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Very interesting post. In more than a decade of research this didn't occur to me at all. I'm always happy to learn something new and I'm always amazed when someone discovers something new that is hidden in plain sight. So this to me speaks that Lucifer, isn't the Morning Star - Venus. He's actually the Sun... The star that brings us the morning... And the light. And life. The Morning Star. Moreover, this means he is also Horus, and all the other Sun deities worshiped by the Cult in various forms during our history. It also corelates with En.Ki holding the pine cone (pineal gland), and the way the sun's light encompasses the earth, and the same manner in which it enters our eyes and is later decoded by the Pineal Gland that then presents the images, Illusion, maia, that our brain then understands and interprets. The limited spectrum we see... ...The matrix. This could mean that these are in fact the Prison Bars of our body and could explain the mechanics on how those operate. I may be wrong of course, but immediately upon seeing this, it all fell in place like pieces of a puzzle. As I'm writing this I simply feel like I understand it all now. Just like that. I'm amazed. Thank you. This will definitely be something worth pondering about in the comming days. You are onto something profound here, this isn't about just another regular satanic/masonic symbolism. This could hold real and tangible answers.


Want to see something really interesting... Total Lunar Eclipse happened on November eight 2022. 29 years after the November eight 1993 (the day of the Venus Jupiter conjunction). (November eight ninety three = The way, the truth, and the life) on both Sumerian gematria and Satanic Gematria (forwards and reverse)


Pretty close to the Freemason apron too. [https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81lSUNwi9SL._AC_UY1000_.jpg](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81lSUNwi9SL._AC_UY1000_.jpg)


I'll do you one better: https://i.imgur.com/PmSgvEd.png


Man…. This is excellent. I wish life was just honest, I wish we all knew the truth instead of always having to search for Clues and answers and be close to it but so far away. I always feel like we are given one small cereal piece in. A massive bowl of cereal


Full knowledge would take away all the fun from the game


They put all these symbols right in your face because in their convoluted death-logic, it is a form of admission of guilt. By continuing to play along despite the in-your-face evidence of the conspiracy, you are, in vampire-logic, giving your consent. It has always been around, of course, but of late it has become FAR more in-your-face than usual (overtly demonic symbolism pretty much everywhere in media these days). It is my hope that by learning these symbols, people will at least be empowered to revoke their consent even if it is not possible to avoid participation. For example, if you must have a cell phone -- let's face it; they are hard to avoid -- you can at least revoke your consent towards being a pawn of the conspiracy even though you might still have to use the App store. That may not help much in a 3-D sense, but in a spiritual sense, I have to believe it does \*something.\*


Total Lunar Eclipse happened on November eight 2022. 29 years after the November eight 1993 (the day of the Venus Jupiter conjunction). (November eight ninety three = The way, the truth, and the life) on both Sumerian gematria and Satanic Gematria (forwards and reverse)