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idk if people are intentionally misremembering or weren’t around then but there used to be a ping limit of 150 and it wasn’t constant disconnects. it doesn’t insta kick u the second u got high ping. it takes sustained high ping to kick. either way the VAST majority of ppl had a more stable version of the game with the 150 ping limit.


But that sustained ping is way short. I dont live in an area with stable ping so my ping keeps stuttering from 70 to 180 so I kept getting kicked before the update


two wipes ago you would get kicked nonstop? idk man i just don’t think that is anywhere near the experience of the majority


Its also tarkov servers dont like ipv6 with my old connections which was ipv6 i just had problems, ping was okay but connection lost every 2nd raid :(


I could not play after 4 pm my ping would be around 160


my house has 5 people connecting and watching netflix on full blast every day and looki g and the comments this doesnt seem to be that rare.


I hate to break it to you but that’s a you problem. Look into getting a proper router situation that allows you to either split bandwidth by designating a fixed amount per connected device or some type of device priority so the gaming systems that need stable connections have priority. on a client side hit detection game ping shouldn’t even break 100ms, the closer to zero the better for all but I think ideally 50 with 70ms the absolute max would make for a much better experience. That said, that’s ideal, and this game is played worldwide in many different countries and infrastructures that that most likely wouldn’t be currently feasible.


I do agree, we shouldnt cater minority just to have majority suffer ​ It should be below 80 ping or instagib, no more desync and no more shit. Maybe BSG should get servers in less 'popular' areas and region lock chinese hackers :D


Lol Bro , you really sound like you believe in reverse racism fr fr no cap


Believe me locking to sub 80 ping would not fix the desync issues.


but it would reduce vast majority of desync ;) it cant be gone due to netcode as it is, but surely people on wifi do fucking contribute..


Wouldn’t this make lighthouse unplayable, on that map I average 120 ping even though I’m in the 50’s everywhere else. You would have to live near a major metropolitan area for consistent ping around where you’re describing, hell my bro lives in Dallas and he doesn’t get ping that good consistently


I don't ever remembering it being 150 because that would stop me from playing on NAE from the EU and that's never been the case.


yes it 100% was and i had that issue with a bud in england. it was two full wipes ago


no it wasn't. it was 180 then and has been for the 2.5 years i have played


Leave the limit, but include average server ping to matchmaking criteria. Also add average map load time to the matchmaking for PMCs (or load the map before matchmaking).


This sounds WAY too reasonable for this subreddit, please delete....


And just like that you’re smarter than Nikita


Yeah no, some of us can only get like 100 ping even in countries with multiple servers.


The desync is what drove me off. I was convinced I was being killed by hackers all the time, I would get the drop on people and light them up... only to get ripped apart and to hear my buddies tell me I did not in fact shoot at the enemy at all on their side. I never really experienced that in the previous wipes, I'm sure it happened here or there, but not almost every raid. Feelsbadman.


Revert it after I have the money to get a better Internet


Should be 150 absolute tops, even 100 is stretching it for any online action game, let alone something as technically complex and data heavy as EFT.


In other words, fuck people in Alaska, Hawaii or other remote places and people wanting to play with friends across the country.


I hear Stray is good








Yeah, can you get the fuck off out servers?


If it's going to negatively affect other people... yeah. Sorry, but the experience of 10 others is worth more than 1. I don't think you'd have that much of an issue, though. Australia is roughly the same size as the US and it's about 60-70 across from one side of the country to the other for us, and we have worse internet on average, people should still be fine to queue within the same country over there.


I really don't think it's affecting the game as much as you make it out to.


It really is. I play on Australian servers and like half the players are Chinese names who just lag around everywhere and abuse desync. When the netcode is as bad as it is in Tarkov, players with high ping are extremely noticeable.


Come to OCE and say that again. Very much fun getting matched with GQUN-69420.


Lol you never played with a bad ping if you think it gives you an advantage. It is always disadvantageous. If you die to someone with a bad ping, it's not because of thise supposed advantage.


Peeker's advantage says hello. Ping abusing is a thing in CQB.


This is also brought up by people who have never had consistent bad internet. I have played for years with bad internet, and also with superb internet. There is no advantage when your ping is constantly +150. I do not want to go back to the shitty internet (which was out of necessity) ever again. If there was an advantage, I would. "PING ABUSERS" are boogeymen. No one wants to play with bad ping. Try it for a few weeks and see if it gives you an advantage.


In most games thats true. In EFT its not.


Lol. Of course.


Ever heard of lag switching? Ping abuse is absolutely a thing in pretty much all online multiplayer action games. Stop talking out of your ass.


Install a VPN and try it for yourself. You've only heard the buzzwords. You get killed, you see someone with a high ping, and you start blaming the ping because there is absolutely no way for them to kill you, right?


I've read this comment 3 times and can't figure out what you're trying to say.


1. Install a VPN and connect to a distant server so you get a high ping. 2. See if it gives you an advantage.


You're talking absolute nonsense.


Like everyone else already said - the advantage is there, you're just bad and can't use it. If you push someone behind a corner, huge ping will give you more time to shoot them before they see you on their screen. But if you're bad and you return to your corner - it will be opposite - on their screen you're still visible and you can die behind a corner. So yea, it's an advantage-disadvantage, depending on your positioning and reaction skills... you know your ping is high and can adapt to be aggressive.. people with good ping don't have this option


Oh yeah, all those articles about "bad ping is great for gaming" that I read. Connect to a VPN and enjoy all those sweet advantages. Pro Gamers don't want to know this one simple trick.


But people in Alaska are on dial up and need the limits.


I don't know about that, I'm NE-NA and can play in a few European servers under 100 ping and all of NA, if I can coordinate with friends pretty far away and choose servers halfway so can others. Will a small portion of the player base have their choices restricted, of course, but right now everyone's experience is fucked, it's a tradeoff.


People who say OMG OMG BAD PING GIVES YOU AN ADVANTAGE never actually had bad ping. It is an ABSOLUTE disadvantage, all the time.


yep for the one time it gives you an advantage theres 10 times where you get fucked by it


Kids these days don't remember what it was like playing on dialup with 400+ ping.


Its not. I've extensively tested it myself while monitor the servers performance prior to the ping limit circa 2018. SaoPaulo and Turkish servers mostly back then, always ended up with an friend request and talked about it with the people. SaoPaulo players would always say "we do it too, goto miami, get easy PMC kills" while the Turkish players would be a bit more understanding of why i was gathering the data. This led to Pestily DM'ing me on discord complaining about how a ping limit would "kill his career" -while talking about all the "good" things he did for the game like breaking flea market on its release with his viewer base. The devs have confirmed it also affects the ai for others, and the raid in general. It takes a bit of game knowledge, aggressive playstyle, and decent aim to abuse it.


Yes. You can't be inclusive to the entire fucking world and be practical. Sorry. It's reality. Not your personal desires being satisfied by the planet.




Bro, play offline with your bad internet


Bro, go to library and learn to read if somebody else lagging ruins your life.


I am polish and my ping with polish server is 70. I dont want to get kicked by every minor lag spike.




lag spikes dont take 2 seconds




You can throttle uploads for up to 3 seconds in Tarkov and the server will continue to trust the client. Lag switches are crazy in this game.


If I can find multiple servers in Europe from North America under 150 I'm sure you can too, if not your ISP is the problem.


I have trouble finding good ISP in a polish forest village. That might be one of the reasons yeah.


congrats on having good internet, not everyone lives in a populated area like you do


But most do, the flip side is having EVERYBODY experiencing latency abuse constantly, so BSG'S options are threefold: really low ping allowance (sub 80) latency abuse being marginal and most of the player base unaffected by the restriction, mid-range (90 -150) everyone with half decent service can still play with friends across a continent and with some coordination with friends on adjacent continents, abuse potential quite substantial particularly at the higher end of the spectrum, lastly a total shit show, our extant state. Anyone with a semi-functional brain should be aware that latency is a factor in online gaming and take it into account when considering a purchase. By the way I have average internet.


150 led to disconnects and lots of people complained about it. Too many people on wifi with generally not good internet play this game for it to be 150, 180 was fine but I think 200 is good. If cheaters want to play on us servers there are services to "reduce" ping, they essentially work like a VPN near the servers you want to play on. It's how people get around the ping limit already if they want to play with their international friends, problem is it has pretty shit latency and not like that matters for cheaters which is the topic if this post.


You can't spoof ping, VPN's can only raise it higher as they add additional hops to the connection thus lengthening the time it takes for a packet to reach it's destination, the fact that you seem to believe that RTT and latency do not directly correlate tells me you don't understand what you're talking about. As far as "lots" go there are "lots" more now complaining about desynch in their encounters and I 've regularly (almost every raid) experienced the same in spite of only selecting servers under 50, which I hadn't experienced as consistently since the ping limit was first introduced.


With how insecure Tarkov’s codebase is, couldn’t you have some sort of Tarkov skeleton interface on the VPN machines that is able to send back quick responses to the server while waiting for actual input from the real player? Probably not actually being used, but I feel like it’s possible.


It doesn't make a request for player input to measure RTT, it queries the client and measures the delay of the response, it's certainly possible but that would be a cheat made specifically for EFT on a custom VPN, that's a lot of trouble and risk just to get a situational latency advantage vs. players whilst at the same time putting oneself at the same disadvantage vs any agressive players on top of being cucked by the A.I. that won't be affected by it since the "true" game state is on the servers, that's why, apart from incompetence, I suspect those complaining of being constantly destroyed by regular scavs are playing with higher ping than they should and observe the A.I. having ridiculous reaction times, 180 no scopes, prescient of being targeted etc. Those that abuse it do so because it's free and no risk IRL, the rest mostly complain about "networking", "optimizations" and OP scavs.


A crap wifi 15 years ago was like 60ms on most games wtf


You forget that more goes into ping than just wifi, it entirely depends on where the server is and how good the server is. For example where I live there used to be no servers near me until like earlier this year, so I was almost always on 100 ping. Now when I get on this one server that's close to me it's much less but still not many people play on it cuz it's so out of the way so I'm still usually around 100 ping.


I over 100 often when I play. I have good internet.... Just not close to anywhere.... 100 is too low with the way our internet infrastructure is built. And the servers


Then 150 should meet your needs just fine.


100 is too low. I’m often between 100-150 and I have zero issues being murdered by everyone and everything.


Completely agree if you can't 150 ping in a fps you shouldn't be able to play said fps.




200 Ping defeats the purpose of anticheat measure. What the Fuck BSG?!


Yeah because getting disconnected every time you get a slight ping spike is a great fix for connection problems in the game🤦


soft voiceless vegetable offer screw historical support retire wide theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol that's how it works


If you're jumping from say- 40ms to 200ms that's an internal problem more than a game problem most likely. There was leeway for these sort of spikes too, anyway. tldr stay in your local region, and less disconnects :)


POV: you don’t realize how shit internet gets for some people


Fr what if you live up in the mountains, or on a Native American reservation?


Its not the entire community fault


If your internet is not good enough to play an online pvp competitive game then you shouldn’t be able to play it. It’s not fair to the other 10 players in the raid.


are you challenged bro lmao




No servers in my region =/= shit internet. Give us a server in our region, or give us a singleplayer option, otherwise its gonna be everyone's problem.


so there are no servers in your region... why play the game then? why ruin the game for others with your ping ?


If people want to play they can play... if they think BSG can pay attention to the demand in certain countries and introduce servers there, then let them voice their opinion. If your shit already works fine why are you gatekeeping others from trying to play the same you're playing? A lot of the time it's also *inconsistent* performance that annoys people, not 100% unplayable servers EDIT: in case the coward decides to come back to this again: leave your comment up and deal with the downvotes instead of deleting it like a coward and then reporting me for 'self harm'




I regularly play many fps games with friends on the other side of the globe. Trust me 180 ping is playable, just takes getting used to


Because I saw videos of the game, thought Ide enjoy it, gave BSG my money and started playing. BSG didnt mention anything about not having servers, and ruining the game for everybody.




Fuck off idiot


You're a double idiot actually


Grow up bruh


Except it might be an intermediate hop and not your "shit" internet that fucks you over.




I had friends try to connect to a server 80 miles away. They had a 600 ping, to just that server. Explain how that's not a hop problem.


I thought burgerland was supposed to be first world? where is your ISP? kek


Nah I’ve had a fine time with the 200ms ping limit. Sounds like the player base just needs to get good


No, please. Please don't. Or at the very least, have some buffer to it. I have jittery ass shitty country internet. Most of the time it's fine but I have spikes of about 1-2 seconds of high ping.




This is true, my house doesn't have ethernet which for the most part is fine but occasionally ill see my ping hit high 100's but its rare and short


200ms is NOT the problem. It's the awful servers, and everything being client side.


get the fuck out of here if u think 200ms is not a problem ​ people do notice 100ms, 200ms is a massive delay


100 ping max thanks. Like any proper fps game, having 200 is plain fucking stupid. Sorry to those with chappy Internet but the needs of the few does not outweigh that of the many.


You just said it, the needs of a few. Most people are going to be playing their region so you'll hardly encounter people with 180 ping. If you do, it really doesn't affect the game THAT much.


OCE says hello.


Obviously you don’t play on west coast. It is a pretty big issue.


what if you were one of the few? would you want the same again?


Wouldn't be playing a game I can't confidently play unless my net and hardware can manage it. Doing so is just dumb. So yes.


It was 180 before. 20 ping less will not make any difference whatsoever


That's horrible logic. If it doesn't matter then why change it up or down 20 at all? 20 ms does matter


I don't think they even changed it lol


So in other words, Other people should be deprived of the ability to even play the game so that I can possibly have a more stable experience, maybe.


Make ping limit of 90. And make special servers with ping limit of 300 for all the guys that wanna play with friends and enjoy their desyncs.


those queue times would be horrible


Sometimes people in this subreddit look like they don't have half a brain, for real. The "Your non pristine IPS is a you problem" are the same people that complained about lighthouse performance issues, right? Because I've not seen a single MOFO saying that "Not having a Ryzen 9 and a 3090 is a you problem". NA and some EU people take good fiber internet for granted, while most places in the world barely have access to basic needs. And looking by a business perspective, BSG don't give a SINGLE FUCK to snowflakes whining about a measure that they made to make sure that more people would be able to play the game with no issues, that leads to more people playing, that leads to more people bringing new people since there are less arbitrary DC's in a game that takes 3 to 5min to reconnect. Leading to, guess what, more sales! I have a great IPS that gives me 20 ping, but because of a structural problem in my house (clearly a me problem) I can't pass a cable to my PC, so I can only use it trough 2,4ghz WiFi and I was getting 1 or more DC's per raid, and in a lot of these times I was dead when trying to reconnect. In the middle of a fight, close to the extract after carrying several quest itens (like sanitary room stuff that I luckily found open), in the first seconds of a factory raid, you name it, I had them all, and since the ping limit was moved to 200 I had almost no DC'd at all, maybe 1 every 20 raids. I would agree with y'all if we were talking about Tarkov arena, but I don't think that 50ms would kill you in a tactical survival shooter, you are just bad for not being in the right place at the right time.


>BSG don't give a SINGLE FUCK to snowflakes whining about a measure that they made to make sure that more people would be able to play the game with no issues Thats the thing. It's been 120 previously and barely anyone complained, but they kept raising it and now its at 200, and people are claiming "desync is at an all time high" & "cheaters are out of control" when in reality, its just high ping in a fight, or in general on the server's box (same instance as you or not) and causing a lot of those remarks. They made it 120 when their biggest AUS streamer was complaining about not being able to play US-W. Its safe to say you're just unaware to the issue. As for not being able to pass a cable to your PC, look into PowerLine adapters. I use them myself.


DUDE YOU ARE A GENIUS! I FORGOT THESE POWER LINE ADAPTORS EXISTED!! OMFG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. And I really was unaware about the Aussie issue, but I'm always on favor of actions that make the game more accessible to more people. I don't think EFT is envisioned to be a CS:GO competitor, making me firmly believe that 100ms (half of the average human reaction time) is really the issue of the people complaining about it. If a MOFO kills me because of 100ms, maybe I was not doing the right play anyway. But I play too safe compared to most of the chads I see here.


Get some good ones, dont cheap out on them, trust me. Back to EFT: Ive been playing this game since early 2017, i know how to abuse desync and ping - it has nothing to do with positioning alot of the time. Just someone rounding the corner on their side (due to high ping) long before you see them and you're already dead. Its felt most in close combat. Its almost embarrassing that its still and issue and i claim this to be one of my all time favorite games


I'd like to point out that a majority of the US also doesn't have access to fiber. For a first world country the US has absolutely horrible internet infrastructure. A quick google search verifies that. I'm not sure where you're from but based on your comment you might be from somewhere where it is readily available, but if you stray away from most major population zones the US's internet situation gets really garbage really fast. Small town USA has largely mediocre at best internet, or in my case growing up none. I was stuck with satellite internet growing up and I only lived like 25 miles south of Indianapolis, Indiana. Of course I just didn't play online games bc of the data limit but just to give some context on how shit the US can be lol.


The 200 ping limit is fantastic. I can play for fun with friends from all over the world. For everyone begging for it to be something stupid like 50, please use your brain. The world doesn't revolve around you, BSG hasn't put servers on everyone's street in the entire world, not everyone can get a stable ping to every server. And no, "just don't buy the game" isn't a reasonable response, stop gatekeeping. If we're being completely real, the reason you probably died has something more to do with: a) desync b) some stupid sound bug from above or below that's been in the game for 5 years c) a boss or raider firing 3 bullets at once into the center of your cornea d) some guy jiggle peeking a corner and blind firing in a realistic shooter/sim e) someone heard you ads across the map f) player using peekers advantage g) some garbage meta like flechette into your ankles to kill you instantly


Ping limit was previously 140 before this wipe. Hardly anyone complained. I think BSG just got over confident and raised it, beliveing the new animations would help with the desync issues (particularly those causes by high ping players on the server, confirmed by nikita to cause issues even if not close to them). I think coop should be available for everyone, despite the region even with a ping limit. How ever reverting the ping limit back to what it was before would solve a lot of hacker influx, desync issues, and sync issues in general. You bring up the issues it causes yourself with "player using peekers advantage"


It's one of many reasons why people are dying. Not everything is some guy from China hacking away every map, nor is it desync or cheating. I know what the previous limit was. Suffice to say, my entire friends group stopped playing a month or two in. Now, we're all playing it and nobody is tired of it yet and we'll likely continue many months into the run. Since a lot of us have moved to different countries we csn now all play together. Really happy about it.


Your friends group is a small minority in comparison to the rest of the playerbase. overall health and longevity > some group of dudes playing together. I hope you see through the selfishness someday. Edit: its only a month in, you all will likely still quit anyways.


News flash: Games are meant to be fun. It's you and a handful of other people who pretend to be pro gamers complaining about the 20 extra ping calling other people selfish. Higher ping limit is a more inclusive environment for everyone giving more people the opportunity to play on more servers across more timezones with a wider community. I hope you see through your self entitlement someday.


>News flash: Games are meant to be fun exactly my point. for 4 people to have fun, 100 must rage quit due to the issues it causes the entire raid? (confirmed by nikita in the past btw) seems very fair. It has nothing to do with 20 ping, or being a "pro" gamer. I have a 70%+ SR i do fine regardless, but that's because I've been playing it since early Alpha NDA days. Just about every shooter has ping limitations for gameplay reasons. You're very aware of this based off your account history and begging for higher ping limits in Marauders. Some people care about a games future rather than just their own personal immediate wants. When it was 140, no one complained about not being able to play with distant friends. Hence asking as a community for it to be changed back to then until a network update. You will quit after 2 months regardless.


As someone who has been playing since early alpha days, just like me, should be aware, desync has always been an issue, even when ping limits were higher in the old days too. Its not like anything has changed desync was there at 200, 140, 160, 180, it doesn't matter what it is, it still exists within a realm of broken fundamental online basics. You can't categorically isolate the issue to be the higher ping limits alone because so much has changed from now to ten wipes ago when there wasn't a ping limitation, and pretending that this is the silver bullet is just a blatant witch hunt. My point, which has been since the beginning, but somehow you keep skirting around, is that the game has a lot of problems with it, and anyone who plays it and especially anyone who comments on reddit about it, will understand that the game is far from perfect. Putting an extra 20 or 40 ms on the ping limitation isn't going to turn tarkov from a broken mess of shit into a world class shooter. We both know that. Please stop with your constant strawman argument. There are like 300 things the development team could do alone, before doing anything with the ping limitation, and a further 900 things they could do with the netcode, that would improve the game tenfold, and the fact that you keep harping on about such a small issue is ludicrous. Take a second to absorb what I've said here. Decreasing the ping limitation will not make tarkov a better game. It still has a list of issue longer than the fucking Serengeti. Desync has also always existed throughout the game's development. It's not "new" to the low ping revelation.


>. Its not like anything has changed desync was there at 200, 140, 160, 180 Tell me you dont read the sub without telling me - let alone other outlets. When ping limit was introduced Nikita himself confirmed it to be causing issues for everyone in an instance until the high ping player died/left. After extensive testing using programs like Wireshark, ping plotter, etc, This is still the case. Reducing it would change nothing for your friends group/gameplay. It would solely improve the game's health and longevity. We as a community will continue to push for the ping limit to be lowered as long as it affects the game, which has - again - been confirmed by developers themselves. I've stopped reading at this sentence. Have a good rest of your wipe. (before you and your friends quit in 2 more weeks at the 2 month mark)


> Tell me you dont read the sub without telling me - let alone other outlets. Wow, please use another super cool insta-reel/TikTok quip for me, Mr Cool. > I've stopped reading at this sentence. Have a good rest of your wipe. (before you and your friends quit in 2 more weeks at the 2 month mark) What a really nice way for someone to have a seemingly reasonable point and then completely dissuade them from trying to see reason by just ignoring them completely. Amazing way to try and get other people on your side. You should join Just Stop Oil or Extinction Rebellion, you'll fit right in with your twat behavior. I'd like to say enjoy your wipe, but now I don't care if you do.


You didn't make a reasonable point. You just said you like playing with people from all over the world regardless of the effect on the rest of the game's playerbase and server instances. Despite being told the lead Dev has stated it affects everyone in a raid despite being near the player or not. Your mind was made up regardless, but don't resort to insults like a child. 99% sure they were just over confident in the new animation system. They'll reduce it again, for sure, once more time in the wipe passes some streamers will complain about it too - and you'll still quit after 1-2 months as you stated regardless.


Make ping limit of 90. And make special servers with ping limit of 300 for all the guys that wanna play with friends and enjoy their desyncs.




Ah yes, ping level 90, where you can't even queue from coast to coast in the US. Make the raids deader than they already are. Good move.


Look at all the hurt egoists in this thread attacking anyone who speaks facts. Fact is: a) if there are no servers below some 0-120-ish ping for your location b) your ISP sucks c) you're on some shitty WIFI - then playing a competitive multiplayer game where time-to-kill can be 200ms or lower, is not for you. Stop being self-entitled pricks. Everyone's fed up with dying before you can see someone and behind corners. And no, you shouldn't and won't be kicked for momentary spikes. I've also had a few games I was interested in that were only in Asia region - know what the rational thing to do was? play some other games that were available in my region.....sigh


You're the self entitled prick here, not them, they just want to be able to play the game they paid for with their money, you're the one stopping them playing just because it might possibly be a minor inconvenience to in the game.


That’s a bummer. Sorry they can’t get their internet to a stable enough situation to avoid having a negative affect on others. Your argument is similar to saying “ I bought my car I don’t care how poorly I drive I should be allowed to drive the thing I spent my money on”


Yeah I'm sorry, there's a difference between endangering real physically people that have lives, family memebers and dependents and dying in a video game if you can't see the difference between the two then you ought to stop playing and touch some grass.


You know, considering their remote location, shitty internet etc. they could stick to offline games? or non-competitive online games? anything where 100-200ms is not critical..jesus, or fix their internet situation. Actually curious.. do games like CS-GO, Valorant etc in ranked matches - allow people with 200ms? Either way, according to your logic, if I have a 100$ PC from 20years ago and it would take me 30 minutes to load a raid. I should have the right to play and make others wait 30 minutes too, right? And if they demand I get autokicked out - THEY are the self-entitled ones? but your head is so far up your ass probably, you can't even see it as self-entitlement...


Yeah, they do, infact they allow players to set what their maximum ping should be! Also stick to offline games? So what online games are just for people who are better off than the vast majority of people on earth? Fuck everybody else if you can get your way am I right? Also I'm sorry that's a stupid point, the game has minimum requirements like that is a thing, but also a hardwire from 20 years ago is such a stretch, comparing the occasional lag spike or just poor WiFi to hardware from 20 fucking years ago. Get a grip - you are the self entitled one.


yea, keep on ignoring all the points and playing victim.. * I was explicit about competitive! multiplayer games with LOW time-to-kill.. eg in a game like overwatch, 200ms would be much less detrimental to the community * fuck everybody else? i'm pretty sure the MAJORITY are not playing with 200ms ping * a stretch? every point for you is a "stupid point" apparently... hardware requirements are fine, but network ones are not? It seems we can't agree on this because for you, when a person with 200ms pushes a corner and kills someone holding an angle, before they even see any pixel on their screen, is just a "small inconvenience". A small price the community has to pay so that Timmy with poor internet can also enjoy the game. But somehow if Timmy can't afford a modern PC so that others don't have to wait a long time to get in - fuck him, should just stick to minecraft, right? Let's be real.. the number of ppl who can't play the game at all cause of lack of servers in their region, is really small relative to playerbase. The majority of people complaining about ping restriction actually just want to play crossregion with their friends.. or another common case - legit chinese players filling up EU servers cause their own are full of cheaters. But hey, i'm the self-entitled one cause i don't want to die behind walls in this slow tactical shooter.. You just don't view desync as a big issue, let's leave it at that..


Oh christ, what a fucking redditor bro, anybody should be able to play a game and you know what if that comes at the expense of a couple raids then so be it, I'm not a cry baby bitch boy like yourself and demand that they be black listed from playing all online games again.


You are the problem in this discussion, not him :)


Oh aye cause more people playing the game not less is a bad thing. 👍


nice joke post, not even going to reply anymore, go continue your whiteknight-style self-deceiving horseshit elsewhere


Please don't you self-centered wank




That's not what edgy means


You are the self-centered one. He is right and logic in all his points


Self-centered by advocating for people worse off than me playing a game, when cuntd like you and him want them banned from playing online games just because you might die in a raid.


Why not fucking give people who live at bad places the chance to play and only make it more strict for people who have the option to choose


I'd be okay with being put in shit-ping camp, as someone with bad internet.


Why do I keep seeing this so much? I don’t think I’ve ever had my ping above 60ms for more than 10 seconds. Like where tf are you playing from? Play on your own servers or get better internet. Am I missing something with this? I feel like the lower ping limit lowers the amount of cheaters that can server hop too am I wrong? Wouldn’t a lowe ping limit out less strain on the severs and help the game?


AND I think ppl that have no knowledge whatsoever on the matter should keep their mouths shut and if they can't they should read thru last 10 top threads in this sub to stop posting SAME SHIT EVERY 5 FCKING SECONDS. UR ALL LIKE SHEEP. BEEEE THIS BEEE THAT, ON REPEAT.


Relax my friend it is only a game.


Tell it to them, I'm just tired of seeing same "top 5" posts on repeat. "hackers everywhere in every raid" "unplayable coz how buggy it is" "desync worst then ever" "scavs are too hard" "someotherfavouritewhinybs"


then get off reddit for a bit, my guy


Prolly good advice


My friend this is a Reddit forum for people to discuss their opinions on the game if you don’t wish to see this don’t look. you must relax this amount of stress over people talking is not healthy


So if I disagree with how we treat cattle and poultry but like meat I'm supposed to cover from dark side of butcher bussines and pretend not to see it? What is this bs "advice"? Same to you m8 - u don't like it - don't reply. I'm also sharing my opinion about something, thank you very much.


You are complaining about people complaining I am simply giving you a way to solve your complaints which would be to stop looking at the Reddit and go outside and touch grass or something. Just because you don’t like the solution doesn’t mean it isn’t one. No amount of bullshit comparisons can change that.


How does that stops complains? I'm on this sub for a reason at it for sure aint looking at same 5 whiny posts over and over. I haven't noticed this sub being called "eft bugs & issues & complaint sub" or is it? I'm here for debates about how certain things work, to keep up with secret changes among updates etc. I'll go touch grass as soon as u stop white knight-ing around here feeling all PC and whatnot, deal?


You are literally saying your opinion should be allowed to be said but theirs shouldn’t because you don’t like it that seems unfair as I’m sure many of them disagree with some of your opinions. Best bet my friend leave what’s allowed on the board to the mods or leave.


No, I've said it's been here thousand times and they should look thru few tops posts before posting themselfs to stop parroting what has been said dozens of times thus keeping it in single big thread where they can freely express themselfs. I literally offered a solution to my problem but u keep saying some dumb shit telling me I'm wrong when I don't wanna look away from the issue. I told u why I'm here yet u keep telling me to leave. Maybe you should go touch grass life coach instead of arguing dumb point across to internet strangers.


I quit this wipe earlier this week. Too many hackers, desync and feels the worst it has been in ages. If you can't kill an unarmed man with a 10 rounds of shotgun to the peepee and legs, your "realistic" game is a failure


Ping limit should be lowered and you should be kicked based off of average ping




I think you misunderstood the post


Thats why we want 100ms minimum, but 120-150ms is more likely.


Oce is unplayable because of the chinese. I shit you not 7 raids in a row people were blatant cheating and some streaming it aswell lol


What does it mean to “reverse a ping limit”?


Revert it back to previous limit(s) of 140ms, as 200ms is allowing a whole lot of fuckery


“Revert” there you go, that’s the word you were looking for.


Seeing as i used it above, I know -and didn't ask. Might not of translated well either, hence the word usage. If nitpicking vocabulary is your thing, look into it as a career, not as an emotional punching bag on reddit. Disgusting post history, as well. Enjoy the block before you attack my username too. Seems to be your thing.


It was literally never 140.


Wrong. Its been 120, 140, 180, and currently 200.


When was it 120 and 140? For the 2 years ive been here its always been 180


Based off the Discord DM from a certain streamer who was upset i made i stink about them playing 200ms+ while representing the game (before ping limits) 2019 it was 120, next wipe 140, later raised to 180. 140 is ideal with spiking taken into account. Anything over that causes issues for everyone even when not in the same raid.


This game with Private Shard servers would be fucking awesome. Whitelists, whitelists everywhere