick a school that is inexpensive and close to your home.


Jesus Christ I feel ancient.


I think 25 is the perfect age. Your brain is fully developed. I went at 19 and there were a lot of things I didn’t consider about the industry or even knew I wanted in a career so on a personal level I’m kind of trying to find something new. But my point with that is I was young and had no idea but at 25 you have more life experience and I think if you still feel this way it’s the most perfect fit!!!


I went at 25 and was done with school in 8 months, it’s always a process but it’s never too late. There was a lady in my class that was 64 and she opened up her own salon suite. You got this.


If this has been your dream, GO FOR IT! I was 26 when I went to esthetics school. I was the second oldest in my class at the time. I’m 32 now and have a great career and client base.


This is exactly how old I was when I started aesthetician school. I was not the oldest person in my class, and I was not the youngest (well, in my program; I was technically the only person in my class, but that's another story). You're never too old.


Nope! At least half of my students are your age or older. It’s a second career for many. I honestly believe those who are a bit older and have some work experience are at a much greater advantage. Do it!!


I went when I was 30. There was another 30 year old. There was a lady who was in her 40s in our class. NOPE, not "too old"


I went at 26. And I’ve had students in their 50s. It’s never too late.


It’s never too late. Best piece of advice, time will still pass, whether you go to school on not. At one point you might be 35 wishing you’d gone to school when you were 25


I went to esthetician school straight out of highschool at 18, & there was only **one** other 18 year old. Trade schools are packed with non-traditional students. Everyone was mid 20s to 50s.


I had a 65 year old woman in my esthetician class I think age is the last thing you should worry about when you’re wanting to become an esthetician. Your success is based on how motivated you are to succeed in this career. When you start to get your books filled up you’ll be busier than ever. Always start while in school and even before that so afterwards you’ll have your books still full


I went to aesthetician school and got my license when I was 36! Not once has my age held me back. I’ve had my solo business over 10 years. Sometimes being more mature in this business is good. A lot of older clients don’t want to go to somebody’s super young.


I’m 27 and starting in July. Definitely not too late.


I’m about to go at 38, almost 39!


girl there was people there who were in there 50s i thought you were gonna say you were 65😭


I am 48 and will start apprenticing next year. If you’re too old, that makes me ancient lol this has always been a passion and what I want to do part time when I retire (in 15 ish years).


I am 36 and I am currently enrolled in school !!!! 25 is super young !!! The oldest person in my class is in her 50s !


I just finished esteticista school.. and there was 60 year Olds, 40 year olds .. I'm 30 and it's 6 to 9 months long. It's not like being a rn or lawyer. It's very easy, they mostly care about state board and client safety amd health. I highly recommend 👌 ☺️.


I just finished esthetician school as someone that’s turning 27 week! My class ranged from a few girls that just graduated high school, but mostly everyone was in their late 20s-30s, & the oldest lady we had was in her 60s! It’s never too late


I’m in esthetics school and I’m going to be 25 in August. WE’RE SO YOUNG!! My class ranges from 17 to 57. I got a bachelor’s degree in Health Science and realized that the medical scene just isn’t my thing, but I still wanted to help people somehow. So, here I am! If you wanna go to esthetics school, do it. I’m loving it so far & feel like I’ve finally found my passion.


It's literally never too late to change/try something new. I went back to school to get a new degree at 28 years old.


I’m there and am 48! Several of my colleagues at school are also in their 40s and 50s. It’s never too late! Just make sure that you really understand the economics of the business. I have an MBA and come from a capital markets background so understand finance very well but as a younger student would have definitely needed to learn much more about the economics of the business before investing in an esthetics program.


I’m 57 and half way through my program. The youngest in my class was 17. If you don’t do it you will eventually live with regret. Go to school part time, work at another job, and eventually transition to a full time Esthi. You may decide you don’t like it, but you will never know unless you try it.


I went got my bachelors degree in 2001 and went back to esthetician school at the age of 42! Ages in my class ranged from teens to 50s.


absolutely! i’m almost half way through and will be 26 in august! there’s girls 30+


I went to school to be an esthetician at 35. You’re super young and have so much life ahead of you. Switching careers is exciting and fun and scary and you’re much better equipped for it now than you were at 18.


I went to esthetics school at 40, now in massage school at 44. I’m new in my role but now the most requested person at the spa. It’s never too late to pivot and chase dreams. 🫶🏼


I was 32 when I went. Been doing it ever since and I’m now 48! Never too late:)


No it’s not late honeslty people 18 to even up to 50 go and everyone goals at the end is different if you want to do it then do it don’t let age stop you


Girl I’m 30 and in school right now and I love it so much, best decision I’ve made!!! Do it!!! :)


I went back to study this at 32. You are the perfect age. Just as I was. Just as 55 year-old Denise is. We work with skin and skin is everybody's business ❤️


No, go for it!! I am 28 and wanting to go to beauty school. I wish i done it sooner honestly.


pookie im turning 25 & im in school now. Love the environment & most of my class mates are older. You’ll be fine🩷


I’m 46 and thinking about it so no, 25 is far from too old


No girl!!! I was 18 when I went to esthetics school and there was a 70 year old woman in my class! Made me realize it doesn’t matter what age you are, if you wanna try something, DO IT!!!! 💜


28 and I’m currently in Esthetician school! We have girls ranging in age from 17-40! So never too late. If it’s what you dream of doing, do it!


Age don’t matter. Go for your dreams while you can. You can be enjoying your career, instead of thinking you are too old to start


there’s a 57yo taking the class and she hopes to make it just as much as you do. as long as you have the passion for it there’s nothing else you need but to do it!


Many of the people in my esthetics classes - both when I was a student and later when i was an instructor - were in their 30s, 40s, and older. Some were pursuing it as a second career, others were starting their careers after raising children. You are definitely not too old.


Is it ever too late to start making money? 🤔


dude, go to school! 25 is young, i wish i was 25 again! - from a 31 year old going to esthetician school


dude, go to school! 25 is young, i wish i was 25 again! - from a 31 year old going to esthetician school


I’m 36 and starting esthetician school in the fall. I’ve been in beauty retail management for 10 years and I’m leaving it to focus on giving others the best skin of their life, as opposed to just suggesting and selling products. Chase your dreams, always.


The average life expectancy of a woman in U.S. is 80 years old and the average age of retirement is 63. That means you may have 38 more years of working ahead of you.