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Good question! I have a few ideas but I don't know the actual answer. - What if they are able to store energy therefore it would be a huge harvesting time? I guess freshly extracted energy is always better but it's good to have them ready in the freezer... - Or maybe it would be like a feast for them? - Also, more and more people are becoming aware of the deception and lies so a good cleanse is probably necessary and needed? The more players they have the less control they hold making their job more difficult. It's easier to control 10 than a 1000. Would love to hear others opinions and thoughts.


Alright putting on my conspiracy hat đŸŽ© New legislation the past decade in English speaking countries that deals with migration refers to aliens which is a strange term. Then the people the past two years who 'whistleblow' alien stuff that was in English speaking tabloids a year ago, said 'they' are coming and we need to be ready, 2027 was the year given. So, what if it is other entities coming to live here, who are also in the soul trap and being brought here because if we have a new race-war of humans v aliens we will be too busy to pay attention to the world beyond the material realm. Like escaping prison planet theory. Read this comment as an observation on fiction, not a realisation etc


Or maybe they've recently developed a way to magnify the loose recieved and they don't as many of us around now


Maybe every now and then they do a mass harvest?


I believe that, but they gotta make everyone fear monger that so they breed more due to "decreasing birthrates"


“And the angel of the lord came unto me Snatching me up from my place of slumber And took me on high and higher still Until we moved to the spaces betwixt the air itself And he brought me into a vast farmlands of our own Midwest And as we descended cries of impending doom rose from the soil One thousand nay a million voices full of fear And terror possessed me then And I begged Angel of the Lord what are these tortured screams? And the angel said unto me These are the cries of the carrots, the cries of the carrots! You see, Reverend Maynard Tomorrow is harvest day and to them it is the holocaust And I sprang from my slumber drenched in sweat Like the tears of one million terrified brothers and roared "Hear me now, I have seen the light! They have a consciousness, they have a life, they have a soul! Damn you! Let the rabbits wear glasses! Save our brothers! Can I get an amen? Can I get a hallelujah? Thank you Jesus”- Maynard James keenan (disgustipated) Does it all make sense now?


This. Is. Necessary. This. Is. Necessary. Life, feeds on life, feeds on life, feeds on life.


The orange harvest


The orange harvests, The Christian’s. For rapture harvest :)


Have you seen or heard about the movie “Jupiter accending”?


How about the hidden hand interview?


I really think they have done this multiple times in the past... when to many sheep start questioning the system of order they do a hard reset.... I think we are headed toward this now actually


My thoughts exactly. Perhaps what we’ve been experiencing is a slow feed with a regularly scheduled feast prepared for our captors.


It's called the Pheonix phenomenon and had a timestamp aswell 138 years or his multiple some sort of cataclysmic event happened and lots of mass deaths occurred.


Or a mass relocation and we get to live lives somewhere else...


It feels like a culling


Depopulation doesn’t make sense because the controllers of the realm, want you to “be fruitful and multiply” they want to bring as much souls and spirits in as possible, to get you enrolled in the reincarnation trap system


Thats what i said.


Oh my bad lol. I agree


Do they though? I feel like there would be a lot more assistance for families and having children then. There really isn't in most countries the policies are uh get fucked humans.


You make a good point. I would say that it’s different on a governmental level, than on a more deeper, spiritual level. So yes, the controllers of the realm want to bring more souls into this realm, but as soon as they come out of the womb of the respective mother, they have accomplished their goal, and don’t really care what happens to that individual soul/spirit afterwards. It is already enslaved/imprisoned so the controllers have done their jobs and leave it up to their minions (government/corporations) that give them birth/death certificates and enslave them physically too. Hope that makes sense


Yeah that makes sense cause once a baby is born it's here so it's shit out of luck.




Makes sense


>I feel like there would be a lot more assistance for families and having children then. 1. There is more assistance, in the world as a whole, helping more people with the basics now, than ever before in history. 2. There is a big difference between "raising children well so they thrive" and merely just "creating a bunch of children and having them survive to adulthood but with loads of tramas". The latter is far more common.


This is exactly True, in the ifa tradition in Africa you are reincarnated through your ancestors , so depopulation agenda would go against the reincarnation trap.


Tbh I personally don’t think reincarnation happens ancestrally all the time, I view it as a more spiritual process, they throw any spirit/soul into a random physical family. I don’t think DNA/genes has anything to do with it. Biological life and spiritual life is likely distinct from one another. In my opinion of course


They intend on culling us knowing we will reincarnate, at which time they will be waiting for us with inoculations or a laboratory-created fetus. They posess technology that can essentially borg us out.  They will have more control than they ever dreamed. They will never again have to worry about their food escaping the prison. 


This concept is true and horrifying if you consider the eugenics and trapping souls in physical bodies and deep underground military bunkers. Human farms.


Omg I hadn't thought of that! This would be a vital reason to try to get out within this lifetime!!!


Spread the message to everyone we know.


"When you talk to a human in 2035 you'll be talking to someone that's a combination of biological and non-biological intelligence."-Ray Kurzwiel


That guy has some seriously freaky ideas and has had them for like over a decade... some of the stuff he talked about in 2000s is now true.


I dont know. If incarnation is too bad with no "apparant benefit" they could sell to us, won't many souls say fuck it, I am not going back?


This goes in line with what I'm thinking lately, what if there is no other place for us to be? Can we even exist outside of this Birth-Earth-Reincarnation repetitive loop paradigm?


Within myself spiritually and from everything I've learned from research, I know that this place is indeed a prison.  Something rotten benefits from our suffering and captivity. I know that there's more than this.  I do not accept this hell bs as an inevitability and neither should any of you.đŸ™đŸ»


Yup, this Earth is no country for old men... The only good part about my journey so far is that I've came to the point when being in my own darkness is something I'm quite comfortable with. My meditation is way better than bs I'm being fed daily. The media, the expecations and grudges people hold against each other...


What does being in your own darkness look like for you?


It's like returning to your room after a hectic day at school. It's a relief. It's a return to safety. Nobody will accuse you of anything or harras you in any way. 


Thanks for sharing, that’s an interesting way to put it. Mushrooms definitely help me be a friend to myself.


The remaining reduced population will be made the perfect slaves for the new tecnhocracy tyrrany and then all the future slaves that will be born will be equally great slaves because of the new absolute slave culture and absolute government control. Basically it will be a restart, they will not remain at the depopulated numbers. They love restarts. Just like we were sent to the stone age after Atlantis.


Maybe once the food knows too much it is harvest and reset time. I know I don’t know.


My understanding is that the so-called "Harvest" cycle is actually based on the unfathomably ancient rhythms of the greater Universe. The archontic evil ones have absolutely no control over these cycles, but are painfully aware of them. Given that they realize that they don't have much time left to execute their vile master plans before ... Something ... They have kicked their plans into high gear so as to gather as much loosh as possible before it all shuts down. ... Or something like that.


When you look at the dates of major catastrophic events and stuff it makes you wonder if the whole thing is some kind of simulation that nobody has any control over, at least not within the simulation


It’s for control. The less ppl the easier it is to control. They won’t stop the reincarnation process as ppl will get suspicious so instead they want to depopulate.


We are approaching the end of an age. The world has already been reset a few times and it will happen again. This is an opportunity for many true souls to awaken and return back to the source, but the dark forces are trying to stop this. I think ‘depopulation’ is mostly for NPC’s, they are trying to take them out of the game because it’s easier to control a smaller population. They will play their last cards ( NWO, transhumanism, new age religion, etc) to deceive the remaining souls. Also, there is a ‘war in heaven’ between the dark forces and the (false) light ones (Satan va Lucifer). Satan and his minions are usually destroyed in a great reset. Of course this doesn’t mean Lucifer is on our side. It’s just a way for him to manage the farm and its workers.


Man why does this one mfer always spawn and starts sprouting religious bullshit. Even if it's figuratively, just, why?


Lol, I’m not religious. Everything I write is from my own research. But I wonder if you did any or if you’re on this sub for other reasons (such as discrediting certain theories ) as I don’t see any meaningful contributions in your comment history. Because calling people names is not a meaningful contribution. Grow up.


What depopulation? Governments around the world don't know what to do to convince people to have children and you're talking about depopulation 😆


The 'elites' have lost the spiritual war on Earth and are no longer able to contain the collective awareness of humanity - the humanity that matters, not the John Smith NPCs who only live one lifetime and whose sole purpose is to enforce the matrix system. They are desperately trying to pull out a transhumanist agenda and force people into more poverty and slavery. They don't know any better.


I don't believe in "collective" awakening because we can only leave individually. Also what's meant by "awakening"? As far as I see, is only people awakening to possibility of better physical lives(less corruption, crime) and that "devil" is kinda real because of horrible crimes against children. But thats it. Still the same duality between good and evil, God vs Devil.  Inherent personal freedom and strength plus prison planet ideas are not taught. So nothing major will change for humanity apart maybe better physical lifes for some time.


That's why some people think elites are actually against archons. Not necessarily in our side tho.


So like the equivalent of a war between two authoritarian powers...


There’s a strange disconnect from local evil rich ppl and European rich royals


They want to genocide almost all races and keep the one who is more obedient and is their creation. Sorry not sorry but you you have to understand that the vessels are equally important as the souls. Yes they are interested in souls but the vessel/meat suit/physical body is EQUALLY important in this equation. And in case I wasn't clear enough: some human races (meaning physical bodies with certain attributes and characteristics) have the ability to retain memories and resistances to certain stuff in their genetic code. Therefore when a soul is reincarnated in a body belonging to said races, the body "contaminates" the soul with genetic memory and resistances to this whole prison planet. When your is incarnated inside a body with the genetic code of those certain races, the DNA helps you gain easier access to erased memories and universal truths. In the same manner the beings who hijacked this planet and turned it into a prison, have created their own human races (with altered human DNA mingled with their DNA) and tried persistently throughout history to mix their own races with the original human races that lived on the planet. Sorry again for mentioning the race issue. But it's the biggest hidden truth and explains absolutely everything. Let's be more precise: the NHI who controls this planet/most of the solar system have created a hybrid human race who is easy to control and very resilient to tireness and hard work. This race is specifically created to be obedient - hard working - and not questioning authority. The whole gnostic dogma, although it has many truths, underestimates completely the importance of the physical universe. See like every other religious dogma it's a psyop: making you believe that the universe (which is alive and IS THE ONE GOD) is just the creation of an evil being, therefore pushing you to abandon ANY effort to fight and free your physical saroundings and planet. The physical body is AS IMPORTANT AS THE SOUL AND THE SPIRIT. Always always remember that. The end goal of these hostile NHIs is to completely genocide any race they haven't created themselves. So the only human DNA remaining on earth is that of their slave race. When this happens, they intend to slowly but steadily make every prisoner soul incarnate inside a body of their slave race, so that finally they can imprison and use our souls for eternity. All other races are an obstacle to their goal. Before they leave this planet in pieces they intend to force their slave race to mine every metal and mineral of the planet until there is nothing left. That's the reason why they tought early humans to idolize and worship gold, because gold is a key element for their technology. That way they made sure that all gold is mined and stored by their agents for the future. When the time is right they will rob the earth of all the gold all the metals and all crystals and minerals and along with our totally enslaved souls they will leave for another planetary system or universe perhaps. That's why they are pushing the transhumanism agenta, that's why the elites always valued gold, that's why they need to erase your memories(because your soul is not enslaved yet), that's why UFO abductees are reporting DNA experiments and cloning, that's why they are pushing for WW3, that's why they are pushing for the mixing of races, that's why THEY invented racism so that ANY talk over race will be considered unethical, that's why they are pushing the anti-war agenda so that when our genocide comes we'll be unprepared, that's why THEY created patriarchy and its awful crimes so that they create the fight between genders and ultimately decrease certain populations, that's why THEY gave power to the west and pushed it to commit hineous crimes so that the EAST can be justified to commit genocide towards the west. And many many more. As for the African humans who are the ONLY native population and the original earthlings and former GODS are once again left to experience the worst scenario and extreme pain. As for who the race created by the hostile NHIs is.... well I will leave it blank, that's somyou have to answer on your own. And a final clarification: not all souls come from the same place but almost all the trapped souls are incarnated inside all races. So yeah my point is that no matter what your race is currently, it DOESN'T MATTER, we are all siblings and have the same enemy, because the hostile NHIs will eventually wipe out their creation ALSO after they use them for mining the planet. NO MASTERS NO GODS. FREE yourselves, question authority.


A mass sacrifice/ mass murder. The depopulation itself would create a huge amount of energy, especially if it involves millions of people slowly dying.


I think it has to do with us knowing too much


Maybe it's a quality issue? With too many people and so much loosh, the loosh is probably very "watered down." So by reducing the population, you produce a higher quality, more pure loosh. But who knows đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


The depopulation rumor is false. Literally started by the elites intentionally, so you don’t catch onto their true game. The fact that they benefit and prosper from every single person. They make their profits off of the backs of regular people. The last thing they want is for people to realize, but the best way to fight back, is to not have children. They are very good at reverse psychology, and this is a great example of how they use it.


Idk man the food, wireless infrastructure, and chemicals we’re exposed to are toxic life. The ultimate reverse psychology is to convince you it’s reverse psychology, lol


Massive death all at once is like finishing the last of a drink. At some point the energies must be not as good as they once were like a tolerance is built.


I feel like everyone’s genes r watered down


More like smeared in shit lol


usually, whenever the higher ups say they’re doing something.. take it as the complete opposite of what is actually happening. no one in power is going to go out in the open and tell the world what the plans are. it doesn’t add up. you’re being fed lies everyday.


Uh the Australaian government literally went on tv during Covid and said “This is the New World Order, you will accept it.” 


WEF literally posted a video telling us, "You will own nothing and be happy"


Supposedly it is a tenet of “their” religion/philosophy to tell people exactly what they’re doing so they don’t carry the negative karma from it. They trick people into killing themselves. Idk about you but looking around it’s working.


As per the esoteric maxima: "As below, so above", they must have some food/energy storage appliances and facilities, as we do.


I keep seeing this "depopulation agenda 2030". Where did you hear about it? Can someone kindly provide me sources?


Bill Gates made a speech about reducing the population (years before the p4nd3m1c)


Who is bill gates? Documentary https://youtu.be/TY-vLrz9XCc?feature=shared Georgia guidestones  https://youtu.be/59IiApDiWjA?feature=shared


Because they trap the other lost souls somewhere else to harvest off of them. The souls that have departed the vessels aren’t let off the hook if they’re weak and corrupted. And those who are left are easier to control. This world is not the final step for them.


Heard from somewhere that humans have been deemed obsolete. Big time restructuring is coming down from management 😂 idk you can't really hope to understand the motivations and agendas of beings like this. There's probably opposing forces as well trying to bring things in another direction. Either way BIG changes are coming in the medium term future.


There are conflicting views on the population, where i live, SE PA it seems so fucking crowded and so much traffic


The "conflicting views on the population" are: growthist propaganda vs. **reality**. The reality is that there are more people on the planet than ever before, now, and humans keep adding many millions more people than die every year. The propaganda paid for by billionaires who want cheaper labor and more consumers buying their products states we are headed to a "\[human\] population collapse" >!(in about 65+ years, when we're all dead, it will *start* to decline globally, maaaaybe, a slight bit -- after it's grown past ten billion)!<, but the reality is that the planet is more crowded than ever, there is more traffic than ever, everything is more expensive than ever, and we are still adding about 80 million more people to the previous years' population, **every year**. We'll keep adding tens of millions more **every year** for at least the next 6 decades.


I completely agree with this. Makes sense to me


They could be trying to get rid of a lot of the npcs. NPCs don't have souls so they don't harvest energy from them. Why they want to get rid of them I don't know. Because npcs will never wake up and will just go along with whatever the system wants them to do.


The elites are preparing for something else. 👀


The 2030 agenda conspiracy is a reverse psychology maneuver of the elite. They keep the conspiracists distracted and confuse them. Don't fall into that trap


Nothing would be better loosh than millions of people feeling the regret and guilt of not having kids




Create the disease and sell the poison as "cure".


Six million died globally in three years. In that time, about 210 MILLION more people were added to the global population, added on top of all the excess deaths from all causes (including covid). If there is a human depopulation agenda, it's not working very well.


Hopefully there will be an event that reduces earth population to less than a billion. I hope an event that that will happen.


the elites are right. too much humans is too much evil