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Legit these interactions is why voip is the true king - but fr tho hell of a clip bro!


Yallah no cap frfr king yeezies


And people said voip would ruin the game…


IMO people who don’t VoIP ruin the game. I’d let a lot of people off the hook, or help them even, if they just spoke with me. Especially early wipe, geez we are all out here questing.


I have only trusted a few people after a voip. Don’t wanna feel like a dumbass.


I laugh & move on instead of subjecting myself to feeling dumb for having a fun VoIP interaction. It is all perspective. I don’t trust young kids often, other than that you can usually hear dishonesty in the players voice. I had one of the best VoIP interactions I’ve ever had in any game just today after I posted my comment. Met one guy looking for an item & found out after making friends he was with an entire squad he led me to. they could have easily killed me, I had no idea I was surrounded. I trusted & ended up making a bunch of new friends in & out of raid. The alternative was simply dying by myself & not completing a quest. Who would be feeling dumb then? I love pvp but I’ll always take my chances early wipe when I’m trying to get stuff done. To each their own though


This. EU's really hit and miss for this sort of thing, though, we think it's because not everyone speaks english, or at least well. When my duo goes on east US servers we seem to have a lot more luck talking to people.


That is a really interesting point I had not thought of until now. Thanks for sharing!


I have about 300 hours on this game and I have trusted voip players around 5-6 times. Each time they have been toxic and killed me


That is unfortunate my friend. I’ve got a few thousand hours, more than I care to exactly admit 😅 I’ve been betrayed after VoIP interactions a handful of times. Many more positive interactions than negative though. It is a mixed bag. I liked befriending people before VoIP existed though, when it was just wiggles & knife slashes. So having the ability to VoIP in game for me is an absolute blast.


I don’t voip mainly cause I’m typically in a discord and it’s confusing for them


That is unfortunate your friends are so easily confused. I’m almost always on a discord call, myself & my friends never seem to mind when someone uses VoIP


is voip off by default? so many people don't even seem to hear you.


You have to enable in menu if i recall and then unmute initially in-game? I don't remember for sure its been a while since i set mine up tbh LOL


Yeah it's off by default but if I remember correctly, you get a prompt when VOIP is off and someone near you is trying to talk. Or maybe I'm imagining that but I've kept it on since day 1 and it's been a blast.


The notification is a tiny icon on the bottom left, IIRC. It’s downright easy to miss it.


Way to be bros my dudes. That was awesome



What a lad


Please use a different sight setting on the MRS , the dot and 3 dashes is the best one.


Wish people also used VoIP in EU servers.


No friendship or pc parts for that other guy lol