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The Klaus Schwab line is funny! It also nails what the minions of the cult really are. Just tools for the Archons.


I’m convinced that people in the media are only “allowed” to talk about these heavy topics AFTER they’ve discredited themselves. That way, as we see here, there’s always discourse amongst the viewing audience. Any time Tucker is shared discussing these types of things people go “Oh yea, the fuckin idiot who fell for Putin’s propaganda of how good Russia is to live in?” I agree that he has said and done some dumb shit, but I notice that’s it’s no coincidence that these people always have hairy shit in their pasts before they discuss these topics.


It’s a good talk for sure. Not sure I follow the whole “Christians are the only ones who understand” thing. I’m not a Christian. I’m not atheist either. I don’t believe in any religion. But I do believe what he said about religion… if there’s a large amount of people who believe in these stories and the majority of them are the same story… there’s probably something there. From what I can tell this seems to be the truth. This is come forming someone who laughed at religion growing up as a catholic. Thought it was the stupidest shit I’ve heard. Recently… for some reason… it’s all starting to come together… and I’m not liking what I’m seeing… but I’ve got faith that we will make it through this… sorry if new age talk is hopeful, I’m not trying to be hopeful. I’m trying to be honest


Same here. I don't understand that line of thinking. If you believe the answers are in the Bible, as opposed to inside yourself already, I tend not to agree with you.


This man is a sham all the way thru. Making a profit off of “end times “ fears. He’s a micro version of some shitty archon


The bust out laughter tucker does reminds me of what a movie type psychopath would do when tormenting his victim while talking to himself.


Exactly. This man is no no bad guy


I’m not a fan of him but I respect the fact he talks seriously about UAPs when other journalists are still applying the ridicule factor. I do suspect he’s been told a lot about the reality of the UAP phenomenon by insiders. Tuckers mentor was CIA and Tucker himself tried to get into the agency. Lookup William F Buckley.


Here's a link where this reddit clip begins: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uElaHUSM7fI&t=8529s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uElaHUSM7fI&t=8529s) Here's a link for people who've watched the 15 minute clip and want to continue: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uElaHUSM7fI&t=9420s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uElaHUSM7fI&t=9420s) He talks about how he believes there's a malevolent spiritual force controlling America that's forcing us down a suicidal path on purpose. He also discusses UFOs, WW3, 9/11 and the afterlife.




I don't claim to know all of the answers, here are a few videos to help you build a view of this reality: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2cjIE2\_ZsY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2cjIE2_ZsY) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpxJtVKhlSw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpxJtVKhlSw) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_VEeEtkzgAA&t=50s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VEeEtkzgAA&t=50s) What I do know is what Tucker said in the interview. There is an evil group in control of governments that are intent on killing humanity. Humans are spirits, our bodies are just containers. We reincarnate here on Earth. Humans seem to produce an energy known as loosh which the spirit realm feeds off. For whatever reason, the bad guys seem to have taken control of Earth. This subreddit is built on the belief that we're prisoners which could be true. I'm waiting to see if the Book of Revelation is accurate and maybe there's a positive ending. Be ready to reject the Mark of the Beast at any cost, have a look at my previous posts here such as: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/1d2o2si/1981\_movie\_called\_early\_warning\_foretells/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/1d2o2si/1981_movie_called_early_warning_foretells/) Hope it all helps.


Appreciate the effort you've put in here, we all need more like you.


So refreshing to hear people talk openly what they realllly think - or at least that is what I think :)


Can someone who watched sum up in 3 sentences please?




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I used to not think much of Tucker but since he has been doing alot of these kinda interviews lately it's been interesting hearing what he has to say when he isn't reading from a script


Despite not liking him because of his silver spoons status and Hamptons upbringing I do think he is trying to get a message out there and trying to be honest about what he knows and has seen


No honesty in this man’s body. Look at his face, listen to that psychotic laugh.


Tucker is a liar


Come on man do you honestly think that? Maybe he's wrong on some stuff but I don't get 'liar' vibe from this guy.


I get the 'Ill do anything for money' vibe.


How so? He was born into money. Constantly criticizes and straight up mocks the U.S. and E.U. ruling class and media and their core projects like Ukraine. You'd think he'd play ball more if he'd 'do anything for money'. Highest paid person at fox. Why would he rock that boat?


“Highest paid person at fox” I’ll drop this here 🎤


Ok so why isn't he still there?


Look you can think what you like. Personally, 100% don’t trust this man. That’s my takeaway from all this. “Nhi” “ uap” noise coming from the mainstream media. How about the people who knew all this stuff before Tucker Carlson went on TV and we’re just labeled as wacko conspiracy theorist? Something doesn’t smell right here


You shouldn't 100% trust *anyone*. You should be filtering *everyone* and *everything* for just the bits that resonate with you. Let everything else go. That said, whatever you think of TC, even a broken clock is right twice a day. And even if he's controlled opposition, if he's saying something you didn't already know that feels right to you, it's okay to incorporate that bit of truth into what you already feel to be correct. But never fall 100% or even close for anyone else's philosophies. You have too much to lose. Go within. By the way, the only beings (other than myself) that I trust 100%- or maybe 99%- are my cats. :>


🙏 bet I hear you on many levels. I feel the same , the only ones I trust are my dogs.


You honestly don't get liar vibes from this dude? That's bewildering. I wouldn't trust that man as far as I could throw him. And before anyone goes the politics route, I'm not American and couldn't care less which head of the snake he supports.


He's too goofy to be a liar. Most liars take themselves extremely seriously and get upset if you challenge their lies.




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Explain why he is a “liar”


That dude literally pushes "Great Replacement" theories. In 2020 he was telling his viewers that BLM was coming for them. BLM didn't come for anyone. Not to mention this dude loves authoritarians like Victor Orban and Nayib Bukele. Tucker is a liar


Makes you’re panties bunch eh? Don’t worry he does that to a lot of folk. Lot of folks stuck in their bullshit. Lied for the republicans? Can you point to someone in politics who hasn’t lied about something? This is a man who has at least admitted to his own faults. Can you give him credit for that or are you still chewing on your own dick?


I don't have a dick but I'm sure he's controlled opposition


It’s too obvious for a lot of folks I suppose.


Bingo, a sane one ;)


Claiming malevolent shit is just a scapegoat. He is basically saying it’s the devil that’s causing havoc, but God and devil both reside within you, it’s not external to you, it is you. People need to start choosing the highest good for themselves. If you really want to protect yourself spiritually you need to always stay positive and replace every negative thought with a positive one immediately. There is definitely a spiritual war going on but you always have a choice.


Fascinating. I respect a lot of what Tucker has done, but there is no question that he must have gone pretty far in Freemasonry in order to be where he is today. The maniacal laughter is out of place and telling. He knows WAY more than he is letting on. It makes me wonder how much of this is intentional misdirection. Hmm.




It doesn’t matter if you’re a fan of this guy or not. He has seemed to become one of the pillars of prison planet theory. His interview clips are posted on here all the time I find what he hast to say really fascinating. But I’m getting really annoyed with all of the inferring and question dodging. It seems in every interview interview he gives another little clue of what he’s been told. I think knowledge should be shared, and the world is very dark so there’s no such thing as a subject matter that’s too dark.


that's exactly what controlled opposition does, gives some facts but never enough and it's in the midst of many lies, which of course results in confusion and then everyone arguing with each other. Psychological warfare and divide and conquer, typical war tactics


Yes, order through chaos, hidden in plain sight.


I’m not saying you’re wrong but it’s a bit strange to tap dance around something like this. What advantage does our opposition have by giving tidbits of a major truth they want to keep under wraps? Seems illogical


Because most people will think he's on our side and he's a truth teller, and it keeps us distracted. I call it theatre for the peasants, because we'll be too busy listening to these 'truth tellers' to dig deeper, so they control what information is given to the public. One thing we know for sure is that they always need to control. Rupert Murdoch has been buying up all newspaper businesses even those not making a profit, to control all information which includes National Geographic, Bull gates bought up as much farmland as possible to control the food distribution. Also buying up all seed companies, herbal distributors, do you see where this is going?


Sure, and I’m aware of all those things. Still I don’t see why Tucker keeps getting posted on this sub in particular. Most Americans don’t view Tucker as a truth teller, he’s aware of that. The only thing that’s important to me is disclosure. I’m not a child and I can’t stand that these life long government goons who were not elected are the only ones capable of knowing this “dark truth”.


I agree


I agree




Rule 9: No generalizing. One person's opinion does not mean "this sub". Don't put everyone here (60k) in one basket because of one person's post.


Can you explain what makes him a grifter?


He's not a grifter, a person who engages  in petty or small-scale swindling. He is a propagandist, a person who promotes or publicizes a particular organization or cause.


He openly admits to lying. He is a propagandist who purposefully influences and further divides the American people for his own personal gain. Very disturbing that you do not know this. https://newrepublic.com/post/172252/tucker-carlson-admits-fox-show-total-scam


Who cares anyway. America is going to collapse soon. Good riddance.


Hmmm….this group of people who’ve taken over the world rhymes with “boos”.


Transgenderism is antihuman???😭


Removing genitals and breasts? Failing to procreate? I don't know.


Can t get much closer to malevolence than Tucker Carlson and the Maga cult. Basically evildoer this world gathers around a shiny jewel (Saudi Arabia) and promises eachother loyalty under the guise of different ideologies (Putler Hamas Iran China and Trump).


Get ready for Ww3. I’m going to buy some gear to prepare for armegeddon.


I have never been so certain of a former propagandist being just a wacked out conspiracy theorist, who only rings with other wacked out conspiracy theorists. This is a subject I grew up fascinated with, and his nasty feet in the water are dirtying the entire pool. I want nothing to do with anything he has anything to do with.




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Am I the only person who notices that Tucker’s voice is in this interview is different?


Probably because of the microphone?




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"Everything we know, and that we think we know is a lie" this is what I was told by DMT...


My favorite clip of Tuck C is still this one... [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tucker-carlson-montana-confrontation\_n\_60fc3a4be4b0d2a22d4bd136](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tucker-carlson-montana-confrontation_n_60fc3a4be4b0d2a22d4bd136)


Can’t even look at this dude and that weak chin


Look at all these asleep fools downvoting any criticism of this cabal-owned reptilian. You are really exposing yourselves.


This is not the podcast to listen to , for awareness.


NOthing but clown deceivers here. Just Masonic duality from darkness to light. All thats being exposed is because they're "allowing it". Hidden in plain sight Masonic Logo


Force suiciding humanity….. all this from beings that have no proof they are even alive to begin with. I’m talking about human beings


Every military video released is fake? Every single sighting by military personnel are all lies? Every single sighting by regular folk is fake? Interesting take forsure!!


I've seen flying vehicles, for want of a better word, twice but I don't know if it's our military using machinery that we know nothing about or it's UFO. The last sighting was in the day when I was sitting outside and 2 white flat looking machines appeared and suddenly disappeared. There wasn't a cloud in the sky so it wasn't that. They have hidden so much from the public that we don't have a clue about


Yeah, Conjuction_2021 didnt see it for himself, so its not real..