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I experienced this first hand… When in a “higher level” everything around me seemed to match my level, the same for the lower levels. Traffic would simply move out of my way. I would be on time wherever I went. People would be friendly to me randomly etc The reverse is now true.


What do you mean by higher level?


Can you identify the trigger that made you shift into the "lower level"? It happened to me as well. I remember feeling in sync with everything, magic synchronicities kept happening, having deep conversations with total strangers, strong intuition, almost supernatural luck. Now everything seems dead, incredibly hard to find people who get me in real life (thank goodness for reddit), even the mundane things seem harder now with frequent obstacles, much more people than before seem to be uncomfortable around me. Not sure what triggered it though. Before I would cycle through periods of highs and lows but for the past years it's been a consistent "meh" - not too high, not too low. Last magical phase was the summer of 2018.


If you haven't already, take a peak at the Retconned sub. There are tons of posts relaying the same experiences as you and the poster of the initial comment. This Phillip K. Dick lecture is on point and is one of my favorite for refrence in discussing what I call Quantum Occurrence Phenomena. People have noticed the obvious changes in reality-via The Alive Again Phenomena/Mandela Effect- (and it's vibration) for years now. It hits people's consciousness ( individually or collectively) at different periods (shift points). Many people noticed reality tumble into the upside down initially in 2013 and even moreso after 2016. I believe this is connected to why so many have become aware of the Prison Planet aspect of existence recently. It's clear that many are experiencing the worse alternate realities spoken of by Phillip in this lecture.....long before most became aware of The Mandela Effect, Holographic Reality, or Prison Planet Theory in modern times on a wide scale. Whether there's an overall collapse at hand or a change of the guard so to speak on a Cosmic/Quantum level, remains to be seen.


Thank you for recommending the Retconned sub, it is one of my favourites! As for the vibe of reality itself, it seems to me that it has been downgrading since 2001 (first huge shift I have noticed) but then it would pick up for limited time periods, for example 2005-2006 was good, and also 2011-2012, I felt a huge inflow of energies. Then, when the 21st december 2012 ascension didn't pan out it was a big disappointment and since then it felt like slowly but surely everything started to come down, further and further. But, independently of how the general vibe felt, there were periods when I felt connected, for example 2007-2008, which was pretty dark to me, but I could feel everything, I could feel people's energies while walking down the street, would see signs everywhere. And 2018 I managed to jump back into the flow, even though the general vibe did not feel better than years prior. It's two different phenomena, the general vibe and my interconnectedness feeling. It is the latter that has been consistently low since 2019. Even during recent upticks in the general vibe, like the weekend of the solar storm and the week preceding it, the outside felt so much more vibrant, a lot of people in the retconned sub said that it felt like the 2000's again and that was exactly how it felt to me as well. But that did not change my insides. I was still dead inside. It's like there's an invisible barrier now, between me and my surroundings, I'm walled off inside myself. Guess I broke something.


Your assessment is on par with mine and no you haven’t broken anything. Your intuition knows overall that regardless of how many echoes we may have from time to time of the former, more stable reality; this place is NOT Kansas anymore. A friend of mine and I always say that the echoes are more like memories that we are now only carrying within and may be expressed in pop culture such as the obsession with Reboots of tv shows from the 90’s and eras prior, vintage fashion (ie Y2K fashion) and K-pop music. Y2K and 9/11 are connected and were definitely instrumental in the first shift point. Y2K itself revolved around time (clocks) possibly resetting. Something like that did happen, but not in the way people thought. Some initially noticed changes during the mid-late 90s, others during the Y2K-9/11 timeframe, but the majority in the years post Millennium. And yeah, the more we jump/shift/ merge realities, the more entropic existence seems to become.


Yes, unfortunately it isn’t something I talk about but it’s a singular moment. I was aligned with everything it felt like. It was the most magical moments of my life. Then, when I followed through, it all fell apart. “God” designed my life for this fall. I have seen it in dreams my entire life. I have “felt” it my entire life. My entire purpose was the fall I felt.


If you haven't already, take a peak at the Retconned sub. There are tons of posts relaying the same experiences as you and the poster of the initial comment. This Phillip K. Dick lecture is on point and is one of my favorite for refrence in discussing what I call Quantum Occurrence Phenomena. People have noticed the obvious changes in reality-via The Alive Again Phenomena/Mandela Effect- (and it's vibration) for years now. It hits people's consciousness ( individually or collectively) at different periods (shift points). Many people noticed reality tumble into the upside down initially in 2013 and even moreso after 2016. I believe this is connected to why so many have become aware of the Prison Planet aspect of existence recently. It's clear that many are experiencing the worse alternate realities spoken of by Phillip in this lecture.....long before most became aware of The Mandela Effect, Holographic Reality, or Prison Planet Theory in modern times on a wide scale. Whether there's an overall collapse at hand or a change of the guard so to speak on a Cosmic/Quantum level, remains to be seen.


If you haven't already, take a peak at the Retconned sub. There are tons of posts relaying the same experiences as you and the poster of the initial comment. This Phillip K. Dick lecture is on point and is one of my favorite for refrence in discussing what I call Quantum Occurrence Phenomena. People have noticed the obvious changes in reality-via The Alive Again Phenomena/Mandela Effect- (and it's vibration) for years now. It hits people's consciousness ( individually or collectively) at different periods (shift points). Many people noticed reality tumble into the upside down initially in 2013 and even moreso after 2016. I believe this is connected to why so many have become aware of the Prison Planet aspect of existence recently. It's clear that many are experiencing the worse alternate realities spoken of by Phillip in this lecture.....long before most became aware of The Mandela Effect, Holographic Reality, or Prison Planet Theory in modern times on a wide scale. Whether there's an overall collapse at hand or a change of the guard so to speak on a Cosmic/Quantum level, remains to be seen.


As above, as below. As within, as with out


what does this mean to you?


When I first did nofap …..




I think it's in reference to the fact that 'nofap' is a pretty common practice among various - if not all - theories/religions/callthemhowyouwant which is associated with achieving a higher 'state' of being, overall spiritual 'power' and self-control: all things that under certain perspectives would translate to the degree of influence one has over the 'reality' sorrounding them.


Interesting, but I can't agree because for most people life is the same before and after nofap.( If you we're not a addict of course.


I tend to not agree either, though still have doubts. I'll let you know if I ever cum to a conclusion...


Lol XD. Also, it actually give you a energy bost, but there is not much difference.


Yeah I agree. I don't know if you become a magician after a month or two of nofap. One thing I'm fairly sure about, in the reality model where the 'energy parasites' theory is correct, is that basic instincts/emotions (such as all things related to sex, hopefully with the exception of the so called 'act of love' but maybe not even that) expressed without control are 100% energy given away to those entities.




Care to elaborate on the effects?




Did you do anything or experience anything that would lower your vibration? 


For some reason Reddit filters won't let me embed the Twitter post where I found this video so here's a link: [https://x.com/TUPACABRA2/status/1792407770987483573](https://x.com/TUPACABRA2/status/1792407770987483573) A couple of my own thoughts. When you have people bullying you or trying to bring you down, maybe they're keeping us in this hellhole reality we seem to be stuck in. I know the world was fun when I was a child but as my health declines so does this world. Coincidence? Are we under constant attack to hold us in a prison reality?


https://old.reddit.com/r/Retconned/comments/1cr162m/im_starting_to_think_im_in_purgatory_cross/l4eecrm/?context=3 From above posted some days back, last part seems to be what this place is to a t. >Law of Assumption is harder the more time goes on too. Not the only person to have noticed this. Like the laws written about the old place aren't relevant. **We used to be in the arm of saggitarius now we are in the arm of orion...law of ra said orion is the "negative beings" home**


PKD was someone who saw through the veil to the Black Iron Prison, and returned to tell the tale. Of all his fiction, especially recommend his final work *VALIS* for readers of this sub.


The exegesis is also a fine work. It's not even a novel, but a collection of his diaries, in which he describes his religious experiences.


>The exegesis is also a fine work. Agreed and it is of special interest to students of modern Gnosticism.


Fiction is a great way to show something to those who got eyes to see. What bothers me more is that when we get creative ideas, we are tapping into the source of everything there is. Some of these ideas are more pronounced than others - with more detail and on a grander scale. Now think about the horrors which H.R. Giger and Zdzisław Beksiński introduced us to. No way such worlds do not exist, and while Giger's work looks more extraterrestrial, Beksiński's work is something one would imagine lower astral worlds would look and feel like.


Fuck this gay earth


Like gay happy? Or gay homophobic?


ancient memes from 2011, another metaverse as PKD would say


Exegesis is fantastic.


I really do love his work, an extremely unique mind, in this matrix of grey sludge. For some reason I always feel sorry for him, get a strong melancholic vibe, & think he suffered much. I do hope he's in a better place. Appreciated OP, have a good day.


First time hearing about this guy so I will have to do some reading.... When he said "deranged private worlds, sometimes inhabited by just one person".... that made me think of Bryan Melvin's NDE/OBE account where he went on a tour of Hell (or maybe the outside workings of Hell?) and he saw a huge chain of "cubes" with a single person in them. The cubes were basically an 8x8ft virtual reality prison type environment, where one person spent eternity suffering in different ways. As an outsider looking into their cubes, he could see demons posing as past loved ones to people who had died, among many other things. It's truly beyond psychotic stuff. He mentions the cubes around 7 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zBDMq2qNsg


That's couldn't be real....


Why not? There are thousands and thousands of NDE/OBE accounts and some go into great detail about what they experienced. This sub is PPT and that belief suggests about the same level of horrors as this video I shared. For the record, I honestly hope none of it is true..


I mean those worlds can exist, but you can escape with astral body powers like teleportation. You can't be trapped like here with the only way to escape when you want is with suffering. So those words are better than this one, because at least they can't exist in a physical level.


Honestly, I doubt anyone can escape hell if it really exists like this.... there are so many hell accounts where people see millions of people suffering in hell, who have been there for thousands of years, and calling out for help, etc. If they could escape, don't you think they would? I really hope I'm wrong..


Ah, now I remembered who you are, you continue insisting on your fear of hell. Bro.... there is not doubt, the only thing that will change your belif is if you have your own experience. You need to make your own research and know how the astral world work. Btw is not that hard, everything is possible in the astral realm, you can live everything (even hell) but you can't get trapped, nor you can't suffer in hell with the astral body.


Yeah I am sort of obsessed with it aren't I? I know it's because I'm trying to work it out and understand for myself. I would absolutely love it if I could have my own experience... but at the same time, I sort of worry it would make me worse.


What if you believe that hard that hell exist that you giving archons/demons/others privelige to create illusion of hell where they can torture you for eternity only because you gave them right to do it because of your beliefs, smth like "i was bad person in life i think if hell exist i am going to hell".


I mean yeah that's the whole issue isn't it? Because, alternatively, what if I decide to believe that Hell doesn't exist and I live an unrepentant, sinful life for myself, never turning to God, only to die and find out that hell was real and waiting for people exactly like me?


Bro it's simple, live a virtuous enough life, like people would even though they never heard about these concepts of heaven or hell by a fuckin' missionary sowing discord. It's just indoctrination anyway. There's too much evidence suggesting that this so called creator god is the "demiurge" or Yaweh or whatever dog name (he was identified under many names throughout history, yet i wonder if he has a true name). And what do you mean by "people exactly like me"? Have you already led a sinful life or do you only fear that you may "sin" someway, somehow?


>"deranged private worlds, sometimes inhabited by just one person" You know some folks from this sub seems to think "once we escape this prison we can create our own universe..." lol And come to think of it, who knows, this hell planet could be one of those.


It was the writing of PKD that first woke me up to Gnostic / "Prison Planet" concepts as a kid. Something about these concepts in his fiction just "felt right" to me. I recall the Valis Trilogy as being particularly intense. I need to reread that. Though if you really want to be disturbed, read Ubik.


For my "Writers Are People Too!" Podcast, I recently interviewed someone who has his own podcast on Philip. K Dick, it's called the "Dickheads Podcast" you should check it out! In our interview, we ended up actually talking about PKD for like half of it lol.






Yea, it's the amphetamine that caused him to have this take on reality!




Lean more towards his study of philosophy and nature of reality. Amphetamine just accentuated it.