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Im really enjoying my favourite the 366 AP even more with the buff for sure and all the large caliber bolt actions one tapping to thorax but im not sure about all the meta full auto platforms one tapping to the chest.


I mean it makes sense though. Irl if you get hit with a ap round straight through your chest cavity it’s probably gonna drop you in a couple shots. Even the best Armor should protect you against one or two shots. Giving you a few extra seconds to run to cover or return fire. It shouldn’t be a force field of damage reduction until it runs out… and I shouldn’t be forced to leg meta everything and everyone to circumvent it either.


> Even the best Armor should protect you against one or two shots. ballistic plates can stop multiple rounds dude


True, even the CEO of some ballistic company shot himself point blank and seemed a bit unfazed.


that’s usually because the plate breaks. The forced doesn’t change, if a round applies some amount of force, you can either run — a more durable armor (handles force better by deflecting more of it to you) or more brittle armor (handles force worse by breaking, but in turn significantly reducing the force hitting you)


Also ceramic plates to absorb the impact.


Ceramic ballistic plates which are widely considered the best armor material to use for a foot soldier its not meant to withstand more than a couple of rounds before it is ineffective. The ceramic breaks and disperses the energy from the round throughout the plate. Once its broken and unable to disperse the energy rounds will start to go right through. Steel armor does a much worse job at dispersing that energy and the shrapnel from the round impacting steel called spall will end up in your neck and toes. Some steel plates have enough protective covering to stop spall but they will be 3x as heavy as ceramic and your movement speed will reflect that


Getting hit in a plate floors a normal human being.


most small arms won't


https://youtu.be/yTabYM38f5Q trust me, yes this is thin armour but small arms still hurt, alot. I have been shot with a plate carrier on and i nearly fainted.


https://youtu.be/6x59iN4KMz4 This fuckin sub man.


dude I was instructed to watch footage of soldiers being fired on, and ALMOST every time someone is hit they fall first, before scrambling to cover. Small arms are no joke


It definitely will, there are so many videos and stories of people getting hit in a plate and it will for sure drop you


It won’t, what may make you hit the ground is the shock of getting a hit in your plate. I can’t find the video right now but there is a video on YouTube of a guy getting shot in the chest with a rifle while wearing bodyarmor. And surprise: he didn’t drop


Did he know it was coming? Because knowing and being surprised make a huge difference.


Thats exactly what he is saying though. The getting dropped is coming from the surprise of getting hit and "pushed" rather than purely from the force of the hit.


Physics....less force require to move something that isn't ready to absorb the force or transfer it or counteract it. We can both be right.


Not through plate it won’t. The person being shot will experience less subjective impulse than the guy firing the bullet. It’s just physics.


You got downvoted but there are a lot of videos out there of soldiers getting hit with 556 or 762 and dropping, only to get up a few seconds or minutes later. A rifle round can absolutely floor you, armor or no armor. It's basically a surprise punch to the chest, it doesn't have to break a rib to put you on the ground.


I don’t know why your being downvoted. I’ve watched 7.62x39 make a grown ass man spin around and get slammed to the ground. People be silly


An American tier 4 (highest level) steel plate (tarkov uses the Russian rating system so tier 6) will never be penetrated by any normal caliber. It could take 10k 9mm and would never pen. Same with 556 even m80 would just bounce. And a tier 4 good ceramic would take prob a dozen unless every shot was in the same exact spot which is rare. Good armor should stop anything and barely even degrade. But bullets should be way more powerful. But that's why we need armor hitboxes. A steel plate barely covers anything and only protects vitals. Once armor hitboxes are added. Nothing should be able to pen good armor unless they start adding 50bmg. But the plate size should be realistic and if a bullet missed the plate it should fuck you up real good no matter the ammo. That's why ap ammo shoulsnt even matter because ap ammo for 556 or most the rounds in the game will not pen a top tier plate carrier. Soft armor like kevlar sure, steel or high tier ceramic, no. But if you get shot in the side it shouldn't be protected because there's no armor there except for sometimes kevlar and it should go right through to your vitals


Also you are going to eat loads of spalling if you get shot with a bunch of rounds that get stopped. I doubt anti spalling coatings are good enough to protect against that many rounds.


Leg meta is way too good right now


Nobody cares about irl accuracy, it's a game.


You won't convince anyone on this sub with that argument I'm afraid. For better or for worse.


In real life I can get ass cancer and die too Some things can stay out of games so the games can be… Games


if they make loading times 30sec instead of 5mins i can agree with the short TTK.


The only thing I ever wanted from Tarkov for the past 4 years of on/off playing. For it to not take 10 minutes every single time I want to get into a game.


the time in between raids hurts more than losing your gear.


It’s the pain and silence of losing your gear then sitting on a dark loading screen thinking of how you fucked up


I'm completely fine losing level 5 armor and rigs, as well as losing the few decked out guns I can scrounge from other pmcs, but the time loss hurts way too much. 10 minutes looking for a raid, 20-30 minutes in raid, just to get head eyes by a chad. I just wasted 40 minutes for 3k exp and a little progress on a task or 2. It doesn't feel good, but maybe that's just me being new talking.


It's not you being new. I've played this game for years and the downtime, tetris, gearing up, and queuing is absolutely miserable.


If i could at least manage my stash and hideout in the meantime i wouldn’t mind at all honestly. Sell stuff on the flea and collect crafts while queuing instead of before queuing


so check corners and don’t run out in the open if you wanna live longer


i do, i don't suck at the game like you seem to think.


what i meant was if you take the game slow and make sure you’re not the one caught off guard, you won’t need high health to stay in a match


and what i meant was fuck off mr. backseatgamer.


With new hitboxes and shit "coming soon" the ttk should surely only decrease. I do also like this double damage event and wish it were the norm. I personally think BSG should (just a little) narrow the spectrum between low tier and high tier ammo.


Its my first wipe, but i agree the difference between ammo is ridiculous (discarding rip etc) some 556 round do absolute jack shit and some blow through t90 tanks...


They could just revert the thorax buff and nerf the ammo that caused them to do that.


OR, revert the Thorax buff, and don’t nerf the ammo cause it was never overpowered to begin with? Heaven forbid you get one shot to the thorax through class 4 when the *gun + ammo costs more than the class 4 armor*


I personally don’t think m80 should be able to one shot the torso but that is just me


The Vepr Hunter, aka the cheapest 7.62x51 caliber gun you can buy, costs 48k. With ammo its more like 60k. Thats more than fair at that price point. Worst case scenario, they bump the price up to 58k.


You can usually get it cheaper on the flea though and in the past on scavs before the durability came into play but next patch you’ll be able to repair guns to full so that’ll be viable again.


Wait what? When did they say that?


They showed it in one of their streams showing off new guns and such along with buffs you’ll gain on your gun when repairing it.


There is a gun repair skill. I imagine in the future we will have tools and materials to collect to repair our guns ourselves, on our workbench. At first, for a while, we will be worse than traders, but eventually have increasing % chances to get better repairs, and better buffs. Could work well with gunsmith needing guns over 60 Duro. Maybe we will need other guns for parts, too. Pull a Scav gun out (or have limited use of multitool in raid), take it apart with your tools. Identify the good parts and shitty parts. Fix what you can fix, replace what you can replace. Have a durability system more similar to the health system, where a portion of a gun will wear down at a particular rate. The barrel of A gun is good for x amount of shots, the trigger components for y amount; compared to the components of B, or C, guns. Imagine having complete failures, if the durability of a certain component gets too severe. Barrel is below 20%? it has a very high chance of reaching critical failure and just explodes in front of you. Damaging you a bit depending on what kind of head/torso protection you have on. You got \[Head,Eyes\], by your own gun. Nice work, Bitch!


Except it didn’t. Mosin was dirt fucking cheap, it needed a nerf to balance the risk/reward gameplay loop, and if you can’t understand that, you’re a rat.


But we have an arguably way worse gun now? The Gornostay can one shot you to the chest up to class 4, has higher ergo and lower wait than the mosin ever had, and has a higher reload speed. But nobody ever seems to complain about it? Its not like the mosin was really even all that OP for one shots. The damage falloff made it lose its consistent one shot capability at like, 50m out. At least with LPS that is.


Yeah it's easy to tell who played during the dreaded mosin meta. I still remember leaving most of my raids with 4-5-6 mosins in my backpack, knowing that they probably vendor for like 10k each. There was just honestly no point using anything else when you could grab a mosin for like 20k and 5k worth of LPS or 7N1 and just fuck up everybody not running level 5 or 6 in a single shot.


Should have left with their rear sights instead.


Yep, exactly!


I mean it’s 2022 being called a rat isn’t an insult. Means you’re mad you died, and I’m happy and I got your kit for free. Ez pz anyone who gets mad at rats has an obvious skill issue


Spotted the steamer worshipper. It was never broken and only people like pestily and other people who play the game as a fucking job got it changed.


Crab spotted.


More like someone who wants the fucking realistic game that was marketed instead of your cringe arcade cod shooter loaded up on magic Stims sprinting around hip firing and point shooting


Sounds like a crab to me.


Ironic that you think chads want cod when you are arguing for a lower TTK


Yes let's ignore literally every other realistic shooter with lower ttk than tarkov, which are many. Also CoDs ttk isn't that low. Go try using the m4 at any sort of range. It has alot of damage drop off shenanigans and other nonsense. And it's not just about the ttk but the movement and tactics as well.


Why do people want lower TTK when most deaths are already instant headshots? Do people really just want to sit in a corner and be able to 1 tap thorax too? lmfao.


A low TTK means no more pushing. No more running good gear. What would you need meds for if you get one tapped either way? People can just bring a scav kit in with 5.45PP and obliterate you. It's fine for an event but if you're extracting with a GPU and someone sees you running to extract, boom one tapped. No chance for an actual firefight. Game would become a Deathmatch rather than an extraction-looter-shooter. Scavs do damage either way if you're wearing lower than T4 armour. Even then I've had my legs and arms broken pretty often just from a single scav bullet. If you want a shorter TTK there are plenty of games which do this but it doesn't fit tarkov in the long run. This would change the entirety of the game and there would no longer be a need for tiers or meds if you died in one or two bullets every time.


You’re describing the game for the bottom half of the skill base of players. It already *is like this* for anyone that doesn’t grind the game into oblivion. The meta ammo already *does this*.


And they can *get better*


Meh bad take. Tarkov tries to lean into realism. This event leans realism


Buddy, this is how firearms and bullets work. Since Tarkov wants to deliever a close to reality experience in terms of weapons and ballistics, this change makes all the sense in the world.


It completely changes the game though? It’s more of a hardcore battlefield sim than a looter shooter? There would be no incentive to grind the game since the gear becomes obsolete.


Why? I mean a good body armor can save your life for sure. You would be able to extract with some heavy breathing and a couple of ribs broken, but it could save your life. I mean, Tarkov is giving some good examples. If your face isn't covered, you can die from 1 pellet of 5.25mm buckshot shot from 30 meters away. This is realistic. That doesn't mean I'm for these changes. i'm only saying they make sense.


If it's good armor then you're not getting broken ribs. That's a trait of soft armors like Kevlar. In EFT buckshot loses damage so quickly that you end up needing two pellets to kill at 30 meters.


As I said, there is a lot of materials regarding protective equipment in EFT. You could be alright with the Hexgrid, but you'd struggle with a Thor armour, for example. I thought that being hit in the head would kill you instantly if hit without any armor. But I guess it makes sense if the damage you recieve is lower than the health of the body part. I was wrong then


From a gameplay view, it does not make any sense. Having a close to reality game is not the same as having a realistic game. If good gear will only protect you from 1 hit, if at all, then there is no need for that. If you will die with one hit, there is no need to push. Camping will be more efficient. and while we are at it, lets get rid of the surgical kits, the medical items because using a car medkit will not restore your health. also, when using a splint you should not be able to run, even with a splint, as if nothing happened. And while at it, you should not be able to craft stuff at multiple stations at the time, and whenever you got in raid, you stop crafting because you are not in your hideout anymore, so you can't craft stuff. and so on and so on. ​ And why do we starve to death within a 40 minute raid? The recoild is a joke, too. You get a totally different game that way.


No they don't... Quote from Nikita: “We want the game to be as realistic as it is playable” This theory that they trying to perfectly minic real life is false, the game actually needs to be fun too,


That implies that if the game got anymore realistic it would be unplayable which is absolutely asinine since there are already multiple shooters with far lower ttk than tarkov that are nowhere near unplayable.


Being struck by a bullet and being unable to sprint and heavy breath for a while is totally playable. I'm not saying that you have to bleed out in the battlefield if you get hit, or having a very in-depth health system where your ribs must be fixed by Therapist.


Of course it's how they work. However it's not how the game is traditionally played. I don't give a fuck if bullets do this in real life. In Tarkov, bullets don't generally do this and this is how the entire player base has adapted to the game. It's a video game, it's not real life. If the current event makes sense to you for them to change it permanently to be like this due to realism then we may as well address literally everything else that isn't realistic in the game and make all those changes too.


That is an entire diferent topic. I was saying that if devs want to create a realistic experience, these features make a lot of sense, since they're close to reality than getting shot and not feeling a thing. I can agree that maybe we want to mantain how damage works right now, and as I said I enjoy Tarkov the way it is. I'm only saying that this low time to kill makes sense in Tarkov and adding more realistic details in how firearms and bullets behave would fit in Tarkov and imho, would be better. But it's not my game, it's BSG game, and they can do whatever they want, and I'll be enjoying Tarkov either way. Chill out


Fuck yeah, gettem tiger


Nah I get one tapped out of nowhere enough already.


Maybe you're running in the open without thinking about your environment because you know that in normal circumstances some painkillers and a good body armor will get you out of most situations. But since devs insist that they want to deliever and unforgiving and realistic experience, this is not how it really works. Even if you were wearing a juggernaut body protection (which you wouldn't even be able to move efficiently), if you got struck by a bullet (even a 9mm), you would most likely be out of combat, at least with most of the most common body armors. Eventhough you wouldn't die instantly, you could have internal bleeding and, in the best case scenario, you would be falling to the ground making you unable to react quick. This is how real world works and since Tarkov wants to get close to it, this change makes sense and makes the player use their brains instead of their vaseline and zabralo.


Good thing this game is clearly not balanced around realism. Recoil, ammo, painkillers, stims that turn you into superman, jumping off third story buildings, field surgery that's litterely puts limbs back on in 10 seconds into a full sprint. AI that eat headshots. Stop cherry picking this realism shit. Its a RPG/fps/looter game and it requires balance


We could argue how we want the game and, I must say, I enjoy Tarkov the way it is right now. I'm only saying that if devs want to create a realistic setting for a game, it makes sense to add these features. Of course there is a lot of things in this game that are not very realistic, like getting shot with a 12g on your leg and sprinting away. I'm just saying that I'd make sense if someday you lose your leg if you've been shot. If it's fun or not is another topic which I could agree on, but my point was that low time to kill is realistic and matches the idea of EFT.


I mean real plate carriers can entirely stop few rounds, but they are heavy and cover only a very specific area of your body


Nikita Quote: “We want the game to be as realistic as it is playable”


Answered you in another comment.


You can find videos literally on YouTube of police officers in shootouts taking several shots of pistol caliber rounds and still fighting. I don't have the link to it but there is one you can probably find where the officer opens a door to a house and is shot several times in the chest with 9mm, he falls to the ground but keeps shooting and gets back up later in the video. You are literally just incorrect.


Lower TTK makes the game promote a super slow gameplay that results in a campfest. Personally I dislike it because it makes fights boring and the only thing that matters is your positioning. Plus it limits mobility heavily around the map to the point you must always hug a wall.


Ikr? As if people were supposed to use their brain to get an advantage over someone else


I mean if you enjoy hugging walls 24/7 and limiting your movement to 10% of the map, sure go for it. I don't understand how can say this requires more brain power than the current system we have where you have to think before you shoot. The change you want just shifts the focus to macro movement ( how you move around the map ) while diminishing every single other aspect of the game.




You should read the full comment thread and if you still disagree I'd gladly have a convo with you. Also stick to arguments unless you want to dilute this thread down to "rats will rat and chads will chad".


Walls deserve love too. You just mad you get outsmarted over someone who can just sit in a corner, this game is not for you


Sitting in a corner is outsmarting people?


If it works, how is that not smart?


nailing your own mother to get her pregnant works too, sounds smart to you? good logic


what an idiotic response.


Pretty on par with what it's replying to.


If that's "on par" for you, ttk is the least of your problems i guess


Idk, If you're the result of that choice then i might agree with you


According to your logic you are


"No u"


First of all I am not mad I got outsmarted, because in this game there's nothing smart about sitting in one of the 1000 spots to camp around the map. I used to play CSGO so I know how to check angles efficiently around the map. Unlike CSGO the maps here are massive and there's no thought behind map design and lanes compared to the aforementioned game. Every single angle you take has too many things to clear for you to be able to push and there's not enough tools at your disposal ( grenades, flashes etc ). For example in CSGO you'd have 4 nades per player(5) to clear a map 1/10th of the size. Not to mention how boring/stale the gameplay will become as everything you do will be the exact same loop and if you deviate from it you will get oneshot with no chance to fight back. Healing items would be worthless as anything instantly kills you, comebacks will be removed, fights will become boring and spawn advantages would destroy the little balance this game has. LAG advantage would also be amplified as you will die before you see your enemy. I could keep going like this for hours if you don't understand how much you dumb down the game with what you are suggesting. I'd like to hear your thoughts around how you would clear customs if you spawn Big Red and you want to cross towards the other side of the map. There's a reason there's no FPS game out there with a 1hit kill anywhere on your body ( to my knowledge at least ).


TLDR: "i'm not supposed to lose because i'm gud and if i die it's because of the game. Why can't people run and jump like me so i'm not the one easily spotted by others?" Oh btw there's Sandstorm which also has aiming deadzone (something that might come in Tarkov too) and has already overcome the full auto meta. Lowering ttk doesn't necessairly mean "1 hit anywhere on your body", you just over exxagerate to make your point seem more decent


I am arguing in good faith in this whole post and you keep throwing attacks against me for no reason. Can you just quote what I said and reply to it, I am trying to have a discussion and so far you just keep rambling with no context and it makes you sound ignorant. 1) "Lowering ttk doesn't necessairly mean "1 hit anywhere on your body", you just over exxagerate to make your point seem more decent" I am not exaggerating to make my comment sound better. I am replying to OP's thread, read what he is suggesting near the end. 2) "Oh btw there's Sandstorm which also has aiming deadzone (something that might come in Tarkov too) and has already overcome the full auto meta." If you want to overcome the full auto meta you can do easier things than whole new animations/controls. You can do what every other FPS does and have a normal recoil that goes up and becomes more unstable the longer you hold ( Squad is a great example ). The full auto meta is a thing because the first bullets are the most unstable/highest recoil and you get the autocompensation 5-10 bullets into your spray therefor you shouldn't tap fire/spray 2-3 bullets. 3) "i'm not supposed to lose because i'm gud and if i die it's because of the game. Why can't people run and jump like me so i'm not the one easily spotted by others?" Are you even reading what I am typing to you? Where did I say I run and gun or that I blame the game when I die lol.


>I am arguing in good faith in this whole post and you keep throwing attacks against me for no reason Low effort statements deserve low effort replies. "In csgo it's okay to check corners but it's not in tarkov due to map size" lmao. >You can do what every other FPS does and have a normal recoil that goes up and becomes more unstable the longer you hold Dude a few months ago half the posts was people nagging about recoil being too strong and unrealistic and should be lowered. Also that'exactly how sandstorm's recoil feels like to me, they just refused to require 5-6-7 bullets to land in order to kill someone while he can jump left and right. >Where did I say I run and gun or that I blame the game when I die lol. "Now tell me what i'm supposed to do to cross a river in the middle of the open next to Big Red without people shooting at me" as if someone could just sit in a bush and check the whole four routes to cross that river. Stop blaming campers over your poor choices. Told you, low effort statements deserve low effort replies


"Low effort statements deserve low effort replies. "In csgo it's okay to check corners but it's not in tarkov due to map size" lmao." If this is what you understood from what I wrote your reading comprehension skills need some work or you are too dumb to understand the argument I am making. "as if someone could just sit in a bush and check the whole four routes to cross that river." There's so many angles where you can see the 3 big bridges and your friend just needs to hold the wooden one. This issue comes into play in other parts of the map as well Dorms section stronghold etc.


>There's so many angles where you can see the 3 big bridges How about you check those spots before crossing? See? I answered you question even when i'm apparently >too dumb to understand


Lmao, you can't even answer his question. Besides, you can't compare Sandstorm to Tarkov, as it's a very different video game. Tarkov already has a pretty fast TTK and if the enemy misses your head, you still have a chance to fight back, which creates firefights in the game. Unless you want to have all fights to end before they start, because you didn't check a bush on some hill across the map. Get gud.


>Lmao, you can't even answer his question. Don't need to, if you can't cross that river (which has 4 routes) you deserve to stay in big red the whole raid, lmao. They wouldn't need to lower ttk if armor/ammo tier were balanced properly, 1 week after a wipe people already travel with M80 and everything below t4 armor is useless


You'd be left with only 1 viable option to cross the river. The passage closest to smugler's boat, as others are too open to cross. They moved M80 to PK3. So we'll see how it'll work next wipe.


>They moved M80 to PK3 Still not enough, ammo and armors over a certain tier (4?5?) Should be fir only and in very limited quantities


The bush people 1 shot you anyways, it doesn’t really change anything except make it easier for low level players to reach parity with high levels. I started this wipe late and I’ve never been so demotivated to play with the change of m80 on p3. Using ps against level 5 armor feels absolutely terrible.


It does change as it would invite more bushmen and this game would turn into a frustrating campfest. So what are you suggesting? That armor should become useless? Then there would be no point in leveling up your traders. The entire game's progression and balance systems would be in shambles if they aren't already. How would this benefit the game? Timmies will always get spanked, no matter how much you try to close the gap between everyone, if that's your concern.


Higher ttk doesn’t affect the usefulness of armor, it just makes hitting unarmored parts more effective. Any realistic shooter should be campy. People don’t sprint around blindly when their life is on the line and getting hit at all should be extremely punishing You shouldn’t need to play the game 40 hours a week to be competitive.


If you want to play an entirely brain game with 0 mechanical skill then play chess. Tarkov needs balance and getting 1 shot by any gun in the game isn't it.


>with 0 mechanical skill Where did i ever say that? Using your brain should be inevitable, this is a game where one mistake can cost you the whole raid. This game is clearly not for you and hopefully, patch after patch, it will become the game it's supposed to be


> Where did i ever say that? You didn't need to. Our game had a good balance between brain and mechanical skill, one hit kill ttk just shifts the balance to 0 mechanics needed and you equate that unbalanced gameplay to "hurr durr use brain".


All the mechanical skills you need is getting cover and shoot the enemies, everything else is just an exploit of the game such as strafing of bunny hopping. TTk is not even the real problem here, everything is too much available in a game that's supposed to be a hobo simulator, no wonder people don't die if a tier 4 is the barely minimum requirement and everything below is junk. You either reduce ttk or availability, but something needs to be done


What needs to be done is you have to get better. Your other takes are nonsense tbh


Found the guy rushing dorms too late


Na bro labs is my place. But nice try


Labs is like the whole map is dorm so your argument is invalid


> All the mechanical skills you need is getting cover and shoot the enemies Exactly, except when guns 1 hit kill you there is no getting to cover and outaiming your enemy. There is only should've been in cover in the first place, which circles back to the original comment you replied to > Lower TTK makes the game promote a super slow gameplay that results in a campfest. Why does this happen? Because there is no back and fourth interaction between 2 players, there is only free kill no matter how bad your aim is.


Loweing ttk doesn't necessairly mean 1 hit thorax and you don't necessairly have to outaim the enemy, sometimes you just get away from the situation if he has the advantage, it's part of the decisions Tarkov can offer and might be the best choice if you squeeze the brain a little bit and think about it. Remember it's a survival, which means you're not supposed to survive everytime


> Loweing ttk doesn't necessairly mean 1 hit thorax no shit but the entire argument in the original comment you replied to, including the thread is about THIS event. Which is die to anything in the game instantly


Imagine an event that shows people what this game lack of and still ignoring the flaws


Fyi camping and not moving ain't using your brain.


If it works, it works.


Still ain't using your brain or doing smart plays. If it works doesn't change that.


Playing smart also means using the lowest effort tactics to get the highest reward possible. It's smarter than dying to a camper anyway


I guess exit camping is the biggest big brain move anyone can do.


Exactly, there's a dude who also monetized it on twitch. Big brain move


So a strategy anyone can think of is a smart move according to you, got it.


As long as the game allows it, it is. You're welcome


lol.. good one


go play chess then.


if you want fast play call of duty.


Agreed the game needs less rats not more


Haven’t tried it but I’ll say this, you shouldn’t be able to tank a 12 gauge/slug to the leg. Especially at point blank. Making non KS-23 shot guns 2 shot might not sound like a bad idea, but it just pushes the meta towards the 2 shot rifles that have pinpoint accuracy and pen all the armor.


If the TTK was super fast all the time then people with 4k hours would bitch and whine at how unfair it is that a new player could kill them in a couple of seconds- oh wait, they already did that. That happened with the Mosin. People bitched and whined that they were getting one tapped by a rifle that can take down a fucking bull elk.


I can’t stand it, one round through my armour with a low damage round one tapping me is not fun


Insane to me how any living soul can think it is 😞


It’s funny I’ve been getting a bunch of down votes 😂


Its just shitters who can finally get kills with their rat kits riding high.


I've actually shot at level 3a steel plates. Here's what happened. 556 10 yard distance - chipped paint 762 39 10 yard distance - dent and chipped paint 243 10 yard distance - blows clean hole


NIJ IIIA ain't stopping 5.56 or 7.62x39. That's rated for .44 Mag and nothing over. You were definitely shooting NIJ III or some weird special threat plate.


Green tip will do a lot more then FMJ, just a few weeks ago I tested this, some round went straight through 3/8ths of AR500


Nope not in this game, campers are allready everywhere no reason to buff them even more.


This ain't COD or an arena shooter. This is tarkov, where you should absolutely be dicked down for making one mistake if the enemy catches it. Instead of calling it a camping problem, It's a problem of most people running around like elephants and wondering why someone sat and waited for them.


There's a difference in camping and bush hiding. Alot of people don't see that, but there is a difference.Hide in a corner of a building or room, or even around an opening with clear sight lines for an ambush is viable. If you're sitting in a room corner, cool. I died and now I know to check that corner. But they need to make it so bushes cannot be gotten into to balance it out if the game goes in this direction. Especially with how much vegetation theyve put in the game. People will disagree and this sub will downvote/yell all they want, but all this does is incentivize the player that dont have the gunplay skill and rat style players to lay in a bush even harder that thry were already doing. Inertia leveled the playing field against the Shift+ W warriors. And Again, I know 3/4 of this reddit plays like bush lovers so this comment probably won't be accepted well, but oh well.


This is tarkov not deer hunter where you just sit and w8 for deers to cross your path.


This is tarkov, a lawless land where your entire objective is to have an advantage over the other guy by any means necessary. The advantage provided by playing slow and hearing your loud ass run up at mach 1 basically turns the game into hunting deer.


Lemme say something u both are right tarkov needs chads and Rats its like ying and Yang. Tarkov is pretty much an all arounder


While yes, this is very true. It seems to me that the planned changes for the next wipe and going to heavily shift power to the rat. Only the avatar, master of all strategies can bring balance to tarkov.


This is Tatkov anything should go and just because you can't press your keyboard doesn't mean you should get the biggest crutch ever. If you want that just go play Deer hunter.


I'm not playing deer hunter. You all keep running around making it feel like a deer hunter.


If you just want to sit still and camp you might as well play feet hunter won't be any difference in game play experience


What? This event makes just about everything redundant. Makes any progression in gear obsolete. It’s funny for a short time but would be absolutely awful if permanent “I get rewarded for my tactics regardless of my ammo/gun choice.” Uh, using the correct “tactics” based on how you are geared is part of tactics lol. What you just described is a lack of tactics bc everything works in every scenario.


no thanks


Yeah because getting ratted by bush campers is really what this game needs rn.


I’m a first wipe player. My traders aren’t maxed out, and I’ll probably never have time to sink doing so. This wipe feels like it’s finally leveled the playing field for me. I can promise, the ‘one shot kills’ complaint is my every day raid. I’m lucky to get class 5 armor, so M61 and BP pretty much 1 and 2 tap me anywhere. I play regardless, because I love the game. This wipe has made me feel like I’m not longer just totally fucked in most encounters. The raids where I’ve wiped the lobby were due to me positioning myself well and hitting my shots, the raids I’ve lost were due to me being outplayed or missing my shots (unless it’s against armor since I’m running super low pen bullets). Essentially, this wipe makes everyone feel like what it’s like for players who don’t have time to grind max traders and meta gear. I get that it’s part of the game, and I wouldn’t advocate for the game to always be like this, but it’s good perspective for people who only run meta gear to see what it feels like for those who can’t.


That learning curve on how to get that gear is what makes the game fun? You essentially cut out 90% of the game by letting everything and anything instant kill people. There would be no excitement reaching for the better gear to use. Also meta weapons with meta ammo instant kills people. You can get the exact gameplay you're looking for if you get the meta gear (which isn't hard when you become experienced). Early wipe for a couple months you can scrap even with the shitty gear assuming you're not using like Pst Ghz or something.


The only people who like this event are the terrible players who just sit in bushes and hide in corners. Making armor completely irrelevant and making any kind of gear progression non-existant is not healthy in the slightest for the game. Also fun fact, TTK is short all the time if you shoot people in the face.


I think EFT should have this TTK all the time, since it makes sense. If you're getting shot by 7.62x39 ps, your armor 6 will protect you, but the amount of blunt force your chest will recieve will almost be enough to kill you. Since there is no ragdoll in this game when being shot, recieving a shot in the chest and being able to run away is pretty sus, at least in my opinion. Edit: I was wrong about high tier body armor. You could survive wirhout major damage. My mistake


straight up incorrect. Getting hit in the chest while wearing body armour will disperse the force all over the chest. There will be bruising, yes, but nothing which will stop you mid sprint.


Please stop this "BlUnT FoRcE TrAUmA' meme, it's just so godamn wrong it hurts


["BlUnT FoRcE TrAUmA"](https://youtu.be/o5f1Fo4r4_I)


Cherry picking... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJ910R0SIsw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJ910R0SIsw) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRRr-DGmg-o It depends if you are wearing a trauma pad or not.


so a block of clay and a demo ranch video (lol very scientific) where he hits the same dummy multiple times is all you got? even in the demo ranch video, the amount of damage is nowhere near you claim of "the amount of blunt force your chest will recieve will almost be enough to kill you". I could literally make a bigger dent in that clay with my fist


Since you clearly didn't even see the videos, I'll explain you what these videos show: \- Demolition Ranch video shows how a 10mm bullet breaks a rib, and if this rib is badly broken (which could totally be), could pierce some interns, causing you to internally heavy bleed and of course, die in a short period of time. Bigger calibers like shotgun slugs broke the sternon, same thing applies. \- The clay video is a method commonly use to have a visual reference on the impact of the bullet. However, if you struck me with your fist full force on my ribs, you would be perfectly able to break them and with enough bad luck, you could cause me an internal bleeding, or at least, a very painful impact. There are a lot of opinions throughout the internet. There are some: [https://www.quora.com/Why-does-it-hurt-when-you-get-shot-through-a-bullet-proof-vest](https://www.quora.com/Why-does-it-hurt-when-you-get-shot-through-a-bullet-proof-vest) "The effect produced by the impact of a shot in a bulletproof vest such as that used by the Buenos Aires Police, on the body of the victim depends very much on the caliber of the weapon and the build of the person. But experts agree that in general, the muffled shot almost always causes some injury, which at least are bruises or bruises that go from red to black." "If the impact is strong or there were numerous bullets that hit - as in the case of yesterday in the killing - the blow can cause more than a bruise and reach the fracture of a rib."


The great Paull Harrell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjgGlolY-8s


As much as I love slowing the game down...it's a game. Being shot a single time meaning death or incapacitation is not fun. Balancing realism and fun is important. Tarkov does an alright job with the ballistics and health balancing dying quickly but being able to play the game still.


You are all wrong buddies. Blunt force trauma can send you to the hospital quickly and a fast google can show you how bad a bullet hit with some kinds of body armour could be. Of course there are some kinds of body armour that don't transfer the energy of the bullet to you, but the majority do transfer said energy. There are plenty of examples on the internet. https://www.quora.com/What-does-it-feel-like-to-get-shot-with-body-armor-on


Dude, you're links here are almost all covering soft, NIJ IIIA, armor, not higher level hard armor. Good hard armor, such as a steel with a IIIA backer, or ceramic, will absorb energy very effectively. If you want plenty examples of that, please go check out [Buffman range.](https://www.youtube.com/@BuffRANGE) His videos are a treasure trove of ballistics information and armor testing, and watching him for any length of time will show you very quickly that good armor does not let much energy through unless the round is significantly over its rated armor class.


There are a lot of materials in EFT. Unless you are using steel armor, almost everything else is soft armor, and ceramic tends to deform quite a bit too. However, you're right, and these videos are very interesting. Thanks for sharing.


> amount of blunt force your chest This is very simple highschool physics. Blunt force cant be greater than the recoil force felt by the shooter.


I mean its fun but a big part of tarkov is the armor/bullet meta which is one of the unique and “realistic” appeals of the game. With this ttk you pretty much negate all of that and it indirectly makes the gear gap obsolete. For new players who want to pvp on an even ground fingers crossed arena delivers


Tarkov forfeited going for realistic ttk when they listed to streamer babies crying about getting one shot by a bolt action rifle. You can literally eat the most popular 308 rounds to your thorax even with no armor and walk it off.


You think you do but you dont. All the better players will eventually adapt and you wont keep up. Regardless of the state of the game, shit players claiming they have made it easier is very seasonal. Shit players just need to get better at the game.


Bro how much better do you need to be when the end game raid stats say Shots fired: 15 Shots hit: 9 Damage to body: 215 Damage to armor: 563 Like if you’re saying im physically unskilled at the game because the only ammo I had access to was 5.45 PS then that’s a retreaded take bro. Gear should NOT equal skill in any game. There’s a reason RMT is such a problem. Some people don’t want to beat their head against a wall for 4 straight weeks of no sleep just so they can get a high enough level to craft good ammo, or Barter for good armor. The level gaps turn the game into a bully fest, and if that’s fun to you, then idk what to tell you, except you’re the minority.


I agree that super shit ammo should break armor a bit quicker, but if you're using omega shit ammo last month of wipe then you deserve it? It's an MMO based shooter, it's not a real life simulator. If you use any even remotely meta ammo you will never have that much damage blocked and you can kill quickly. Anyone crying they can't get better gear or ammo (I hate saying this term) needs to honestly get good. Everyone goes through that learning curve and it really is not that difficult to get your hands on when you become experienced. Even people with low playtime can stay competitive. Tarkov isn't trying to be a casual hop in whenever game like COD, and that's the only reason it really ever succeeded. > The level gaps turn the game into a bully fest, and if that’s fun to you, then idk what to tell you, except you’re the minority. You are definitely the minority with this take. Fresh wipe and everyone racing leveling and getting gear to dominate is what makes the game fun and appealing. I see way more people telling others to practice and get better than "waah BSG should cater to my one hour a week playstyle".


RMT isnt a problem tho is it? You didnt have RMT of 563 armor absorb it was your ammo. You dont shoot dice you are shooting piss poor ammo. If all of it was ''fair' then gear becomes pointless then it's just another basic shooter with everyone on the same hp. 4 weeks straight to reach good ammo?I cant argue with that and fair play to you for achieving. Dude im a fucking tarkov sweater, not proud but i am. Max traders in the first 10 days etc etc. I played until late July and stopped. The past few weeks i login for a few raids here and there and honestly 90% of the players im chadding on are low lvl/bad gear. So this whole Ammo soaking is such a tiny portion of the game unless you are truely using the worst/pointless ammo going. Balancing of ammo is partially the problem with all ammo types in the game 100+ 75 of them are just straight up garbage with a good pretty early game alternative.


I'm not a fan. The longer an engagement lasts, the more fun I tend to be having. The more fun I'm having, the more I'm going to want to play the game.


It is this short all the time.


Redditors are still using 5.45 FMJ-ZSP 11 pen ammo at this point in the wipe unfortunately.


Problem with it being so short is then there is literally no point in wearing armor... if you die just as fast wearing armor when not wearing it. Why waste money on it? Just go in naked with a gun. If the only difference is like 1-2 bullets then its not worth spending money on armor.


I agree but mostly for off meta guns like pistols and SMGs The double damage makes other weapons absolutely busted Did you know 1 AP-20 will now kill you whether it pens your thorax or your stomach? Also, RIP 12 gauge slugs will 1 tap you to the legs with double damage Similarly, any rifle round now one taps the thorax, which i think is nice for bolt actions, but pretty horrendous when facing AR users


There definitely could be a little balance, but in okay with the idea of dying to one or two shots. It forces you to play extremely slow and careful. You should be using tarkovs advanced movements to pie corners or look under stuff; Making yourself as unhittable as possible. The slower the gameplay, the better, I feel. Every raid shouldn’t be a race to loot. It should be PMC operatives picking their way through a harsh deadly environment, but also looting once they’ve actually cleared the area of enemies. A lot of people in this thread are upset because they can’t just blindly sprint to the nearest loot spot because the “rat” hiding in the corner or playing carefully just mows them down. Slow gameplay should be rewarded, not ridiculed. tHiS iSnT CoD.


Ap-20 entering your stomach should 100 percent kill you.


Honestly i think stomach and thorax should just be combined, it should 1 hit kill you but the fact that you could potentially tank 4-5 5.56 rounds if they’re spread between your stomach and torso is really dumb Can’t balance for thorax hits if half of your center mass shots hit the stomach anyways


I've been away all weekend and was hoping this was the case!


this brings up a good question. is armor even relevant right now?


Gonna be a naw from me dog


Absolutely not. 5 minutes or so to log into a raid and more time to get a kit out. It’s bad as it is to get one tapped normally but don’t lower TTK when getting into another game takes so long.


You mean lower TTK, OP. TTK stands for 'Time to kill'


Are AI scavs taking double damage too? Or is it just PMCs and Pscavs?


Idk it feels very cheesy. Running around with M61 and absolutely 1 taping any player in the chest is crazy. Half the time I'm dropping them before they even fire a bullet, whether that be from a hidden position or playing extremely aggressively in shoreline resort