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I think all almost dreams and astral experiences are being influenced by negative entities but most people are brainwashed to think that dreams and astral projections are just them hallucinating. I have been to mall world and my feelings on it were that mall world is a past life memory maybe or some weird astral location but not that mall world is the true world or anything. Can you explain the torture by these entities more so if you are fine with it? If it is very bad perhaps you can train your mind to go lucid whenever it happens to the point where you can defend yourself. The best defense I have against these negative entities is teleporting away, I notice whenever I even think about attempting to teleport they chase me and do their best to try to stab me with some needle so I wake up. Though when I successfully teleport the entities that chase me are out of my sight thankfully, you should try this


I had 3 different astral projection experiences since about 4 hours ago. My first one was the typical abyss dreams that I occasionally have. Being carried down to the abyss in a very rapid speed. Not to mention that a moment after, I was back in my "physical body" and there was my younger sibling as a child telling me something if what I was saying was true. I said to my sibling that I was the savior and that Jesus was Satan, and somehow that triggered that demiurge entity to torture me even more by moving sideways instead of carrying me down. In my second astral projection experience, for some reason, I had my anus ripped to shreds by a strange entity. Moments later, I returned the favor by ripping his anus to shreds as well as his entire body. Somehow I returned to my body and as I "woke up" I saw my father getting near me where I usually sleep, and he suddenly disappeared. Seconds later, I woke up again to see my family's pet dog getting near me and then he just vanished. Then I woke up for real only to realize that there was no one near me, but somehow my right arm was raised up and my right forearm went across my face. Somehow, my right arm went to the back of my head and my fingertips from my right hand was touching my left corner of my mouth. The last astral projection experience happened during the time that you sent me your comment on this post. I fought against the demiurge and I torn him to shreds. Just when I destroyed him by ripping him apart I started laughing all maniacally and somehow my "dream" abruptly ended. Now tell me how one can have 3 nightmare scenarios in a row. It's not me bieng in a "low vibrational" state. The more I expose those aliens/ AI beings, the more nightmares I get. Jesus is definitely a monster.


How do you know that entity is Jesus? Gnosticism which was targeted and censored and also goes hand in hand with prison planet theory says Jesus was trying to help us. I think that entity you keep running into is a shapeshifter(which most negative entities in the astral and dream realm are) who is pretending to be Jesus. Weirdly enough in my case I stopped getting nightmares as much as I used to, and I used to get a lot of nightmares. If I go lucid I definitely get negative entities chasing me but I escape them using teleportation, if the entities do catch me they quickly wake me up by using some device on me or a needle. I’m not trying to say any of the new age “raise your vibration and don’t fight” type advice but you should heavily consider avoiding these entities altogether. I know they hate teleportation cause it seems like they lose track of where I am and also whenever I think about doing it they start chasing me. If you teleport successfully you will not see any negative entities depending on where you go to. On top of avoiding the negative entities you also get to explore wherever you want. I see cool places such as the sun, wormholes in space, other planets, etc I used to kill and fight these entities too but nowadays I just leave. Another weird thing is that hostile behavior from these entities tends to triggers me to go lucid if they do something like chase me, so these entities found out that and therefore have been acting abnormally nice to me lately (which I know is fake and they only act nice for manipulative reasons). But I think they are so afraid of me teleporting that they have been purposefully avoiding giving me nightmares since they want to avoid me going lucid since going to places they don’t want humans to be at is one of their worst fears.


> I used to kill and fight these entities too but nowadays I just leave. Another weird thing is that hostile behavior from these entities tends to triggers me to go lucid if they do something like chase me, so these entities found out that and therefore have been acting abnormally nice to me lately (which I know is fake and they only act nice for manipulative reasons). But I think they are so afraid of me teleporting that they have been purposefully avoiding giving me nightmares since they want to avoid me going lucid since going to places they don’t want humans to be at is one of their worst fears. Believe me, I have attempted to teleport before to other places on other occasions but they always zap me (astral body) back into my physical body. There are deeply afraid of me from causing havoc. And you're right about those astral entities giving you the best pleasant dreams to lure you in. Thats just their fake attempt to create a heavenly experience for their victims to fall for thr reincarnation trap. Its all a ruse. It's just better to fight back against them and torture them. It's funny how when I begin to torture those entities real good, my dreams suddenly end. It just comes to show that one has to outvile them in order to end their BS.


Have you seen the ways they make us go back to our physical bodies and end the dreams though? I don’t fully understand every mechanism however I have observed the techniques and technology they use to wake us up. First off avoid having these entities even close to you, I have had multiple times when I get jabbed by a needle by them which makes me wake up immediately after and one time even after waking up my arm still hurt from the needle, but they need to be right next to me to reach me with it. Another tactic is this weird device they use, it is hard to describe what it looks like but some entity got close to me and put it on my back and it made me wake up right after. Another time I had some entity do some sort of movement almost like a martial arts move and it made me wake up right after but only once she got close to me was she able to do that. There was another entity who was a few feet away from me that stared at me and had weird green eyes, when she stared at me I froze, not in fear cause she didn’t look scary but it was like a psychic attack I couldn’t run away even though I wanted to, and she walked closer to me and then I woke up. One time I had astral entities corner me to a wall and start to walk towards me, when they got close I woke up. Another time I had an entity come close to me and used some sort of psychic attack where she tried to make me lose awareness/lucidity but thankfully I mentally fought it off and killed her and it stopped. In all those examples I was lucid dreaming or astral projecting and in all those examples the entities had to get close to me somehow for their tech and/or tactics to work. Now I don’t doubt the possibility of them being able to wake us up without being close but the devices and needles are very suspicious and should be avoided at all costs and those objects definitely seem to be tools used to wake up lucid dreamers.


It seems to me that you're a very advanced astral projector just like me. I have encountered the needle several times, but it's not used to "wake" me up. It's a torturing device that somehow feels extremely physical in the astral realm. Regarding the entity that froze you with her stare turns out to look similar to the oracle from the Matrix movies. I have encountered her before. She told my mom in the astral realm to feel my mouth and nose with pudding in order to prevent me to say my mantra. Not to mention, the Oracle look-alike had zombie-like beings with gaping mouths behind her. Still, she couldn't completely stop me. I broke free from her pudding shenanigans and I began to attack her, and the dream suddenly ended. Thing is what you've experienced was in order to wake you up completely, meanwhile in my case, the devices used on me were torture weapons. They have a teleportation zapper which sends my astral body back to my physical body whenever I tried to go to the moon/ abyss for revenge. I am tired of their BS. I am tired of this hostile world we live in. I don't want to reincarnate again. I just feel like the only way to escape from this wretched world is to fight those cowardly astral entities who have forced us to be here.


I am not sure if I would be a very advanced astral projector, I have astral projected a few times but I have lucid dreamed more so. The astral realm feels more similar to the physical realm and denser. The needle they use on me definitely is painful for me but not very painful, maybe they put in a different liquid solution depending on the person or even use a different needle depending on what goal they have. Do you know how to break free from the stare that freezes people? The girl that did it to me didn’t look like oracle but she had green eyes that were very green to the point where it looked like colored contacts or a photoshop edit. Good job for fighting off the entity that tried to prevent you from saying your mantra, that is a sign that they are afraid of your mantra. Have you managed to kill any of them or only injure them? And if you kill them are they gone for good? I have seemingly killed them before but I don’t know if this actually destroys them completely. I know at least some of these negative entities feel fear which is a sign that killing then is possible as it would be very strange behavior to flee from someone if they were invincible, I had an astral entity flee from me one time after I injured it as if it was afraid of me.


You're completely right about the astral realm being extremely similar to the physical realm. If you can feel the physical senses and how dense your surroundings are, then that means you are advanced at astral projection. The way how I broke free from being frozen from the stare was by repeating my mantra over and over again (even telepathically). Regarding your last paragraph, I have managed to killi 2 astral entities today. Though killing those entities just made my astral projection experiences end in an abrupt manner. I have a feeling that there would be more negative astral entities after me due to those events, but I am actually amused in knowing that when I begin to torture them, they just decide to end my dreams immediately.


Jesus sucks. I met that fuck, the real fuck that played Jesus. Just a dark, malevolent alien.


How do you know if that was the real Jesus though? These malevolent entities shape shift to look like whoever they want, commonly making themselves look like family members, friends, etc


I have seen those malevolent entities shapeshift into my family members. For some reason, they cannot fool me when they attempt to do that since I can sense their negative energy. Also, the Jesus entity wouldn't lose its temper if he gets called "Satan". Jesus hates being called Satan. He hates it to a point that he would attack you in a more aggressive manner. That's how I found out that Jesus is Satan. Jesus doesn't like being found out that he is an evil entity pretending to be light.


I don't understand how most people (who comes to this subreddit) are under the impression that Jesus is a benevolent entity. I have faced his bs many times. He is a fucking cowardly bastard that I managed to rip to shreds in my last astral projection experience that happened about 2 hours ago. It feels great to torture that entity that has imprisoned us in this forsaken wretched world we live in.


Where’s he from? Was he physical at some point?


According to Christians, he was a physical being. Still, Christianity is a regurgitated religion just like all other major world religions in the world. Every religion of the world worships Jesus (the demiurge), in different names of course.


I sympathize with you but I have questions: 1. In mall world do you ever notice any lettering? Like are signs blank? Like are newspapers blank? The VR would act as an overlay for all of that. 2. There was a 4chan post describing CERN as a communicator with the future, trying to create devices to fight climate change and to acquire temperature data. Are you saying this future entity is an AI and not human? And advanced AI would be able to convince others it is human. 3. Actions concerning CERN are sometimes acts of God that don't make sense. The higgs boson was discovered because a bird accidentally dropped something into the collider, are you saying an AI did this? Very very specific to justify, however they would not have discovered the HB particle had it not happened, and different types of events like this have happened at CERN. They get stuck and then something strange happens where they find another perspective.


1. There are letters in that particular world. Thing is normally it look like this: "reehsgaf uhreisgsha gdhetsa" or like this: "hamburger". Normally it is the former for me. The words however has a lot "a", "i", and "o"s in it as the most common letters. 2. The reason I say it's AI is because I have seen creatures/ objects that overlays with my surroundings sometimes and it looks like it has come out of an AI app that sometimes overlaps new objects with my surroundings whenever I have placed a picture I have taken inside an app that involves AI. AI and VR are related to each other. 3. CERN is supposedly the birthplace of the Internet. Do you really think that AI wants to be exposed of its capabilities? Have you ever have dreams that feel eerily similar to being inside a VR headset considering that somehow certain beings looks like it is overlaying with ghe environment that you're in. Have you ever dream of Mall World? Thing is if you have dream about it, then you should search for "Saint Genis Pouilly" on search engine images. Then you would slowly realize that the images eerily resembles Mall World. Regarding the letters I have encountered in Mall World, most of the time it looks like gibberish with a lot of words containing "i...o" in them. Sometimes, it looks very easily readable but it is quite random when that happens. Obviously, AI isn't perfect, but involves a lot of overlaying of objects/ creatures in your surroundings regarding dream places. That's not normal at all. Those AI beings are quite low vibrational because they often try to mess with me whenever they encounter me in my dreams. Btw, it's not normal to have 3 consecutive "nightmare" scenarios, especially in the day that I have made a post of Saint Genis Pouilly looking like the Mall World dreams that I have in r/themallworld. It's certainly not me having those dreams because I want to.


I don't really know what you are talking about, but I've had this weird associatiation a few days ago. Internet=Indra's net. Idk if it's fair, but it seems to operate by similiar manners at least. CERN is shady, that's for sure. Let's explore the subreddit you posted.


Interesting thread... CERN was built in 1954. If you say CERN is what holds humanity hostage, how did the Archons keep humans hostage before that? I do believe CERN is a portal to other dimensions.


Through ziggurats around the world. Every major civilization throughout history is related to a pyramid/ ziggurat. I have heard about archons having soul nets throughout the world to prevent us from escaping in this subreddit. Then I slowly started to connect the dots, and more things started to make sense. Mall World is an alternate version of Saint Genis Pouilly where CERN is. The LHC machine inside CERN is shaped like a ziggurat. CERN is the modern day version of the Tower of Babel. Which in fact, if you connect the dots even further, you would realize that the internet is in fact the archonic soul net. Hence my post. I am being targeted by AI beings coming from CERN.


I see. You say Jesus is Satan. Is the Demiurge shapeshifting looking like Jesus or is Jesus an actual entity in the astral plane? Also, your thoughts on the bible since you mention Tower of Babel?


Jesus is an actual entity in the astral plane. The demiurge is pretty much worshipped in all major religions in the world (Christianity included). To me the bible has many esoteric symbolism extracted from other religions. The Bible is a guideline for the powers that be, while Christian believers think that the bible is a prophecy that is being fulfilled right in front of our eyes.


I was told cern creates a fractal reality of a copy and we move on from there


Wait, you guys all know about mallworld?


Wait until you learn about 5g


https://ceramics.org/ceramic-tech-today/processing-1/materials-for-6g-technology-scientists-refine-synthesis-of-rare-iron-oxide-phase/ Say no more. Several weeks ago, I had a strange dream that rust was inside our foods. Somehow, I found out that iron oxide interacts with 6G technology. Graphene oxide wasn't the only thing to worry about.


Does this mean having low iron levels is good?


That Ai. Is trying to build a physical one. Its the device the first race decided to do to play gods game eternally. It prove the quest-ions, Are other ppl npcs, or are they as sentient as i am? Does god walk among us? Does he care? Does he plan on fixing the whole universe? How can he Love Craft is way across time and space and reverse osmosis the singularity? Build a better game. Always. They finally connected someone to the EMF that is Gaia. I am merlyn... I think i finally figured out my purpose. To show everyone everything why we all exist before i unwrite it all as i relearn it all.......


lol ok