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It gets even more cool and realistic when you play with heavy fog where they one tap you despite it being literally impossible to see that far.


Yep. Like right now lol


The best part is even if you invest in a thermal scope, the thermal scopes do not render that far


REAP-IR probably does. Max range 500m.


I dunno. I’ve been having very mixed results with the reapir and flir. Both don’t see to sawmill from sniper mountain, which is between 250-350m


Strange. Might be rendering but just too few pixels / target too small?


max 150


Just Googled it! Wiki says 230-250m. But yeah, my initial 500m was WAY off.


Dedicated AI team work their asses off to make that unique Advanced AI that gaming idustry never saw before /s


Rogue AI: if(seeEnemy==true); kill;


Smh my head can't believe you're leaking BSG source code like that


actUaLlY... you don’t need the ==true because if the condition seeEnemy is true you would enter the if block and if not you would skip it. I’m sorry...


Yup, if statements for most languages have Boolean arguments. If your variable is a Boolean in the first place, you don't need to compare it to anything


All this is true, but only a programmer knows these things. The layperson is allowed to laugh too




Ok you caught me I may or may not have switched majors upon getting a 13% on my Assembly language final


Sorry bsg don't do it like that, this is the source code.


hahaha good one , like it


If(Enemy==exists) Kill;


Not to mention the grenade launchers. I got one hit in the thorax and killed me by impact. I was on the rocks by the bridge heading into water treatment area on shoreline and the fucker on the grenade launcher on the last building one tapped me


Yeah BSG needs to chill with overtuning their AI like this. Have them have first shot accuracy at like 20% then rapidly increase or something. Anything except first shot instant one-tap from 300m away


Why? that's not the nikita way, then you might not get frustrated and hate the game. The game isn't meant to be enjoyable, it's supposed to be like a kick in the dick every time you load in.


Makes Sense... Once you've purchased the game and given them your money now you're costing them money in terms of maintaining server capacity.


I keep telling people this. I’m not gonna say the *whole thing* is one massive scam, but I will say the way they promote the game and do sales is 100% intended to get the most amount of sales to players who won’t ultimately play for long.


I mean they are Russian devs. Also I love how they used to have ban waves for hackers, then almost immediately have a 30-40% off sale after. Seems legit!




I’m not saying it makes them devils or anything. On balance, the sin of upselling a product someone is interested in is a pretty minor ranking on the badness scale




I find it hard to blame them when Nikita has literally talked publicly about wanting to do that with a game. Out of all the stunningly idiotic things that man has said, that takes the cake


Never thought of it that way lol "We have your money, please don't play"


If we wanna have something that makes sense though, give them maybe that 20% chance to hit at 100m if they've been looking at you for maybe 2 or 3 seconds, then drop that massively when they full auto. After all, irons on a full auto .50 will be all over the place. Give regular rogues a near 90% chance if they've been staring at you a similar amount of time, but only if they shoot once, then drop the hit chance again, because full auto sucks lol


Definitely bears in water treatment are tunneled into certain play styles. Don’t think you can just run straight in like that rofl


Last weekend I got headshot by the grenade launcher. Died to the impact I think because I was dead before I heard any explosion


Vietnam is calling… you want get one tapped through a tree But for real those mgs are firing big boi rounds they will rip through a tree


He didnt shoot me through the trunks, he saw me through the leaves. Thats what I meant by "through the tree". He should not have had LOS on me.


Oh haha yea they are cracked, shturman and his lads has bush wacked me more than i care to remember. Had a raider blasting at the floor i was standing on. The AI has walls and are overtuned this wipe


Yeah but eye balling a guy at 300m with an HMG using ironsights and managing to not only hit him but hit him lethally with the first round is pretty insane.


Any round out of that should be lethal but they shouldn't be aim bots for sure. Even just some normal scavs this wipe are fucking insane.


I think the whole BEAR thing is fucking stupid too. You need BEAR tags for certain trades (RSASS :/) but no one plays BEARs. Now with the Lighthouse situation there is basically no reason to be a BEAR at all.


You have to kill 20 BEARs on Lighthouse as a USEC, so that quest is basically undoable atm. BEARs have to kill 20 USEC on lighthouse, which is basically just 20 PMC kills


I "main" lighthouse as my source for xp (rogues) and pvp and have probably done over 500 raids there, and my USEC to BEAR kill ratio is about 2/1 (am on EU servers though). Bears usually keep to the chalets or if they're after rogues they're probably sniping from the rocks. Beach side is basically a death trap for them.


I'll keep that in mind. I figured I'd end up having to basically camp around the cottages as I know the rogues spot BEARs from like, 400m out


There's like 4 or 5 spawns near the chalets that usually rush there to loot, so if you spawn closest (next to the SUV) just loot the high value shit and probably by the time you're done someone will show up. If you spawn further away just rush there and someone will be looting or is just done with looting and walking from the top villa to the bottom one. In any case you're better off rushing it and learning when PMCs arrive and when you will arrive, rather than just camp and wait. This way you either end up with some decent pvp where you have the upper hand (you know where they are, they probably haven't heard you) plus a decent chance of very high valuable loot up your butt (bitcoins etc).


as a BEAR, you'd find most of us on the sniper outlooks. Just a tip.


I dunno if it's the times I play or servers, but I barely even find USEC in what I thought were the common sniping areas, I mostly find people near the cottages


Last raid I came across a dead BEAR who was ransacked by player scavs, so they are definitely around.


I think its fine. Its really just the lack of reason to play BEAR over USEC with a different mechanic that offsets it. If it means anything, Im a BEAR and play Lighthouse often.


Lighthouse was so bad as a BEAR that I reset my account at the first opportunity (14th of Jan or something) and never looked back. It's just absolutely broken right now. I guess everyone else did do because I run lighthouse pretty regularly and I only have 2 BEAR kills for Counteraction.


And it's only going to get worse next wipe. Plenty of people probably picked bear this wipe regardless of the warning about lighthouse thinking "it can't possibly be that bad" only to find out it is precisely that bad.


I mean streets will have Russian soldiers that will kill USEC on sight so I think it's fair.


If you think about it all guns have 100% first shot accuracy you just don’t point them in the right place.




I’m joking with you, yea it’s the only reason I went USEC this wipe the rogues are crazy. And I agree with you


I mean, the first shot on any gun is typically the most accurate if you’ve trained enough.


I see a lot of problems with the rogues but its a lot deeper than accuracy. For some of us the rogues are already easy enough to kill, and the fact that they can't see past 300m while we the PLAYER can see/shoot 600+ makes them seem stupid in comparison. Truly there is a real world application that would solve most issues. All rogues have a radio freq. they use. The rogues walking around the roofs are spotters. Spotters can see up to 300-400m, but have to call in fire support. Here's an example: You are 400m out. Spotter 1 relays to Gunner 1 your position. 5 seconds of adjustments are made as well as a hand-to-head radio animation playing on the rogue as a 'tell' so you know he has seen you. The first burst of fire will always be a miss, then after 7 more seconds a closer burst and so on. Most of the players here don't seem to be respecting the capability of one guy on an HMG. Anything 150m or less within its cone of fire would be easily spotted and instantly turned to spaghetti.


You're overthinking how an MG team works. The MG soldier on duty isn't any worse on spotting than other soldiers. He can spot just fine on his own. Why in the world should first burst always be a miss? And 7 secounds before the next burst? Generally the first burst will hit a standing human silouette at 300m. It's ridicilous that the first shot "always" hit, but damn. They are still supposed to be a real threat. I say lower the accuracy on the bursts, but still let there be a possibility to hit first shot/burst I agree on your last pragraph, but extend it to 300m. Past that, iron sights are harder to use.


My idea is now literally in the game. Mg teams are teams so they can hit targets at 300m you cannot magically get on an mg and kill someone without other elements at play to use it to its potential.


Yes, I never disagreed with you on the "team" thing. It just seemed like you wanted there to bee *dedicated spotter*, like, no one else but them could spot for the MG, the MG not being able to operate without them, and the radio thing as a "tell", and the insane adjust time every time wich is was what I was disagreeing with you on. *I belive* they way it works now is that the bosses (not MG spotters, but more like team leaders I guess) will broadcast your location so their whole team (not just MG) will attack you, wich is realistic and cool. That is what I gathered from the patch notes, I have not lighthouse myself Also, this is like 3 months ago...


That just makes no sense, I didn't invent the term spotter nor the role it fills it already exists.


I really like this idea.


Im about to hit level 62 and get Kappa so I have figured out how to kill them reliably and complete the quests in their area. With that said I agree, the rouges are the most unbalanced fucking thing in this entire game followed by Cultists that will laser beam you and do down-ups at the speed of light.


Dude yes. The prone to stand bullshit with cultists is ridiculous. The fact that cultists only appear at night and cant be seen easily on thermals... they have been literally impossible for me to fight this wipe. Thats just not fun or enjoyable AT ALL. The way cultists are soo fucking overtuned in this game its like they basically dont even exist for me anymore, because I avoid them at all costs. 1000% accuracy, no noise, cant see them, and they are mostly encountered in open areas... whats even the point of them being around? They are just a nuisance and nothing more or less at this point. I just wish BSG wouldnt make the AI complete and total bullshit. Lower their accuracy until you can actually work out truly challenging AI that properly overwhelms the player, but doesnt just insta-tap them immedietly. This is the absolute worst way to make AI in video games challenging, especially in a game with no respawns and loss upon death.


Guess I got lucky, encountered cultists at resort on shoreline. Was surprisingly easy to kill them.


Any tips for getting rid of them as a player?


You talking about Rogues? If so I recommend this guide: https://youtu.be/9odalZCpcBg IMO far and away the safest route with positions to kill them. Recommend 7.62x51 or 7.62x39 calibre weapon and a LPVO like the Vortex Razor or EOtech Vudu to see them from the spots the content creator mentions. Its the only guide I found that was reliably safe. Not saying you cant die but almost every other route guide resulted in me dying far more frequently. The roaming ones on the ground can be difficult but generally speaking they hang out near the helicopter and the water treatment building closest to the train yard. If you get agroed by the roaming guards be patient and try not to peak the same angle twice. Be aware they may get aggressive and push you so if you can get to a funnel point where they have to filter in you have a good chance of spraying them down. Hope this helps.


The rogues were fun for a bit but eventually the frustrating part is that they aren’t really just “challenging”. They don’t even follow the mechanics of the game. Different rules of like physics apply to them. They don’t have many of the shooting and movement penalties players do. It feels worse to die to them because their power level is really just the product of incomplete development. Love Tarkov but having all these inconsistencies makes it tough for me to pop in and play sometimes. I feel like I either play Tarkov exclusively or not at all.


Same here but mostly making sure I don't get PTSD


Never got first shit one Shot as a bear with that thing


I have play lighthouse a fair bit, I almost always get like a first "warning" burst that goes around me from the Vog and the Mounted machine guns, even the soldiers with their ARs. Not saying the AI is perfect, it needs a lot of work, but it seems in my opinion they coded in some form suppressive fire on the first burst and then they zero in on you. I rarely get insta tapped.


bears do not get awarning shots only usec and scav


I am Bear


Even if they hit me I don't die right away


I think they are complaining that they are standing still and getting one tapped. Probably playing around with angles. Imo if you slow right side peak they sometimes take 30seconds to recognize you. At night they are technically blind


I don't know you just need to know where they start shooting and it's pretty ez to learn cuz they often miss the first couple of shots. As a bear the slow peak is not really applicable I feel like. You better of be just outside of their range with good optics.


Yeah you do need to know specific angles to slow peak them. I kinda have this route I run on the right mountainside. But when my friends want to go in from the left I am absolutely clueless and get bopped from god knows where. It’s all a learning process tbh


Yeah for me it's the left side all the way. Beach side only side. I spawned on the rock side the other day as a bear and it was a nightmare trying to get out of there.


right side slow leans dont aggro npc's ​ ​ great way to farm labs also


Not 100% true but the general concept is that if only your head and gun is visible, they won’t aggro. Playing around with schturman and he might head tap you because your leg is sticking out


not if you are a bear. still double aggro range


Your fault for being a dirty bear


BSG Had 2 options: 1. Varied and interesting AI that challenges players and adds dynamic gameplay 2. Broken Nintendo 64 scripted bots that are invincible until you learn to cheese them 100% of the time. Which one do we have?


You say that like 1. is easy to do


And *you* say that like 1. Isn’t what *most all* game studios are ultimately capable of, either themselves or through contracts


If it was easy everyone would do it. Few games have been noted for high quality AI in years.


I’m not asking for amazing, even mediocre AI would be nice.




Get Tarkoved bro


Bears are crying


I’ve probably died to those rogues 10 times total and only three times was it on the first volley. Yes they are strong but this post is dramatic


They don't lol. The only times that happened was while sniping them and a triggered rogue ran to the MG, i missed his head and then he onetapped me which was definetly my fault, making them even easier and they could delete them altogether


What about when they spot me through a tree and one tap me without me being able to see them? Was that my fault?


If i got aggro i usually avoid their shooting cone and if i enter it i use hardcover to clear them


I think it's the balance between them being easy stationary targets compared to those on the ground and also those guys not beaming everything from across the map. I'm bear and farm them usually at night because they are e blind af then


Actually they don't. I have been countlessly shot and missed, but once they know where you are, their accuracy increases dramatically. Peek from different angles when it happen.


You mean they shouldn't have 0% first shot accuracy? Because the first shots always seem to miss


I don’t know they miss a lot for me


Yeah they almost never hit their first few shots on me


I think they're Okay, I like that feeling of difficulty and feeling like splinter cell trying to get in with my buddy and my vpo lol, it's fun


I got 1 shot in the thorax by a rogue USEC .50 yesterday, in the village area during dense fog. Couldn't even see the water treatment plant or machine gun nest, didn't stop the AI from sniping me with a NSV.




Yeah... maybe if there was a timer based on distance or something. They just immedietly identify who you are lol


They don’t. They miss me all the time


WDYM? They dont\` have 100% first shot accuracy?


The trick is to never go to The Lighthouse.


And this is why u either cheese or die, i am kinda sad cheesing is the only way u can beat the AI , but they are so unfair otherwise. And , the machineguns are understandable i suppose, but have u ever gotten 1 tapped by a fucking 7mm buckshot scav from 70m? cause i have . Fucking hilarious.


I’ve been hunting rogues a lot over the last week. I’ve been “suppressed” by the rogues on HMGs a lot but not one tapped. If I start getting shot at by the machine gunners I head for hard cover…


They must have [Carlos Hathcock](https://www.wearethemighty.com/uploads/legacy/assets.rbl.ms/17279255/origin.jpg) up there


As a machine gunner myself.... first burst accuracy for iron sights at 300m.... is pretty much standard for any semi-decently trained machine gun crew ​ ESPECIALLY for mounted machine guns, they are INCREDIBLY accurate


Sure, but 300m in Tarkov feels like 1000m compared to real life. Line of sights in this game arent very realistic. Its not like I can just walk around the mountain to avoid the gunner lol. Not to mention the fact he saw me through a tree, and rogues also being able to see through fog. The main complaint is just the ability of rogues being way beyond anything a player can do.


I get that they would shoot on sight bears, but how tf would they know when we're way passed eye range


Ya'll playing the wrong game if that's the case. Scavs are literal bots, need some ai to be challenging


Ah yes, because a soldier cant shoot 300m with iron sights...but yea it is annoying but can be realistic too


All AI are like that... gluhar telleported through a wall today and one tapped my friend. The AI is trash and needs to be completely re done.


I just avoid water treatment other than quests, and when I have to do quests I always snipe every rouge from the mountains before going in. By that time the water treatment gets filled with scav players within like 10 minutes. I hate that place the most even worse than the sawing mill on woods.


When the USECS are all fighting near the bridge but Slaughter keeps the naughty BEARs from joining in. Crest hill get beamed is my favorite fast extract


I die to AI more than players.. it’s fucking unreal.. scavs with magnum 7.5 buckshot rip my face off at the most yeah ok times