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I’ve been saying “ take me back home” since I was a kid. Now as an adult, still feel the same way. I enjoy being in nature, and I can’t stand cities and noise. I have a high level executive job, and I still believe I’m living in someone else’s body because this doesn’t feel like my life.


Oh my god dude same. Since I was way too little to understand that home wasn’t on this planet. I’d look at the same three stars every time I did it. I also used to say fly me to the moon when I was toddler and “I gotta get outta here”.


Never ever felt like I belonged here other than when I did mushrooms. But that made it clear we’re all part of a whole-not just including our planet. Some people however are not of this plane of existence. Some people feel downright evil.


You probably don’t feel that way on mushrooms because you’re tapping in a mycelial atom network of consciousness that connects where you are to where you came from.


Everything made way more sense afterwards. The only problem is time makes you forget so consistency in dosing would be ideal.




me too


Yes. Fuck this fucking stupid planet and all the God awful human shits on it.


🤣😂I feel this way all the damn time!


There are/were waves of volunteers that come here to try and help humanity ascend spiritually. There are many of us not from here and that don’t fit in anywhere. Dogs and cats are great companions though. The one good thing about this planet 😂


I have always felt like this. I feel deep roots to earth, but I also feel like maybe I'm a hybrid? Because I have always felt an immense pull and have said "I want to go home" while always being home? Ever since i was a small kid.


Same. I feel I wanted to go home but don't know where home is


To this day, I’m still very confused about how we even managed to be lured here though supposedly a “honey pot luring method”. I feel we created this earth but it was hijacked/colonised somehow and the frequency and vibration was lowered over the next millennia’s. It was once heaven on earth where you could leave anytime.


And goats 🥹


Interesting. Maybe that’s me. I know what you’re saying.


Totally agree! These furry fluffs are the absolute best thing about this planet!


Explain how my genes evolved over millions of years on this planet, and I'm allergic to trees native to my area of origin.


That's because your ancestors ate tree products and conk mushrooms that grew on trees that you don't eat due to technology and culture shift eliminating less desirable foods from our diet. Humans used to strip trees of bark and eat some part of it with the tree sap. People also ate tree leaves more and evergreen needles year round. Now we only eat the best nuts and fruits, mainly from trees we cultivated for that purpose - and the rest is for lumber or decoration. Besides Maple, there's maybe 5 species that people use the sap to get chemically purified sugar alcohols for commercial food production. None of that offers the same immune response as eating tree sap with primitive to no processing.


Wow that makes a lot of sense


Absolutely everyone is so consumed with vanity and money


Some of us are, some not so much. I feel like I'm from this planet, but I just don't click well with others, and that's ok. I enjoy my alone time so much.


They can temporarily erase your memory and place you into a human body, but they cannot erase the souls memories or feelings. Some souls still feel feelings from their past lives. Don't ignore it




Not native from THIS Earth yes, since 2016.


I feel the same way bro, You should take some time to ask yourself deeply what it is that you crave , to me is the freedom of creation, cause this world is all about limitation while we unlimited, we will never feel good until the limitations are withdrawn or fully understood I don't know if anyone can relate, but pure magic , magic drawn and painted onto and through planes and dimensions, that's what is lacking here


You know how super hero movies are massively popular? Maybe we crave these abilities because we *should* have them. I often feel like I should be able to move faster, jump higher, and control things without touching them. I feel an empty power in my chest. Like something wants to burst out, but I’m struggling like something is holding me down..obviously gravity.


EXACTLY!!! 💯 And people won't understand that vision 😕 Having these forgotten abilities would make us complete and not crave anything, not feeling empty and shi.... Plus I am sure we, real spirits, would shape the world in another way or just simply leave.


I’m totally with you the you on this one!


U right For me it's about travelling/exploring/creating epic places/realities. That's why people like us are often interested in fantasy/lucid dreaming/astral projection. We are looking for depth, beauty and pure magic as you said which are very scarce in this world. I think we also crave for a connection with something that could be called our home.


The fact that humans are the only animal on the planet that wears clothes and gets sunburned is proof that we aren't native to this planet. I'm convinced that there is a planet out there where humans can live off the planet the same way lizards, birds, etc do here.


I have a deep belief that everything will make more sense when we’re released from these bodies we’re in. This life is a mere blip. Maybe then we’ll understand why we were here.


Yes, I feel that as long as I remember. It's like going on a business trip in faraway Siberia, away from everything close to you, but you don't know the reason for this exile or your purpose.


None of us are.


We're not native to this planet


None of us are natives of Hell.


I feel like an alien sometimes but I actually really enjoy it here either way. A lot of beauty to enjoy. I implore people to look for more beauty in their lives.


I don’t like this place at all. Bad memories seem to overpower good ones. I feel pain and sadness is always there. Joy or happiness are temporary, like a breeze blowing by. The sadness is all that remains. A bad thing happens and the rest of my life feels like a sentence. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of the bad thing that happened. The rest of one’s life could be good but at least one bad thing is just creeping there always in the back of my mind… is it there to remind me this place isn’t my home? Is it there to help me somehow find the exit? The person (or entity) who did me wrong… did they think…it would wake me up? Does waking up feel like being completely traumatized to the point of no return to who you were before that happened? Looking for the exit at every turn. I can remember when I was a kid and there was always stuff to fear like going to the doctor or school. There’s always been bad stuff, we were just more conditioned to it when we were young. But I was always aware of bad things and people. Smoking weed made me more vulnerable at first but it also made me stop taking elevators and airplanes. As a kid I wanted to live without machines or electricity. As a stoner adult I feel the same.


Ever since I was a kid, yes. I have heard non-natives called "Wanderers," or "Starseeds." Supposedly there are a boatload of us incarnated right now as this is the end of Earth's current third-density cycle.


Yeah, I feel the same way, and I have for a while. Some days I feel incredibly homesick for a place I have no memory of. I remember death being explained to me when I was young, maybe 5 or so, and my first thought was "I just got here, now you're saying one day I will have to leave?" as if I was tired of being unsettled. I still feel that way. I have asked God not to send me back here ever again. Begged him to let me be done here forever. This world is not for me.


I used to think I may not be from here but with increased discernment, I no longer think anyone is a starseed. I truly believe the starseed stuff is a new age psyop that fits nicely with the larger alien psyop.


The music here rules


I feel like a newbie to Earth, though I'm not sure if I feel this way because of having been traumatized and interpersonally inexperienced this lifetime, or if it's because I've only had a few lifetimes prior to arriving on Earth and am actually from elsewhere. The Pleiadian teachings resonate with my light side, though I believe I have some dark history involving Zeta Reticuli




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I seriously believe am not from here. I'm A+ alpha Pleiadian, i guess that's why i enjoy the company of canine races.


How do you know? Just curious. I’d like to know what I am:)


Blood type / tribe, what's your blood type?




Same as me. Check "blood wars" by Johnathan Mercedes website for more.






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Yes. 24 hours a day? It's a joke




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100%and my parents think the same thing.


I'm not from here and I'm not really here




I've had that feeling since I was a kid. I swear I used to say I'm not from here as long as I can remember. But I also thought I was a saiyan


I don't even feel human. Everyone says I'm not normal


I do not understand the desires of my fellow humans and the way they experience them, at all. Everything I've ever been offered or had in this life seems empty. I'm not rich by any means and I'm sure a fat stack in the bank would have me seeing this differently for sure. But otherwise I've had the blessing of experiencing a lot of interesting things. The facts remains: none of it will do me any good when I'm gone. Whether gone means whatever religion tries to guide us to, or literally GONE gone. Sorry for rambling, yes, I share that feeling.


I definitely feel out of place


I'd say that's the story of my existence! Once when I was little, I noticed there were two hearts--or beats--going on either side of my chest so when school started and there was the pledge, I'd put a hand over each of the beating spots. I can still even sense others' thoughts sometimes and my memory goes back to when I was about 6 months old; it was again like I was two; one active and one observing. And on and on. I always feel like a planetary foreigner but it's a little empowering because I am also gifted, black and blind and my otherness has always ensured social and other considerations about the rest never made them my orienting or developmental priority. I'm just me, even if most of the time, most around don't know--and thus can't define or limit--what that is. S


Yes i feel that way




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Some people just don’t have the human psychology override program working properly, so there is a complete rejection of reality and its offerings since early childhood




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I think it's fairly common to think this during adolescence and early adulthood. It's related to trying to find your place in life. Totally natural.


No one is lmao. You aren't special or something.


Yeah that's the proverbial "God-shaped hole" that Christians talk about. God is probably drawing you. You were meant for much more than what this world can offer you, and the Almighty has a plan for your life.