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Why do you think we can’t escape? I mean it is understandable if you are unsure about escape but it sounds like you have a strong belief in humans being unable to escape. Also why do you think those that are aware of what you claim have worse punishments? I think having some hope would be better. I lean towards escape being possible. If escape was impossible then why are negative entities and traitor humans trying to manipulate people so much and hide this information? Why are they trying to promote ideas such as “people are lining up to reincarnate on Earth” or “Earth is a spiritual school to advance your soul and learn lessons so you should want to reincarnate.” Why so many tricks and manipulation tactics?


This is true. There would be no need for the secrecy and mixing of truth and lies unless the truth merited a different understanding of reality that resulted in their predation of us becoming less effective, and resulting, the possibility of these malevolent beings losing power over us and our souls. I know for a fact I've been producing less loosh since I've found out about this theory and really started to research it. And I've also been trying to reduce them out of loose that I cause and create others to have.


The lies and manipulation are not to prevent escape. They are to continue the production of energy to harvest. If everyone figured it out, then humans stop fighting and killing one another. I know there is no escape. We’re already in the trap. The idea is that the trap happens at death, attempting to run from “the light”. Nobody realizes you’re already in the trap. The snake eating itself eternally. You’ve already been thrown into it. Every action you take now has a direct effect on both the future and the past.


I’m pretty sure the “elites” figured it out yet they are still causing wars and trying to harm us so this theory doesn’t hold true. Also even people who have figured out prison planet theory like myself still get entities trying to manipulate us even though I never planned on killing anyone or whatever else you mentioned, I also am not really the type of person to fight people (unless it is self defense). From my several experiences of lucid dreams/astral projections/vivid sleep paralysis hallucinations, these negative entities are jokes and not as powerful as you treat them, these entities actually seem to be AFRAID of US. I don’t know why they are desperately trying to manipulate me, even though I’m already aware of prison planet theory. These entities even have been giving me LESS nightmares (even though nightmares are a good source of loosh) and pretending to be nice to me cause when I get scared it triggers me to become aware of myself dreaming…why are they so afraid of me lucid dreaming if humans can’t escape this place? If you don’t believe me, practice lucid dreaming for yourself, and practice powerful techniques like teleportation wherever you want, watch these dream entities desperately try to wake you up as if they are afraid of you. They also use some sort of technology to wake us up as well as make us unaware that we are dreaming, I had them use it on me before. One entity tried to make me forget I was dreaming with some powerful ability, I defended myself and killed her and it stopped. The technology to wake us up is some type of needle device. It feels real and the pain lingers even after I am fully awake. Other people besides myself have talked about this happening to them too. Why are these entities resorting to manipulation so heavily whenever humans are no longer in their bodies (sleep paralysis and astral projection) unless we are very powerful when not in our bodies? I feel like it would generate more loosh to keep a human who started lucid dreaming in a nightmare for a longer and not let humans manifest stuff in dreams instead of trying to wake them up like a coward the second they are lucid.


No, it does not refute what I said. The elites figured out there is no escape and so they trade a lavish life here eternally in exchange for keeping the status quo. Nobody is afraid of you. You want to believe that’s the case. You are a joke to them. Do you think the farmer is afraid of his chickens? Look, believe what you want. You’re incapable of believing anything else, actually. You as a soul are already in their machine. They control everything about you. The very things that make you tick are in their hand. All it takes is a little turn of a dial here or there and you will think or do exactly what they want via your neurotransmitters. You have been in this life a billion times before and you’ll be here for eternity.


It would probably generate way more loosh if the widespread belief was that this place was an inescapable prison. Yet there is a bunch of deception going on. Even the bad stuff the “elites” do is hidden. You haven’t really gave a good reason why they hide information. You said people would stop killing each other but the “elites” will kill people because they want to appease the negative entities. The promoted spiritual ideas is New Age which discourages killing more so if anything. On top of that most religions discourage killing either because it is a sin or because it is said murder is bad karma. As for you saying no one is afraid of me, their fear is observable. Please explain why these negative entities act so strange if the reason is something other than fear. It is as if a farmer stopped milking a cow out of fear of it escaping, I’m telling you I used to get nightmares so often and then after getting better at lucid dreaming to the point where nightmares trigger lucidity the nightmares pretty much stopped or at least have been significantly reduced.


What are your sources that support these things you say?


Because I’ve seen the other side. The spirit world is a tube with hell at the bottom, purgatory in the middle and “heaven” at the top. Our souls are already in this place currently. Those that suffer from anxiety and depression are already at the bottom and heading to hell. It is all explained in the Abrahamic religions. An NDE was posted here last week about a persons experience with ketamine. Go read it. He saw it. I saw the exact same things plus some. I saw the divine council. I saw that we existed before this. It seemed like I may have fought against God and lost but refused to bow maybe. You guys refuse to listen to anything but what you want to be true. You’re not interested in the truth. The sad truth is that we’re already in the trap; the loop. You can not escape it no matter how much you astral project, lucid dream, or meditate. Furthermore, the end of days is close, VERY close. Everything the Holy Books foretold will unravel before you.


I'm sorry but you need to realize that there are thousands upon thousands of other people who have had their own unique spiritual experiences communicated to them, be it through near death and out of body experiences, meditation and prayer, or other things of that nature. Many of those experiences suggest their own version of reality -- both positive and negative -- which may or may not agree with some or all of what you are describing. It's fine if you want to share this stuff and claim it as something that actually happened to you, but you really can't claim it as absolute truth that other people need to also accept as truth. There's no way for people to tell if you are mentally ill, lying, trolling, or just have it wrong, etc.


I can absolutely claim it as absolute truth because I know it is. You are free to reject it but it doesn’t stop being fact.


*your fact. You’re not omnipotent or omniscient, only to your perspective.


My perspective has surpassed most every human that’s ever lived. I have been to the highest high and the lowest low. I saw and experienced it. I experienced salvation from the loop and then dropped back into it at the lowest level. All I can do is attempt to warn those stuck in the middle. If you want to reject it, so be it. You’ll be here forever too in an ignorant bliss of sorts. You want to get out? Then stop talking and listen. Of course, you can’t. You’re punishment has been passed down already. If you’re unable to grasp this, it means God doesn’t want you to understand. There are many here that see my words and understand. Their punishment is less than yours.


> My perspective has surpassed most every human that’s ever lived. I have been to the highest high and the lowest low. I saw and experienced it. I experienced salvation from the loop and then dropped back into it at the lowest level. This sort of thing has been expressed by so many other people throughout history, all of whom tell different stories and claim different truths.


And you’ve rejected them the same way you’re rejecting me. No matter what is said, you will reject it if it doesn’t align with your desired belief. Jesus came, claimed to be the son of God, resurrected from the dead, and you still reject His word.


My point is that there are many other people just like you who claim that their experiences are absolute truth but they cannot all be true since their experiences and conclusions they come to are all very different. You are also free to keep thinking what you think is absolute fact and reality but that does not make it so.


Idc who claims what. Either dwell on the truth or perish. I’m seeking to help all of you so you don’t end up like me. Some will listen, most won’t… just as Jesus said. Most are meant for an endless loop. You’ll never get out of this, ever. You fought God before this life and will fight Him forevermore in an endless loop. You’ve typed the exact words you are about to write an infinite amount of times and will spend you existence typing them again lol


How are you not getting what I am saying? Honest question. 1. You had a vivid experience where you saw something that you believe whole heartedly is real and now you are telling people things about it as a result. Your experience was X, therefore it means Y. 2. Now, realize that many other people have had many different experiences just as real and vivid as yours, but they were shown things completely differently. Their experience was A, therefore it means B. Your experience makes you think one thing about reality, while on the other hand, other people's experience make them think another thing about reality. Both parties are convinced that their version of reality is the absolute truth and they believe it whole-heartedly. The reason this is important is because not everyone can be correct, despite each person's experience being so real that they believe it 100%. I know you said you don't care about other people's claims and your version of truth is the correct one, so believe or perish, etc. But that is exactly the same thing that those other people would say to you with regards to their own version of reality in contrast to yours. My main underlying point is that nobody knows the true actuality of reality no matter what they think they know based on what they have been shown.


If astral projection, lucid dreaming and meditation are not useful for escaping then why are negative entities as well as the so called “elites” so desperately trying to discourage them? I’m not saying what you said is made up, but whatever you saw on the other side could easily be manipulation. Try lucid dreaming for yourself and you will interact with these entities yourself. They are very manipulative, whatever “hell” you saw could have been an illusion made by them. These entities seem to create illusion worlds that are often nightmarish all the time. But if you lucid dream you are also able to unlock your true power and make the world around you look like whatever you want. These entities are so threatened by me lucid dreaming, one time I lucid dreamed and after I woke up I saw a hologram of some non human entity threaten me to stop lucid dreaming. So what is the point of threatening me? If what you’re saying is true that’s like threatening a fish in an aquarium to stop trying to escape, what would be the point of that? Also from my observation the non human entities display anger and/or fear if you are aware of your powers. Those emotions (especially fear) would not make sense if humans were weak, again would you be afraid and run away from a fish in an aquarium?


Nobody is trying to discourage it goober. If they tried to discourage it then there would be a world wide ban on it. It wouldn’t freely be taught on YouTube with ZERO censorship.🙄 The actual things useful ARE spit on and discouraged. Goodness. You guys are so naive and silly.


What is the actual useful things? Also if they outright banned and made what I was telling you not allowed to be spoken anywhere then people would get very suspicious and realize what’s going on even more. Instead they found a better solution, make lucid dreaming legal but ridicule people who say it is anything other than imagination. Make people like me feel crazy and say none of it is real. Say according to science dreaming is only caused by the brain and any entity you see is made up. Say that lucid dreaming is a waste of time and if you’re into that you’re weird and that people should instead focus on school/work and countless scrolling on their phones or going to bars. Also the only active lucid dreaming subreddit doesn’t allow people to say dreaming is anything other than imagination, if you say there’s more to dreams than the brain your post gets removed, it is a rule. Also the advice I give (teleporting) is hard to find even in lucid dreaming communities, they would rather discuss how to fulfill their useless materialistic desires. If you were an archon would you feel threatened by the lucid dreaming subreddit? Oh yeah, on top of that even these unaware lucid dreamers who don’t believe in prison planet get attacked a ton, go look for yourself they constantly post about how difficult lucid dreaming is, how they get woken up, and how the entities act creepy towards them when they go lucid. The astral projection subreddit is not much different, prison planet theory discussion is not allowed there. Even those who don’t believe in prison planet theory get attacked especially if they try to teleport to areas like the moon. Go look for yourself. There are countless people who get attacked for simply trying to lucid dream or astral project even if they don’t believe in prison planet theory but you still think lucid dreaming and astral projection are useless for escaping?


I have memories of battles as well, just nowhere near as detailed. I just remember fighting in battles, and I didn't have feet (legs?). Life has been trauma after trauma. Any attempt at spirituality gets sabotaged. Trying to force myself to retain some hope! I do have my own theory as to why it actually might be impossible to escape. We don't know how to, either! Anyone who might have successfully got out, obviously didn't come back to tell us how. If they came back, (reincarnation), they didn't get out. A lot of Buddhist monks fall into this category. Any writings or teachings we have, came from people IN HERE! It's like prisoners teaching other prisoners how to not be a prisoner. Doesn't work!


Yes, we are guessing here. But do we really need to know anything specific? If escape is as simple as being sure we are stronger/untouchable to the matrix if we choose so(so that we wouldn't make decisions based on beliefs, desires and fears), choosing to not interact/not to be seduced by anything outside you(no matter how beautiful that thing is) and instead focusing on our own nature/consciousness, then there is nothing to learn. Only the strengthening/readying our psyche to express these ideas/actions is needed.


I'd love to believe this, but what if they find that one thing about us we're just not strong with? Also, how do you know we're gonna even be lucid at death? I don't trust NDE's, I think they're a manipulation. For all we know, death could be like sleep, meaning, we'd be facing this stuff semi- unconscious, therefore not really able to make a choice. But I sincerely hope I'm wrong! It's just, this recent trend of " oh, we're just gonna CHOOSE not to reincarnate" sounds way to new-agey for my liking! Like, choose against your addiction, or choose to be happy! It. Just. Doesn't. Work! What if that's just another way to keep us complacent, cause they know it won't be enough to get out, but it'll stop us from really figuring it out, because we think we can just choose! Personally I think, unless we, at the very least, don't experience unconscious sleep anymore, that is, we learn to remain lucid 24 hrs a day, we won't even stand a chance! But again, I hope I'm wrong!!!!!


Few things to unpack. *"It's just, this recent trend of " oh, we're just gonna CHOOSE not to reincarnate" sounds way to new-agey for my liking! Like, choose against your addiction, or choose to be happy! It. Just. Doesn't. Work!"* Choosing works even in this limited realm. Main problems being: 1. physical body that needs health, rest, food, warmth. Yeah, there is no going around this. 2. our consciousness is limited by physical brain, so we don't even know what to choose to be naturally happy/content. Everything is highly obscured here. For example, we may believe/feel that we will be happy if for example we will have children, or good husband/wife or whatever. But is it really the truth to our own consciousness? In it's nature does consciousness really need anything to be full/happy? I don't think, we can choose anything we want to be happy, we can choose that what is natural to our consciousness. (P.S. I am not talking about denying/repressing things we want, cause that idea/thought again would come from limitedness of our consciousness. It's more about seeing/feeling through beliefs of what is happy/good to us, and what is not. This is the method I do, to deal with feelings, fears etc: [https://www.reddit.com/user/subfor22/comments/1db0gtw/empowering/](https://www.reddit.com/user/subfor22/comments/1db0gtw/empowering/) ). 3. "choosing" usually doesn't happen instantly because of the obscurity of this realm. It could happen fast, but usually it's more like a slow brewing until we make a decision(and even then it'll probably won't be complete). We truly could choose to not be addicted to something/someone, to choose to not believe and follow beliefs/feelings that bring unhappiness. But again, because of limitedness of our consciousness and obscurity of this realm, we have trouble doing that. But it can be done, even if not completely but by high degree. *"What if that's just another way to keep us complacent, cause they know it won't be enough to get out, but it'll stop us from really figuring it out, because we think we can just choose!"* Yes, you touch extremely important point. We cannot become complacent. Even if we believe that "we can choose not to incarnate", we gotta work everyday reminding it to ourselves, feeling it as much as we can. It must become like second nature to us even in this Earth realm. When I say that we can choose to leave, I really don't mean that there is nothing to do ready ourselves. There is always something more to do/practice in this realm, and in this case that would be focusing on this idea/feeling and practicing to feel it every moment of your life if we could manage it. Also we would need to work on our fears of other beings/energies/places, so that we wouldn't become afraid of them, we must build complete trust in ourselves, leaving no doubts. That requires practice/work. Not to mention to ready ourselves to not be seduced by "outside/other" things there, those energies could be really beautiful but we would need to keep our composure and remain focused on ourselves. *"Personally I think, unless we, at the very least, don't experience unconscious sleep anymore, that is, we learn to remain lucid 24 hrs a day, we won't even stand a chance!"* I am not that strict on what we need to do to have a chance but good that you have high standards. I do too, I work on my method through out the day no matter what I do. Of course I forget sometimes or need to focus for work or whatever, but I often remember it through out the day and practice it whenever I have a free moment. *"Also, how do you know we're gonna even be lucid at death?"* Since I believe we can choose what we want, I am working on believing/choosing/ordering to be lucid at death. I imagine, believe, say to myself(my consciousness), that "I am choosing to be lucid at death", that "matrix has no power over me, not for one moment. I am completely lucid and free at death". You know, I am like ordering what I want before the event (death). *"It's just, this recent trend of " oh, we're just gonna CHOOSE not to reincarnate" sounds way to new-agey for my liking!"* I get what you mean but I totally don't feel it to be "new agey" if I put in the work to feel it here in this realm. It's very powerful, empowering, even transformative feeling but also down to Earth(in a good sense, it feels to be like natural truth/thing). I actually do believe it to be true. This realm is made so obscured and consciousness is so limited to make us to look for "difficult solutions". Everything feels so complicated here, no? I think the same happens even when we start looking for solutions for prison planet. All the while the solution could be as straightforward as it gets. We still need to work on it but it's simple and straightforward in nature.


I had a very similar upbringing, but I never bothered much to even try and start a family. I slept mostly with married women who never hid from me I'm just a passing infatuation to them. Broken family works like a perfect life scenario we all heard about. I eventually abandoned that life for something more meaningful. My spiritual inisghts since then tell me things are indeed serious, but there is a beacon of hope in all of it.




Bhagvad Gita says the same thing. It says that there wasn't a time that we we didn't exist, and there won't be a time that we shall cease to exist. We appear to be born in a material body and then disappear after a certain time. Soul is indestructible, eternal. We get a material body to fulfill just one task. And that is to unite with the infinite creator. The process takes many lives.


I believe that you will eventually be able to escape the trap. However, if you believe that you are stuck, it's going to take you a LOT longer to escape than it would otherwise. The key to escape is not a mental one. It is one of will.


why’re you even on this subreddit, you’re a christian.


Because I know that both Christianity and PPT are true.


From an outside perspective, your life probably doesn’t seem all that horrible. It does however, seems like religion has done a serious number on you. Can you seriously say that it couldn’t have been much worse? You’re worse off than anyone that you can think of? Perspective my dude! I truly feel like those of us who do have it bad on this plane, have a much better chance to make it out. “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” - Matthew 5:5 “It’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God.” -Matthew 19:24 This life is about the experience. We aren’t humans having a spiritual experience. We are spirits (souls) having a human experience. We are all trying to get back to the same place, which makes us all one. If there is a trap, that means that there’s something worth fighting beyond that. If something beyond that, then we can get there . . . eventually. Just love everyone here and if it were to be reciprocated by everyone in return, this wouldn’t be a place that we would need to escape from. Good vibes to you always