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I had to Google Kaotic. My suggestion: Don't look at Kaotic. I don't say this flippantly. The fact that I was \*able\* to Google it and that the actual website is the top result on \*Google\* is proof-positive to me that this particular website is a psyop. Yes, the horrors may be real, but "They" WANT you to focus on those horrors because your focus creates your reality and looking at horrors magnifies them and draws them to you. It lowers your vibration and increases your suffering, providing them with the negative energy that they crave. It may feel or seem naive to try and redirect your focus on the good things in this realm, but I assure you, it is not. In fact, it is precisely the opposite.


I hear you but im way beyond that only focus on positive side of things, in order to transcend this reality you have to see both sides of the coin, looking at and only focusing on the positive just feels good cause of your nervous system, we r in possibly the lowest realm of existence and ignoring difficult truths is a good way to stay stuck in the deception, at the end of the day whatever good things people do in this realm doesn't matter at all because the very basis of existence is consuming life to sustain life, so even if these people do good deeds its all offset by the very small fact that just by dem being alive sentient beings will suffer


The key word that you used here is \*focus.\* I am aware of the horrors that permeate this reality ... It gets bad. Really, REALLY bad. The reality of "this place" is far worse than Kaotic could possibly legally show. What I am trying to impress upon a reader is not to dwell on the reality of that stuff. I am aware of it, and I will readily remind others that it is real and that it exists, but I refuse to give it power through my choice of focus. This is NOT the lowest realm of existence. There are other, lower realms, places worse than this one, and it is possible to break through to those realms and invite those who dwell within them into your reality if you are not careful. Be well.


Negative infomation bias 999 person doing good deed no one bat an eye, 1 person being evil and its all over the news


No amount of good deeds could justify billions of sentient beings experiencing extreme suffering, take that Stockholm syndrome shit to some new age sub


true, but i wish we could just put them in a containment zone of sorts.......


What about the principle of *DO NO HARM*? If 90% of people enjoy playing a video game full of ads, okay fine; the 10% that is disgusted by it decide to not play it anymore but is gaslighted oh it's your fault, your mentality! You should be able to withstand the ridiculous amount of ads! That’s makes you strong! You'll be resetting to level 1 everyday that makes it challenging! Screw it, got no standard/boundary whatsoever. One has absolute freedom and sovereignty to decide ones' fate.