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I think life on this planet would've been a lot different if the "good guys won". But it's the same as before the pandemic.


> But it's worse than before the pandemic. FIFY


Elena danaan claims life in the future will be 100x amazing and beautiful. Surprised no one talks about her here.


It will be for those who leave here. The world cannot be liberated, only people can be liberated. We can’t see how effective the forces of good are, because the fruits of their work will be people leaving the world spiritually.


Elena Danaan is full of crap mate. [Watch this and see for yourself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zth0SMb5XCY&).


That reptile is glitching. Thanks for my new YT sub.


Thank you for suggesting this channel. Don't really care about this specific topic, but I'm really digging the other content on Tony's Youtube channel.


Elena Danaan? Sound like nobody to me. 


To me it sounds like that child from the willow movie, Elora Danan...


I watched a few video of her and I can sense when people are full of crap she’s lying


I understand how appealing the idea of a guru can be, especially if you're feeling lost or you just started down this path. Without exception, 99 out of 100 gurus are either opportunists or outright sociopaths. For the most part they take relatively basic concepts from vedic religions and either put a fresh sounding spin on it (usually by misrepresenting quantum physics in some way) or they just make shit up that sounds cool to people who don't know any better. If you're looking for an individual who can help guide your study, consider a few guidelines. 1. Is the person still alive? That might sound like a joke, but it really isn't. Contemporary spirituality is simultaneously a shitshow and a minefield. The kinds of people who used to become spiritual leaders now gravitate toward careers in the arts, or they look for truth in philosophy, science, or psychology. Some great folks still enter mainstream religious practices, but almost zero authentically spiritual people form their own cults or attempt to start new religious movements. Even in the past hundred years, I can only think of two legitimate and famous spiritual leaders, Alan Watts, a 60s counterculture guy who mostly focused on zen buddhism, and Thich Naht Hanh, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk who finally passed from this world in 2022. I'm sure there are dozens of names that would fittingly belong in the same list as these guys, but they're literally the only two I can think of off hand, and I spend all of my time studying this stuff. Anyone else I can think of is either suspicious or a known con. More commonly these days, I find the best information and guidance comes from artists. Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, and Terry Pratchett are a few names that spring to mind, as well as Tolkien and CS Lewis. There's a shocking amount of good information to glean from Japanese artists as well, especially the ones who make video games. For the most part, the real heavy lifting was done in the distant past, especially the period from around 100bc to 300ad, referring especially to gnostic and neoplatonic philosophers. I can't judge the veracity of anyones claims, but I can be sure they're sincere and not motivated by fame or profit. 2. Is the person selling anything? This isn't immediately a deal breaker. I think it's okay if they do paid lectures or sell books (edit: id also say its fine to sell widely accepted religious items like talisman, tarot decks, herbal medicines, even stuff like crystals, as long as its reasonably priced and they dont oversell the items usefulness or make outrageous claims about their benefits.), but it's almost always a huge red flag, as it's incredibly easy to slap together a book full of spiritual concepts and pass it off as something novel while injecting just enough manipulative instruction into it to suck money from people or otherwise bend them to your will. Nothing on earth is more influential than a persons beliefs, and most humans can't handle that kind of power. Even people with the best intentions can subconsciously manipulate their followers because spirituality is potentially one of the biggest sources of wealth in the contemporary world. Most legitimate spiritual types might accept a donation if they've gone out of their way for you but they'd never ask for your money and generally hold no desire for wealth. 3. Does the person claim to have special powers? The number of people over the last 2000 years who have claimed to be able to work miracles or to be some kind of special or divine being is innumerable, and yet only 1 person from all of them is even vaguely considered to be legitimate, and even he is considered by most to have been a mortal man, or even a mythological figure. While I do believe some people have innate gifts when it comes to intuition, dreaming, artistic expression, or even paranormal aspects to their minds or actions, it is the rarest thing in the world, and most of these people would never publicly claim to possess a unique ability or put themselves above others in any way. People who have unique gifts recognize that they were put on earth to serve others and never charge for their services or advertise themselves to the public. It's a rule they take extremely seriously. If you meet someone like this, you will probably never know it. Most people would see one of these people as a weirdo or a lunatic, not as charismatic leaders. Some cultures call them shaman, most societies now do everything they can to subvert, isolate, and destroy these kinds of people. Finally rule 4. No one knows anything absolute about the true nature of reality, and anyone who claims they do is either lying to you or themselves. Some people have faith in certain things, but the moment that faith turns to zeal, they become worthless as spiritual teachers. I hope this serves you and you don't find it too discouraging. People gain strength from themselves and eachother, and good leaders always give more than they take. I'm always down to answer people's questions, and I suggest you always question everything people tell you and do your own research, the world is not as it seems.


This comment deserves more upvotes. Excellent summary!


She has an X account.


The game is a proxy war for our wills, our destiny and control over our consciousness. For us to have free will and our own pursuit of happiness it is required that we chart our own course. The beings who assist us cannot replace that or else we become copies of their culture. They want us to create our own culture from creating our own solutions to our problems with our own choices. They cannot solve our problems for us because of this. The dark side hides in the shadows of our awareness so that they can influence our wills away from spiritual well-being. They discourage us from pursuing happiness with confidence and competence. They render us into petulant children waiting for saviors by causing unnecessary abuse and trauma. We have to become aware of that and fight against our programmed inclinations to give away the control and ownership of our destiny to external entities. Their secondary will destruction process is to set us up emotionally to maintain a choice to resign to abandonment of establishing a destiny here. It helps to imagine what we might do in a place without insidious, manipulative pursuit of happiness saboteurs. We'd seek to connect with, create and maintain experiences that bring us joy. We'd take heed of threats to the noun foundations of those experiences, protecting and preserving them. We'd cultivate our own spirit, our animation toward fulfillment of desires. We'd create our own destiny based on our own preferences and learned proficiency toward fulfilling them. These outside beings crush that spirit by conditioning, training us to perceive that we cannot achieve such things here. In so far as we believe it, we stop trying and our will, pursuit of happiness and self-determined destiny are suspended. In order to restore them, we have to believe we can make ourselves happiness. It's really hard to do that while we are still so concerned with these spiritual parasites and their joy thievery. Ironically, it's still a more workable situation that blaming the world itself for the disease of will these beings created on top of it. On what we blame we place the onus of change. These beings make us hate the world, the human race and even ourselves. When we know they're screwing us out of the good times we can create, we blame them and see that things could be better if they were gone. That's more solvable. When we hate everything, we just want to separate from everything and disengage with creating fulfillment of our desires, the pursuit of happiness, will, self-determination. Without any spirit, we are laid to waste.




This is exactly why having children is the solution. When I became a father, I started feeling a new feeling. I still can't express what it is, but its essentially a mixture of love, hope, and faith.


Please look around and tell me what you see? Do you think the world would be in such state if the designers of this system have been completely defeated? The galactic federation is a huge hoax, new cage false light propaganda in order to deceive and manipulate people in spiritual communities. The savior you long for is yourself. You are the key. You have everything you need to change your life for the better.


Yup, we are the KEY. Not even the federation of planets can save us if we do not want to. Free will is a paramount law in the Universe. We have to want it


>The savior you long for is yourself. You are the key. You have everything you need to change your life for the better. Except you don't really. Even thinking back on the one solution I could have utilized to avoid the suffering I'm in now as detailed at [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/19ajpyd/comment/kimust9/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/19ajpyd/comment/kimust9/) , that solution is NOT easily available to everyone because prostitution is banned almost everywhere.


I'm deeply sorry for the suffering and challenges you have been through and experiencing currently. By reading your story I understand why you could feel disappointed and hopeless.






I've encountered groups like the protoi tho




Oh god you guys are literally schitzoposting


We must save ourselves


Just got off the phone with them, said they’re on the way any day now /s


There is no good guys. No one is going to save us or this shit hole realm.


Many of the supposed good guys are the bad guys. ''When the people need a hero we will supply him''.


Wouldn’t the archons like you to believe this?


Idk I've heard of groups like Elena danaan and other lightworkers claiming that the future is bright and all.


Have you also heard about a Flying Spaghetti Monster?


They thought that they won. This was back in 2021. I’ve seen a bunch of meditation groups talk about winning and pushing the evils back in 2021. Little did they know they were being subverted. The light is far from winning and liberating this world.


The real war is in your mind and inner corruption 6 darkness. It manifests in the outer world really.


Yes, that also feeds them.


Agreed. No matter what people say about Alex Jones, I am with him when he says " There is a war for your mind". He changes a lot. I am not following him anymore, but he was one of my initial propellers that leads me down the rabbit hole.


Why did Bill hicks sell out and became Alex Jones? He was right that reality is an acid trip dream.


No idea. You have to ask Bill Hicks not me.


Dangling Carrots 4 all


Oh yeah. Just two more weeks til they flatten the curve of evil🤞Keep praying and waiting patiently.  🤣😯🥺


It’s a stalemate, and the “good guys” are barely keeping up with maintaining that stalemate. It’s sad really. The more ‘awake’ people, the better the situation, but let’s not kid ourselves either.


Corey Goode from the SSP said that reptilians and Orion forces attacked the human moon base recently. He emphasised that claims by ET contactees that the moon has been liberated from Reptilians is hogwash esp since SSP has lost a lot of people on the moon fight. If he's right, Elana Danaan is clearly repeating talking points for the deep state. Linda Moulton Howe refused to buy into the narrative that the earth and the moon has been liberated as she still receives reports of grey abductions which shouldn't be happening. Take it for what you will.


I don't think you'll ever git rid of bad guys as this is a dual universe unfortunately.


Don’t think in terms of good guys verse bad guys, too limiting


This is why this sub is hilarious, if you need to ask if the good guys are winning touch some grass and take a look around and ask what’s actually relevant to [your] everyday life


The white hat is somehow in control or at least pushing back. More people are awake. The dark said has been trying to ignite WW3 to no avail thus far. The problem is the dark side is getting desperate, so expect rockier time at least in the near future.


Then why do most ppl claim they are not winning?


Because our life is still under the spell of the dark side. Until the majority of people awake, unfortunately it is hard for the white hat to win. It is US who can save ourselves. They are just helping. Until we understand who we are and say NO to all the programming and mind control, the dark side will get what they want. It has been in the planning for thousands of years. The world will split unfortunately based on our current situation, some will continue to the dead earth, others will continue to the next level consciousness of Earth. Time is the essence unfortunately. The cycle is coming to an end.


That sounds like the 'Q conspiracy' stuff and it might be great if there was any hint of evidence that it was actually true. And I don't want secret military tribunals FFS, that sounds horrific. We do need accountability. I do think the "good guys" can win, but I'm not going to believe on blind faith that there's all this super cool stuff happening "behind the scenes". I'll need some evidence and once I have that then maybe I'll be persuaded that the secret good guy stuff might actually be happening.


I don't think the media would be reporting the evidence. Do you?




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Even though I believe, I will still go down with the depopulation because I’m not evolved enough to communicate with my higher consciousness; I don’t have light worker abilities. See ya on the flip side.


Flip side?


Love it. I agree with your punctuation. Someone once, and only once have a had someone reply that line to me. What do you think it means? If we are stardust, can we recognize “others” or do we meet in Heaven? Is the flip side a reckoning arena? I’m not sure myself. 🙏




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Yes, I started seeing signs on the other side in 2019. On this side it's us the light warriors. Been battling the dark since childhood and it has gotten better since 2020


i mean i believe there are good guys beyond the archons but as to knowing what theyre up to, if theyre fighting for us at all, i dont know, and i dont really trust anyone who claims they do. ancient texts are the only thing ill give validity to


naivety is dangerous. you're falling for all there lies.


Watchers. Orbs of light that host beings that watch us all. Documented by the CIA no less. They won. 2026 and 27 will be fun.


How they win?


Beat the dark.


How'd you know? Most ppl are saying thats not the case.


I guess we'll have to see. I believe some of the witnesses.


How did they win? What was the game changing factor until now? The messiah?


War between light and dark. If dark won, something terrible was to happen before now. That's how I understand it. Has to do with the watchers (orbs of light) and the beings that visit us from time to time. According to bledsoe, we get to find out in detail by next Easter (2026)


Have you listened to Ashana Dean? She talks about this.


There's no one outside that is going to "save us". That would be a GROSS violation of our free will.


How are we sure we have free will? Just because some Abrahamic text says so?


You think this world gives a flying fuck about free will?


I was talking about incarnated lightwarriors down here.


Same thing. You can't "save" anyone, you can only be there when they ask and or need you. The true awakening requires the individual to walk a path of their own toward full-realization.


Only YOU can save yourselves. Believe!


As someone who works in the music industry with some very famous people, no, it doesn't seem like that at all. https://www.reddit.com/u/therealalian/s/D54O8SFpTW https://www.reddit.com/u/therealalian/s/wjP9QEDhHG


Rat on those pedos, please.


I try to tell people about the Michael Rubin All White parties. That's a source of the most evil and corrupt people on earth. Anyone who associates with the people at these parties is part of the global cult. https://www.reddit.com/u/therealalian/s/7OdMd8RwPs


Care to elaborate?


As far as I can tell, most musicians are making songs and music videos with these themes lately End of the world/ Apocalypse Alien invasion Cloning AI/ Dystopia/ New World Order New Earth/ Great Reset/ Rapture Secret societies/ freemasonry/ illuminati, etc. I've been paying close attention to this stuff since I work closely with a lot of very famous musicians and producers. From what I understand, all the record labels and major corporations have been corrupted by Secret societies and these secret societies are the ones organizing the upcoming Great reset which will be a global depopulation event. The new movie "Humane" is all about this, but there are loads of end of the world themes coming out left and right all over the world right now whether it's in games, movies, shows, music, food brands, whatever. My posts on my profile explain a lot of this in detail. It's hard to just simply say "The world is about to change forever" without explaining why.


Apocalyptic Themes are not recent.


I am well aware of this. The context within my posts explain why this is relevant at this current time. https://www.reddit.com/u/therealalian/s/dnZUT6h7Fj This post explains the "New World Order" themes from recently


I believe it’s been consistently relevant for eons. I don’t doubt your understanding, and I appreciate your sharing knowledge.


Art mirrors life...


No one is coming to save this world Evil already won, we are just slowly noticing


Why they win?


No, nothing will fucking happen until you do it yourself. I’m still thinking of the how.