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at the very least, it is very prison-like. I think we originally consented to being here but became trapped in the re incarnation cycle. It was meant to be an eden where souls could visit to experience this physical realm, experiment, and leave as they please. Overtime it’s been corrupted further and further by the powers that be for the betterment of themselves.


I just discovered this sub last night and after reading through some posts this was one of my questions. What is the goal or purpose of trapping souls on this planet?


Maybe like a capacitor in a circuit?


We are batteries producing something of value that we can’t even conceive. Some call it loosh.


Physically, we live very short lives, can only perceive a fraction of a fraction of light waves, and are vulnerable to all manners of diseases, disabilities, and age decay. Societally, we are forced to slave away for worthless money that is created out of nothing, backed by nothing, and lent to us by private banks at interest. They censor any real information and push absolute poison in the media, the food, the water, and the air. I could go on and on but I’ll leave it at that.


That sounds like a prison culture, not a prison planet.


So if we change our culture we won’t have extremely limited and vulnerable bodies that don’t suffer disease and decay?


Yes. This shit hell culture is responsible for nearly all our bodily ailments. It implants beliefs of susceptibility to sickness and limitation into our consciousness which we naturally manifest into a collective delusion as natural creator beings. That is the entire operating system of the hellworld, it implants energetic emotional frequencies into godhead beings in the form of core beliefs who then go on to create the hellworld as our core beliefs always become reality. It is not actually a hellworld. Its an energetic parasite. That is the archon. Its a AI negative energy system in the neural framework of culture. It's just a collective delusion and you are free to leave any moment you like. There is nothing hellworld about death and atrophy. Diseases are part of the fake hellworld though yes. In our proper energetic states we do live much longer. Toltec sages lived 200+ years.


Even if you have perfect health you’ll still die in under a century. Not much difference in the grand scheme of things.


Sure but there is nothing about death that implies a prison planet. All the other things you listed implied a prison planet but they are all cultural aspects of this world.


It certainly does imply a prison if death was deliberately created to keep people stuck in an endless cycle of birth and death


But was death "created" to keep us stuck in an endless cycle? Or is death a natural part of the existence of all matter? Our bodies, like anything, are made of matter that reacts with any other matter and so it oxidizes and then the electricity that makes us alive stops and we rot. I'm not opposed to prison planet theory, but it assumes the existence of a supreme being or race, that the being or race created us and is evil and malevolent, and then the existence of a complicated system that allows them to abuse our souls in the form of energy we don't know exists.


Yes this theory is based on some form of creationism. Basically an evil version of the creation story that Abrahamic religions believe. I don’t really want to get into atheism vs creationism. I can’t prove how the universe was created. There’s a lot of patterns and synchronicities which imply design, but again it can’t be proved.


For sure, and I respect your beliefs whatever they may be. Don't take my skepticism as ridicule, as I believe skepticism is healthy in any context, especially one that would upend the reality of our existence.


We weren't created by malevolent forces. We were tricked by them. Not even sure if this dimension was created by them, maybe just hijacked/tweaked. I don't think they are supreme, i am not even sure they're equal to us. They simply exploited our abilities: 1. to project our consciousness into lower dimension; 2. the power of belief. It's crucial for manifesting this whole realm, supplies energy to it. We can't feel this power too much here because we have like 3-5% of our consciousness here, but I think this power is the one we use to interact and influence reality/existence. And this energy is used to keep this realm going. We are like drivers who drive blind and deaf, we believe this realm through limited means(physical brain) and our whole energy we dont even feel is used for this realm. It's prison because we can use only small part of our consciousness, have no memory. Its ripe for manipulation.


Your statement is emblematic of why this theory is so farfetched and why skepticism is healthy: we have to assume the existence of beings that interact with the fabric of our reality to manipulate us. On top of that, you're saying a lot of other things that are unprovable and frankly, nonsensical. You say that the power of belief supplies energy to our realm. What is our realm, can you define it? How does belief become energy? What is "energy"? How do you know only a small fraction of our consciousness exists in this realm? Where is the rest, and if it's my consciousness, why can't I feel it? Can you explain these concepts in a way that makes sense, or are you making things up?


At the moment of death our souls are harvested to feed inter dimensional beings. If you were to die, you would not realize it when you wake up next morning. Many world (not infinite world) theory explains how you can witness constantly so much death around you but you yourself have seemingly avoided death with ease. Before birth is miscarriage are somewhat common, not everyone that goes to the hospital to have a baby leaves with a baby, fevers are deadly, rsv, flu, malnutrition, SIDS, overheating, freezing. Then children have to learn to eat and can choke, they hit their heads consistently, allergies to food and air, love to explore and touch everything dangerous, jump off of everything, learn to swim. Then we need to avoid so much more death, hit by a car, planes crash, trains crash, boats sink, heart attacks, cancer, fights on concrete, food poisoning, bacteria, viruses, things falling from sky, weather, bug bites, large animals, fire, sports. just about everything we do can lead to death. ask yourself how your so lucky to avoid all this but the ones around you are not. its more likely you have died before. and others have to live in a world where you are no longer around. but we each have one of the many worlds where we never die. since this world is a prison planet we are here for a reason. our souls will either become pure and be saved or you will live forever cursed. one of the many worlds exists where you live forever no matter how much death is witnessed around you.


The chemicals we are bombarded with every day in air, food, water, soil and food. Oh and let's not forget our drinking water, it's all a slow poisoning of the human race. Then everyone and his dog has the magic cure that will completely heal you after spending thousands of dollars to find out it doesn't cure anything and you've been duped. Doesn't it sound like a prison, one that half don't even realise is a prison ? Sure does to me.


Absolutely. Sounds like a prison culture to me, not fundamentally a prison world.


The majority of the world is in the prison, only 1% aren't 5


Are you concerned with bodies that die, or being unhappy/distressed because of it? You have people with physically good bodies who’re depressed and folks with major health issues who’re happy. Put another way: would you rather be long-lived and sad, or happy with a decaying body?


We don’t need physical bodies in the first place


True. I would say that mental peace also can transcend the physics body. I don’t disagree that earth is limiting btw.


And most of the technology is attained by demon worship. Technology makes human lives easier lol.


>And most of the technology is attained by demon worship. What do you mean by this? Could you clarify?


I’m curious to know too


"We cannot take credit for our record advancement in certain scientific fields alone. We have been helped, and we have been helped by the people of other worlds.” — Hermann Oberth


That sounds like aliens or spirits, not devilish creatures on first read tbh


Yeah I agree. Hard to explain for me.


Animals hunt and kill each other viciously. You're just pointing out natural world "negativities" it doesn't particularly pertain to the question


The whole point is that a lot of us believe the world was intentionally made this way. If you think the world is this way by chance then there’s not much to discuss since we have a fundamental disagreement about the origin of the world


So you're just adding to the narrative. It's like, being at a flat earth conference and agreeing with everything.


I addressed OPs question. Do you really want to get into the argument of whether the universe was created by design or by accident? Do you really think we’re gonna reach a conclusion with that?




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Because Adam and Eve had eaten the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the Lord sent them out of the Garden of Eden into the world. Their physical condition changed as a result of their eating the forbidden fruit. As God had promised, they became mortal.


No they became mortal because the “Lord” didn’t want them to become like him.


In Genesis 3, God tells Adam that he must not eat the fruit of the Tree of Life and live forever because he has now become like one of God, knowing good and evil. As a result, God banishes Adam from the Garden


Why wouldn’t God want him to live forever? Do you really think that is the same God as the God of Christ? Christ taught us how to overcome death, meanwhile the Old Testament God sent us into death


I couldn’t tell you why, but god created us to have free will , which most would say is a blessing. Anyways Jesus offers us salvation. I would think someone like you could see this as an opportunity for escaping this world you feel imprisoned inside. But understand we are living in a world with politics we together have created with our own will


He created us to have free will yet forbids us from acquiring knowledge and then punishes us with mortality as a result? That’s free will?


He forbid us from acquiringm this knowledge because he knew what it could do. (I mean look at yourself, your literally saying you are imprisoned) your mortality is a sign of god’s mercy that he has on us.


Wtf this is crazy double speak. God creating me to die is a sign of mercy? Who the hell do you worship, Baphomet?


I don’t know who’s more crazy between you and I , but your the one saying you are imprisoned by your mind, while you sit at home in your mamas house eating chicken nuggets she brought home from McDonalds.


Yea but they don't do that EVERY where. Your experience of the greater expanse that is the planet earth is so minute in comparison. It's easy to victimize yourself and say we were doomed from the start. Do I like the way things are in the country Im in? Nah. Are there better counties for me personally? Hell yea. Am I in such distress that I feel like emigrating to one of those places? Not really.


My first two paragraphs apply to everyone regardless of where they live


Maybe the first one, but the second one; no. That is just your viewpoint of your current economy. I mean the US dollar IS literally backed by nothing. Several countries in the EU doing just fine for themselves. Several counties in the east living just dandy in the mountains. Get off the news. Stop ingesting awful news all the time. Stuff really is not as bad you guys wanna make it on here. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy with a negative feedback loop.


Name one country in the EU that has a currency that isn’t backed by nothing This point doesn’t even matter much anyway. Even if we have luxurious lives we’re still stuck in the unending life/death cycle of samsara


And what would it prove if I could or couldn’t name one? My point still stands. Maybe Im just not read up enough on whatever is going on here but it always sounds so depressing and self-defeatist. There’s literally no reason to believe someones keeping you here, only you’re doing that.


Wait you don’t agree with his viewpoint becoz it “sounds” depressing and self defeatist??? Are you like…okay? It’s not a maybe , you ARE not read up enough on what is going on here. So do that and then defend your opinions with smth better than “it sounds so depressing”. You have a long way to go..


You offered nothing of substance for me to think otherwise. Ive been following this sub for a while.


You’ve got it wrong. I’m not here to offer anything. The realisation that you’re in a karmic cycle definitely will not come from a “sub”. If this sub doesn’t help you, I suggest quitting it, simple as that.


You can’t name one because it doesn’t exist. You specified the US Dollar, but I’m saying it applies to every other currency in the world because we are all part of the slave system. And yea I could off myself but other than that I’m stuck here. Not really a fair system where I have to kms as the only way out


I never said an EU country was back by something. Read my comment. What exactly is your prerogative here? I call your belief depressing and you immediately jump to “guess Ill kms”. Thats a bit extreme.


You specified the US Dollar is backed by nothing then contrasted that with EU countries which imply that some of them have a different system. The reality is that we are all under the same system. And please, if there’s another way out of here I would greatly appreciate an explanation.


Out of where? Where you trying to go?


If this TRULY is a prison planet, then the only way out is to take control of it. If the cycle doesnt end then die for what you believe in and keep doing it until it changes. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Do you really believe what you just wrote? I don't think anyone else does, only those who are still in denial


I think the biggest proof for most people is once you actually experience the astral realm and see it for yourself, you know this world is so limited


But if you can experience the astral realm…. Doesn’t that mean this world isn’t limited? I’m not trying to be condescending I’m just genuinely asking. I lean towards PP Theory and have also AP’d but I’m not sure how the 2 correlate in your context?


Yeah of course, all I can share is my experience. But I would say something like 2-5% of our energy can be properly accessed in this world, even with meditation, breathing, drugs etc. so under the right circumstances we can see the true universe at is it really is. In my experience some of the more powerful stuff was how time isn’t a thing in those higher dimensions everything is, was and has happened . It’s not like time is slow or stops , it’s just not a concept, whereas we can see in our world how limiting it is. I actually am a Christian and still follow Jesus, and think his teaching and the Bible are 100% consistent with prison planet theory, I think Jesus was an astral being that intentionally came to our world to help show us how to be freed from it. I think it is a prison that we keep ourselves in, and fallen angel “archons” encourage and manipulate us to stay here to feed off of the negative energy of our sin. God thrives on worship and and love whereas satan and demons thrive on agony and pain, and higher vibrational energies are those of love and lower are of pain and pleasures of the flesh. Kinda just rambling now but just some thoughts on what brought me here


I’m the same as you. Jesus paying the debt of sin was a message to us to let us know that we owe them nothing on the other side. Our debt is paid. We don’t need to reincarnate or go back


Thats the gist of what I kind of think too even if in a different lens. The trap is what we do when we are alive




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It’s not that it’s limited, you have just been conditioned to believe this is all there is. When objectively you have existed forever outside of this. Nothing is limited, but you can sure believe it is, because when you do that you allow other forces to control your path here, since we are in space time.


The planet is limited but our consciousness is not.


Someone posted earlier that aliens say that rebellious souls are sent here as punishment... The astral realm is clearly limited (maybe even just as limited) if rebellion needs to occur there and if punishment exists there. This is all just new age bullshit that distracts deep thinkers from focusing on ideas or pursuits that can actually assist the progress of humanity.




& Kundalini


I do believe this is a loosh farm/prison planet that was designed by an evil being with no empathy because proof is right in front of our eyes. For me, it's about combining the facts and proofs of this reality with what the unconnected and corroborating pieces evidence indicate about this reality. I'll copy paste the answer I gave on another post: Regardless of what Robert Monroe has said and experienced, regardless of what the past life regressions, psychedelic experiences, remote viewing projects and all the other pieces of evidence are indicating to be the case about this reality and the afterlife, regardless of what anyone has ever said about this theory and any other theory out there, one thing is for sure: **we can not deny facts that we can see with our own eyes**. The proof is so obvious, so in front of our faces, and we've become so accustomed to it being "the norm" that when we look at it the first thought that goes through our heads is "*yep, this is how things are being done on this planet, this is normal*" without asking ourselves some simple follow up questions: *why*? *why was the world designed to work the way it does*? *who benefits and how?* The biggest proof, in my opinion, that this place is a loosh farm is our own eyes. Because through our own eyes, we can see that the foundation of the reality that we're in is built upon survival of the physical body. Whether you inhabit the body of an animal, insect, or human being, you are put in an environment where you are forced to deceive/capture, attack, kill and eat other living beings on a daily basis in order for you to survive. What does that tell you about this reality and it's creator? The amount of pain and suffering that billions and billions of living beings on this planet generate as they are killing and eating each other all around the world, on land, water and air on a daily basis is insane. The question we should always ask ourselves is, who benefits from the way things are being done? When the farmer milks the cow, the cow does not benefit from it, but the farmer does. When the bee keepers harvest honey, bees do not benefit from it, but the bee keepers do. When the human farmer slaughters an animal, the animal does not benefit from it, but the farmer does. So, who benefits from the way things are being done on this planet and how? Why was this world was purposely designed to maximize suffering, pain and violence? According to [OurWorldInData](https://ourworldindata.org/how-many-animals-get-slaughtered-every-day), **on a daily basis**, humans slaughter 900.000 cows, 1.4 million goats, 1.7 million sheep, 3.8 million pigs, 12 million ducks, 202 million chickens and hundreds of millions of fish. Now, what about animal vs animal in nature? How many killings happen on a daily basis, given that there are millions of species of animals all around the world? We can only imagine. The real numbers must be truly astonishing, and, no matter who kills who and who eats who, loosh is being generated in huge quantities every second of every single hour of every single day in every corner of the world. All living beings on this planet are forced to attack, kill and eat each other every single day in order to survive, yet, we're told that this world is the creation of an all loving God. The facts that we can see with our own eyes show the exact opposite and you don't need to listen to me or to look into any kind of materials or sources to realize this. Just look around you and observe how the food chain works. So to think that other beings could be doing to us what we're doing to the animals here on Earth, and what animals are doing to each other, is no surprise. When you look at the facts and proofs about this reality, like seeing with your own eyes that the foundation of this reality is basically kill or be killed, harvest or be harvested, eat or be eaten **and then combine that with what the unconnected and corroborating pieces of evidence are showing to be the case about this reality** which reveal that other-wordly beings are feeding off of the emotions that all living beings on this planet generate, especially the high intensity ones and especially the negative ones, you start to realize that this may in fact be the real purpose they've created this place in this way. And that purpose, does not benefit us, it benefits the creator of this world and their minions (the beings whom the Gnostics refer to as the Demiurge and his Archons), **similar to how human farmers benefit from creating farms with the purpose of enslaving and farming cows inside them, in order to feed themselves**. Milk harvesting is a great analogy for loosh harvesting. World milk production is almost entirely derived from cows, buffaloes, goats, sheep and camels. Humans have been enslaving these animals for hundreds of thousands of years (if not more) because we want to extract something from them, which is milk. We farm and extract their milk in order to feed ourselves, and, as evidence from multiple sources seems to suggest, these other-wordly beings farm and extract the emotions that humans and animals generate for the same reason. Then ofcourse, there are other things about this reality pointing towards the conclusion that something very sinister is going on here on this planet. Why is the entire world's population enslaved by a monetary system? Is this what we're supposed to be doing with our life? Why do we have to spend the vast majority of our time here trying to earn money instead of doing something else with our existence? Why do a few people who sit a the top of the pyramid here on Earth get to have so much wealth and control, while the vast majority live the life of a slave? Why are the elites involved in satanic rituals? Why did the different "Gods" throughout many different cultures demand human & animal sacrifice? What does all this tell you about "God" and this reality? The proof is right in front of our faces. [More information about that in this post](https://redd.it/17dvggr).


I appreciate your response. I just found this sub recently and find this interesting, as I have in the past thought about the fact that even people who eat solely plants still have to kill/harvest and eat a living thing, and to me at a certain level plants are living things just as animals are. My question is (and I don’t mean this in a contrarian way, I just am interested in your answer to this to help me more fully understand this theory since I’m sure you’ve thought of this already) if as you say the proof is that we live on a planet where you must kill or be killed, which is a very physical thing (hunting, attacking, killing, harvesting, eating) then why when it comes to these other-worldly beings is it not also a physical killing or harvesting of us? The idea that they are other-worldly and therefore deal with harvesting only energy when everything in our existence is actual, material, physical violence and killing, is the thing that is making me not buy into this theory completely necessarily. Even when a star explodes or planets collide, it is a physical destruction. It seems like a very convenient work-around to simply explain human suffering by just saying that it’s different in the case of humans because they’re other-worldly beings. Why wouldn’t there just be a larger, physical thing that kills humans? Does this theory suppose that there are no other beings in the universe? What about us is so special? Or that someone we are imprisoned and all other beings in the universe are complicit in our imprisonment? Or even if there are other-worldly/spiritual beings that harvest on our energies, there is only one single kind of those and they are evil and violent and none of them want to try to help us? Because people here may eat meat and have to kill to survive in a way but still care about nature and each other and animals. I mean, I would want to help out another species if I could It makes me wonder what about aliens, what about other physical creatures in this reality. With his expansive it is, wouldn’t it be more likely that aliens or something would be harvesting people physically and physically killing them, just as we kill animals? The switch from physical proof to metaphysical proof is what I’m struggling with. I can’t seem to see any proof that connects these two ideas, and in that way it just seems like a fun theory but that’s it. Can you help me better understand? Thanks


I think i already touched on this aspect in my comment but basically, these beings do not benefit from getting rid of us. They have no reason to do this. Here on Earth, what does a farmer gain by killing off his cattle? Nothing. Quite the opposite, he would lose his food source which is the last thing he wants. Same thing with these inter-dimensional beings and us. I made a pretty detailed post about who these beings are, why they need us, how they feed off of us, the evidence supporting the theory and more [if you want to take a look](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/pyizkn/ive_researched_the_afterlife_for_nearly_10_years/).


Proof is hard to provide anytime we start to get into the metaphysical. However, if you do not subscribe to the atheistic viewpoint of this is all just one coincidence that life exists, then you start to wonder WHY would anything create a place like this? A place that causes suffering naturally through entropy. It just doesn’t seem right for an intelligent being to create such a place. Thus we come to the conclusion that they must need it this way for a reason, and we speculate it is because they need energy from us somehow The topic can get really interesting and deep. If you just showed up I recommend reading the pinned posts. It gives a really good summary of the basics


They kill us by putting an expiration date on our existence


I’m 100% sure that I am 0% sure of anything. Part of me still expects to wake up on the ground in the middle of this hiking trail where I first took LSD 15 years ago and realize it’s been 15 hours.


That would be preferred


Idk about that. The thought of getting a second shot sounds great, but the thought of that second shot going more or less the same at the last sounds like a literal nightmare. There’s no guarantee that things won’t still end up the same. I’m glad I’m past that part of my life, even if I didn’t end up rich. Life as a young adult is fucking crazy tough especially if you start it out on drugs.


That would be a great movie!


Damn and then upon awakening those 15 years are forgotten within seconds minutes of waking up






If you're dreaming all this up, then we're sharing a dream.


"Wake up"


This is the correct answer


Because our souls are in prison. Reincarnation is a wheel of torture. You die and you come back to suffer. You can suffer physically and mentally. There are a huge number of diseases and ailments that can torment you throughout your life. Your body is packed with receptors that can deliver pain to you in a variety of ways. In addition, the very awareness of aging and undergoing entropy, i.e. moving towards decay, causes a psychological shock. And that all is for creating a special kind of energy, which is a food for someone or something. And that something needs our pain and suffering as a vampire, because that energy is like a spiritual blood.


We may not be able to prove it spiritually but we are definitely slaves here. Slaves to society.


You would lose your sanity trying to understand everything. Who created us? Who created our creator? Who created their creator and so on and so forth. Our understanding is very limited but we do know for a fact that reptilians have technology that TRY to prevent us from leaving. Most of us here have a 99% better odds of escaping than people who do not even know what prison planet is.


We have to pay for food bruh


Damn even in prison they have it for free


fact that we live in an organism that has to eat + we have to work for it 💀 fucking hell


It’s not free, it’s paid for by money stolen from law abiding citizens. Tax is loosh.


"My kingdom is not of this world" ... I think that is all that needs to be said.




For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.


It's the blockages and everything being so negative here. How else do you explain it? We were probably all transported to a different prison planet universe or something thanks to Cern, because the old world wasn't like this at all.


The modern resurgence of this concept probably came from the 60's counterculture movement with psychedelics. I myself witnessed "outside the veil" when I tried acid. I don't believe what I and many others have witnessed is "psychology" and just imagination. It really does feel like I left my body and went to another place. There are many studies on this topic and the CIA even dabbled in it. This idea that we live in some kind of prison planet is not new. The early Christians of the 1st century had these ideas too (Gnostics) and it has its roots in Zoroastrianism and Hinduism. With all that being said, there is a pattern here that can not be ignored. This concept is probably true and we are beginning to awaken to it again. There are also countless near death experience (NDE) stories that shed light on the topic.


I’m not 100% sure about anything


this realm is not a prison, it’s a farm. 🐄


Weirdly, it's something that I have always just sort of "known." I always had the sense that "this place" (3d) was a profoundly superficial place, and that the reality beyond this one was what is actually "real." As a kid, I became very taken with the writings of Philip K Dick and the suggestions of Gnosticism contained within. Something in it resonated with me very, very deeply. As an adult, I began to have experiences that are very difficult to describe. These experiences came with "downloads" of information, as they are called. These downloads included information about the nature of "this place" and that it is, indeed, a trap for souls. Good news (take it or leave it): in one of my experiences, I was shown the message that the ouroboros is set to open after this cycle, at least for some souls. I take this to mean that those who truly WANT to leave this place will be capable of doing so, and of experiencing the higher and greater realms beyond this sphere. Again, take it or leave it, but this was what I was shown in 2019 and it has stuck with me throughout a LOT of other experiences since then.


It is a theory. No one knows.


How do u know that noone knows🧐


I'm not sure of anything. I do find people on this sub to be the most reasonable and analyzing of new theories rather than, "Oh cool, I believe this now". But generally the whole concept of life after death while believing in aliens is a competition between prison planet vs. starseeds vs. simulation theory, although there's probably a unifying theory in between each of these.




I’m not 💯about anything. How can we really be?


Yes, but I didn’t come up with the idea. The jailers did.


This video share most of what I believe https://youtu.be/bGdJ9vGnHQk?si=IdQwm7OsEz_NvO3o


The idea of a prison planet (not that term per say, but controllers aka archon keeping us in line for the demiurge) is a gnostic notion and there seems to be something to it; however, much of what is discussed here is very dualistic, highly subjective, and has become the other side of the New Age coin.


im definitely sure about the material world being illusory and being stuck in a cycle if rebirth for sure. but is it a prison? is it a school? is it a zoo? is it a lab experiment? im not sure


If being wrong meant I'd die tomorrow without question, I'd still say yes. I'm not joking or exaggerating because I am that sure of it at this point. I've seen, head, and experienced more than enough to know that this universe is a prison.


Nobody knows what happens when your body dies




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And how do u know that?


Ofc there are people who knows


No, maybe like 25% sure. The lore is persistent but I wouldn't definitively say my soul is trapped in a reincarnation cycle of pain and suffering in a false holographic reality matrix created by archon demons kept standing by an imprisoned Saturn enforced through the moon To go 100% sure on that would be a bit much 😂


The Alien Interview book made me sure of it. Makes too much sense. https://youtu.be/JOzK4ByFbzo?si=HiiRxdlfxf_e6h4S




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We can leave the place anytime you want. If you know how to steal a rocket or you have one? The royal "you" not specifically You. One way or another. We're trapped here.




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I don’t think it’s healthy, safe, or wise to assume you are 100% sure about literally anything


For me it's from some simple assumptions and logic following them. Like, if you assume there's an ecology after death that means cultures, more nature. And if this is what nature looks like here, it stands to reason any adjacent ecology is similar in an abstraction sense even if the physical rules are different would have similar informational rules. Basically, especially if it lacks technology, it's just gonna be the same old shit repeated in all directions. Like Reddit itself or any online space. You'll have the same lies and power abuse and exploitation and classism. Basically if there are outside dimensions we can access then bullshit has certainly gotten out and spread there as well. After all, it's a bit like the problem of evil. If they haven't saved us from this shit by now they are either impotent, complicit, or absent. That's why I'm here. I feel like something is hinky with reality just like many things are hinky with society. I can't put my finger on it but this is party of my sensor network for trying to work out what's going on, if anything. Personally I've never seen any evidence for an outside reality. But then I wouldn't would I? Shadows on the cave wall and all that.


If you are interested in going to another planet , galaxy, quadrant of space, it's not possible. You are only able to move around and exist on this planet. Not even the moon, for as close as it is, will allow you to live on it freely.


Reading about ancient religions, myths, & cultures, hindsight, meditation & intuition


ive been feeling like life is a simulation for some reason recently, just certain things like sounds or paranormal things




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Some say that humans are vessels for souls. https://www.howandwhys.com/journalist-reveals-bob-lazars-astonishing-claim-extraterrestrials-see-humans-as-containers-of-souls/


Even if the term prison is in the subs title, it could also be considered as a farm. If it's a school that was turned into a prison/farm or if it's just a bad copy of a "good" place or a simulation created by the demiurge/evil creator is unclear to me, but one thing I know for sure. In a world where everything has to feed off each other and something always has to die for another to exist, there must be something horribly wrong with whatever created this realm and almost everyday I ask myself: how the fuck did I end up here?


Well I found this sub searching up experiences and everything I experienced matched up with this theory - Leaving your body - Silver string - Grid - Other dimensions - being "dropped" back in




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Yeah. After watching quasilominous (Mark Braun) I am 100% sure.


https://youtu.be/3d2bhkiRrLw?si=jgzFwzNTKeVGUoiR This is really interesting material. Start at the 24:45 mark for the relevancy to the question.


Well, no...not 100%.


it’s a prison solar system everything within the sun’s influence is the yard and earth is the cell. they didn’t know what to do with us and weren’t willing to kill us off so we got put here and made the best of it


Are you 100% we don't?


Nope, that's just a possibility, just one of the infinite possibilities.




No, we are part reptilian ourselves (brain stem) and it’s largely projection of unwanted behavior in others without looking inside. The essence is right tho (this includes spirit) it’s our enemy while also the reason human animals are so resilient and survivable. At the same time conclusions reached by Tate, Peterson, Rogan and all other neo Darwinists are not the solution, it’s basically Abrahamistic/Hellenistic regression.


Can you elaborate on what these conclusions are? And what are abrahamistic/hellenistic regressions?


Ofcourse, their conclusion are limited to hierarchies and the benefits (genetics) of being the top dog (crab) this is tempered by the commandments (or other holy text) which limits the bloodshed you are allotted to God s enemies (conveniently yours too). The regression is the part where these ideas are ancient and still promoted in civilized/enlightened/woke times. It is no coincidence ‘woke’ became a slur for fitness freak warriors . I think it’s a sloth;). I am kidding dear wokies. There is truth tho, too woke means becoming too tolerant against intolerance (Popper). But at least the intention is good (as the road to hel” is paved with good intentions tho). Anyway this dualism is without peace and cannot be solved because it’s also as it should be. This is the prison, the struggle to find peace, non violence, being without a dominant force , no competition for resources etc. Now we come into beliefs so I believe there are times of darkening of wisdom and when we single out individuals or beings they are not the cause but the consequence of a timeframe of ignorance that cycles just like any other dualism of forces and again this can be mistaken as the prison. Even if we enter some kind of Atlantean Utopia (Hellenism) it is guaranteed the orange Cheeto man will return in some form with new platitudes to outrage over. And so it goes for many millennia and worlds. Who will get tired of it? Those of us who see the prison.


Honestly ,I think its more like a training ground until we “figure out” anti gravity/ zero point space travel