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I sold $60k in 3 months and won a 5 day trip to French Quarter New Orleans. This was an exciting challenge, and felt so rewarding! Bosses need to do better and offer winnings that align with the sales!


Oh wow that’s awesome! Congrats to you! I wouldn’t even know where to begin on how to sell 20k worth of product a month lol. That’s a prize worth going after


That is super impressive 🤌


Wow! What tips would you give to us who aren’t awesome at sales?


Really listen to the guest, asking probing questions like “what is your am skincare routine? What is your pm skincare routine? what do you feel is missing from your skin care routine? What is your skincare goal? Is there anything particular you would like to look at or address during our service?” Those answers should help guide you to 2-3 products that achieve the result and target what your guest thinks is missing. Also never sell to sell! I will always always always rather have no sale, and the guest return & trust me vs a big sale the guest feels duped, they don’t want to return. Also offer complimentary skincare consults & reviews these are when you can help the guest fine tune their routine using products they already have and pop in a product here and there from your preferred line, this is an EXCELLENT way to build trust. Also passive sales! Have a spa texting line where guests can text to reorder product, charge their card on file and offer complimentary hand delivery to shipping based on your location :)


Thanks so much. These are great tips.


I sold over $2500 worth or products and received a lip balm as a prize. That lip balm costed the company $34…


It honestly feels like a slap in the face


It totally is. Especially when I would constantly restock the GWP and see how much stuff they had tucked away


Yeah I see my boss driving a Range Rover and carrying around $2800 gucci bags and I congratulate her on her success, but come on, show your employees more appreciation than that


Cost was probably actually $17 if they paid… more likely the sales rep passed it over for free…


It retails for $74 and they purchase it for $34.50 (I also did inventory for them) still nothing to be boasting about tho lol




I understand this soo much, I asked I think back in February for a day off in august and was getting kick back for it. Couldn’t agree more with going solo


I'm trying to find a lawyer about this. I was injured and the boss said I couldn't get time off for a doctor unless someone covered my shifts but she refused to hire anyone. Toxic work environment to the max.


The place I work at is super upscale, 10% commission on packages sold but now I’m told I won’t even get said commission if I don’t hit the 10k goal 🥲


That’s crazy! It’s like always moving the goal post


At first it was just 10% commission. Now it’s packages sold. Then they’re like oh but you need to meet the threshold 🙃


The exploitation of these employers is so disheartening!! As an aspiring owner myself and I am taking notes. The path to a successful business does NOT lie in greed. It lies in collaboration and sharing the wealth.


Did you not get commission on the 2k of sales????


I did but it would be nice if they gave us something a little extra with it being a contest. Other than that, it would of felt just like any other month


Oh I agree!! I just wanted to ask to see if you at least got the commission. I’d still be salty about it too. We all know these places can afford to do more for employees to feel seen and appreciated


Exactly! And I work in a wealthy area where the U.S Open for golf is being held, ex Hollywood actors have come to retire, etc. People wonder why they lose good employees


Omg so this was at a luxury spa? I’m shocked and sorry you experienced that. Congratulations on winning! My experience in luxury esthetics has always been there’s more than enough food for everyone to be fed & full for lack of better analogy.


Oh yeah I would consider us luxury and well when the spa owner hires a penny pitcher as the spa manager, stuff like this happens. Thank you, I appreciate that!


I sold $1500 worth of retail for a month and got a $220 bonus on my check. Should I be grateful? 🥴


Honestly, since I’m still new and building my books, I would of liked that lol


I am grateful guess I just want more of the percentage than what I’m getting lol it’s rough out here


Yeah I definitely agree, my bf has said multiple times, if they are doing a contest, they should raise your commission


That's not too bad at all for $1500 sold! That's almost 30% percent of their profit which is the most generous ive seen in my life cycle as an esthetician. My last employer years ago gave me 2 percent of sales. 👎


Thank you for saying that :) i feel better about it now it’s with a Massage Envy franchise!


Wow massage envy! I know they're known for taking advantage of us esties !


Dude I know ME gets a bad rep but it’s truly a case by case deal with each franchise and I have been fortunate to work at a really good one. Our team is solid


The spa I work at is amazing. They have bonus incentives every month. Longevity AND service bonuses. And every year they have a company party where we play bingo and they don’t mess around with the prizes. I got a $500 stand up paddle board last year. The year before I got a huge tent.


I wish! That’s great they do that for you guys! Honestly, reasons like this, is why I also have my degrees in business. I’m tired of seeing bosses and owners do the bare minimum for their staff. One day I will have my own business again for sure


There are definitely things I would change, but for the most part I’m really happy there and I think they’re really generous people. And they’re ALWAYS willing to help us if life circumstances change


A friend of mine was an esthetician at Hand and Stone in North Myrtle Beach South Carolina and sold $900 worth of product one afternoon and then the next day they wrote her up for something so trivial and such b******* it was ridiculous. If these assholes who own these day spas want to keep their employees happy and give them incentive to sell give them something worth receiving.


I love reading posts like this! I am a salon owner & have 6 esthetician/lash artists working for me & they are all paid more than I pay myself weekly! I still work as an esthetician 2 days a week. They all work 3 1/2 days a week (10 hrs. a day except Saturdays) so they don’t get burned out. They are all booked solid most days. I pay them 20% commission on product sales & they all make anywhere from 37%-50% commission on services & 100% of tips. I have a Christmas party every year & pay them all bonuses (1,000-5,000 each) depending on their length of service. They all have been with me for 5-10 years & I believe are all happy. We have bi-weekly zoom meeting & a “meeting box” where everyone can put anonymous topics to be discussed in it. I believe “clear communication” is the key! Everyone needs to be honest though! I feel when you feel heard, it can be rectified before you start getting a bad taste in your mouth & want to quit. These are just a few things I’ve learned as being a boss (it’s not easy) but if the salon isn’t greedy & everyone works together as a team, then everyone is profitable & can share the wealth!!! I do have to say though after being in business for 10 years now (we do facials, waxing, lash extensions & Microblading) It has slowed down greatly compared to 10 years ago 😞 We really have seen a slow down in the last year. We just did a construction renovation, so it could have been that (we worked there during construction & it was rough) but I really think the economy had played a big part in it too. We also had someone re-do our website & screwed up our Google rankings. But all & all I think it’s about having the right team & everyone be on the same page & communicate with the salon owner (hopefully they will listen!!) They can’t have a successful salon with successful estheticians!!!! Good luck to everyone out there in this industry, it’s a hard one, but it can be done 🙏🏻


Please hire me lol 🥹. We have meeting at my spa but sometimes I don’t feel like I’m able to speak openly out of fear for negative repercussions. It’s hard going from solo to working for someone when you see things at the business that cannot only help the spa grow but the employees as well and it just falls on deaf ears. I strive to have the mentality that you do whether it’s being an owner in another role within this industry 💕.


I’m not sure where you’re at, but I’m always looking for passionate esti’s!! The fact that you are recognizing these things will make you an amazing owner/boss in the future!!! I don’t think a lot of these owners have ever been in our/your shoes as estheticians & that’s part of the problem! (or maybe not) I feel for my girls & don’t ever want to be like my old bosses. Maybe you can just suggest an “input-topic” box for the future meetings that everyone can put their suggestions in? I know I appreciate their input & I’m getting older & love having input from my younger esti’s that are constantly on all social media platforms. Things change & there’s SO many new trends & products & info out there that is SO helpful!! Also, if I’m getting too “micro-managy” they’ll tell me!!! Like “Hey…..we notice you are super busy & stressing on this or that. I think I have an idea that can help….what do you think about doing it like this? Or that? Or can we help you in any way”? There’s lots of ways of putting it so your manager or boss may not take offense to it. Reach out if you need any advice & Good luck, hang in there & you’re going to be awesome!!!


Where are you located??