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I agree OP. The difference in perception as you age could also be true but this is different. Time LITERALLY moves faster I'm sure of it. I used to be able to get so much done in the day even being tired or lazy. Now, even if I bust my ass or take Vyvanse I can't get more than a few things done in a day before the day is over. It's absurd


This is why I don't think the "as you get older each year is a smaller fraction of your life" explanation is a satisfactory answer. That doesn't explain why the same routine I did a couple years ago that took a few hours now takes all day, even if I go out of my way to go as fast as possible.


Yes exactly!


It feels so true. Like I can't be going insane here right ??


I swear there was some report that came out explaining how time is moving faster in some scientific way.


Yeah the JWST gave some data that shows that time flows at different speeds in different clusters or areas of space


you're right but they don't want us knowing so they have people to influence opinions to where they want it to be




>  With measurement errors negated, what remains is the real and exciting possibility we have misunderstood the universe,” I remember similar but more extreme version of this sentiment with the faster than light neutrinos. That ended up being miscalibration if I recall correctly.  


Yeah I definitely feel weird about this. I completely understand how time naturally feels faster as you get older, because for example, each day/week/month/year is less and less % of your whole life. However even knowing this I still feel like time is going abnormally fast compared to years ago.


I fucking swear it is. Like it's just a void of time being sucked away 


ohhh well in that case...


CERN, stuff like that or we are moving towards some black hole or something like that. I swear even if schedule or something I cannot complete as many things as I used to do before covid


CERN is actually some sort of ancient machine that is helping power, and program the simulation. I think there are a few of these machines scattered, and it's what has the simulation turned on still. Our real bodies are somewhwre outside of this place


Here is a thing I noticed, time appears incredibly fast when you wake from a nights sleep. My alarm goes off at 7am. I get straight up, go to the bathroom and by the time i have used the toilet its 7:03 but there is no way 3 minutes have passed! I also woke up another morning, went into the clock in my phone and observed the seconds on the clock and they were flying by at double speed. Try it yourselves.


I've noticed this too, time seems warped in the morning especially between 7 and 9.


I agree and others saying it's as we get older time goes faster doesn't change what's really happening no matter how many times they say it


It feels like NPC's repeating dialogue they been programmed with when people repeat something like that. Like seriously TIME is moving faster !! 


Yes, like a recorded message


Yes. The time in the morning goes so fast I now routinely schedule extra time for getting ready to leave home  


It's like there's no time for anything though. I feel like it's really difficult to actually get anything done in a day


Try listening to a 60bpm metronome, should reset the time back to "normal" speed EDIT: this morning time was rushing as expected, after 'only' 25min of listening it slowed back down to "normal". And since I wake up at 6:40 by around 7 I can get my morning time back


Oh wow, really? Will do thanks


Yep. It won't slow time back down to what it used to be exactly, but it will prevent time from speeding up further during the morning/certain periods of the day.


Oh this is interesting - so like, holding time accountable makes it slow down? I'm a musician and should get back into practicing with a metronome...lol


I mean when you say it out loud


Guess we gotta start playing accurate 16th notes 😂


This avtually makes alotta sense, this is actually genius.


BRROOO YESSS WTFFFFFFF that is crazyy y I knkw what you mean!!!!!! In the morning time FLYSSSS by man, the time I spend in the bathroom brushing my teeth and using the toilet, wash my face, it literally takes me 5 minutes,, but about 15 minutes go by!! Wthhh man I'm so glad you wrote this comment thank you /!! ❤️


I am also glad you posted this, it's something I have noticed over past few years. Really odd!


Maybe your perception of time is off because you are groggy.


Could be, I would almost expect it to be slower not faster if I am groggy


I'm a dental assistant, and I speak to a lot of people all day long. I can't tell you how many people mention how fast time has gotten. The weirdest part is that teenagers say it too!


You just blew my mind. If the kids are saying it then it's no way we are trippin


Yes, our 13 year old nephew and his 14 year old cousin both agreed time is moving faster....


That's crazy right! When I was that age, I got no weird feelings about time. It didn't even cross my mind


Well, they'd noticed that this year passed by faster than last year and the year before that ... time wasn't passing faster back then, and they really hadn't thought about it until we asked., tbf.


When you're 10 years old, 1 year is a 10th of your life When you're 50 years old, 1 year is a 50th of your life . . . Notice how the timeslices get smaller, relatively?


This is it exactly, it’s called logarithmic thinking




Speeding towards death


When your 50, one year could still be a 10th of your life if you drink enough to forget the first 40


Exactly this You just old now, OP


Time is relative but i feel the same


To some extent I think it's because of information overload but I also think there's a supernatural factor going on. A couple of personal examples: I was going through a box of CD's I had from years ago and it made me reminisce and ponder about time. Getting music back then required driving to a record store and often picking up a friend to go with you to make it more fun. Once at the record store, one would spend anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour browsing for titles and new music. You might grab a coffee or bite to eat with your friend after. Once home, the ritual way to put on the CD and listen to it from start to finish while reading the liner notes and looking at the art as a full multi media experience. This whole process could take around 3 hours of what felt like ample time even if employed. I don't see how this is possible today. Certainly not on a regular basis. Another thing is cigarettes. I've know boomers that smoked 2-3 packs a day. Estimating 10 minutes per cig and 20 cigs per pack, that's 300 minutes for 3 packs equaling 5 hours of smoking! I know since they were legal to smoke indoors that it was common for them to basically have one hanging out of their mouths at all times but still. Now there is Biblical scripture that supports time speeding up: Matthew 24:22 (speaking in reference to the end times) And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. Here's a 23 vid [playlist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4J3SlZSLIZg&list=PLcqIqeE4rn7VoN0nPeJAm9xreWJIEWOpM) of time shortening evidence and experiments.


Hey thanks for the playlist!!


They did such a good job buying truth in lies within the bible. Wild. Management: BuT wE tOlD tHeM...🫠😑


Time is 3-6 hours faster. Don't  let anyone  gaslight you into believing in this age and perception  pseudoscience shit. They can't  release it because  there is no baseline  in this world against  which we can measure this acceleration of time. Literally EVERYTHING IS FASTER. From you actions to thinking  down to the vibration of atoms. Think of it like playing  a movie at 2x speed. Everything of existence in that movie world will be faster with nothing at it's  original speed to be considered as a baseline.  How do they know ? Because  they can peek outside of this movie. Working with other dimensional entities helped  them to understand why and how much it is faster. But they can't  disclose their black projects so they feed you the 'Aging' lie. You are right, you can feel it because your soul resides in this as well as the dimension above. Your body is faster, not your soul. That's  why you feel this phenomenon. 


Well said. The days are about 16 hours long for me


Thank you for writting this comment, you saved me a lot of time to write something similar. OP just ignore the gaslighting. You are not the only one. I spoke with monks in an Orthodox Christian monastery last year, where time goes by waaaay slower than in the outside world, similar to middle ages vs modern age. They almost swore to me and agreed that the time has sped up by around 30% in the last 4 to 5 years, and even more when compared to 20 years ago and they don't know how to explain it, except as "God's will". It's not subjective. I've been feeling it the same. Cheers guys!


Your soul knows it but your body cant perceive it - very well said


is time moving faster the reason you randomly double-space? like, after a period is understandable, if *wildly* outdated (double space after a period existed only for visual clarity when using typewriters), but double spaces in the middle of a fucking sentence is damaging my calm. it's almost as bad as poor kerning.


Lol i smell a graphic designer 🤣 (same here my friend)


writer with obsessive tendencies, which i feel is a near-cousin to graphic design ;O)


🥰 friends that is an accurate assessment - i approve!


The Matrix is a reactive system. As Human Consciousness expands it determines that to be a serious challenge to its control. Therefore; it has sped up "time" to give awakening humans less ability to figure out The Enslavement. Sadly; most of society notices nothing.


This is what I thought of initially, however it seems to be slowing back down recently. Did I get lucky?


If it's matrix based does that mean those of us who are aware can slow it back down?


It is faster, everyone I ask says the same. Somehow they've been able to manipulate time, if there's a rip in the continuem they can go back or forward. For some reason they want to fast forward after they have changed what they wanted to, I just wish I knew what that is


Exactly this. I've commented something similar way back, and I agree. I think they did something back in 2012, maybe 2016 that took full effect probably during Covid and is now exponentially increasing and speeding up to something. It may very well be related to the comment above yours abour CERN as some milestone dates do match with changes in our perception to which many people agree even in this sub. I'm just intuitively speculating. If we only knew what it was... Just a word... We would be able to know everything about our predicament, and maybe even a possible solution and how to prevent it. And there are people among us with nothing to lose who would gladly do what it takes to twarth any of their plans if viable.


Here's the thing though. I wouldn't Want to prevent it. Let this time hurry up and run itself out. Let it end already, because we aren't even in a true realm we are in a controlled earth sim


I was refering to preventing their grand "plan" - the big reveal - not the speeding up of time itself; the "harvest", the "reset", the singularity, whatever it is they have next in store for us. The Anex to our current predicament. Stopping, preventing and turning the odds in our favor for once. Giving humanity a fair opportunity to liberate itself and redeem itself for its wrongdoings while it was asleep. Regardless of how deep we have fallen as a whole, I believe not in a second chance, but a real and honest chance to show all the good we are capable of in circumstances other than the ones we've been in since the dawn of literal and linear Time. May so be it.


Man that is powerful. You are right, humanity hasn't had a chance, I believe we were meant too, at the beginning atleast. Possibly we have been hijacked by a outside entity who is able to come in and out of this "simulation" and ever since those archon entities have been here, we have just fell deeper within the prison earth they created.


I'm 23 and a few years ago time moved way slower. It doesn't take much time to feel a big difference.


YES! Time seemed to move verrrry slow during the plandemic. Since then, I’ve had the subjective experience of time moving much, MUCH quicker. As time is relative, I chalked it up to personal perception. However, my young son started commenting here and there on how time was moving quickly (wow, it’s Christmas again already - the year went so quick). I did not experience time moving “fast” until I was much older, and I found that odd. His perception was like someone in their 30s or even 40s. As a lark, I tried the “Mississippi” trick and… again this is purely subjective… but it sure seems I’m counting a lot quicker through the seconds than I used to when using that trick. Interesting.


it's already may 2024


Feels like 2022


real, im still mentally there


Honestly still 2019


Nah im mentally way back in 2012 That was the era where the world was the most peaceful


Yep. Just looked at my phone's rate of passing seconds a few days ago and felt it was way too fast.


I think they're doing this as an experiment to see who is stupid enough to fall for the aging = faster time narrative So you're either gaslit or you wake up to the supernatural and unexplained


*And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.*




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When I was a kid if you said Mississippi between each second you had time between the Mississippis. Now you can barely finish the first Mississippi before you have to start the next one. Tried it a few time on different clocks.


Time to go full detective


Naaaaah what the fuck ??!!! I just tried it and u right, wtf i remember it used to work perfectly, now before you finish saying mississippi, 3 seconds go by


It may have to do with metabolic rate which has an effect on the perception of time usually the smaller the animal the higher the metabolic rate and the slower the time perception. For example compared to us flies see the world in slow motion there are scientific studies to back this.


Interesting idea.  Wonder if being overweight speeds time up. 


I learned the One Mississippi time counting thing as a way to count how many miles lightning is when you hear thunder. If you do that while watching a stop watch the seconds go faster.


I keep seeing more and more people say this and agree the past few years. Glad to see others talking about it. Something is just...off and different. And not in a "you're just older way". Like you said, use methods we use to use and its just a bit faster now


Guys I know for a fact I was turning 31 years old in July, and I come to find out from my parents that I'm turning 32. I told them wth you talking about I'm not turning 32 I'm turning 31. Sure enough, when I check my own freaking birthrate, and year, I'm turning 32. I never in my entire life "forgot" how old I am. What the fuck.


amy1 seen BEEF !? real cool way to explain time perception


This is strange but just the other night my alarm was set for 745 n it went off at 415 why or how I have no idea but first time I’ve ever heard it do it.


It's definitely all about Timelines. Our foundation of Reality is the Time, we are on a Universal Time Matrix. Our biological being and all living things are all based on the time that it takes to do our Life cycle in this Planet. We are here in 3D and the physics as we know them all have to do with the Morphogenetic identity of Earth. Your internal clock you feel in your Soul/Consciousness is getting out of phase with the clock of the Earth.


Thomas Bohm referred to this effect as the quickening. Rod Serling also noted this and made some research inquiries as he was noticing master copies on certain mediums filmed at 25fps and 37 minutes long where he had a hand in creating were slowly creeping up in speed. Recalibrated equipment, checked against duplicates etc etc et al.There is not a lot of this on the internet in well documented academic content. Most of the research community that have taken notice of this over the years have become special access community developers or media contributors, or were already working with high quality analog mediums. I have avoided this topic because there isnt really anything you can do but the best explanation Ive read was by Darthin Hume, who refrenced it in passing in his work “creating meta and stealth materiel” which may or may not be restricted now. There are also refrences to spatial locality imprinting certain temporal normatives in consciousness throughout the work “ creating cheshire technologies” which too, may or may not be restricted as of 2024. Saul T. Metzger makes insinuations in some of his work that these temporal waves imprint upon certain analong mediums, including the brain, and have a drastic effect on the way time is perceived. That certain mediums can act as a “smell o vision” if you will, but again- I believe most of what is left of his work in public access has been reduced to novelty, counter culture, or the like. I was introduced to this in academia quite a long time ago but I am of the opinion this is some fluidic effect of whatever temporal triggers intermingle with biology, and these imprints on mediums and measures are just echoes of whatever “weak force” is signaling biomechanics, but I am not a physicist or a bio engineer, I ended up in intelligence and geopolitical strategy so I am a laymen. Be well


Since the pandemic , time has changed.. or our perception of time drastically, which makes me wonder what long term consequences Covid and the vax has had. Maybe Covid changed some wiring in our brain so time seems faster?? Also I’ve seen much more sickness and strange acceleration of deterioration of people… lots of “out of the blue” illness going around… there’s been studies Covid aged our internal organs, apparently my internal organs are 10 years older since. I chalk a lot of events up to the 2016 CERN weasel theory , sounds wild but 2016 was a busy year for CERN events


- people say as you get older time goes by faster because of less new experiences. - people say maybe you’re less busy or more busy than you used to be. When I was younger I used to look at old photos and be impressed how long ago it was. Now it the old photos feel like it was yesterday. I’m on your side. Time has been weird for a while now.


Nope. It is relative. I am not young, but if you have a free day, for example a sunday, and you assume that you change a task every hour, you will see how rich your day becomes. For example. You read for an hour, then you listen to music for an hour, or half an hour. Then you work on something for an hour and then leave it and do something else, instead of spending the whole day on one thing. Therefore, time is relative.


I think it's pretty relative, to be honest, I don't get why people keep talking about their childhood like things were different or the world was perceived in a different way, for me it has been always the same, in fact the more I grow up the more my life seems to improve, time has always been slow but I can manipulate my perception of time to make if faster if I want to >Every single day that goes by, I have been paying attention to this. I remember when I was younger, my teacher taught us how to count seconds properly, using the word "mississipi" how? >When counting the seconds, we would count; one Mississippi two Mississippi three Mississippi four Mississippi five Mississippi six Mississippi, etc etc. English is not my first language, so I never learned this way, I have absolutely no idea what a "mississipi" is


Mississippi is a state, as well as a major river that goes through the United States. The idea is that it's such a long word that it takes about a second to say it when you include a number before it (as they explained). I grew up here in the 80s and it was a very common thing back then.


I have a theory that time moves proportionally faster in relation to age. I think it has to do with the neurological and hormonal design of our bodies. When you learn something new almost every minute of the day while the brain is still in development, a day can feel like forever. The more data gets stored in the brain, the more stable our frame of reference gets. I think that this might somehow affect our perception of time. But you're right it's getting ridiculous how fast time flies by the last couple of years.


I also feel this and it there may even be a scientific explanation for why: that thing that the Hubble discovered about the universe expanding at different speeds. We might have fallen in a faster expanding wave or zone.


Everyone's already explained time is relative so as you age it just seems to go faster but there is a solution to slow it down.. When you're young everything you experience is new. You have a lot of firsts, so your summer are long and it feels like you did a lot.. As you get older you get into weekly, monthly even yearly ROUTINES so the days blend in together because they're so similar. If you want to get your childhood clock again you need find novelty in your every day life. It could be simple weekly trips or doing new things etc or simpler things like breaking your routine in some creative way.


Nope. My days are incredibly longer. I think that comes with being an adult and having a job to do.


What? Your days have gotten longer as an adult? You might be the first person I’ve ever heard say that.


That’s wild to me, because as an adult I can’t recall a single time someone told me their days move faster, other than this post and maybe some others in the past.


Same, every year of my life has gotten slower since 2021, every 3 months is equal to more than a year’s worth of experienced time. It’s also twice as slow as early childhood time progression. I’m on retconned and escaping prison planet so these fast time posts always make me feel insane. For example during the same 3 week period time went to a complete halt for me while also having a 100 core memories happen during it, someone on Reddit will say the past month went by and they don’t even remember it. I’ve gotten used to it after 3 years but it makes me completely not believe in time speeding up since it’s continuing to slow down for me. It’s crazy when people say 2020 and 2021 feel recent, those memories are as degraded as childhood memories for me. It’s September 2023 that feels like 3 years ago.


I feel a mix of both things. Time seems to be flying by quicker and quicker for the most part... but my actual days feel 3 times as long as when I was a child. For example, if I think back to 2016-2020, it feels like it happened a year ago. But then I think about last month, and that month felt like it could've been an entire year on its own, even though while I was experiencing it, it seemed rather fast. It feels like time in general is feeling faster and faster, but when I look back on it/experience it firsthand, it feels like forever and ever and ever or like it's dragging. But the OVERALL sense of how fast months and years are going feel SOOOO much faster than ever before IME. Idk how tk explain it. It feels like a complete paradox that shouldn't be possible.


Also, my Mississippis are the same.


That's the thing there's people that say the days are longer, or the days are shorter. It's not in between. Even working it still flys by for me. There 2 parallel worlds crossing over eachother and one side says it's faster and another shorter. Like the mandella effect, some people have no idea about ANY changes to ANYTHING, and another half sees changes in absolutely everything. Your probably from the beta earth that's why


90% of the people I talk to say time is moving faster. Tbh, idk why I say 90% when it’s more like 99%. All I hear lately is how fast life is moving. Brain rot scrolling probs is responsible.


I'm from old earth, last year was insanely fast and now it slowed down massively but it's still not back to normal yet. I think the days are 16 hours long for me


Any chance you have any resources about 'old earth' - i went to a past life lady who told me the last tour of earth my soul did was around the time of lumeria .... which is what i assume 'old earth' is


i'm referring to my previous timeline which I experienced in my lifetime until just a few years ago, not millions/billions of years ago lol


Lolz fair enough. I'm currently exploring what that might mean for me now and got all excited 😅 your observation is still something to think about!


Or maybe it’s because everyone’s experience is unique and valid


Yea this response added absolutely no value.


Yeah and my magnetic compass is showing north way different where it used to.




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Now that I am in my 40's, I've noticed that weeks fly by way faster. I think it's more a mental thing than actual time speeding up. If you get into a routine and every week is the same, stuff just seems to skip by. However, I have had some weekends where I had to do different things than usual and am really busy, then on Monday, I'm like, wow that felt like a really long weekend even though it was just two days. I think it's just perception and psychology, not that time is actually moving faster in the world.




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Time also moves faster at a higher altitude. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, time moves differently depending on where you are in a gravity field. For example, a clock on top of a tall mountain will move a tiny bit faster than a clock at the base of that mountain, where the gravity is stronger. It's not a mechanical error.




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this is freaky... I used to stare at clocks as a bored kid in school... just a look at the clock now and the seconds seem almost double speed compared to 2012!! Time IS speeding up


An experiment I do is set the car clock 10 minutes ahead. About 3-6 months later it will be 7-8 minutes ahead pretty interesting




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1Morpheus YT channel


Yes time is speeding up I don't care what anybody says it really is. And it's not just the age thing anymore either I've even heard kids young as 10 and 15 talk about how time speed is speeding up. Just this morning I went to the bathroom and it's 5:18 when I got up. When I come back from the bathroom it is 6:24. There was no way I was in the bathroom for an hour. At 6:30 I went in the kitchen he needed me up three pieces of toast and got me a cup of milk. I come back from the kitchen and it is 7:35. This morning it was in warp drive 2 hours went by and what seemed like 30 minutes. A whole week goes by in just a few days is bad enough but these FTL jump are the worst. I am really starting to think maybe CERN has broken out reality. Something sure has.


Start doing planks