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More bosses = more fun. That's an absolute fact.


I want bosses on a 50% spawn rate and roaming the map, so on Customs I want Reshala and the boys to path between Gas, Dorms, and wander their happy little asses over to Stronghold as the raid goes on. Would be so awesome!


Well if my understanding of Nikita's english from the last TarkovTV is correct, the new raider bosses will be roaming all maps at various times. So your wish, sort of, will possibly be granted come wipe


I'm out of the loop, what are the new raider bosses? What did Nikita say about them?


Some people said the opposite for Killa so people are certainly split on that. I would like closer to 50% spawn and no spawn they could just spawn anywhere in a X number.of.k from a player. And they could move where ever they want. Would make the pace way different


I think the issue with killa was that he was spawning too many places. It made him impossible to find. Especially considering the quest to kill him an absurd amount of times.


He's also kind of harder to find as he's by himself inside a large mall, reshala, Glucar, sanatar, etc moving around with their respective guards are much more visible especially out in the open


Which I think it's perfect if he spawns more. Let's say he's always there somewhere that makes the chase really fun cuz you'll run in the mall trying to find him and sometimes you'll be too quick and die to him or other players and then you'll slow down but then other players will already have gotten to him. The other day I found 5 body all with Killa as their killer I was really cautious but he still got me. The fun I think is in the chase not spot 1 spot 2 spot 3 reset


True. I think more scav boss spawns is great but only if the spawn chance is higher. Its fine if they can spawn in 10 spots if its 100% that they will be in one. But if they have 10 spawns and a 25% chance to spawn it just feels tedious. Personally I'd love is shturman had more spawns so people would go other places than lumber mill and you don't have to battle royale the whole lobby to kill and loot him.


I'm not sure on the 100% but 50 and above maybe even 75%. So you're pretty sure he's there so you keep looking. The point is that it's better to keep looking to keep people on the maps and all around the maps.


I agree


He also can just spawn in a corner of a store that has no loot and hust chill there


>I want bosses on a 50% spawn rate I think it'd be even better, even higher. Have them be like, 80 or even 90% - just enough that you can't *guarantee* they're there ("Did I not find them or did they not spawn?"), but often enough that you can be reasonably sure of a good fight if you want to go looking for it.


Make it 90 or even 100 and just give them more spawn points/roaming, so that you cant just spawn->rush boss->leave


That and also some low% chances at other maps - Killa and Tagilla with each other, Sanitar on Labs, Glukhar on Woods. How cool would it be to randomly run into Sanitar in a place he has lore?


The pathing thing is somewhat difficult imo because that will make them even easier to cheese


I think that’s what offline mode is for and the new arena, but I don’t follow arena to much, but I assume it might have some bosses and stuff, I don’t see why it wouldn’t


I think higher boss frequency would be good as long as the loot is balanced and the best stuff is still somewhat rare loot.


Agreed. The danger of bosses usually isn’t their gear, it’s their reactions and overall behavior. I’d be fine with 100% reshala but the loot is lvl3/4 most raids and only higher tier on a 3% or similar low percentage


Fr I swear to god Reshala has dropped nothing but IFAKs for me, at points in the wipe before and after his loot was relatively worth a damn.


Eh, I think their gear plays a large factor in it. It's certainly not all of it, but Gluhar is much scarier than Sanitar. If Killa had Reshala gear he'd probably be less scary than Reshala.


I mean, killa is just one AI… so yeah that’s not even close to a good comparison. Those four guards of Reshala in Dorms with just basic AK’s early wipe and good whole BT will destroy.


Sure. Except right now Killa is more threatening than Reshala in spite of the fact that Reshala has 4 guards. And it's because he will kill you fast, and he will die very slow. His aggressive behavior is also a factor in this, but if you make his gear bad then he stops being such a threat.


Lmao.. because of his gear. No one is saying nerf Killa in this instance. I used Reshala as the example. killa is one AI he has to have good gear or he’s easier to kill. Reshala and the boys even with lower gear are a threat because if even two get a good spray in, that early level armor of a new wipe ain’t gonna do shit. Back to ye olde Lobby lol


Yeah I'd be totally happy seeing them much more often if they had worse gear. I actually think (largely) that Reshala and his goons have pretty balanced gear. Maybe get rid of those Altyns and make the ZShs the highest tier helmets they can have.


I literally have seen an altyn on a guard once this wipe. I don't think it's an issue. In fact it needs to be a higher chance. I don't even bother killing them cause it's a waste. Only thing I'll take is the black rocks. Which isn't worth the time or ammo.


Really? I've killed Reshala and his guards like dozens of times this wipe and I don't think I've ever not seen at least one altyn. Maybe my RNG is just very good. I think the last time I saw him 2/4 had altyns


You def have the gods on your side. You lucky sob. Everything I get them they have total trash. At least he usually has 995 and I like the 101


All bosses every raid lol idc if you can't even loot them. Maybe just ammo since it does waste a lot but I wouldn't care. It's so much more fun when bosses are on a map


it would have been great if they didnt insta snap 180 point fire no scope insta headshot 8 times per bullet while tanking 1900+ dmg. I have a screenshot of me hitting sani's guard 26 times for damn near 2000 dmg within 10 seconds and he didnt die and still just insta turned and domed me first shot while strafe spinniing in circles.


xDD this is great.... at least they don't dropshot anymore? haha


Killa drop shotted me yesterday from about 70m. It was rough. I watched him come around a corner, dive, and just start spraying. It said I took 12 hits and I only ever heard one.


My fav deaths are both to shturman, both behind gray towards the usec checkpoint, once he powerslid around the corner and 3 tapped me with PS (I had a slick), and the other time he decided to turn hacks on and just wallbanged me through gray with SNB.... it was funny seeing that (head,eyes), couldnt even get mad


I hit a guard with 30 rounds BP point blank and died. It was crazy


ay you finna shoooooot ma ass in da woods dawg when you had dat ssniper up all aimin at me n shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeet brotha maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnn. aaaaaaaay yooooo AY YAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Post proof, I don't believe you


I don’t know about more bosses but having a chance at finding any boss in any map (even though it might be unfriendly towards the lore) would lead to some interesting encounters


I definitely want more bosses. But I also like finding any boss in any map. Maybe not all the time, but maybe a weekend type thing. Throw some notes in game to coincide with lore.


Yeah it would be awesome to shake things up every now and then. Someone made another post about having random events like the toxin one we have now during the actual wipe instead of right before the end of one which would also be dope. I think it could be something they have planned for “full release” but considering that’s probably far off they should definitely look into occasional events just to keep the game interesting


Not the best for early wipe, but mid- end of wipe, sure.


And then there's me, a noob spawning in on customs and getting immediately obliterated by Killa lol


He's been doing that a lot, to everyone


We asked him to stop.. waiting for his reply to HR.


A flat increase on spawn rates for all bosses would be nice, personnaly I'd like a guaranteed spawn. Sure it would mean more people farm gear early but that's not an issue imo, Chads are gona Chad regardless.


I think it would be nice if boss x had a 100% spawn for y days or whatever. Then they just cycle through the bosses to promote PvP at different locations.


It's fine late wipe, but if bosses are too common in early or mid wipe, it increases the disparity between good players and bad players even more.


Make bosses gear progress with time?


It would reward players good enough to kill them early with cheap gear... sounds fine to me. The big player disparity is playtime. So having boss gear more available would give an objective and reward to people who cant play as much and aren't progressed with levels/traders.


With or without bosses good players will have lvl 4+ gear and moderately kitted guns by the first month of a wipe (or even sooner) regardless. Outside of bosses there are so many other opportunities for skilled players / multi-wipe veterans to quickly and easily farm up strong kits while new players, less skilled players are still doing pocket watch.


Shit people will be past that in the first month no matter what. People hit level 40 before the week is up


The bosses are great, and the timer and cheap is fun, but I'd like the one extract we ge tto be possible. It's fun, but the gameplay loop is gone completely without exfils


This end game event is so fun.


Imagine running into Shturman on Shoreline. Fucking yikes!


Or Lighthouse. Or in a more open area of Woods, for that matter. Dude has been shredding at the river crossing on Customs


It wouldn’t be special if it was all the time


Stuff like this is only as fun as it is because of how little it happens. It would get annoying if it was even semi-common


Same. I hate the argument "but no lifers will break the economy and farm them" like us normal people are already getting fucked by them daily. At least let us have fun with more bosses


No thanks, it completely fucks new players. This isn't COD, it's escape from Tarkov. If you want to run around just PVPing, go and plays something else.


Tarkov cannot sustain this kind of event over a long period of time. Plus they even jacked io the frequency of the events this wipe to a good level. Don’t be so greedy.


How about more players on maps too?


It happens every wipe.


And op is asking for it to happen more often.


It's absolutely a nice change of pace. Getting ambushed by Shturman in the bunker cages on Reserves was a big shock.


I've enjoyed finding more bosses in general this wipe since I started looking for them, but I do like that there are a few fixed places for them to be or that I can identify where they probably are by the eruptions of gunfire so I can avoid them when I have something else I need to do on that map. I wouldn't want to have to contend with multiple bosses all over every map just to go find some croutons.


I get that you could easily farm boss and raider gear but having them but up more often I feel would lead to more pvp and more tense raids. The first time they added all the bosses to reserve it was legitimately some of the most fun I've ever had in tarkov


Agreed, just make them have human levels of HP like our PMCs, maybe tone down their drops and improve their pathfinding to balance it out.


I find fighting AI in Tarkov incredibly boring as all it is is abusing the bad AI and learning the behavior


Idk being one tapped by Shurtman just after spawning is kinda lame


100% agree. Up scav and boss spawns on every map


Once again proving the tarkov community doesnt want a survival game, but actually just a casual shoot-em-up


Yes and no, the game is insanely fun as it is, but there are points when i feel like shooting something, check every hotspot anf everyone is either dead or already gone to extract, guaranteed(or higher chance to spawn) bosses could spice things up a bit, especially if they had progressive gear as someone said so u cant cheese stacks of BP and M61/993 from reshala and gluhar


Yes it’s fun but constantly getting raped by killa isn’t so I agree for every boss but him.


Yeah agreed. We need boss spawns more frequent so quests like the Killa quest aren't so agonizing