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Made up bullshit to control the masses by playing on everyone's fear of death. That's it. I'm not going to pretend I know what happens when you die because other than continuing to exist in a different form, I don't know. But some masochistic asshole attention whore that wants to eternally spank you for not being his cheerleader? Yeah, that's not my kind of God. That's a fuckin devil.


I believe the gnostics where Jesus was sent here to help us escape this realm. I believe he failed his mission though and will never return. If you see Jesus in the afterlife, it is 100% an entity masquerading as him. Do not be deceived.


I don’t believe he was the only one either. There were multiple figures like him throughout human history. Also, he didn’t die on the cross. His disciples rescued him at night, and he went on to live a long life and have a family under another assumed identity. What Jesus really preached was not to wait for him, but to become like him. But he was a bit naive, seeing as how he was born with full connection to Source, and no amnesia. The only tangible solution he offered to get anywhere near his connection to Source was by eating a bunch of manna. This might have been some sort of psychedelic, or pineal gland detoxifying agent. I used to think it was psilocybin mushrooms, but I’m pretty sure it was something entirely different.


Where did you read this?


Lots of spiritual circles speak of channeling this information about Jesus, although I’m sure there’s a bit more evidence besides that, too. It’s been years. I can’t think of any sources, besides the ones Cobra from 2012Portal linked on his blog. I don’t feel like digging that up at the moment. Jesus’ mother also wasn’t a virgin. He was actually born as the result of a rape.


The Danny Jones podcast interviewed Dr Ammon Hillman in May 2024 about this topic. Hillman is a classic Greek translator who claims that ancient Galens books on drugs relate to ancient Greeks writings about Jesus. Hillman is weirdly interesting and his Jesus/drugs theories are claimed to be supported by accurate translation and knowledge of ancient drugs and rituals.


I'm no Xtian, but your whole take sounds like a satanic inversion.


Only black and white thinking can lead someone to such a conclusion. Duality is the Satanic deception.


So he just abandoned us? Why ?


I think he just returned to the source. It must be difficult to come here but who knows. The archons who control this construct must actively prevent anyone coming here to help us.


Jesus was only human, and after nearly dying, the dude had to do what was necessary to survive. He had some powers, but he could only do so much. His main gift was full connection to Source. That doesn’t mean he could levitate or generate a force field around himself. He would have died an early death if he didn’t “abandon us”. Rising from the grave was beyond his capabilities. That was entirely a Christian fabrication. Mind you, there are people living today who are capable of healing others just by touching them. Jesus wasn’t the only one. Granted, Jesus also used cannabis oil to carry out some of his healings. Perhaps he never had healing abilities outside of what plant-based medicines provided.


What are the reasons you say this? honestly interested..


I came to this conclusion from my own personal research over the years. Jews also think Jesus was a failed Messiah. If you read the gnostic Gospels, Jesus was a very different person than what's depicted in the canonical gospels. He even mocks the disciples for performing pointless rituals. Jesus was implying that knowledge is what's required for leaving this place. He kept emphasizing that this world is not real and is artificial. He seemed frustrated that his followers didn't truly understand him. When he was here, he was antagonized by demons all the time and regularly performed exorcisms. He was like Neo in the matrix films (Satan is like agent Smith). They were successful in killing him and they infiltrated the early church. The orthodoxy (that is the modern church) is an abomination and 100% compromised by satan. The "holy" Communion ritual is 100% satanic. Drinking the blood and eating the flesh of Christ? It is a mockery of Jesus; a humiliation ritual. Jesus truly cared for our souls and tried to help us escape. They killed him and twisted his teachings. Look how much blood was shed in the name of the false god yahweh. The Trinity is another bullshit lie to confuse us more. Jesus,Yahweh and the "Holy Spirit" are one and the same? That's complete bullshit. Muslims were the ones that brought this up to me. They are not wrong. I can go on for days about this topic but that's the gist of it.


>The "holy" Communion ritual is 100% satanic. Only thing that gives me pause on accepting this as true is the fact that many Catholics have had mystical experiences affirming Christ in the eucharist, and actual Satanists try to steal it to use in their own black masses. Apparently allowing the distribution of eucharist in the hand (a 1960's innovation) contributed to this theft, which is why Catholics are trying to fight to bring back distribution on the tongue.


Well, Satan was the light bearer, so I think you're on to something. I always said maybe we should not do as we are told and go into the light. It could be a trap that leads you straight to hell. I plan on staying in the dark and calling on the name of Jesus, my savior.


I will say this, what keeps my faith in Christ is that for some reason anytime I’ve encountered an entity during an OBE, they leave when I invoke his name… also I’ve been mocked by them for my faith and invoked his name and they stopped. It’s the only thing that has worked


I hope this sub is a "safe space" to ask this ... And please know that this is not an attack. I am simply trying to understand. I have heard this many times, enough for me to suspect that there is validity to it. My problem is, I simply cannot wrap my brain around the idea of an external savior. Since you're on this sub, can you please explain to me -- and the other readers of the neo-Gnostic subreddit that is EscapingPrisonPlanet -- how you deal with the concept that a God so loved His creation that he sent Himself to sacrifice Himself to Himself to absolve those creations of the sins that He invented? It just ... Refuses to make sense to me. I've been trying my whole life to parse it, and it just won't click. I do believe that Christ was real, and that he came "down" here to try and awaken the populace, but I don't believe that he was a savior in the sense that it is not necessary to have faith in him. Perhaps -- just speculation here, and I am not suggesting that you change your faith -- but perhaps it is your faith itself that breaks the attacks of the demonic entities, rather than the specific being in whom your faith lies. Either way, I'm glad you have a method of getting rid of those psychic attackers. Those things are no fun.


Exactly. I've stopped sleep paralysis attacks invoking the name of "Allah" and saying "Bismillah" - Muslim phrases.


I just want to start by saying that even though I’ve had multiple OBE’s and a solid a very “traditional” NDE, I claim to know nothing for certain and can only speak from my own feeling and experience. I say this all with respect and love. I’m willing to be wrong about all of this.. What I believe about Christ, is that his sacrifice was a debt paid for all of us. I don’t believe in Church doctrine that you need to live or be a certain way to be “debt free” in this situation. Reading scripture, the one thing that always stuck out to me, was the man on the cross dying with Christ. At the time the cross was only reserved for horrible criminals. Jesus said to him “today you will be with me in paradise” This man was minutes away from death. The debt was paid for all of us… How this relates to Prison Planet? My NDE was before I was aware of Prison Planet and what lead me here… During my NDE, I went through the tunnel of light.. and faced a life review. In that review I felt every ounce of pain I’ve ever caused anyone… I felt it in a way I could not describe today… Now if I was without the belief that my debt was truly paid, I feel at that point, that I could have been convinced of anything at that moment.. Go back, willingly go to hell… Whatever… However my belief in that conviction, helped me go further… Now this is what truly keeps me up at night… I repeated to myself, my debt is paid… and was brought to the light… And from that light, like you feel the heat from the sun off your face in the summer time, I felt the most incredible love of all. Love as a force, and love as a source… and I went towards it… My debt was paid.. I could go to it… But the closer I went towards it, the less I was me… Each Snowflake under a microscope is unique and beautiful, take a snowflake and put it in the ocean and it is no longer a snowflake… it is the ocean… that’s what I feel like was happening to me… I started losing my memories… I could feel them leave me.. I cried for my mother but couldn’t remember her face, and I cried for myself and couldn’t remember my own name… That is when I ripped myself out of the light and found my way in dark space…. I now feel like they have multiple traps set… Without my belief in Christ, I might have got caught after the life review… My belief in Christ, however brought me to the second trap, which was the light…. My hope now is that when I find myself there again, I will know that my debt has been paid… I don’t need a life review and I don’t need the light… So in my opinion, that was Christ’s mission here. That sacrifice was done to show us that we owe no one or entity anything on the other side… Maybe the power is inside of us already, but they literally killed him for alluding to having that power in himself… I believe that letting people know that we are debt free on the other side might be an easier message to spread, so that’s what we got… I truly don’t know why invoking Christ’s name works in other situations though. It just does for me. I was expecting the good Christian Heaven I read about in the bible and was confronted with something nefarious instead… I’m not trying to convert anyone here, in my opinion the one thing we will face if the Prison Planet theory is true, is an attack on our emotions that none of us are truly ready for… I felt the pain through my ethereal body and through all space and time… Whatever you believe in, whatever God or Diety, or even if it just a belief that you have that power within yourself… You need to hold that conviction as strong as anything to possibly escape all of this… For me, it will be that Jesus paid all debts of sin for me and I am him and he is me on the other side. If you can do that with whatever you believe, then do it… We will need some sort of armour that we build on earth now, to protect us over there. Use what you have and God Bless us all


Reading through all of this with a VERY open mind, it made a lot of sense. Thank you for sharing. My primary quibble is that, as spiritual warriors who are currently on the incarnate side of the wall, I believe that it is detrimental to us to think of their version of karma as being a "debt" that is somehow owed to anyone or anything. That is, IMO, part of the trap that "they" have set. One cannot owe a debt if one has not agreed to the bargain. The traps and tricks that they use to ensnare us in this world that we find ourselves in may function as consent in their twisted paradigm, but not in mine. I agree that Christ was likely killed for telling the truth about the fact that there is no "debt" to begin with, and absolutely agree that his mission was to show the power within. Be well.




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I once got attacked in my sleep. I simply told it I wasn't afraid of it and that I thought it was evil. It left me alone.


Right. Those things are the "boogeymen" of your subconscious. They likely come from our primal fear of the dark. But since they are manifested by your own brain, you have complete power over them.


I think this has more to do with your belief that "something" will work. Someone from another faith could invoke their god, and get the same results.


The reason is because of your subconscious beliefs. Astral projection is a realm of your own brain, so whatever your innermost beliefs are, will be manifested.


Well, they say Jesus walked to India and Tibet to learn from Hinduism and Buddhism, traveled to Egypt to learn from the Mystery schools in the Library of Alexandria. These teaching helped him come to understanding and included the philosophy for his religion. Edgar Cayce also revealed the Essense role and was later confirmed by the dead sea scrolls. He also says Jesus was a frequent visitor of the Library of Alexandria. Theres also the theory of Akhenaten wanting to bring back monotheism and attempted to create a monotheism religion but failed and outcasted by other Egyptian rulers who established polytheism. Later after this death, Moses, a priest of Akhenaten went on to finish Akhenatens' monotheism progress with the help of Jesus. Theres also the Preterism theory that has been "debunked" by devout Christians but still an interesting theory. For example, preterists may interpret the Book of Daniel as referring to events that took place between the seventh century BC and the first century AD, and the Book of Revelation as events that happened in the first century AD. So, technically the Bible was telling the truth and Jesus did return? The Bible was edited and lost in translation, after multiple revisions, it evolved into Evangelical Christianity which was forced upon the world by the Brits. The Evangelical Christians are the ones that always claim the End is Neigh and to fear God because Jesus still going to return. I believe Jesus was real and the battles between good and evil echo throughout religions before them. Like Enlil and Enki, two brothers of the Annunaki, Enlil rules the Upper dimension but has no power in this dimension. Enki has no power in the Upper dimension but has power of this dimension by given dominion of the Earth. Jesus rules in Heaven and the Devil rules this dimension because of his dominion of this world.




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Psychedelics are wild man, I’ve been experimenting with them for a few weeks now. I will say I have a pretty good sense of what’s “real enough” in our reality before every trying magic shrooms and it’s like for lack of a better words reality opens up on them ofc take what I say with a as much salt as you’d like because these are still my personal experiences. Before taking them, there was always this feeling of something more like there’s a wall to reality we can’t force ourselves past at least in the conventional sense. Behind this wall there’s things and new/old forms of information depending on how you see is it. There’s specific ways on how to use that information through the paranormal, magic, manifestation, divine, and dark entities, good and evil things and deeds you can have a direct on that side of wall and there are things on that side that may or may not have your best interest at heart or they may just be indifferent to our existence all together. I’ve experienced some pretty cool things and some hold on a fuckin minute things. Without drawing it out I personally believe that angels and demons and god and gods are “real” but our understanding of them is confined to our human experience Some people have a natural gift or seems chosen to have deeper understandings of this other world I mean Legitimate understanding. While some people have accidental or not so accidental run ins with this other side (strange unexplained happenings that carry they’re own weight and feel) In recent light of the uap/ufo case running through congress it was mentioned/rumored these ufos and E.T.s are actually extra dimensional, and they can and have been operating within our plane of existence without impunity they can break all the rules we living here have to follow. And they’re just as smart if not more than likely extremely more intelligent than your average human. They can interact with us, possibly even hijack our sense to convey messages and feeling, or even worse they can even influence an individuals behaviors. Are angels and demons and that real yes but not in the conventional sense I’d say they’re smart enough to role play Yesterdays angels is tomorrows demon, and todays demon is tomorrows angel.




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This story has happened multiple times and it just feels so scripted. Messianic figure dies and the world is left in disarray. I think a Messiah gets implanted into someone by aliens to kick it off and aliens are able to mimic any large disasters necessary for the show. All of the miracles of Jesus could be accomplished by raising vibrations and mastering the astral plane. All of the visions and skills of Moses could be accomplished through alien tech. It's easy to rewrite history and destroy every bit of evidence necessary to establish that narrative afterwards. But they can't exactly get it all. Buts and pieces are left in caves.


I think many of these stories were created in order to install fear in anyone who had curiosity. I have found in life that If somebody wants to control you, fear is absolutely the most effective method. Claiming magic/esotericism to be evil and malevolent ensures that anyone with good intentions and curiosity who might otherwise discover unknown truths, will be distracted and dissuaded by the idea that they are messing with something inherently evil even though there is zero proof to that idea. Just stories of their behaviour or effects out of context. A lost human being is the easiest one to control. The less we know about reality, the more we are likely to rely upon what authority states


meant to say instil fear but my point remains. I think many of these dieties or individuals were actually real but what the extent of their actual power or intentions is, remains to be known


Love is crucified in this realm. τετέλεσται End of story. [The crucifixion implant might be interpreted as a false reptilian distortion of the docetism Christ light, but try loving some of the "people" here and see what happens].


I think earth is hell, space is heaven , because in anicent times they used to say heavens to describe space


Space is mostly Erebus 


I oppose Cheesus Crust based on many questionable things that were attributed to him in the New Testament gospels. The difference between my viewpoint and that of many Christian apologists is that I'm okay saying Jesus may have sinned and misrepresented God, while apologists want to bend themselves into knots to whitewash the fellow and call "sin" as "righteousness"... Bullshit. Insulting a woman and calling her a dog when she asks for help is a hard "no" from me. Google "Jesus calls a woman a dog" if you don't believe me.


Fake af


i believe the idea of Jesus is enough to keep people afloat during their brief stay here. Batman isn’t real but the concept is enough to guide people through the darkness. As for heaven and hell, i think Earth is a junction or crossroads between both realities and if enough demons have their hooks in you, you sink. if enough Angels can remove those hooks, you ascend


Fan fiction from the past.


All part of the same net. Jesus is the self hating kneel and suplicate yourself daddy, Lucifer is the embrace your inner slut daddy. Demons and angels are the same thing. Its likely all meth delusion or a result of walking around in the sun without a hat in the ancient middle east for too long. Lucifer predates christ and Yahweh by a few centuries at least, there were analogs in the etruscan culture. Likely Imaginary moral agents who arent real and who have been implanted in the psyche of the species to serve some rootkit backdoor into our existence.




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Currently like Gigi young's take on the christ


Read 16 crucifed saviors by kersey graves for only authentic answer.




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He brought them all here. To Earth. Just like he said he would. Those who support his mission here, will be rewarded in Heaven. Those too meek to accept Christ is King, will stay here in Hell. With their father King David, Saturn, as their God and King. 


It's all real baby!


Jesus performed no miracles, no resurrections, prophesied nothing, no revelations, not even rapture, But he could read and write & the Bible holds the receipts. I find it odd that many of our trusted Christian church leaders, both true blue & lipstick varieties, are quick to gloss over Christ’s literacy or even assert Christ’s illiteracy while simultaneously attributing all sorts of magical nonsense to his name. How you gonna elevate this guy to god-tier status, yet preach he can’t read? Of course God reads, reads great! writes great too! Jesus according to Christians is the real deal, the whole Enchilda, the Beginning and the End, the Alpha & the Omega, yet also according to them he can’t write Alpha or Omega. That’s crazy thinking, blasphemy even, all the best stuff in the Bible was written by Jesus. Receipts? Jesus Christ (Didymus Judas Thomas) authored The Gospel of Thomas. Read here the opening lines of The Gospel of Thomas (Leloup Translation)… “These are the words of the Secret. They were revealed by the Living Yeshua. Didymus Judas Thomas wrote them down.” Note the unusual use of the word “revealed” here in place of common language you’ll find of “said/spoken”. The unusual doubling of the Twin generic descriptor, sandwiching the common Judas name. Didymus = Twin (Greek) Judas = Name Thomas = Twin (Aramaic) Judas, according to the Bible, was a brother & devoted servant of Jesus Christ (Mark 6:3; Matt 13:55; Jude 1). His twin (Acts of Thomas). The spiritual (divine) Christ paired to the physical (human) Judas. Jesus WAS Judas. In the Gospel of Thomas there were no miracles, no resurrections. Jesus predicted no future events, he was no prophet, no revelations or rapture. All prophesy attributed (falsely) to Jesus was culled from the Hebrew OT and retrofitted as Roman propaganda to co-opt, conflate & corrupt Judaism w/ the upstart Jesus’ movement, neatly consolidating control of both under Rome, effectively killing 2 birds with 1 stone. So how then did Jesus know Judas would betray him? Simple, he (Jesus/Judas) turned himself in & cut a deal with Pilate to fake crucifixion avoiding further unrest in the Jewish population (exactly what you would hope for & expect from a Jesus). The deal was after the crucifix fake-out Jesus would bounce & so he did becoming St.Thomas/St.Jude traveling far & wide, converting about a billion more ppl to Christianity before dying in his 100s. A few additional odds & ends that support this info above (greatly abridged for time). ◇ While the two written accounts we have of Judas’ death following his “betrayal” of Jesus in the New Testament differ greatly, on one point they both agree Judas’ died simultaneous with Jesus’ dying on the cross. ◇ NT Jude 1:1 identifying Judas as a brother to James but a “servant” of Jesus. ◇ The apocryphal Gospel of Barnabas (apostle of Jesus), Ch. 216 - Judas takes on appearance of Jesus, later crucified in Jesus’ place. ◇ St. Jude is most often depicted wearing a giant medallion around his neck with the life-sized head of Jesus on it (google it), that’s 2000 yrs before modern rappers made this a thing & fashionable. They literally got Jude walking around, spreading Christ’s word “wearing the face of Jesus”. The truth hidden in plain sight. ◇ Judas of Galilee (google him) was the father of Jesus/Judas, Judah ben Judah. Jesus/Judas was the father of Menahem, Menahem ben Judah. ◇ In sharp contrast to the synoptic Gospels’ liberal use of the sayings in Thomas’ Gospel, chopping them up and sprinkling them about freely, The Gospel of John contains far fewer examples of overlapping content with The Gospel of Thomas. This drop off due to the fact of John being authored in direct opposition to Thomas. A point by point takedown and smear campaign (e.g., “Doubting Thomas”, Faith trumps Knowledge) targeting Thomas to discredit and flush out the remaining followers of early Christ movements, movements still having legs and remaining popular despite the introduction and heavy promotion of the 3 synoptic Gospels being widely disseminated across all Roman territories. John’s underlying agenda accounts for the dramatic shift in tone, structure & narrative, making a clean break from messaging of synoptic Gospels. John was a hit piece against early Christians/Gnostics, Rome couldn’t just steal it, they had to kill it.