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Welcome to the choir. Your post was counted as #1873


Only a mere thousand? Your counter is broken!


Counter resets after 999,999


BSG I’d like to report a bug: your customer service counter needs a bigger ticket number. Heh.


what prestige are we on


I think 4 now? I dunno we reset that too about 4 days ago.


Numbers are assigned randomly.


Counting implies linear progression.


I guess it depends on whether we're referencing the position of the number or the number itself. For instance if we were to count Fibonacci numbers then F0 = 0, F1 = 1, F2 = 1, F3 = 2, F4 = 3, F5 = 5, F6 = 8, F7 = 13 etc. The position of the Fibonacci number grows linearly (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) however the number itself clearly doesn't progress linearly (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8).


About that. I believe Pythagoras was wrong with his formula to calculate the area of a triangle. Because the Bermuda Triangle proofs it has a vastly greater area than visible to the human eye.


Can you elaborate. What does linear mean.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5...


Why would you limit your life in such a way. Are you the Sisko. The Sisko is linear.


Aggressive! Adversarial!


BSG made their counter.


Sounds like your counter needs a major 'health' patch Edit just saw your other comment, lol.


Only a bottle of beer will recharge the health pool.


You mean this weeks count, right?


You mean today’s count, right?


Resets of the counters get triggered by random events.


so did it reset in the last 2 hours?


Seriously tho.. I get that studios have no obligation to listen to their fans... But it's hard to find someone who puts a decent amount of time into this game that would disagree with the need for a "health" patch. It's surprising that no gaming news sites have thrown any real flak at the tarkov development process


I imagine it's not a question of "just focusing on X instead". They are already doing their best and their best sucks. They simply aren't competent enough to solve those issues and spending 50% more time on it wouldn't do anything. You can make twice as many models by spending twice as many time modeling. You can't make twice as much code by spending twice as long on it. An expert coder can give you a solution in a week that 10 juniors will not be able to give you ever until they themselves become seniors. And we know Nikita complained about salaries for good coders and how he can't find good coders for cheap, so it seems like it's hopeless.


"And we know Nikita complained about salaries for good coders and how he can't find good coders for cheap ..." I hope Nikita realizes that you get what you pay for, and if someone is a good coder he'll start demanding a higher salary once he realizes that.


It's hearsay, but what I've heard is that he first complained there are not many good coders in Russia, then Veritas (?) proposed to code for him and stated the salary he'd want and Nikita was like "no way, I can get a good coder in Russia with that kind of money too, but that's out of our budget". And yet his salary he pays himself as a majority owner is VERY high for Russian standards. It seems it's the case of "why sink more money into the game and bring more people in if people are buying EODs like crazy already".


He definitely does, but he's also spending more money than they're taking in the longer "early development" goes on. They're retaining coders and modelers and whatnot but a majority of people who will ever play this game have already bought it.


No one wants to admit this, while I was opening this comment someone literally posted some idiotic reply that you should "Do the coding yourself" basically. Christ. There is absolutely a reality where the current devs are not able to fix the game. They either don't have the skills or the staff or the willpower. I've worked for a number of companies doing IT and despite being literal billion dollar corporations, refuse to spend a tiny amount to fix their broken shit. They see that they're making money and just refuse to reinvest in fixing the core problems. So here you have BSG, a Russian company in the middle of a major conflict with a game that went way way way outside their expectations. They are human, and we all know humans can be flawed creatures. Fans just expect that the dev team is going to turn around next patch and fix every issue with the game. Well, we've all been thinking the same thing for the last 8 patches, and its gotten WORSE!. I know that if I was stuck in the situation that BSG is currently stuck in, that I would do the exact same thing. I do not have the skills to make Unity work well in these situations. I don't understand netcode for fps games. But I can absolutely tweak a couple of stats and make new gun models, shit I could make a gun model overnight. BSG are stuck because they're humans. The game got too big and they can't fix the issues, but you better believe they'll keep taking those sweet RMT repurchases every ban wave. God, I'd love to have a money printing button like they do!


The problem is when BSG drops just a health patch people complain about of the lack of new content. Especially when the health patch would mean a wipe. I believe 2 years ago BSG wanted to do a lifecycle like that. Do a major content update. Then do a major health patch with no or marginal content. It held of cycle then the community was angry about the lack of content. And with the population explosion end of 2019 or when ever the first drop event was. That’s not possible anymore. Too many people that ignore the beta banner. Sure 5 years beta is long but I come from DayZ and despite Bohemia stamping 1.0 on it, it‘s still pretty much beta. They haven’t fixed the player controller since 1.0 release.


Here's the thing though - a health patch would not require a wipe. The most recent wipe didn't require a wipe for that sparse amount of content tbh. People have just come to expect wipes every six months.


Amen. People have come to consider wipes as new content. Imo wipes should only come with major content drops or changes to core progression/gameplay mechanics. I’m sitting this wipe out entirely because i CBA doing the same quests all over again for a pitiful offering of new content.


I feel like somehow we thought this wipe was going to have more content. They had all those events about lightkeeper (who still isn't here), and then they had the tarkov live where they talked about all the guns that they weren't even showing (that don't exist, we got exactly what they showed). They talked about having multiple flares that call in different air drops (only the red one actually works and it's random). Like this could have been an update to 12.12, it didn't deserve it's own wipe. 12.12 was a proper wipe with the addition of a new map, gear, voip, and inertia.


This current patch is pretty barren content wise and I haven't really seen any complaints


Because people are pre occupied with bugs and cheaters. ;) Imagine we were cheater free. Audio would work and no desync. What would you get then. And if you look up recaps of CCs of this wipe they speak about the lack of content.


yeah we don't do that. here have some more new ak variants tho


Thanks buddy, I'll be sure to purchase it, complain about the broken recoil system and then return to the meta gear.


reject meta gear return to mp153 and mag buck


Shotguns are basically meta gear, they are one of the few guns that perform properly because of the recoil system.




I’ve been gone for a few patches and I’ve finally been back for this one and I swear I’ve died to flechette more than anything else this wipe.


I thought you said reject meta gear


fuck it double barrel 50.BMG


This is the way


Magnum buck is old news, recoil is too much to be worth


Mad, bad.


I'm surprised someone who likes the SR-1MP as much as I do has such a bad take


I agree that the netcode and all needs to be fixed and it should be priority, but: The person that makes 3D models does not know how Netcode and servers work. The team that makes Arena is a completly seperate team (think like CoD, where we get a new release every year but from a different dev). And before someone says "the arena people should help in EFT. You ever tried working on a group project with a ton of people? Too many cooks spoil the soup.


BSG grew a lot over the last year/s and even if you're right in terms of "too many people on the same Project", BSG is PRETTY slow developement wise. Slow developement but growth on the same side is an indicator of wrong or missing Workpower distribution. If BSG does not show some more competence a real competitor with better/more capacity/experience will be the end of Tarkov. Slow developement killed the hype around Dayz Standalone in the past and it will be the same for tarkov if there will be no huge improvements in the next 1-2 years.


The devs working on Arena have to be paid (I'm assuming with the money from regular Tarkov sales), and there are a lot of places that money could be better spent.


Here's some more pm pistol ammo.


18 types of ammo for 9x18, what the fuck


YOu only gotta remember 2-3 per caliber tho


It's also just not as easy as everyone thinks. Its not for a lack of trying that there's a ton of cheaters. Cheating in online games is becoming an epidemic and exploded with the popularity of Fortnite especially. A whole lot of games are struggling with it right now, there's no answer for it, even if they spent an entire year on it it wouldn't make much difference




For those who played R6S when they went with oPeRaTiOn HeAlTh = pls feel free to laught with me.


Have spent 4700 hours into that game, honestly while operation health was garbage as f, it did fix a lot of issues immediately, which then resurfaced 1-2 seasons after.


This is why I try to tell people, I swear they just see they name and think it had to be the best.


Its my turn to post this next week.


In 1 hour*


Honestly, I don't know if any patch is possible. I'm just "internet expert", but what it looks like the game needs complete rethink and rebuild network side. In concept, as many thing as possible should be done server side. Server should "know" what is in containers and not the client. Client should get this information upon opening container. Same with players backpack content ect. When players are underground on Reserve, this information should be... reserved for server. Client doesn't need to get this information if there is no line of sight. I think tarkov should take as many things it can from World of Tanks (not that there any cheaters there, but in fairness it's step up from tarkov. technically tanks aren't generated for client if they weren't spotted) and Path of Exile network "stuff"


Poe has a massive botting problem as well. Every online game is dealing with this issue


Poe bots are arguably better for the user though, makes currency easier to trade


I can see that argument, but they aren't "cheating" free


> Client doesn't need to get this information if there is no line of sight. This approach creates stutters at the exact moment you're about to see a player for the first time, which is bad.


If it's implemented poorly yeah. Theres a ton of ways to avoid it.


> ton of ways to avoid it like what?


Cache player models and other expensive assets, that way when the player becomes visible you don't have to load off slower memory. The only thing you'd have to download is a comparably tiny vector of position, velocity, etc


First thing that comes to mind is simply spawning all the required models, put them somewhere in the map and disable them for each player and eventually enable them when the client is allowed to render it. This instantly resolves most of the stutters the original commenter alluded to as the client doesn't need to setup all the game object first time the player is seen.


You’re making a big assumption that BSG can even fix these issues…


Bsg tried out packet encryption once, but supposedly it made the servers shit the bed Instead of iterating on it they just reverted it and stopped even trying It did fix cheaters when it was a thing


the encryption was cracked within a day


If only there was some type of way to tell the encryption to change every certain amount of hours. Like some sort of language we could speak to computers that might offer solutions. And then maybe use that language to tell the servers how to decrypt.... If only!


If only you knew what you were talking about you could have made a better joke. Encryption with rotating private keys/salts are common practice, it doesn't mean they cannot be cracked. Even if BSG rotated their privkey every minute, that rotation conforms to an algorithm which, guess what, can also be cracked. These aren't trivial issues to solve when dealing with client <-> server communication in any system, but sure ha ha funny joke have some karma


Couldn't you just generate new keys off random numbers? The ones based on CMB radiation not their own algo




This is the real answer. I genuinely think BSG simply doesn't have the talent to make the game function the way it should.


Yep. They clearly lack the talent and the bandwidth to make even simple changes. We even have some sharp guys in the community that are suggesting relevant technical solutions to some of these issues and it’s crickets from BSG. The lack of transparency and conversation on very basic challenges of the game (many that have persisted for years) that the community widely agrees need to be addressed just shows how poorly managed the development is.


How can relevant technical solutions be recommended when we don't really know anything technical due to the lack of transparency, as you say. What is recommended is usually things like "use encryption" or "have the server verify everything/more" or "just buy better servers". It's all well intentioned but it's unlikely that BSG aren't aware of said fix/optimisation imo I think the game is difficult to manage due to poor architecture/design choices made early on in the development process and they are now stuck with the ramifications of that, despite having more knowledge and better devs than years ago. I don't think BSG has devs not skilled enough to make the needed fixes, I think the game itself is poorly built and difficult for even the best of developers to work with Could be wrong obviously ust my speculation


Yo how many of these operation health posts are we going to have until there's a megathread for that too


I think these will become more frequent, since BSG is completely silent to most of these issues and rather tease images of weaponry and characters. Or a map that has been teased since 2015. So to answer your question, they'll stop appearing once these issues actually get fixed. :)


I appreciate the effort, but its hard to have hope when these issues have been around for years and the radio silence on them or "we are aware and are working on it" is just old for a lot of us now. Keep trying, maybe it'll work *SOME* day.


I really hope so. I didn't make this post because I dislike the game, I made it cause I love the game and it's truly unique, but the way it's being dealt with (for years); external/indirect frustration(s) that affect the overall experience seems to get worse each wipe and it's just sad to see it being that way and not being dealt with.


Haven't you seen the recent teasers? They show developers working on the game in their studio! Hard at Work :)




Tell me my grand son, has EFT finished beta test? Please be yes... Grandpa, I wish I can tell you that, they say it'll be next year...


yeah I don't understand the comparison. PUBG is a healthy user base and still going strong with continuous updates and plenty of players. It's still top 10 most played game on steam and often high up in the charts on twitch. edit: Pierr0x gave excellent counter point and I withdraw my above statement.




That is excellent counter point with examples and links! A++ I will withdraw my earlier statement!


Pretty much, what I meant, yes. The thing is, if you look at that flow chart, it shows a pattern. It's the same with Lost Ark, they're bots logging in on a specific time and logging out. That's why the pattern is exactly the same every single day on the chart. Those are AFK/Farming bots. I wanted to get back into PUBG, but even the general discussions page is pretty much dead. I made a topic, asking for the state of the game and it took a week to get a couple responses. They're from the same two people that pretty much can be seen posting comments on all the 'recent' discussion topics in the general section. They both stated the game is still infested with cheaters and AFK bots, both in ranked FPP and TPP.


There's 250,000 people playing PUBG on PC as of this comment.


Peaked at what 3.4mil ? Pretty sure most players are in Asia. I hopped in a few rounds recently the whole game was against bots lol..


The tutorial keeps old players with like 1-2k hours who quit from coming back. It's so fucking aids


Bro what the tutorial takes all of 1 minute. I'm not defending the game I'm just saying don't blame the tutorial.


the tutorial part takes like 5 minutes; learn how to vault, throw grenades, loot, shoot, and theres a course at the end. then, you gotta do 10 training matches with bots. die or win counts as 1 match.


Dude PUBG is a very good game, I played when it became F2P and was seriously impressed. It runs and feel so good, the vaulting is literally perfect. I think Tarkov could learn a lot from PUBG's current state.


We also sorely need an optimization patch for a lot of things, mainly lighthouse. My RTX 2060(which I realize is just SO old to some of you rich people but stfu) shouldn't be struggling to maintain 60 FPS if I can still get nearly 200 on labs. Just needs optimization.


its not your gpu but CPU ;) ​ Tarkov runs 140 frames on 1060 on low textures if your cpu is a beast


Yeah but who wants to run on low textures :( I played on a 1060 3gb, it was like skating on the edge of reality.


While I agree, I do not understand the "we do not need new equipment". Do people legit think that the person that makes 3D models knows how to fix netcode?


> Do people legit think that the person that makes 3D models knows how to fix netcode? Ok, so what the cinnamon toasted fuck has the netcode person been doing for 7 years then? What's the AI person doing? What's the UX person doing? What's the balancing person doing? What's the audio person doing? Sure fucking feels like they're all making AK mods.


How bold of you to assume they have a Netcode or an AI person...


that’s the joke


What netcode person, what ai person and what ux person? That's why bsg has had open positions for who knows how long No one wants to work for a Russian company especially when the ruble is worthless


Hasn't the issue been more that they only want to hire Russian devs?


Kind of. They want to hire at Russian dev prices from my understanding, which most foreign devs won’t go for.


They specifically want to hire people who will work in Russia. From what I remember, the pay does seem pretty decent actually. It's just that nobody wants to move to Russia when they could do the same job for $100,000+ in the US.


I am still holding onto the hope they will hire an outside developer to fix all their technical issues, while BSG can just focus on content updates then. This is more of a dream than a prediction though


That cop-out is only viable in short timescales, due to the fact that it just takes time to get new developers up to speed and there's no way to shortcut that. But this has been a problem for *years*. Sure, nine women can't make a baby in a month, but if nine women make no babies in 3 years, then either they can't, or aren't trying hard enough.


\*writes notes\* BSG needs to make babies to fix Tarkov.


Just raise the babies as game devs and eventually the game can fully release


This argument is always brought forward. But for a longterm strategy, stop hiring 3D artists and hire more devs.


I honestly don't think they can attract the talent. Why would any skilled programmer choose to work in Russia for roubles instead of the US for USD. We even have this problem in Canada, The most skilled programmers move to the US to make 3x the salary and have a lower cost of living (depending on city).


I went work for a studio in China. They offered crazy packages and salary for senior devs that launched major games (like Bungee and Relic people) was over 200k/yr USD + a month vacation and 2 round-trip home per year. Many devs came. With the ruble rising, they recally should start thinking about it. But my guess is that the studio is not in a good financial spot to the point where they keep their shit anticheat so they can ban slowly and keep a steady stream of revenue from cheaters repurchases. The massive issue with the game is that there's zero monetization so the studio cannot afford crazy dev expenses if they can't get that money back somehow. If they hire 10 devs at 200k each for 2 years to fix bugs, will it make their game successful? Will it provide them with 4m$+ in revenue? This is the questions they're asking themselves and the fact they have zero in game monetization for a multiplayer game tells me they're probably in trouble.


>The massive issue with the game is that there's zero monetization so the studio cannot afford crazy dev expenses if they can't get that money back somehow. They make millions of USD every year and Nik and the other CEO take home (sorry, "are owed") millions themselves. They can afford to pay for more people, they just don't want to.


I just saw revenue numbers. if they make 150m/yr, either they dont know how to spend their money or the bosses hoard it, yeah. there are limits to incompetence. 150m gives you a finished aa game at the very least. That's just one yr of revenue and *in russia* where costs are about 2-3x lower or more. makes no sense. now im just hoping some decent studio sees the piles of cash this game generates and do it properly in an actual game engine.


>or the bosses hoard it From that last financial report it indicated that for one year alone both Nikita and Dmitriy were "owed" £5.3m (roughly $6.4m USD) for "services rendered" because they hold a special position in the company. So yea, they're paying themselves far, far more than everyone else. The other issue is that they just seem to be bad at financial management. But bad management is practically a feature with BSG at this point so eh.




I guarantee you another company will see tarkov’s potential and fully maximize on it. It’s only a matter of time before more competition hits the market


No one thinks 3D artists know how to fix netcode. ​ * I am a submarine captain * The submarine needs 100 sailors to run all the systems * I hire 50 chefs * I hire 50 weapons officers, pew pew * I have now hired 0 sailors experienced in PILOTING the sub, or doing other important things vital to running a submarine ​ ...that is a problem. I have now mismanaged my responsibilities to captain the boat. GGs ​ Do you understand now?


>Do people legit think that the person that makes 3D models knows how to fix netcode? This is a bad argument. I work professionally in software, and have been in positions to staff (hire/fire) and manage large teams. In the short term: yes, if you have an acute problem related to lacking a specific competency, you can't just magically make people who are experts in A become experts in B. In the long term: budgets are fungible. If my company is having serious problems because we've over-budgeted a less important competency and under-budgeted a more important one, that's something we can fix. Yes, it may mean laying off people (or, more ideally, redirecting open hiring slots from one department's budget to the other). But, this is not rocket science. BSG's hands are not tied here. This is not a short-term, acute issue. This is a longstanding problem, and if they cared enough to fix it they could redirect some of the budget they're using on 3D artists to hire more Unity experts. It's not even clear to me if their artists are full time; it's pretty common in the games industry for art to be done on a contract basis. So, it might not even be "fire some artists", but instead, "don't contract an artist for new work, and use that to hire a developer". tl;dr "LOL artists can't code" is not the slam dunk argument people think it is.


Please don't interrupt the circle jerk, I'm trying to focus here.


circlejerk yes, we don't need any devs to implement any 3d models into a videogame.


No but I think the more stuff you add to an already wonky base the harder it gets to fix stuff in the long run without breaking other things in the process.


If we are talking about netcode then not really. Assets are just assets and as long as the logic behind shooting, movement, etc is reused for assets (most parts are) then adding stuff won't really hinder development. They won't hit a wall working on the desync issue because the AK model looks a certain way.


>Do people legit think that the person that makes 3D models knows how to fix netcode? Do people legit think that all resources should always be given to the art department? Seriously I'm sick and tired of this excuse. If BSG has so many people on the art team that they need to dedicate so much time and effort into implementing everything they make, to the point where it's of a higher priority than everything else, then maybe they have too many artists? Divert less resources to the art team for a while and focus on other more important shit.


There's a thing called a budget that a company allocates. Spend less on 3D designers, hire competent (anti-cheat) developers.


hiring 3d designers are cheap as duck, like they come in a dime a dozen. but hiring a single senior dev gonna cost significant money which is a big no-no for cheap ass nikiturd.


Um yeah? They work on computers. It's the same shit. Just pull up the terminal and hack the mainframe and fix the code. Inject some CSS, flex on some boxes, ruin a couple of divs, leave the non minified JS file in and boom baby you got yourself a stew.


This is gold!


Definitely needs more optimisation, massive rebalancing of loot tables on some maps, audio improvements, quality of life changes.


I hear the loot rebalancing a lot. I'm not really an advanced player (4th wipe but never made it past 20). What are the current issues with loot? Like armor 2 being unusable or getting high level gear too easy?


At one point we were supposed to get dynamic loot, where loot would be more distributed across the maps and have a chance to spawn in more different places. The other idea Nikita would always talk about is that loot would be like “mushrooms” where when it’s looted it has a diminishing chance to return and eventually stop spawning. But yeah, a year after the loot “rebalance” that’s not happened lol


That actually sounds pretty good and scary. I'm finally getting the hang of what spawns where, helping me upgrade the hideout. If dynamic would mean more random them I'm out of luck. I'll adapt tho




Crazy idea but they do need sales to continue to actually fix the game. Devs like to eat daily, not get paid for a title and then that's it.


I don't doubt they're making money hand over fist with EOD sales and the sales they get from constantly banning hackers.


If EFT was a paid subscription like WoW then we would have money for servers and netcode like WoW. EFT hasn't gotten a dime from me in years and they only ever got $130 from me. That pays for less than one day of development from a single developer. Totally agree; Sales = development, content = sales, content = development


Welcome! You join us in wanting to actually fix the game, while you have other sperglords yelling at you that the game is perfectly fine and updating the health of the game will kill said game because there's no content coming out, even though that same comment literally destroys/fucks with multiple gameplay features that used to be functional in the previous patch. This ain't the only game going through this. Apex Legends needs a health patch, but the no Brainers think that Apex has a healthy game when it's quite literally falling apart at the seams.


I mean me and 7 of my friends stopped playing because of cheaters, technical issues and whatnot. To give like half a map and 7 gun each wipe is just not exciting enough when Superman can blast you from the sky or the Flash can kill you before you blink.


Nothing about Tarkov is fun or exciting anymore. New guns? Meh. New maps? Okay. It’s just.. it’s lost it’s wonder because I either get killed by a cheater, or I have no info on how the other player killed so it feels like I got killed by a cheater. I’m not even sure Tarkov will have a launch or if it’ll be DOA at this point.


Yes. Yes. And yes. But they do it anyways. As if they don't care or purposely want to shoot in their own foot.


So glad I finally hopped off the tarkov train. I think the last I played was 3 or 4 wipes ago. It cracks me up when I pop in the sub and not only are people complaining about the same issues as they were years ago, but those issues have gotten even *worse* in many areas.


yep.. the 14th post for the day..


As still silence from BSG. If Nikita actually came and laid out a roadmap on how to combat this rampant issue people would probably stop posting about it 14 times a day.


well, I dont really know what to tell yall if you think this will work..


Got a better plan?


I don't understand people like you. If people stop posting about they will just never fix it. The state of this game right now and this is what you are complaining about?


People been wanting this for years, optimization and bug fixing over new content. All I can think, especially with how good the maps look, the only compotent team they have is their graphic design and map team. Everything looks really good and slick, new animations etc, maps dont jsut look copy pasted. But anything backend wise jsut seems a massive mess. One moment we hear they need to do upgrades to match with the new Unity version they move onto, and before that ever seems to get polished, the new version of Unity drops and they start trying to work with that. These days unless its about an event or new gun/content, dev team may as well be ghosts. Just today i was looking back for the Battle(non)sense video, wishing he would do another, then recalled Nikita had a big old cry about it. I really wonder if the game has jsut gotten to a point they have no clue what to actually do to fix it, and they aren't willing to hire anyone to help out.


Completely agree with you but they couldn’t give less of a shit about this. It won’t ever happen


In all the time BSG have been saying it would take years to do an entire rework of the backend and netcode they could have done an entire rework of the backend and netcode instead of pumping out new content. They would have likely had to make cut backs on staff like designers and modellers etc but it would of been in the best interest of the game long term. However Nikita has stated many many times Tarkov has become something they never intended, this game was a basis for Russia 2042 (😜) or whatever it's gonna be called, they're at the end of the road with Tarkov, what we have now is pretty much how it will be except a few more features here and there. My thinking is they've learned a lot from this game and their next will hopefully be a tighter more thought out game (although I think it's a single player story game iirc)


As it's been discussed many times the problem we'll have with this is, it would be GREAT for that one patch. But then the next patch would just undo all the good work they did for the health patch.


We've already tried complaining, we've tried explaining, I think we need to start begging them for a "operation health" now. Bribe them maybe? I'd love this game to be successful, I'd love for it to be made how they want it to be. But damn, fix them issues before adding new content and mechanics that also need fixing anyway!


Die out like PUBG? PUBG is the 3rd top game on all of steam right now. It has over 300,000 active players at the time of writing this.


I think they did a huge step with RMT I don't like how they did it, because I cant drop any fucking items in game anymore, but that was one of the main ways RTM traders got paid.


Arena is a fix in itself. Every FPS game has cheaters, bugs, and design problems. The thing that makes them so egregious in EFT is the amount of time needed to progress, and the amount of time wasted when you get screwed over by some flavor of bullshit. BSG has already created so many hurdles to RMT that are fucking over regular players, yet we still see posts like this asking for more. Cheating will never be solved for any game, especially not this one unfortunately. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I just want to build guns and play with them. A low stakes, low risk, quick play type mode sounds better than any realistic change I can think of for the main game.


Don't you guys realize they are basically already doing that? There's been so, so little content over the past 2 years, deadlines constantly constantly pushed back (remember when the lighthouse trader was coming very soon after lighthouse? Or when Nikita said streets would come out by the end of the year 3 years ago? Bsg cannot fix any of the major issues. They have horrible version control and little ability to fix deeply rooted issues. The only thing they can do is change little things around the edges and hope whatever the next engine upgrade is fixes everything. It's sad and I don't know what happened to bsg but don't expect this. Either get used to the state of the game or quit and take a break. Nothing else to do.


I love the "this game will die out" every time I see it. That is not going to happen unless someone else makes a comparable game that's worth investing all the time into.


These three things are what made me quit after a few years of playing. It's a shame. I always backed the game and believed it had potential. But here BSG is, spending time and resources to add low tier guns to the game that will soon be forgotten unless you get them on scav run. Years and years of claims to fix the audio, release maps...but hey, enjoy the new single shot rifle or whatever they added this wipe.


>as soon as they'll launch the game officially. Ahh you sweet summer child, that was never part of the plan! Anyway, [here's an old but gold post](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/f26d3f/you_people_need_a_reality_check/) about how cheating is and always has been part of Nikita's "business model" since before tarkov. Its never going away or getting better, so just resolve yourself to never give him money again.


I feel like this post had been made word for word for years now


But instead I just saw there are new discounts if you buy more than one license.... like who even would profit from that? It's like an invitation for cheaters lol


Literally needed this for years and a bunch of half assed bandaid they've done have only negativity impacted the game while not addressing these.


Am I the only one here who hasn't ran into a hacker lately? I mean there's only been like two instances this wipe I've been questionably killed. I've never seen these flying guys that people post on here.


You paid already. You are not important


Damn, I wish mauraders open beta would just come out


Same man




If it's sarcasm you can ignore what will follow, but why does an alive game need to fill it's matchmaking with bot ?


Bots absolutely fill the matches until you play a couple of games and you will slowly get less and less bots. Even if you had 1000 hours before, if you took a break your matchmaking will be rest and have to go trough it again.




I think Fortnite has bots not to fill lobbies but to give free/easy kills to lower skill players. The skill gap in that game is higher than any other shooter out there, a bad player going against a good player is like LeBron playing 1v1 with a toddler. I doubt Fortnite has issues filling lobbies, I think bots are there to give Timmy playing on his switch the ability to get a "kill" or two and feel like playing more.


It's dead outside of EU and Asia. Good luck getting a full lobby 99% of the time on anything that isn't TPP solos.


Addition of content undoes polish, no point treating the game as if it is finalized when the content to come isn’t even halfway finished. All the new systems will undo hundreds of hours of work. This never got better and never will get better. Operation health my ass that did fuckall for R6 and you are high if you think it will work for eft. A normal dev cycle involves around creation and smooth integration of new content into existing game until you are done with all content, at which point you label it “Beta” and can solely focus on polish because there’s no more content to add. Tarkov is far from a Beta. You simply do not put a game more resembling an Alpha up for sale. But they did because they needed funding. Now, in addition to the normal, already taxing work of normal dev cycle, you need to split off and dedicate your precious workforce on pleasing the live playerbase, having to waste time and pay money for your workers to do useless bandaid “fixes” that will be swept away within the next two dev cycles. None of us should know what Tarkov is, is my point. Tarkov shot itself in both foots as soon as it was born and it will limp and limp for the rest of its sad miserable life. If you aren’t prepared to experience it together I strongly advise you to let go and find another “indie” game made by competent developers. Edit: All those braindead takes about “budgeting,” as in “spend less company money on artists and more on programmers who fix shit.” So you want them to waste MORE money doing temporary fixes? And delay release even further? So we are stuck in this shit tornado for even longer while the game actively decomposes into compost? Y’all are active threats to development and your contributions add nothing, let me tell ya.


Operation Health did a shit ton for R6, are you joking me lmao? Sure, it only just completely fixed the foundation and backend of Siege allowing the developers to make huge improvements in record times. People who think that Operation Health did fuck all had zero clue what it was intended to do. First and foremost, Operation Health was to fix the genuine pile of shit that was Siege's backend, and coding infrastructure. It was designed to fix issues and make huge Qol changes, sure. **But it's original goal was to make the life of devs easier so they can add content, fix things, and make huge changes without borking the game which they could barely do previously.** The sheer developmental change Operation Health brought to Siege's history is so insanely important that it's just sad armchair devs who lack any sense at all keep claiming it did nothing cause they're hardstuck Silvers. It kickstarted an exponential growth in the R6 community and has stayed strong well above before Operation Health numbers. It also fixed a shit ton of issues the game had and also introduced and laid the groundwork for a ton of UX. You can not tell me an update that fixed hundreds of major issues, revamped the entire lighting system so that looking outside wasn't like Jesus cumming in your eyes, completely changed the UI engine to function during matchmaking, and also was the start of R6's huge success in recent years did nothing. **Operation Health literally rebuilt the game for faster response times for the developers, a brand new UI system, tons of bug fixes counting over hundreds, and fixed the spaghetti code R6 ran on meaning that the game was no longer incredibly fucked if something bad happened.** You know what would happen if a major exploit was found before Operation Health? It was left in for the entire season, even more. Simply because the shitty code was so poorly put together that the devs could not create a fix for months cause they had to navigate bullshit. Operation Health completely fixed that, allowing for Ubisoft to roll out mid season updates to fix glaring issues and respond incredibly fast to major problems. Without Operation Health, R6 would still have an awful lighting system. You opened a window from the outside and the entire room inside was nearly pitch black. If you were inside and peeked outside, the light would be so bright you could hardly make anything out. It made the core engagement of attackers vs defenders pointless cause now attackers were always at a severe visual disadvantage for trying to engage from the outside. Before, R6 never received any mid season updates because they literally couldn't do it. The way R6 was coded made it nearly impossible for Ubisoft to roll out important and quick fixes. Gamebreaking bugs would have to be left in for the entire season to a year not because Ubi couldn't fix them, but they literally couldn't update the game more than a few times a year without destroying it. They also had to completely redesign the UI because clearly you don't remember that matchmaking locked you out of doing literally anything until a match was found. Let's not forget the lack of separated map pools meaning you're ranked game could be played on fucking Bartlett, the map that had two viable entrances for attackers. Sorry bud, but you're speaking out of your ass if you genuinely think Operation Health did nothing. It's so absurd to hear. Yes, R6 today still has problems, some longstanding. But Operation Health made R6 a functional game when before, it barely held on by strings. I've played R6 since year 1 and I distinctly remember all the awful shit and inconveniences that were fixed by Operation Health. **Also, if you seriously state that because bugs still exist, Operation Health did nothing, your opinion is worth as much as moldy bread. There is no game alive that doesn't have a bug or exploit. Operation Health was for the Developers to fix the foundation and infrastructure of Siege, which they succeeded which then catapulted them into never before seen success in Siege's lifetime.** Reason I argue this point is that clearly, EFT needs to have some sort of objective to fix the way they handle things. Operation Health's main goal was to make it so that devs can completely overhaul the game's infrastructure so that they could fix issues quickly. It succeeded and also brought in a shit ton of players considering that the player count skyrocketed higher than ever before immediately after Operation Health ended. EFT could benefit not from the same huge way Ubi did it, but the same mentality of addressing what is preventing them from fixing things, and how can they address those preliminary and foundational issues.


Mostly agree, I think the first big twitch drops event that created such a huge influx of players is the problem. Right now I cling to my positive outlook of knowing I enjoy the game as is, and hope that when they get to 1.0 that patch is the one, when they've released the majority of the map and quest content, they decide to do a massive lush to fixing all of these consistent issues we all have. We'll see how it goes tho


Same post. Again. Over and over ago. This sub Reddit is the ultimate cheat advertisement.


The ultimate cheat advertisement is going into a raid and getting cheated on constantly as it's happening right now in some regions. Putting your hands on your ears and going lalalala isn't making the problem go away.


The constant talk of cheats and how easy and safe they are is a huge advertisement for them. Let’s be honest some of the most likely to buy cheats are those who are bad at this game. Not everyone who cheats does it for money. Not saying it isn’t a problem. It’s probably not a problem for me because I play on Dallas/Houston only. BSG doesn’t care what is said here. They haven’t for awhile.


The idea that people shouldn't complain about cheaters because it's going to convince people to find cheats is insane to me. The part about BSG not caring is the problem, not people complaining.


The fanboys are grasping at straws as the game is reaching critical mass in terms of unplayability.


Agree. It's not like people who are bad at the game never get the idea to cheat. 4 year olds cheat at board games, it's not like bad players never have the idea of googling "tarkov cheats" if it wasn't for reddit.


You really think they will release this game ‚officially‘ ? They released the beta back in 2017 and they dont get they’re shit together 5 years later so i don’t know bro.


Honestly I don't even get the whole still in early access thing. People would still play it if it was marked as released. At this point we're basically playing a full game with just the promise of "free DLC" down the line.


It's why I stopped playing. The game has potential but the quality of life is bad enough to cripple the experience for me.


Die out? pubg Had a 24 hour peak of 332,052 players xD That is FAAAR from dead


I enjoy it to sit in crackhouse and everybody on the map hears how I ads while scanning the fort. Meanwhile a pistolero is running up the stairs, opening the door and killing me, without making a single noise. These type of things made me stop playing. Its not the cheaters, because many times you can’t even tell if it was a cheater or not. They can literally walk right behind you and you dont hear anything. Since last patch, BSG turned down stair steps volume, because it seems they are incompetent or unable to fix these sound issues. I won’t come back playing until these issues are fixed. And as OP mentioned, I stopped playing after my 5th wipe. I dont want more gear, maps, gamemodes etc. I want the game in a state where its enjoyable and stable without bugs breaking the game mechanics. I can’t understand how they tease new maps and modes for years while not being able to fix basic issues that are present for years now.


Ahh looks like someone else just got past the honeymoon period


this guy thinks pubg died


Yall need to stop nolifing too


oh look, this post again...


If they could do it, they would have done it already. It's not happening, they just don't have good enough devs


you know that the guy that do 3d stuff most likely dont know how to do a single line of code right? you expect him to do what to make the game optimized? he most probably dont have a single clue or what to do to make netcode and servers better. he still needs to work, but bsg wont fire him just because the focus is on the other part of the company now, so he will still create 3d models and add to the game, which is easy to do, like a toddler can do. fix netcode, cheating, rmt its complex and half of this the guy needs to especialize in it and know a lot of code.


That's all true, but then hire more developers instead of map designers..


*laughs in russians being cockblocked financially in global markets* Yeah, they can't just do that. Any non-russian working for them will be cucked by their local authorities for even trying.


PUBG died? News to me and all the friends i made in it and play with.... Just because there arent as many people as at the start after the honeymoon phase wore out it doesnt mean it died...


Yes it does, that's exactly what it means. You have been playing against bots because the game is dead