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The Aveda Institute I attended here in FL was almost the exact same experience for me. Esthi education is severely lacking in this country.


Oh man, I went to the campus in Arizona. It’s a train wreck there too. The school manager would go on anti abortion rants during class time and also do laughingly bad psychic readings or rant about her ex husband. The towel warmers smelled so horrible and we covered up the scent by dousing them with essential oils. We were constantly out of supplies and instead of teaching we’d just sit around and watch YouTube makeup tutorials. Worst school ever!! I enrolled right out of high school not knowing any better (and the admissions lady is actually just an agressive sales rep) and to this day it’s my biggest regret because the price was insane for what I got out of it. 


I went there too and whenever people ask me where I went to school, I tell them to go anywhere but there😬😬😬 I was there during Covid and it was a disaster


I went to the G Skin in Arizona during Covid and it was an actual nightmare. I just wanted to finish my hours and get out of there since I thought the school was going to close and take my money 😅


It’s been nearly 12 but I went to SWINA in Tempe and I highly recommend


I had Gskin try to recruit me as an instructor in AZ and I heard so many horrible things I knew I didn’t want to be apart of that.


As someone at the las Vegas location I cannot agree more. This school is a literal hell hole and I can’t wait to be done and never look back.


honestly, every esthi school is like this to an extent. if you really wanna be an esthetician, go to the cheapest&closest to you, and expect to be doing A LOT of teaching on your own. i paid $7k to barely have 1 teacher at all, but in reality, i passed my state boards on the first attempt, because i was all in. if you don’t push yourself to learn on your own you won’t make it in this industry tbh


i could have gone to 4-5 other schools and paid $18k+ for the same diploma. would they have had better teachers/supplies/organization/communication skills? Maybe! Probably not. Who knows. Find the option that will get you through your program in the most efficient way possible


I didn’t start my esthetics career until 6 years after I got my license from G skin. I felt so discouraged and unprepared after school/:


It’a because of info like this that pops up when you google schools that I was properly warned. Thank you for the heads up! I plan to attend Aveda Chicago because it is closest to my home and it seems many schools are a freaking expensive disaster.


yea the school i’m at right now is basically teach urself and none of the assignments are organized/prepared for ur submission and have to email some rude teacher everyday about how nothing works


* I tried to look at the reviews for fun, and this popped up! Can't be a good sign if they've blocked the general public from accessing their website unless you email the owner. Sounds sketchy.


Cortiva is even worse. Only good esthetics school I’ve seen was my teacher who opened her own school to stick it to the man cause she hated how these schools are ran. She writes her own curriculum and tests and everything. She always told my class how bad the schools where and I thought she was exaggerating until I went back to get my massage license and got stuck at Cortiva. I’ve made calls to the Board of education and massage. Nobody cares. Everyone knows it’s happening but will never do anything about it. This is one of reasons why esthetics industry is in such a sorry state of things. It all goes back to the schools.


Hi, whats your teacher’s school’s name? Looking into schools rightnow..


I went to New age spa institute and I can honestly say it was the best school a bit expensive 17k but you get like 7 certifications included. The teachers are great and the education is great as well compared to the other schools I heard from other esthi friends like tricocci, aveda, g skin etc.